Auslec Solutions 01

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October-November 2009



10 NHP shows power factor correction a valuable electrical tool 14 The ‘procurement iceberg’ 18 L&H Group off and racing 20 Auslec goes the ‘extra mile’to support smelter upgrade CASE STUDIES

8 Transaction card 12 SupplyPro 16 Branch Profile

3M joins forces with E-A-R & PELTOR

SolutionsHearing Š 2009. All rights reserved.


With the E-A-R and Peltor ranges 3M now offers the broadest variety of hearing protection products to meet the personal preferences of virtually every wearer in the Australian workforce. Ear Plugs and Ear Muffs

Hearing Protection with Communications

Over 30 years ago, E-A-R introduced the yellow foam earplug, which established brand new standards in protection and comfort.

Peltor is a world leader in the field of professional communication equipment. By focusing on function and design, we create advanced, comfortable safety and communication solutions that are attractive to use.

Since then, E-A-R has led the way with new technologies leading to even higher hearing protection standards. Today, E-A-R and Peltor offer a complete range of ear plugs and muffs for anyone who spends time in noisy environments.

For more information, logon to or phone: 136 136

Peltor’s extensive range of communication headsets enable workers to communicate very effectively within their immediate environment and with people further away. Our products aim not only to protect, but also to facilitate communication between people in a workplace.

WELCOME July/Sep 2009

Welcome to Auslec Solutions L&H Group 456 Lower Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg VIC 3084 Australia A.B.N. 19730 781 473

Ph: +61 3 9243 3555

Editor Paul Stathis Ph: +61 3 9381 2952

ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Gavin Karthaus Ph: +61 3 9381 2952

Art Director Julie Wright Ph: +61 2 9487 2700

Advertising Gavin Karthaus Ph: 0417 810 400


(a division of Westwick-Farrow Media) on behalf of L&H Group.

A very warm welcome to the first ever issue of Auslec Solutions magazine — a magazine specifically for you; our customer. Auslec Solutions is designed to inform, educate and entertain you. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to share our successes, update you on latest product developments and explore some of the emerging technologies and systems to help keep you at the forefront of our very dynamic industry. With business becoming more fast-paced and competitive, being successful requires us all to be as efficient and informed as possible. Our aim with Auslec Solutions is to provide you with a resource to help you achieve better efficiencies, update your knowledge and, in the long run, save money. In this first issue of Auslec Solutions, we present ways to streamline your purchasing and have more control over cash flow with our Transaction Card and Supply-Pro systems. Keeping with the theme of efficiencies, we take a look at Power Factor Correction and how you can reduce power consumption costs and save money while protecting valuable equipment. You might look at your next product purchase a little differently after reading about the Procurement Iceberg and what the real cost of purchase is! We talk to Mark Van Den Berghe from our Auslec Sunshine West branch and find out what’s been happening in his neck of the woods. There are also over 50 new products to whet your appetite prior to your next visit to an Auslec branch. At Auslec, we’re focused on offering quality service to all types of industrial customers — small and medium-sized to the largest of national and international businesses. We provide solutions to industry with an emphasis on comprehensive stock depth and breadth, technical expertise, distribution efficiencies and practical up-to-date processes. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of Auslec Solutions.

Best regards, Robin Norris Chief Executive Officer L&H Group

A.B.N. 29 001 621 861

Cnr. Fox Valley Road & Kiogle Street, (Locked Bag 1289) Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia Ph: +61 2 9487 2700 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without the permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Copyright Westwick-Farrow Media. Opinions expressed are those of individuals and are not necessarily those of the publisher. All information is believed to be correct at time of publication. All reasonable efforts have been made to contact copyright holders.



Auslec trade show visits Roxby Downs

Safely coping with heat Summer is just around the corner, and with predictions of above-average temperatures this year, now is the time to

for Baseline Training & Consulting,

Transaction Card helps Amcor

offers some helpful tips on being

The Purchasing and

prepared for heat in the workplace:

Stores Controller

“Generally speaking, there are no specific

at Amcor Closure

legislative requirements for working in

Systems, Russell

start planning for safety from the heat. Dave Whitefield, Consulting Manager

hot environments, as in there is no magic temperature at which everyone gets to

Brown, discovered that he was raising an average of six

Roxby Downs is a remote industrial town, situated

stop work. As with so many aspects of

purchase orders each

health and safety, it comes back to a ‘risk

month for works to be

management’ approach.

carried out by that one

contractors and engineers aren’t often treated to full-scale


roadshows, not for lack of importance, but more so because

“Part of the challenge in trying to deal with heat at work is the variety of risk factors. While temperature is of course

Looking for ways

approximately six hours’ drive from Adelaide, so the local

of its remoteness.

to streamline his

But on Thursday 20 August, Auslec brought a major trade

purchasing process and

show to the Roxby Downs Auditorium with much for the

an issue, so is humidity, air movement,

reduce administrative

the clothing being worn, activity levels and

costs, Russell was

the general fitness and acclimatisation of

introduced to the

The trade show provided an opportunity for the industry

the worker.

Auslec Transaction

employees to see new products and innovations, talk to

Card by Paul Tripp,

any of the 30 suppliers who travelled to Roxby Downs from

Auslec’s Corporate

Adelaide and from interstate, as well as to network with

Account Manager.

fellow contractors and workers.

“Fortunately, there are a number of solutions available — everything from providing air-conditioned rooms and



local contractors and engineers to see and do.

With over 100 visitors attending the event, the feedback

vehicles to simple measures like erecting

Transaction Card,

shade structures, putting fans in workshops

Russell now raises just

to Auslec was that it was a very valuable exercise and the

to provide some decent airflow that assists

one purchase order

support shown to the town was greatly appreciated.

cooling and scheduling work to avoid the hotter parts of the day. Many organisations

each month for the

Some of the products and technologies on show included

subcontractor, saving

cable ladders and trays, tools and tooling, and cables and

approximately $150 per

products for ‘green’ installations.

also implement specific work-rest cycles

order, or around $9000

during high-risk periods that prove to be

every year!

very effective protection against heat. “For personal management of heat risks, being fit, taking breaks and drinking plenty of fluids are generally the key (if you feel thirsty, you’re already slightly dehydrated).

Russell is very happy with the benefits gained and efficiencies

Digging deep After the L&H Group signed a national agreement with raw

realised since using

materials processor and supplier Unimin Australia, work was

the Auslec Transaction

still needed to ensure all sites were aware of the partnership.


