9 minute read
thought I was goingasanextra body. We were gettingbeat, but I got broughtonand bang –I scored. Lorenzo: Iwanted more legendofthat. We played Charlton a weeklaterand I cameonandscoredagain. We hadsuch a goodenvironment at Leeds, and EddieGraywasa massive influenceonme. He’dbeenmanagingthe youth teamwith Paul Hartand I never wanted toletthemdown becausethey’dshownsomuchbeliefinme.
You werepart of a veryyouthful Leedsside, playingalongsideJonathan Woodgate, Lee Bowyer,HarryKewellandStephenMcPhail. Whowasthestandouttalent? DominicMellor,Harrogate I was the youngestandthey lookedafterme. They allhad talent and a hungertosucceed, which was vital.McPhail’s footballingability was incredible,KewellandJonathan went ontodogreatthingsin football,andBowyer didtoo.Stephenhad a few healthproblems, whichstoppedhimalongthe way, but I rememberthemallbeinggreatlads.
Whatwereyourhighlightsof Leeds’ Champions Leaguerunin2000-01? Scott Roberts,Dewsbury It was anamazingadventure for the wholeclub,andanincredibleexperience fora 19-or20-year-oldlad,right fromthe
Above Notall Leeds
fans were quite so understanding
Below “But I don’t
want toplay away at Gillingham, Robbo...”
beginning. I scoredourfirstgoalintheplay-off matchagainst1860Munichandthewinnerin thesecondlegattheOlympicStadium. Inthesecondgroupstage wewere drawn againstAnderlecht, Lazioand RealMadrid,but managedtoqualifywith a gametospare. I gotanothergoodgoalagainst Lazio, but I have toadmit I onlydidtheeasybit –MarkViduka didallthehard work for me! We went throughwith a gametospare, andsodid RealMadrid,so wewent tothe Bernabeupretty relaxed.It was great for usto play atoneofthebiggestclubsinthe world withoutany pressure,and we hadamazing backing –I thinkhalfof Leeds was outthere withus.Viduka and I bothscoredagain, but we stilllost3-2. We beatDeportivo inthequarter-final butthesemi[against Valencia] was onesteptoo far us.It was theonlytime we couldn’timposeourselvesonthe opposition’sback four. We drew0-0at home,thenlost3-0away.I was sent off for a bad tacklelate inthesecondleg,mainly throughsheer frustration.That tarnished ourgreatruninthecompetition, for me. I wouldn’thave changeditthough; I loved everyminute ofthewholejourney.
Smithwelcomed Wazza...honest
You musthaveplayedagainstsome greatdefendersinthatChampions Leaguerun.Whowasthebest? RyanGulliver, Portsmouth I hadthepleasure ofplayingagainst a man who,in my opinion, was thebestdefender ever – thegreat PaoloMaldini.Our gameatthe SanSiro was anamazingnightand wewere backed by five orsixthousand Leeds fans. It was my bestperformancein a Leedsshirt: although I didn’tscore,the restof my play was thebestithad everbeen. I swappedshirts withMaldiniat full-timeandit’sstillthe onlyshirtI’ve everhad framed.
Why didthat Leedsteamfallshort of winninganything?Andwhendidyourealise theclub’sfinancesweren’tquiteright? Matthew Parkinson,viaemail There were better teamsthanus – greatsides like ManchesterUnitedandArsenal,with more experienceand world-classplayers. Beinglocalandknowingtheclubas I did, I realisedthat everything wasn’trightand heard grumblingsthatplayersneededtobe sold. We soldRio[Ferdinand]toManUnitedin 2002 for £30m. Leedscouldn’tturnthatdown anditmademethink weweren’tascloseto bridgingthe gap asI’dthought. We finished fifth, fourthandthird– DavidO’Learygot sacked for finishingfifth,which was ridiculous. I realisedthere were problemswhen Icame back for pre-seasonin2003and we hadeight ornineplayers.JamesMilnerandAaron Lennonplayed at16. We hadlads from France who’dnever played inEngland. Relegation was tough – the worst feeling ever. I blamed myself but I don’tthink I couldhave doneanymore. Mylastmemoryofplaying for my hometown club was relegation.Horrible.
