Yummy - Jan/Feb 2017

Page 17

P a nt r y

Sweet sensation

B a s ic s

Cut down on your sugar consumption without missing out on sweet treats! These alternatives will keep your ÃÜiiÌ Ì Ì Ã>Ì Ãwi`°


A natural sweetener popular in households today, coconut sugar is made from the heated and evaporated sap of the coconut «> ° Ì Ã Ü the glycemic index scale and has only 15 calories «iÀ Ì>L ië ° It’s rich in iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and > Ì Ý `> Ìð 9 Õ can swap out brown sugar for coconut sugar in recipes because they measure the same, although the latter has a À V iÀ y>Û À° Agave syrup is made from the w ÌiÀi`] i>Ìi` sap of the blue >}>Ûi « > Ì° Ì is one and a half times sweeter than white sugar, but a teaspoon only >à ӣ V> À ið Compared to white sugar, it doesn't cause your blood sugar level to shoot up as much, plus it’s packed with iron, calcium, potassium, and >} iÃ Õ ° Agave syrup is a popular vegan substitute for iÞ° Ì >à > iÕÌÀ> y>Û À `i> v À LiÛiÀ>}ið

Raw honey has a ÃÜiiÌ] y À> y>Û À] and is thicker than pasteurized and w ÌiÀi` iÞ° This superfood has antimicrobial properties and is loaded with iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, antioxidants, and i âÞ ið Ì Ã > à known to promote good digestion and is popular as a remedy for several i> Ì > i Ìð However, make sure not to cook or heat raw honey as it can lose all of Ì iÃi Li iwÌð

Native to North America, maple syrup is made from the boiled sap of maple ÌÀiið Ì L >ÃÌà v only 14 calories per teaspoon and is a good source v > }> iÃi° This natural sweetener is also unlikely to cause blood sugar ë ið * «Õ >À for its distinct taste, this natural sweetener is best for marinades, glazes, and Ã>ÕVið 7 i purchasing maple syrup, choose a `>À V Ài` i° Molasses is a by-product of ÃÕ}>À «À `ÕVÌ ° There are several varieties of molasses in the market, but all are rich in calcium and iron, and } Û Ì> ð It has a unique À V y>Û À] Ü V is sometimes slightly smoky and sometimes L ÌÌiÀÃÜiiÌ° Ì can be used in marinades and sauces, and also v À L> }°

Made from an herb native to South America, stevia is a natural zero-calorie, zeroV>ÀL ÃÜiiÌi iÀ° A little stevia goes a long way—it is 200 times sweeter than white sugar! It has no impact on blood sugar levels (making it ideal for diabetics), no side effects, and even promotes weight Ãð -ÌiÛ > à > good substitute for sugar, especially when cooking, but make sure to lessen the > Õ Ì Þ Õ ÕÃi°



January 2017

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