Jason Crosara (Auslec Sales Manager NSW) had a number of Unimin sites within his assigned territory. Upon

Finally, while safety is always about

studying the National Contract list as part of his research for

looking after you and your workmates,

developing new business, Jason discovered that a number of

when it comes to heat, it seems that a

sites located in western NSW did not have accounts directly

common feature when people do collapse

with any Auslec branch.

with heat stress is that they don’t know

Jason visited each site, explaining the National arrangement

it is happening. So keep an eye out for

and the benefits it would bring on a local level with regards to

when your workmates are exhibiting

continuity of supply, stock availability and time saving. Some

the signs of heat exposure — flushed

sites also had specific requirements that Jason ensured were

skin, headaches, nausea, hot dry skin

met. Accounts were opened and business was transitioned

(late stages), disorientation and loss of

smoothly to be handled on a day-to-day basis by the branch

consciousness — and take action.”




Workshop store refurbishment for Colgate

Value-adding with height safety Eleven field-based sales managers and sales professionals from Auslec and L&H

Hit for six!

specialised height safety training

Working closely with

conducted by Capital Safety, with most

customers took on a

attendees now accredited as ‘Height

whole new meaning when L&H South

Safety Competent Inspectors’. This

Melbourne took on

accreditation means they understand

major account KLM in an

the need for height safety and the

indoor cricket match.

appropriate deployment of height safety

KLM’s troops included

systems. They can also conduct site

a State Manager,

inspections of height safety equipment

Auslec Wetherill Park branch is currently in the process of

Construction Manager,

assisting Colgate complete a workshop store refurbishment

Operations Manager

at its Villawood plant.

and Project Managers.

The Auslec branch staff have been able to provide a

branches in Adelaide recently attended

With Darren De

as a designated ‘competent person’, which is proving an excellent value-added service to their customers.

Bonde from L&H

One example of this is a newly

Group spruiking how

gain additional space in their workshop, using the Auslec

arranged on-site service for Nilsen

his boys would “crush”

‘branch planning’ team and several specialist suppliers.

KLM, both sides were

Adelaide Contracting Division — one of

number of cost-effective and efficient ways for Colgate to

Australia’s leading electrical contractors

Auslec’s Branch Planning Manager, Gordon Gow,

fired up; neither was

provided several designs to the customer for consideration.

giving an inch (no such

— to inspect, tag and update records for

thing as letting the

all of its height and fall safety equipment

customer win)!In the

in the Adelaide metro area. This initial

end, KLM won by 12

various storage options to suit the specific needs of its

training has given the Auslec and L&H

runs and the success


of the ‘relationship

sales teams more opportunities to build

Auslec’s Paul Gaynor then involved a number of Auslec’s storage suppliers, who were able to provide Colgate with

As a result of Auslec’s input, items can now be binned

exercise’ exceeded all

within their ‘family tree’ ie, categories like ‘Bearings’,

expectations. For weeks

stronger relationships across multiple Nilsen construction sites.

after, phone calls and

Another example was when Sam

branch visits by the

Nelson, manager of Northeast Electrical

customer included the

without having to look up parts and part numbers in hard-

(part of the KLM group), asked Auslec

obligatory jibbing of L&H

copy catalogues.

staff. Since the game,

sales manager Stuart Mark to conduct

‘Fasteners’ and ‘Cutting tools’. By using this labelling system, Colgate was able to place orders more efficiently,

the customer’s sales are

an on-site awareness demonstration

$1 million ahead of last

for his staff prior to commencing a

year! For the record, the

ladder-tray installation, explaining the

These Unimin sites are

L&H Group ‘squared the

fitting of harnesses and highlighting

now well and truly part of the

ledger’ with a runaway

common dangers to his staff. Once on

win in Game 2. Stay

site, this led to meetings with the site

National arrangement and are enjoying the benefits of

tuned for the decider — should be huge!

project manager, which in term led to

a close working relationship

an opportunity to supply further height

with their local Auslec

safety PPE and signage to the site for

branch — in essence, local

all visitors and site staff.

businesses supporting one another.

A height safety seminar at AAMI Stadium in August, hosted by Capital

Jason said: “The motto of

Safety as part of a national roadshow,

this story is never assume

enabled Auslec to invite local customers

we have it all covered. The

to attend and learn about new height

National Accounts team

safety products, recent legislation

cannot ‘touch’ every site and we need to link the Head

changes and variances in regulations

Office with the coalface to deliver the results for the

between the different states and





Providing a solution to a customer’s cabling problem

L&H receives award The Cancer Council has formally recognised the support of the L&H Group by establishing a Research Award named

to help find a cure for cancer. That passion

Sakata & Auslec — One-stop-shop

has extended to numerous fundraising

Sakata Rice Snacks

efforts by its staff and customers that

commenced trading with

have resulted in thousands of dollars being

the Auslec Sunshine West

committed to various organisations that

branch in 2008, following a

after the company. L&H Group has long shared the passion

focus on cancer research. Due to the outstanding efforts of L&H in the Cancer Council’s 2009 Hawthorn Relay

cold call by Garth Geeves with the supply of electrical products only. Auslec’s ability to source and

for Life 24-hour walkathon, $33,294 was

supply products, critical

Auslec in South Australia was approached recently by

raised. The event honours those who have

to the Sakata business,

one of its existing nationally contracted customers to

been touched by cancer, whether that be

has seen the relationship

look at providing a solution to an issue with some existing

survivors or those that have lost loved ones. The money raised will go towards the work done by the Cancer Council, which includes

grow stronger. A joint process to identify cost savings

electrical cabling at an industrial site. The cables in question feed electrodes at low voltage

for Sakata discovered

and high currents to allow the customer to considerably

the council’s helpline, one-to-one support,

that consolidating their

increase the output of their furnace. Failure of the

information packs and cancer research.

purchases to fewer

existing system would have serious implications to their

The Cancer Council funds initiatives in

vendors offered attractive


biological and clinical research in hospitals, universities and research institutes.

financial and time savings. These savings, combined

The situation involved wiring that was located on cable ladder in an area where the ambient temperature

As a result of the support from L&H,

with Auslec’s ability to hold

hovered around 90–100 °C. Such an extreme environment

The Cancer Council has established a

product and enable a quick

had caused serious deterioration of the outer insulation,

Research Award in 2009: ‘The L&H Group

and efficient supply chain,

exposing bare conductor and creating an extremely

Research Award’, to investigate the causes

has resulted in far greater

dangerous situation.

of leukaemia in the adult population. St Vincent’s Health will lead the program

efficiencies in stock control, less paperwork and cost savings for

Auslec was requested to look into providing options for a solution to this issue.

to identify a cancer-causing gene on

Sakata. The use of a secure

Working in conjunction with a locally based major

‘chromosome 20’ that appears to be

e-commerce platform also

contractor and electrical engineering firm, Auslec began the

critical in the development of leukaemia

adds value to this growing

long process of gathering data on the system’s requirements

which particularly occurs in the elderly. As

business relationship.

to enable suitable solutions to be investigated. Multiple

older patients are less able to withstand aggressive therapy, the hope is that this gene will provide less toxic treatments.