“We’ll swap shirts after the game,Alan”
Howupsetwereyoutomissouton England’s 2002 World Cup? Ellie Coates, Madrid I felt I was betterthanpeoplewho were going,butit was my own fault.I’dbeenin everysquadand I gotsent off against Macedoniain a qualifier. Sven,who was always brilliant withme,neededmeonthepitch, neededmetobe reliable –I understandthat more now.Butsometimes I couldn’thelpit [smiles]. I went totheU21[European] championshipinsteadwithDavidPlatt.
Consideringyoustuckaroundaftermany othershad left, howdisappointingwasit tohear Leedsfanscriticiseyouafteryou joinedManchesterUnited? Is ittruethat youwaivedthepersonaltransferfeeowed toyou by Leeds?Andisit a myththatyou oncesaidyou’d“never play for ManUnited”? Trevor Hobbs, London That’snot a myth [laughs]–I didsay it. I was youngandnaive andnever thoughtthat a)ManUnited would ever want me,andb) Leeds wouldsellme. Lookhow silly I was. I alsodidn’tenvisage Leedsgetting relegated. I wouldprobablynever have left if we hadn’t gonedown,but Leeds were tryingtosell metothehighestbidder. As for thecriticism,I’dhave been a foolif I thoughtthat wouldn’thappen.I’dbeenat theclubwhenEric[Cantona] left togoto Old Trafford. I was ballboy theday he came backandscoredatthe[Elland Road]Kopand sawthe feelingsthatday. I spoke toSirAlex andhesaid:“Inever thought you’dbebrave enoughtomake thatdecision.”Butthe Leeds I left wasn’tthe Leeds I knew.There were
Above “Thismeant
more tomethan I everleton”
peopleinchargeoftheclubwho I didn’tlike. I went tomeetingsandsawsomebizarre things. I hadthechancetogo from a team who’dbeen relegatedtothechampions. Arguablythegreatestclubmanager ever wanted me.How could I turnthatdown? As for waivingthetransfer fee–I hadfive years left on my contract. I was entitledto money,butthelastthing I wanted was to see Leedsgobankrupt.I’ve never spoken aboutitbecause I don’t want tospeak badlyabout my club.I’ve beenbackand mostpeople were pleasant withme.
HowdidyoufeelwhenManUnitedsigned Wayne Rooney sosoonafter yourself? Were youawarehe’dbecomingwhenyousigned? Shane Byram,viaTwitter No,butit wasn’tanissue.There were already greatstrikersthere,as you’dexpect at a club withambitionsofwinningtitlesand European Cups. Wayne wouldonlyhelpustogetbetter so I was finewiththeclubsigninghim.
Doyou still own a hair salon?
Andy Cole, team-mate with ManchesterUnitedandEngland
I’veneverowned a hair salon! Oneof my good friends ownsonenear Coley’shouse. Iusedtogoandsee my mate there most days, soheusedtoseemethere. I painted it for himonce.So Coley probably walkedpast andthoughtit was my shop. I usedtoget my haircutthere butnotanymore– it’stoo far away. That’swhy my hairisin a state!
Tenyearsafterthis horrificinjury,Smith isstillgoingstrong
Whatwent throughyourmindafter blocking thatJohnArneRiise free-kick whenyoubrokeyour leg? Didyoufear thatyourcareer would be over? Kennet Tan,viaTwitter I never letthatcross my mind.It wasn’t Riise’s faultandhe cametoseeme afterwards,but I attacked my injuryas anotherchallengeandit provedtobethe biggestchallengeof my career,keepingmeout for 15months.It wasa severe injury – the dislocatedankle was worsethanthelegbreak because I snapped ligamentsandthere were complications. I knew I was never going tobethesameplayer again.I’ve appreciated every gameI’ve played sincethatinjury because I know how close I was tobeing finished.Whenthelads won the CarlingCup they wore T-shirts for me.I’dbeeninhospital fora weekandgotbackto my flatin Manchester. I watchedthe gameonTV,then saw my team-mates wearT-shirtswith my nameon.Thatmeant more tomethanI’ve everleton. I hadnoideathey’dplannedthat.
