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Where To Buy Stockists’ details


Locate your nearest stockist by contacting the following suppliers.


A Aalto Colour 1800 009 600; www.aaltocolour.com Abey 1800 809 143; www.abey.com.au Acapulco Chair 0424 643 600; acapulcochair.com.au Adirondack Chairs Australia (02) 4464 2992; www.adirondack chairsaustralia.com.au AEG 1300 363 640; www.andico.com.au/aeg Aerin 1800 061 326; www.esteelauder.com.au/aerin Alti Lighting (08) 9284 2203; www.alti.com.au Amalfi (03) 9474 1300; amalfihomewares.com.au Apple 133 622; www.apple.com.au ARC Cabinetmaking arccabinetmaking.com.au Art Collective WA 0418 945 011; www.artcollectivewa.com.au Art2Muse Gallery art2muse.com.au Artemide 1300 135 709; www.artemide.com.au Ascraft (02) 9360 2311; www.ascraft.com.au B Balenciaga 1800 812 663 Basford Brands (03) 5272 1888; www.basfordbrands.com Bauwerk Colour (08) 9433 3860; www.bauwerk.com.au Bed Bath N’ Table (03) 8888 8100; www.bedbathntable.com.au Bedhead Design (02) 9690 2345; www.bedheaddesign.com.au Bernini Stone & Tiles (08) 9388 1193; www.bernini.com.au Bespoke Letterpress www.bespokepress.com.au Blanco 1300 739 033; www.blanco-australia.com Bloomingdales Lighting (02) 8345 6888; bloomingdales.com.au Blu Dot (02) 9313 5400; www.bludot.com.au Blu Peter (08) 9433 1782; www.blupeter.com.au Boral Timber 1800 818 317; www.boral.com.au/timber Boyac (03) 9429 5455; www.boyac.com.au Bristol 131 686; bristol.com.au British Paints 132 525; www.britishpaints.com.au Bunnings (03) 8831 9777; www.bunnings.com.au Busatti; www.busatti.com.au Busatti Perth (08) 9335 8918; www.busattiperth.com.au C Cabot’s 1800 011 006; www.cabots.com.au Cadrys (02) 9328 6144; www.cadrys.com.au Candana Bathroomware (02) 9389 8631; www. candana.com.au Canvas & Canvas www.canvasandcanvas.com Cass Brothers (02) 9569 5555; www.cassbrothers.com.au Castle Trimmings (02) 9699 6333; www.castletrimmings.com Cavalier Bremworth 1800 251 172; www.cavbrem.com.au Cavit & Co (02) 9326 9161; www.cavitco.com.au CDK Stone (03) 8552 6000; cdkstone.com.au Ceramiche Virgini www.ceramichevirginia.it Charlie Mac charliemac.com.au Chippendale Restorations (02) 9810 6066; www.chippendale restorations.com.au Cicada Chocolate www.cicadachocolate.com Coco Republic 1300 000 220; www.cocorepublic.com.au Conley & Co (02) 8065 9411 Contents International Design (02) 9662 2443; www. contentsid.com.au Corian 1800 267 426; www.corian.com.au Country Road 1800 801 911; www.countryroad.com.au Covered in Paint (02) 9519 0204; www.coveredinpaint.com.au Culminare 1300 801 266; www.culminare.com.au Cult 1300 768 626; www.cultdesign.com.au D Darcy & Duke 1300 791 085; www.darcyandduke.com.au Design To Print 1800 358 858; www.dtopshop.com.au Designer Chandelier 1300 890 225; www.designerchandelier.com.au Designer Doorware (03) 9300 8888; www.designerdoorware.com.au Designer Rugs 1300 802 561; www.designerrugs.com.au Di Lorenzo Tiles (02) 9698 8737; www.dilorenzo.net.au Domayne domayneonline.com.au Dulux 132 525; dulux.com.au Dunlin (02) 9907 4825; dunlinhome.com.au E Early Settler & Recollections www.earlysettler.com.au Eco Outdoor 1300 131 413; www.ecooutdoor.com.au Ecolour 1300 326 568; www.naturecoverpaints.com.au El Cabello (08) 8410 6660; elcabello.com.au Elements I Love (02) 9698 8884; www.elementsilove.net.au Elie Saab (02) 9695 5678 Elizabeth Arden 1800 015 500; www.elizabetharden.com.au Elk (03) 9478 1800; www.elkaccessories.com.au Elliott Clarke 1300 355 468; www.elliottclarke.com.au Emac & Lawton (02) 9517 4455; www.emac-lawton.com.au Emily Ziz Style Studio (02) 9380 4180; www.emilyziz.com Empire Highgate (08) 9228 1022; www.worldofempire.com Euro Marble (02) 9960 6234; www.euromarble.com.au F Fabrikate fabrikate.com.au Fanuli (02) 9908 2660; www.fanuli.com.au Florabelle www.f lorabelle.com.au Freedom 1300 135 588; www.freedom.com.au G Glebe Antiques www.glebeantiques.com.au H Hardtofind hardtofind.com.au Harvey Norman 1300 464 278; www.harveynorman.com.au Haven & Space (02) 4464 2554; www.havenandspace.com.au Hay www.hayshop.com.au Haymes Paint 1800 033 431; www.haymespaint.com.au Highland Store highlandstore.com HL Aluminium (08) 8177 0343 I Iittala, available from Anibou (02) 9319 0655; www.anibou. com.au Ikea (02) 8020 6641; ikea.com.au Imagine This (02) 9327 6713; www.imagine-this.com.au Inside Edge (03) 9686 1366; www.inside-edge.com.au Inspirations Paint 1300 368 325; www.inspirationspaint.com.au Instyle Lighting (08) 8293 6464; www.instylelighting.com.au International Floorcoverings 1800 339 379; interf loors.net Ital Ceramics (03) 9387 5911; www.italceramics.com.au Italia Ceramics (08) 8336 2366; www.italiaceramics.com.au J James Dunlop Textiles www.jamesdunloptextiles.com James Lane jameslane.com.au James Salmond Furniture (02) 9699 1661; www.james salmondfurniture.com.au Jardan (03) 8581 4988; www.jardan.com.au Jbronze jbronze.com.au Jenny Jones Rugs & Home (08) 9286 1200; jennyjonesrugs.com Jot it Down www.jotitdown.co Justin Puddick Upholstery (02) 9387 3024; www. reupholstery.com.au K Kersbrook Cabinet Makers (08) 8389 3449; kersbrook cabinetmakers.com.au Kikki.K (03) 9645 6346; www.kikki-k.com Klein’s Perfumery www.kleinsperfumery.com.au Klik Systems kliksystems.com.au Kmart 1800 634 251; www.kmart.com.au Knoll, available from Dedece (02) 9360 2722; www.dedece.com.au Krosno (03) 9318 0466; www.krosno.com.au L La Maison (02) 9698 8860; www.lamaison.net.au Laminex 132 136; laminex.com.au Lancôme 1300 651 991 Lauder & Howard (08) 9335 3856; www.lauderandhoward.com.au Laura Kincade (02) 9667 4415; www.laurakincade.com Liemex (08) 8444 1800; www.liemex.com.au Life Interiors (02)9186 0900; www.lifeinteriors.com.au Light Up (02) 9663 1214; www.lightupkingsford.com.au Linen & Moore (03) 9419 6800; www.linenmoore.com.au Linen House (03) 9552 6000; www.linenhouse.com.au Love Stories lovestoriesintimates.com.au LuMu Interiors 0427 427 752; www.lumuinteriors.com M Mabarrack Furniture (08) 8345 1100; www.mabarrack furniture.com.au

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