Auslec now supplies a range of electrical, safety, PPE and industrial MRO products to Sakata.

suppliers were then approached to source information on a range of different products which would be considered as options for potential use on the project.

“Our support of fantastic initiatives like

Auslec coordinated several design meetings involving

this one is made possible by the generous

the customer, contractor and electrical engineering firm,

and consistent support of all of our staff and

from which a decision was made to proceed with a bus

customers throughout the country,” said

bar system.

Robin Norris, Chief Executive L&H Group.

Through the major contractor, a local, specialised

“We are proud of the financial contribution

switchboard manufacturer was selected to provide design

we have made and the focus we continue

and costing details. A final proposal of the bus bar system

to place on raising awareness of the issues

was then submitted and accepted by the customer.

surrounding those affected by cancer. The

Manufacturing and installation of the system is currently

medical research community needs all our

underway, with the first of two units being installed late

support in finding a cure, we’re glad we can

September 2009. The estimated project value for supply

play our part.”

and install is approximately $400,000.





Running your business that little bit smoother


Auslec Transaction Card helps keep paperwork in order Managing a business — whether it’s manufacturing, a service or some other industrial activity — is much more than a ‘9-to-5’ job. It’s common practice for most supervisors and managers to spend way too much time wading through paperwork — invoices, purchase orders, compliance certificates, statements, etc — at the expense of ‘managing the business’ — spending time with their staff, clients and out in the industry. And that’s just the day-to-day stuff. On top of that is the big stuff — BAS statements, tax papers, legal documents, etc that you can’t put aside for later on. Most companies use business software programs and find them very effective, but how many times have you wanted some extra ‘help’ to make the paperwork just that little bit easier to work with and save you some precious time? That’s exactly what the Auslec Transaction Card is designed to do. It’s been developed by an industrial wholesaler who understands the business-to-business transaction process very well. After all, we’ve been supplying Australian businesses and tradespeople with tools, equipment and PPE for decades. The Transaction Card is a purchasing card that provides a secure way to monitor every dollar you spend with us, working like a credit card to make purchases more efficient. But the real benefits are at the back end of the transactions. And for businesses that have several employees, it improves the visibility of all of the transactions and tighter control of purchasing and cashflow on individual projects.

How it works Each nominated employee is issued with a personalised transaction card that pro8 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

vides them with limited or unlimited access (as determined by you) to the company’s account with Auslec. Every time an employee makes a purchase at one of our branches, the information is tracked and updated in our computer systems. You can even manage the issuing of your cards and the access limits through an extranet.

What’s in it for you?

individual spending

For a start, the Transaction Card provides better control over your account by selecting who is authorised to purchase on your behalf, and what their individual spending limit is. That helps keep a lid on expenditure at the front end. At the back end, the Transaction Card continuously tracks what money is spent where, by whom and for what project, so you don’t have to. The system compiles reports, at the regular periods that you choose (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, etc — whatever period works best in helping you manage your business). The reports are customised to only include information relevant to you, such as job references, locations or clients. Your reports can include as much or as little information as you need. These could be employee name, job reference, location, date, time, item description and transaction, including the amount of GST paid. Your reports are automatically and securely emailed to you at the specified periods.

limit is.”


“The Transaction Card provides better control over your account by selecting who is authorised to purchase on your behalf, and what their

The Transaction Card is very secure. Digital security checks are in place to ensure that only authorised employees can purchase against your account. Spending limits on the cards provide additional safeguards.

Joining up There’s a nominal, once-off, set-up fee as part of the program, along with a $20 charge per card per year to help cover our administration costs. But compared to the benefits of fewer hassles with paperwork and error-chasing and correcting, it will pay for itself in no time. Why not join the hundreds of existing Auslec customers whose businesses are benefiting from the streamlined purchasing system that the Transaction Card brings to them. Applying for your Transaction Card is simply a matter of speaking to your local Auslec Branch Manager or Sales Professional. You can use the Transaction Card at all 180+ Auslec and L&H branches located around the country.


Power factor is defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power and can vary between zero and one, and be either inductive (lagging) or capacitive (leading). When the current and voltage waveforms are in phase (the ideal situation) the power factor is one and the apparent power is equal to the real power.

NHP shows power factor correction to be a valuable electrical tool Real power (watts) produces real work, energy that can be converted directly into mechanical energy, ie, electricity to motor RPM. Reactive power (VArs) is the power required to produce a magnetic field to enable real work to be done. This reactive power is necessary to operate equipment that requires a magnetic field to function, but sees no result for its use. Apparent power is the vector sum of real power and reactive power and is the total power supplied by the power company. This total power is what’s supplied through the mains to produce the required amount of real power for the load. Most loads are inductive in nature, which means the power factor (PF) will typically be less than unity. The further the PF is from unity, the greater the apparent power draw and, therefore, the greater the current draw for the system. This can create both electromechanical and financial problems. The increased current may require an increase in the size of transformers and wiring to cater for the increase in current. This can add considerable cost to an installation and may also limit the expansion of a plant. The financial downside involves tariffs. Many power suppliers charge for the base load (kW) and a maximum demand tariff. If this maximum demand tariff is measured in kVA, then improving the PF reduces the kVA of the installation, 10 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

“The customer was amazed to discover

which reduces the maximum demand tariff and therefore the power costs.

that the electrical

Solving the problems

supply had improved

PF is a problem because reactive power is being drawn from the network through the main switchboard. Power factor correction (PFC) reduces the amount of reactive power required to be sourced from the electricity supplier. A PFC system consists of an array of power capacitors that are applied to the network, based on the result of continuous monitoring of the supply network. We can’t escape the fact that the load requires reactive power, but we can choose where the bulk of the reactive power is sourced from.

so significantly that the planned upgrade t o t h e electrical distribution network was



required, saving him tens of thousands of dollars.”

How much will PFC save? If the power supplier charges a maximum demand tariff measured in kVA, a PFC system will pay itself off over time. The following example illustrates the savings made by installing PFC equipment. This example is intended for illustration purposes only — actual savings will vary from installation to installation. Let’s assume the installation is being charged a kVA penalty for its energy usage at a rate of 37.57 cents per day per kVA. The site operates a 1000 kW load at 0.75 lagging PF. The target is 0.95 lagging, a good compromise between potential savings, equipment costs and equipment lifespan.