Is thestorytrueaboutLiverpoolfans attackingthe ambulance youwerein afteryour leg break? StuartSmith,via Facebook Itdidn’thappen – fans were stillinthe ground. I went backtoLiverpool a few years laterwithNewcastleandhad a great reception. Ihadloadsofmail from fans after theinjury,including a lot fromLiverpool. AndLiverpool’smedicalstaff were great. They were worriedthatbecausethere was nobloodflowingthat I couldhave had a club foot.Somemightsay Imightas well have in my left footnow...
Whoisthetoughest playeryou’ve played alongside? Andthetoughestyou’vefaced? BredeSkahjem Tokvam,viaTwitter That’shard tojudge. Football was more physicalthenthanitisnow,andthat’s for the worse.Ifsomeone was betterthanmeI’dhave tofind a way tostopthem.Skillhastriumphed. The Leeds teamofthe’70s wouldbeappalled!
Doyouthinkmovinginto midfield – tothe rightwith Leeds,thencentrally withMan United – hamperedor helped yourcareer? Would youhavepreferredtostay upfront? George Pitts, viaTwitter Ithelpedme – more so after my injury,which took10-15percent of my capabilitiesaway. If you losetwo orthreepercent atthetop you’llstruggle. I hadto re-invent myselfas aplayer;be a bitmore reservedandlearn the gameagainsothat I knewhow toplay
apositionproperly. At Newcastle I learned toplay indefensive midfield. I had my injury in2005 – 10 yearson,I’mstillplaying. I’mpleasedaboutthat.
Didyoutrytotalk Fergieoutofplayingyou incentralmidfield?Didyouhonestlybelieve youcouldbethenext Roy Keane? JohnNorris, via Facebook Peoplesaid I was goingtoManUnitedto take Roy’splace.Nonsense.Mostof my games there were in a three-manmidfieldwith Roy andScholesy. Roy hadsuchhighstandards and wouldalways beonatme for flyinginto tackles.Inone gameatLiverpool I left my positionand went flyinginto a tackle. Roy wasshoutingatmetostay on my feet. Twominuteslaterhe went after a balland smashed a player.Hegotupandlaughedat me,buthe was the captain – he was allowed. Ispenta lotoftimewithhim.He’s a goodlad.
I likedyourattitudeatManchesterUnited –youwereup fora laughwithfans.Doyou rememberscoring fromthehalfway linein Pragueduringthewarm-down,thentaking thepissoutofthefanswhoweresinging “Smithy,kissthebadge”? Ben Moores, Urmston It was becauseI’dkissedthe Leedsbadge –thebadgeof my club.SotheManUnited fans were having a laugh.Butit was quite intimidating,seeing 5,000 ofthemsteamingin Pragueandsingingatme. I wasa football fan and I stillam:I’m a normalladwhoendedup playing football,so I couldseewhere they were coming from. I didn’tkissitandthey probably respected memore for that.
You’veplayedalongsidesomegreatstrikers inyourtime,butwhowasthebest? Bill Simpson, Staines They were allgreat,butI’dsay MarkViduka. Justbefore hesigned,DavidO’Leary came tomeandsaid:“Whattypeofstrikerdo you like toplay alongside?”I’dnever been with a targetmanand wanted toplay with one.He came from Celticand we hititoff straightaway. Henever lookedlike he was trying,buthealways was.Hisskill for such a bigman wasfrightening.
Whatdidyoumakeof that interview that Roy KeanegavetoMUTV? Sam Convery, Coventry If you’re captainof a footballclub, you’re entitledtosay what you want. Roy never said anythingthathe wouldn’thave saidtous.He was probably calmerinthatvideothanhe was inthedressing room. I had a great relationship with Roy. I readhisbook,enjoyed itand appreciatedwhathesaidaboutme.
Above “Hmm,now
shouldIpreach whatIpractised?”