1000 kW load at PF of 0.75 = 1333 kVA 1000 kW load at PF of 0.95 = 1053 kVA The difference means the installation is drawing 280 kVA (or 553 kVAr) from the supply that it doesn’t need to. The penalty this installation is paying to the electricity supplier is: 280 x $0.3757 = $105.20 per day. Assuming a 600 kVAr PFC system costs $36,000 (appropriate size PFC system for this site), the payback period will be: $36,000/105.20 = 342 days. In less than a year, the cost of installing a PFC system is recovered and further usage of it will save $105.20 per day for the life of the system — a direct reduction in the running costs which go straight to the company’s bottom line.

PFC case study For most PFC projects undertaken at NHP, a coordinated approach between its Application Engineering team, Power Quality Product Specialists and Manufacturing team assures the best possible solution is achieved. In addition, NHP’s service team is specially equipped to perform any required maintenance over the years of system operation, ensuring reliable and long-lasting system performance. A summary of the processes undertaken by NHP includes: • Perform on-site analysis and generate in-depth report. • Recommend PFC systems and any additional measures if required to accommodate the installation of the system. • The PFC system is assembled and tested at NHP’s Manufacturing and Warehouse Facility in Laverton. • System is delivered on site ready for installation. • PFC system is commissioned. • Maintenance schedule offered to the customer. Illustrating the points above is an analysis of a project undertaken to improve PF in regional Victoria earlier this year: The site consisted of three large motors controlled by three 355 kW VSDs with additional motors and drives needing to be installed as part of a site upgrade. Current tariff charges, combined with a need to upgrade the distribution network to allow for the additional required loads, meant that installing a PFC system would significantly reduce or remove current tariff charges and possibly avoid the need to upgrade the electrical distribution network. NHP application engineers set up a ‘Powermonic’ meter at the site to take voltage, current and harmonic measurements over the period of a week. The detailed report from this preliminary site analysis determined harmonic levels were above acceptable limits and, with the planned deployment of more VSDs, this situation was likely to deteriorate further. To comply with Victorian regulations, as well as keeping within the harmonic requirements for PFC operation, NHP’s passive

harmonic filters were recommended and installed, dramatically improving harmonic levels. Resolving this initial hurdle, a second study using the Powermonic meter was conducted to reassess voltage and current measurements. With a detailed report analysing the load profile, power factor levels, harmonic levels and other contributing factors, it was determined that a 350 kVAr double-tier CQ system would be required to improve power factor from 0.7 to 0.98. As part of the on-site investigation, it was also discovered that the height of the switchboard room was limited and was prone to excessive temperatures due to the type of housing and inadequate ventilation supplied. As a solution to height restrictions of the switchboard room, the PFC system’s height was modified, which was made possible by its fully modular ‘Cubic’ design. As ambient temperature is a vital factor in the longevity of capacitor operation, NHP coordinated a side-mounted Cosmotec air conditioner, specifically chosen according to airflow requirements as required for ideal capacitor operation, to improve operating conditions. As with all systems designed and constructed by NHP, the PFC system was fully tested before being delivered on site. Once installed, NHP engineers again re-examined the site’s electrical network. The customer was amazed to discover that the electrical supply had improved so significantly that the planned upgrade to the electrical distribution network was no longer required, saving him tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, savings from avoiding tariffs, and improved site and equipment performance, meant that not only had the NHP PFC and harmonic filters paid for themselves, but the customer would continue to save thousands of dollars every year. Purchasing a PFC system is not a one-step process, but involves many calculated steps. With many years of experience, NHP has the resources to provide its customers with premium power quality solutions, regardless of circumstance or application. OCT/NOV 2009 - AUSLEC SOLUTIONS 11



A better way to control tools and consumables

Solution: SupplyPro intelligent materials management How often have you looked at your inventory list in disbelief at how quickly consumables are ‘used’ in your facility? Ever wondered why you have to replenish drill bits and tools so often? Wish you had that ‘killer process’ to present to management that could yield tangible improvements in reducing costs without having to redesign your entire operations? That’s been a quest for many operations and facility managers, but now there’s a simple solution that can accurately manage workplace goods and very quickly deliver tangible operational and financial benefits. An innovation in controlling consumables and assets that reduces operating expenses and control costs? “Sounds too good to be true,” you say? Then read on to find out how it can help you. Business is under pressure to do more with less and deliver greater productivity. Thanks to SupplyPro, Auslec has a solution designed to control, track and manage inventories and critical assets when and where it is needed most. Industrial consumables and assets are ideal candidates for management within a SupplyPro system. From traditional consumables like PPE (gloves, eyewear, ear protection, etc) to hand tools, power tools and even communication equipment, SupplyPro offers solutions to easily transition away from pegboard or open access methods that can leave assets and tools without any control or accountability. Auslec recently equipped a number of its industrial clients with SupplyPro inventory management systems and the benefits to these initial clients have been instant and significant. In a major metals processing plant, a recently installed SupplyBay has reduced consumption well in 12 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009



greatest benefit of SupplyPro is its capacity to allow appropriate users to … collect and process transaction data,


inventory levels and manage automatic replenishment.”

excess of the forecast 20–30% without reduction in service levels, while providing accurate cost centre allocation at the same time. With SupplyPro, you define the appropriate business rules, per product, based on your individual requirements. Standard programmable features include: • Variable Loan Periods; • Overdue Tool Alerts; • User-initiated and automated lockdown of damaged or ‘aged’ tools and automated alert notification; • Visibility at the machine as to who has tools checked out if none are available; • Specific reports related to Check-In/Out activity; • Access rights to tools and assets per user; and • Forced Return feature. There are three main hardware options:

SmartDrawer™ A low-cost automated solution to control, track and manage inventories and assets at point of use. The industrial drawer cabinet, is configurable, allowing users to choose the best level of access control and accountability. Drawers can be set to provide part number control for single-item dispensing and returns, or high-density storage.

SupplyBay Plus For Absolute Control® of costly tools and high turnover consumables at an item level, the SupplyBay Plus dispenser — a rugged, industrialised vending system — is the most versatile, industrial-grade machine of its type available. Performance engineered for harsh environments, SupplyBay Plus handles high-volume throughput and provides trouble-free dispensing for a wide range of industrial tools and supplies.

SupplyLocker A modular, industrialised locker system that enables consumable management or check-out and check-in of returnable tools, supplies and other bulky assets. Possibly the greatest benefit of SupplyPro is its capacity to allow users to access real-time information or perform administration through SupplyPort, a web-based data management engine that collects and processes transaction data, controls inventory levels and manages automatic replenishment. Contact your local Aulsec branch to find out how SupplyPro can help you lower tool replacement and repair costs, reduce inventory and increase compliance levels.


“I’ll shop around for the best price. I’m sure I’ll find it cheaper somewhere else.” We’ve all heard that comment before, haven’t we? In fact, most of us have probably even thought that and shopped around for a better price for something we’ve needed to buy personally or for our business.

The ‘procurement iceberg’ While price is likely to be the most visible and immediately measurable aspect of any purchase, there are often a number of hidden ‘costs’ associated with the purchase of products and services that can significantly contribute to the overall cost of the procurement, much like the vast majority of an iceberg is hidden from view. This ‘procurement iceberg’ should alert us to the fact that the individual purchase price of an item may not necessarily be the only or most appropriate factor to base the purchasing decision on. The price of a product is just one of a number of factors that determine the true or total procurement cost. The seemingly ‘hidden costs’ of buying, transporting and storing goods can dramatically affect your bottom line, long after the ‘cheap’ purchase price has taken place. Ignoring them can turn out to be a very costly mistake, as many people have found out in purchases where insufficient attention was paid to the seemingly ‘insignificant’ extras.

Is it really the ‘best price’? Getting the best price typically requires time to conduct comparative shopping. Even if you’re doing some negotiating, it still consumes time and other overheads. These can become extremely expensive exercises if the fully burdened labour cost of the procurement team involved in the processes are factored into the 14 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

“Not understanding the procurement iceberg might not have



catastrophic consequences as the Titanic, but wouldn’t it be better to fully understand the total costs of procurement and take the appropriate steps to avoid any financial disasters?”

purchase price, especially considering the hourly rates of personnel. On top of this, the costs of phone calls, faxes, emails (inbound and outbound) and other administrative procurement activities all need to be factored into the procurement cost. So those simple but frequent purchases that your maintenance department makes every month for a few different widgets that must be at the best price needed to maintain the plant can become unnecessarily expensive if the full extent of the procurement iceberg is not factored into the purchasing process. To get the very best price on each of the items you have to purchase in the process of doing your job, you may need to shop around three or four different suppliers for each item. Multiple suppliers mean multiple expediting campaigns to locate required items. Multiple deliveries mean multiple delivery dockets and numerous packages with a variety of goods that need to be counted, their details entered into the procurement software, moved and placed on the shelf or sent directly to the plant. As you place orders with a growing number of suppliers, your internal administrative costs increase dramatically. Extra paperwork such as purchase orders and invoices, extra deliveries and dockets, tracking, receiving and confirming the orders all contribute significantly to that initial ‘cheap’ purchase.

Added costs But that’s still not the full extent of the procurement iceberg that faces most, if not all, businesses today. There are still other issues that need to be factored into the overall costs of procurement; and some of these can be difficult to resolve, consuming even more of the purchaser’s time and money. For example, once the price for a product has been finalised and ‘confirmed’, a purchase order is typically raised by the purchaser. But what happens if the vendor is on a disparate ERP platform, or uses a transaction system that’s not com-

goods have been put on the shelf, you’ll need more time, effort and manpower to keep control of your ever-expanding inventory – items must be counted in some fashion at least annually, again incurring more people costs for stocktake duties. Often the cheapest price for a product is achieved by buying in bulk. If, while being stored and awaiting utilisation, the goods are damaged, become obsolete or just ‘go missing’, the investment must be written off. Under these circumstances, that ‘cheap per-unit cost’ can very easily become an expensive and embarrassing ‘white elephant’.

A cost-effective solution

patible with the purchaser’s? What if the vendor requires payment outside the purchaser’s normal business terms or perhaps cash up front? The procurement officer then has to open a new account, negotiate terms and arrange payment systems; all of which can (and do) add time and cost to the procure-to-pay cycle. Most companies are very familiar with these and other ‘roadblocks’ to doing business. And most companies would be happy for these problems to also go away, so they can get on with their business. Sound familiar? Yep, we’ve all been frustrated by the seemingly insignificant things that get in the way of doing business. And compounding that frustration is the increased ‘unseen’ costs that it also introduces. Just because the goods have been purchased, does not mean that costs now stop. Capital tied up in inventory is still assigned a place and cost on the balance sheet. Couldn’t those funds be better used earning interest or actually purchasing more time-critical items instead of taking up high-priced storage space? In addition, once the

A solution to overcoming many of these ‘unseen’ pitfalls and extra costs that are associated with negotiating with and buying from multiple suppliers is to use a ‘total source supplier’ like Auslec, which specialises in stocking vast quantities and broad ranges of products. Purchasing becomes a streamlined process whereby you purchase just the quantities you need, when you need them and economically. While some individual item prices may be higher than from other sources, your total procurement cost will be significantly lower. Essentially, a total source supplier becomes your personal warehouse, removing the added time, cost and hassle in dealing with multiple suppliers. If a cost can’t be seen or hasn’t been measured, it is assumed to be negligible. As in the real danger of an iceberg, these hidden costs are out of sight and out of mind. The purchasers who measure these costs fully and honestly for the first time are nearly always unpleasantly surprised. Consolidating your purchasing to a single source supplier like Auslec provides you with the best total economic deal by removing the hidden costs of procurement. Iceberg avoided! This isn’t a new or revolutionary concept. We all understand it, but sometimes we need to have these ‘hidden’ procurement costs made blatantly apparent to us, so that we are aware of exactly what it costs to buy things. Maybe if the crew of the Titanic had the true size of icebergs pointed out to them, they may have avoided a major catastrophe. Not understanding the procurement iceberg might not have the same catastrophic consequences as the Titanic, but wouldn’t it be better to fully understand the total costs of procurement and take the appropriate steps to avoid any financial disasters? OCT/NOV 2009 - AUSLEC SOLUTIONS 15



Auslec branch profile — Sunshine West, Victoria


A culture of excellence in customer service The Auslec Sunshine West branch, in Melbourne’s developing western industrial corridor, is a large facility — 1924 m2 under one roof — stocking a million dollars of industrial, electrical and safety products. Its size and stock levels make quite an impression, but branch manager Mark Van Den Berghe is happy if you visit his branch just once, because that’s all it will take to convince you to keep coming back. “We service many industrial clients, for all their electrical, safety and maintenance, repairs and operational (MRO) needs; and often business is done via email, fax and phone,” explains Mark. “We understand our clients are generally very busy, so we do what’s best for them, often servicing their needs remotely.” The branch’s clients are mostly large manufacturers including Kraft, Caterpillar, O-I Glass and Australian Vinyls, as well as utilities like PowerCor; and the MRO staff are the people Mark’s team deal with. Often they need items immediately, like parts and consumables for machines that break down or are taken offline for service. The Auslec team understands that very well and endeavours to provide service with urgency. Mark, a qualified electrician, ran his own business beforehand and knows how costly it can be for operations to be out of service. The eight branch staff are also very experienced, with 85 years in electrical and industrial markets collectively. Mark adds: “We have two sales reps who spend most of their time with clients, five of us in the branch and a full-time driver who spends all day, every day delivering orders. We want to be that ‘one-stop shop’ that’s not just convenient for our clients, but genuinely helps them manage their business better. 16 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

“Before signing a contract with new clients, I invite them to visit our branch, meet our team, look over our warehouse and have morning tea with us. They’re not disappointed when they get here.”