Below Viduka:big
butbeautifulwith aballathis feet
complimentaryaboutplayerswholeave their club.If I hadbeen a Leeds fan andoneofthe playershadleft fora rivalclub,I’dprobably have booed.Butifnobody cared when I left andwishedme wellbecausethey weren’t botheredaboutmegoing,I’dhave failedas a player. Leedsare theclub I support.I’ve never spokenaboutleaving,but I don’tneedto justifyitgiventhecircumstancesatthetime.
HowdidbeingrelegatedwithNewcastle comparewiththefeelingofbeingrelegated with Leeds?Whichhurt more? Kay Z,viaTwitter
I was injured fora lotof[Newcastle’s relegation]season,onlyplaying a few games.Butitstillhurtbecause I was aroundpeople everyday who cared aboutwhathappened.Nobody wants toget relegated. Luckily, we came straightbackup. A lotoftheplayers wanted tostay, pay backthe fansand re-establishtheir reputation.Somepeople thought we’dgostraightdownagaintothe third division,but we had a greatseason.
Whatdidyoumakeofthereactionwhen youfaced Leeds for thefirsttimeinthe summerof2009,in a pre-season friendly forNewcastle?Whatwouldyousay to thosefanswhobooedyou? Ed Brooks, Weybridge It wasn’ttoobad.I’mnotsilly –I don’tlive in a worldwhereI think football fans wouldbe
“TheChampionship’s answertoMakelele? Yes,Smithy,veryfunny”
We beattheclub record for pointsin a season, had20-oddcleansheetsandplayed in front of 50,000-plus crowds.Incrediblesupport.
You neverscored for Newcastle, despitemaking94appearances. Is this adisappointment? Liam Nicholson,Stockport Notatall. I wasa defensive midfielder. ButbecauseI’dplayed upfront previously, peopleexpected metoscore.Defensive midfieldersdon’t tendtoscore. I think ClaudeMakelelegotone for Chelsea. I had acoupleofchancestoscore atNewcastle and wouldhave loved tohave scored,but Ithink my biggestachievement there was gettingthe teampromoted,as team captain inmany gamesasNicky Butt was injured.
Howclosedidyoucometo a Leedsreturn in2012,whenmanagerSimonGrayson expressedaninterestinyou? Dave Woodfin, viaemail It was speculation. I heard nothing from Simonor Leeds. I don’tthink I wouldhave goneback –I don’tthink I couldhave done myselfjustice. I wasn’ttheplayerI hadbeen; Iwas33andnot21,though I couldhave stillhad a biginfluence.Better for themto remember a youngerme,and for meto maintain my unbelievablememoriesat Leedswhenit wasa different club.
You’reoneofthefewhigh-profileplayersof thelastdecadetodropdownto LeagueOne. Shouldmorepros followyourexample, especiallyifthey’renotgetting a game? Thomas O’Dea,via Facebook I love footballand wanted to carryonplaying. I’d ratherplay andbepartofsomething. I also wanted todosomethingdifferent andgive somethingto a teamthatmaybethey don’t have. I’ve learned a lotabouttheotherside of football:whatcoacheshave togothrough, copingwiththingsthatare taken for granted at a higherlevel,andthatplayerswhofight for a newcontract every yearmighthave great abilitybutonethingmissingto take them tothetop. I hadtwo great yearsatMKDons and we couldn’tquite getthem overtheline andgetpromotion. We were upagainstbig teamsandthestandard isgood.
You’vesaidbeforethatyou’reinterested ingettingyourcoachingbadges. I see you’replayer-coachatNotts County… JaneGraham,Newcastle Definitely.I’mgettingmarriedinthesummer soitwillbedifficulttofittheminbefore then, butif I can getanotherplayingcontract I’lldo themnextseason.I’ve wanted toconcentrate onplayingandI’mstillfit,don’tdrinkand feel fineplaying,butI’m ready for badgesnow. PaulHartisheadoftheacademy here. ThemanagerShaunDerry,hisassistant and theplayersare sohungry.It’s a buzzgoing in everyday as a coachand a player.
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