So why should clients visit just once? Mark explains: “Before signing a contract with new clients, I invite them to visit our branch, meet our team, look over our warehouse and have morning tea with us. They’re not disappointed when they get here. They’ve all been impressed by our stock holdings but, perhaps more importantly, they’ve been able to establish personal connections with us, so doing business becomes more personal. So when something’s needed urgently, clients can talk to someone they know and get priority service. “One new client took six months to visit us, just because he was so busy. When he finally got here, I said: ‘View it like a supermarket — have a look at what we’ve got and tell us what else you need us to stock for you.’ “Supply KPIs are critical to all contracts and they’re real motivators to us. Not only do they measure our performance for clients, but they also help us gauge ourselves. We’re typically measured on delivery performance (on-time delivery and accuracy), back-order reporting and tech support. Here we try to be proactive, not reactive. For example, we arrange for several of our suppliers to hold training events at our branch. “These are important technical forums to help everyone attending. In addition to getting some technical education, clients can play with new products and technologies and get to ask questions one on one with technical experts on their local issues. “Where clients can’t leave their facility, we coordinate with suppliers to run seminars at the clients’ premises and, where permitted, arrange a barbecue there afterwards. “We get a buzz out of client reviews when all the boxes are ticked ‘excellent’. We aim for that result every time. It really sets the tone for our culture. In fact, we look for ways at these reviews to help improve our clients’ business. In one review, we suggested electronic invoicing instead of hard copies they originally specified, to overcome the problem of misplaced or delayed invoices. At others, we’ll take along morning tea and the leftover doughnuts end up with the guys on the tools, which they really appreciate. “We believe we present real value to our clients — our product range, stock levels, staff experience and genuine attention to customer service. Every client’s visit to us, even if it’s just once, is a valuable experience for them and for us.”


The L&H Group recognises that Motorsport is as much a part of life for Australians as going to work each day. That’s why we, as a company, are so involved in it ourselves and want to share the V8 Supercar experience with our customers.

L&H Group off and racing The L&H Group, featuring the Auslec brand, is the principal sponsor of V8 Supercars and also Ford Performance Racing (FPR). This relationship started two years ago and has recently been extended for a further two years. The L&H Group became involved in motorsport for one simple reason — it is the number one sporting and leisure interest of our customers and we wanted to be able to offer something unique to our customer base. The relationship with both V8 Supercars and FPR offers the complete V8 experience. We have corporate entertainment facilities at eight events nationally (one in each state to cater for the national spread of our branches and customers) plus exclusive access to drivers, behind-the-scenes tours, grid walks, hot laps, helicopter rides and tickets to all events. Whilst we focus a lot on the ‘L&H’ brand through our motorsport involvement, the ‘Auslec’ brand features prominently on the FPR drivers’ uniforms, which cements our broad relationship with the teams. Motorsport is particularly valuable to our Auslec customers. Due to busy schedules, corporate governance rules and just the hectic day-to-day life our Auslec customers face, motorsport offers the opportunity on weekends to join us at events and really explore the V8 Experience. “The opportunity for our customers to join us for V8 events has been 18 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

“The relaxed nature and


experience that V8 Supercars offers, al l ows for great networking


business discussion while watching all the action on the track.”

incredibly valuable for our industrial customers and our business,” says Claude Picinali, National Sales Manager for L&H Group. “The relaxed nature and weekend experience that V8 Supercars offers allows for great networking and business discussion while watching all the action on the track.” The access we have to the FPR team is also a valuable tool to share with our customers. They can see the importance of teamwork, how much work goes into finding a tenth of a second and the reliance each of the team has on each other doing their role properly. It’s the ultimate team environment, where one minor error can make a massive difference. To share this

with our customers gives them a different perspective of team dynamics and what it takes to be successful. For the petrolheads among our customer base, the FPR Team are always available for a chat to discuss the car set-up, race strategy and what goes into setting up the car for race day. FPR had a great weekend at the recent L&H 500 race at Phillip Island. Strong practice and qualifying performances led to the team starting on pole position for the 500 km race around the Phillip Island circuit. Good solid racing meant the team was sitting in the ‘top three’ for most of the race, with an exciting sprint to the finish on the cards. And it didn’t disappoint race fans, with the lead changing

halfway through the last lap, only to see HRT win from Team Vodafone, with FPR coming in a credible third. As the principal sponsor for the event, L&H Group CEO Robin Norris was on hand to present the trophies. He was joined on the podium by Nic Gabriele representing CanTeen, the official charity of L&H Group and the L&H 500. L&H Group supports the CanTeen charity for young people whose lives have been affected by cancer, donating a percentage of sales on selected brands. It was a great opportunity to offer this once-in-a-lifetime experience to one of its members. Nic made both L&H Group and CanTeen proud. OCT/NOV 2009 - AUSLEC SOLUTIONS 19

A major project undertaken by BlueScope Steel to upgrade a smelter at its steel plant in Port Kembla, NSW, was assisted to run smoothly and on time by the extraordinary efforts made by the team at the Auslec branch in Wollongong.

Auslec goes the ‘extra mile’ to support smelter upgrade The $370 million No. 5 Blast Furnace Reline project, undertaken by BlueScope Steel at its Port Kembla Steelworks in NSW, involved the scheduled replacement of the protective lining on the inside of the blast furnace. At the same time, BlueScope Steel’s project team took advantage of the lengthy shutdown to carry out a range of other repairs and maintenance tasks in and around the furnace. The No. 5 Blast Furnace is one of two operated at the site and is currently in the 17th operating year of its third campaign. It was constructed in 1972 and has since had two relines — in 1978 and 1991. The last reline was designed to deliver a 15-year campaign life, based on the condition of several key pieces of equipment and the assessment of risk associated with achieving a longer campaign life. The reline shutdown period was scheduled at 105 days. In addition to the reline work, several other key maintenance projects will be undertaken to ensure the plant will continue to operate reliably for a further 20 years. The furnace itself is only a component of the complete blast furnace plant. This project didn’t replace complete systems or subsystems. Rather, it addressed components within those systems.

“With daily on-site deliveries, Auslec was able to promptly meet the demands of these additional requests and, by delivering direct to the on-site shed, the client never had to travel off site to source electrical consumables for their project.”

Steel sites, it was only natural that L&H Group, through its Auslec division, be involved in a variety of ways to support this mammoth project. The local Auslec branch in Wollongong was able to offer a number of specific and highly valuable on-site services to support BlueScope in this project. Throughout the entire four-month period of the project, Auslec established an on-site shed, manned by personnel from its Wollongong branch. In the shed was an array of products that were available for quick and easy dispensing, so that personnel working on the furnace weren’t inconvenienced in any way and had a quick turnaround of products, thereby minimising their ‘tool-down, tool-up’ time, that is, how long they were physically away from the job. The less time they were physically away from the job, the more efficient we helped them become. Working collaboratively with BlueScope, Auslec was able to stock and provide products that were to BlueScope Steel standards and represented ‘best value’. This arrangement therefore reduced the risk of having inferior, substandard products installed on such a critical project.

On-site support from Auslec As the preferred national supplier of electrical consumables to all BlueScope 20 AUSLEC SOLUTIONS - OCT/NOV 2009

Image courtesy of Illawarra Mercury Photo by Robert Peet

Where items weren’t kept in the on-site shed, Auslec provided a support base for site personnel to visit and order extraordinary items, as well as to stress the critical nature of those items for their job. With daily on-site deliveries, Auslec was able to promptly meet the demands of these additional requests and, by delivering direct to the on-site shed, the client never had to travel off site to source electrical consumables for their project. Auslec personnel instrumental in the organisation of this service were Contract Facilitator Martin Oberg, Wollongong Branch Manager Graeme Sneddon and Wollongong branch staff, who took it in turn to man the on-site shed over the four-month period. The rollout of the L&H Group Transaction Card also proved to be an additional value-add provided to this project by Auslec. This allowed engineers to provide Auslec with a standing order for each month, instead of having to raise an order number for every time a product was required, which allowed key personnel goods to be dispensed in a quick and efficient manner. Reporting was provided weekly in the client’s nominated format, providing transparency, control and accuracy of products purchased. At the end of the project, the transaction data was all reconciled and payment was made per the existing commercial payment terms. The set-up inside the shed didn’t have to be fancy or aesthetically appealing; and it wasn’t, as the photos show. It needed to be functional and simple to get the job done, and it certainly achieved that.

How a blast furnace works To assist in better understanding the immensity of the project, below is a brief description of the blast furnace and its functions, along with an outline of the furnace reline process. A blast furnace is an entire plant used to convert iron ore into molten iron, as part of the steelmaking process. The furnace is designed to operate continuously and is only shut down for maintenance and repair two or three times a year. The furnace proper is a pressure vessel that combines heat and chemical reactions to reduce iron ore to molten iron. The bottom end is called the hearth, the middle and widest region the bosh (or belly) and the upper part the shaft. The No. 5 Blast Furnace is 41 m tall, 15 m in diameter (at the belly) and has an inner volume of 3287 m 3. The furnace is lined with water-cooled copper and cast iron cooling elements (staves). High-quality refractory bricks are also used in the hearth and bosh to protect the staves from hot liquids and gases.

The fundamental purpose of the lining is to protect the steel shell from the effects of the enormous amount of heat generated inside the furnace. The gas produced as a result of the combustion of coke is in excess of 2100 °C, while the molten iron itself reaches 1500 °C. The elementary raw materials used to make iron are iron ore and coke. Approximately 1.6 tonnes of iron ore material is used to make one tonne of molten iron. Alternating batches of iron ore and coke are fed to the top of the furnace on a conveyor, resulting in alternating layers of ore and coke inside the furnace. It takes approximately eight hours for the iron ore to descend through the furnace, be reduced to molten iron and be cast out through one of three tapholes in the hearth. The stoves and ‘hot blast’ system provide super-heated air to the furnace, heating it to approximately 1350 °C using coke ovens and blast furnace gases. The superheated air causes the coke to burn, producing a gas that creates a chemical reaction to remove the oxygen in the iron ore to produce molten iron. No. 5 Blast Furnace is equipped with a ‘top gas recovery’ turbine that is used to produce up to 10.5 MW of electricity from the pressure energy in the furnace. Auxiliary equipment such as the furnace cooling system, electrical power systems, electrical control and instrumentation systems, environmental control systems and general services ensure the plant operates in a controlled manner and produces output as designed. OCT/NOV 2009 - AUSLEC SOLUTIONS 21


A robust earmuff with dielectric construction The Viking Series noise-blocking earmuffs from Howard Leight by Sperian provide Class 5 noise protection in electrical environments. The earmuffs incorporate patented Air Flow Control technology (AFC), which delivers optimal attenuation across all frequencies without increasing ear cup size or weight. The multi-position headbands give workers the flexibility to wear their earmuffs over the head, behind the head or under the chin, allowing them to be worn with hard hats, face shields, respirators and other PPE. There are three Viking models available — the V1 model with a rating of SLC 80 28 dB, the V2 model with SLC 80 30 dB and the V3 model offering SLC 80 32 dB. Designed to provide all-day comfort, the earmuffs feature a dual-headband design with an inner ventilated band for better positioning and breathability and a non-deforming outer headband that minimises pressure on the head. An improved attached elastic headband strap provides additional comfort and helps to ensure attenuation when earmuffs are worn in other than over-the-head positions. Snap-in ear cushions make replacement quick and easy; and dielectric construction with rugged ABS plastic makes the earmuffs suitable for almost all workplaces and especially for electrical and mining environments.

Electrosoft composite gloves

Protect yourself when working with high-voltage systems with the latest range of electrical insulating composite gloves from Sperian Protection. Using their extensive knowledge and experience in the field of latex treatment, Sperian has developed and extended its range of high-performance electrical gloves. Composites are now available for applications covering working voltages from up to 500 to 17,000 V. When dexterity and durability are a priority, Sperian composite gloves are the ideal choice, with no need to wear over gloves. Electrosoft composite gloves offer anatomical shaping for ease of movement and increased comfort. Made from a natural latex base on an interlocked cotton base (lined), cotton flock or non-flockchlorinated interior (unlined), with an outer layer of polychloroprene, composite gloves combine mechanical resistance and comfort with a high protection level. Electrosoft composite gloves offer wearers increased robustness and long service life under extreme conditions.

Pyrolex Ceramifiable fire-rated multi-core cable Designed in conjunction with the CSIRO and manufactured here in Australia by Olex, the Pyrolex Ceramifiable multi-core cable is the biggest breakthrough in fire performance technology in years. The cable’s insulation layer hardens into a protective ceramic shield when it is exposed to fire to maintain circuit integrity and lifesaving essential services. Additionally, the cable emits low smoke when it is exposed to flames, is halogen free, has low toxic and corrosive emissions and is flame retardant. The cable is also available in single-core format.



PRODUCTS Direct access to energy efficiency Schneider Electric’s Compact NSX is the world’s first moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) to offer integrated energy monitoring combined with enhanced protection. It has taken a giant leap forward in electrical circuit protection and energy management solutions and is a completely unique product. More than 170 engineers worked on the development of Compact NSX for six years and AU$250 million was spent in R&D, with 23 patents pending. With Compact NSX’s power monitoring unit integrated into the circuit breaker, a 65% time saving can be expected when compared with a standard meter installation. The secret to successfully incorporating both functions are Micrologic electronic trip units with integrated, next-generation current sensors that can measure, process and display vital data on its built-in LCD screen, the front panel of a switchboard and remotely via a Power Management System through its plug-and-play communication architecture. Importantly, Compact NSX has the same electrical characteristics as its predecessor Compact NS, which means no change requirements for typetested boards. Once installed, new electrical testing is no longer necessary. Compact NSX delivers on four needs in one solution — protection, measurement, diagnostics and communication.

Mine marking solutions Dy-Mark manufactures a number of products specifically formulated for various mining applications such as identification of dangerous areas and marking excavation and construction sites. The two most widely used products are Mine Marking — an aerosol marking-out paint, and Safe Mark — a unique, non-flammable aerosol layout paint designed for use in underground coal mines and other fire-sensitive environments. Both products offer the following benefits: • Available in a range of bright colours for high visibility in dark conditions; • Ideal for upright/inverted or horizontal marking; • Fast-drying formulas that will not clog; • Suitable for marking uneven surfaces; and • Designed for use in both above- and/or belowground mines. Mine Marking and Safe Mark are suitable for use with Dy-Mark’s Mine Marking Handle, for easy marking of mine ceilings. The three-part handle extends up to 3 m and is available in steel for use in coal mines and lightweight aluminium for other mine environments.


Terasaki TemPower 2 AR6 air circuit breaker

One of the world’s most technically advanced air circuit breaker (ACB) ranges is now complete with the release of the new TemPower 2 AR6 from Terasaki, available in the 5000 to 6300 A range, which keeps the common, modern appearance of the existing AR series. ‘Maximum power from minimum volume’ was a central principle in the TemPower 2 AR6 design brief. With a depth of just 380 mm, the TemPower 2 AR6 is one of the smallest depth 6300 A ACBs in the world. It also shares a common height and front cover dimension with the existing Terasaki AR ACB range. Using a patented ‘pressure valve’ system, the TemPower 2 AR6 is able to interrupt the current at two points on the line side of the ACB, while dissipating heat from essential components such as the main contacts and terminals by efficient air convection through a pressure value.

PRODUCTS The highest attenuation banded hearing protection

The new E-A-R Swerve blends exceptional ergonomics with unmatched performance to deliver the ultimate in banded protection. Traditional banded hearing protectors have several major shortcomings relative to other hearing protectors — constant rubbing of the band against equipment and clothing, low attenuation and poor fit. The E-A-R Swerve addresses these issues and more. The hearing protector features a contoured design that floats around the neck, limiting contact with collars and helmets/hats. The contemporary behind-the-head design encourages compliance among younger workers, while its durable, lightweight band rebounds well for frequent on and off wearing. Swerve is ideal for workers in dirty environments as there is no need to roll the plugs. The quick insertion and removal also makes it great for managers or supervisors who need to enter and exit noisy environments often. Two tip options are SLC80 23 dB, Class 4 with Comfort Pods; and SLC80 20 dB, Class 3 with Flex 28 Tips.

PAT and RCD tester

The Easytest DUO Combination portable appliance testing (PAT) and residual current device (RCD) tester is a breakthrough in Australian design and manufacture. The instrument tests all plug-in appliances, power boards, extension leads and 30 mA RCDs to the standard required by AS/NZS 3760. The tester features a backlight LCD display with a simple ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ indication. The list of tests conducted by the instrument includes Class 1 Class 2 testing, power-up earth leakage testing, earth resistance testing, polarity testing and RCD trip-time testing.

Exit lighting The market-leading Menvier Kwiklite is stylish, affordable and now available in both fluorescent and LED technologies. Originally designed with both appearance and cost saving in mind, the Kwiklite satisfies the architect’s design objective as well as the developer’s cost constraint. The LED dual-mode maintained/non-maintained Kwiklite retains all of the popular features that made the Kwiklite a clear market leader — clean, attractive design; excellent light distribution; ‘snap on/snap off’ diffuser/backplate that allows for quick conversion from single- to double-sided exit signage; choice of ‘EXIT’ or Pictograph legends with all diffuser configurations on hand in the one box for ease of installation; and the universal design that ensures ease of installation on any surface. In applications where the Kwiklite is illuminated for significant amounts of time, the use of LED technology offers massive maintenance benefits. The 3 W LED strip has a service life of up to 50,000 hours. It is also very easy to replace at the end of its life, with replacement strips available for same-day dispatch.


PRODUCTS Protective overalls

Protecting workers from contamination is critical to providing a safe working environment. The KLEENGUARD XP Protective Overalls provide an appropriate level of protection and help to promote compliance with safety regulations by delivering comfort and mobility to encourage use. The XP Protective Overalls are suitable for a wide range of tasks, from working with hazardous dusts through to chemical handling. As the fabric is low in lint, silicon free and meets the requirements of EU Standard CE 0120 for a garment offering Type 6 and Type 5 protection, they are well suited to critical processes such as spray painting and electronic assembly.

Clipsal 56 series 250 V plugs and sockets Clipsal offers an innovative new range of industrial switchgear and accessories which not only look better but perform better too. The new IP66-rated industrial range is packed with design features such as screw-less assembly for strength, quickconnect option for speed and reliability, patented ‘fast-fit’ cable clamp and seal, transparent body, clean lines that minimise areas where food or waste can build up and M20 rear thread on small frame size plug tops that allows for flexibility in cable connection. All plugs feature the reliability of a cord clamp and the convenience of rear cable entry for terminals. The small frame size plug tops all share the same external components that allow for simplified maintenance and minimal downtime when replacement products are required. Manufactured with high-quality, impact- and UV-resistant plastic resins and premium stainless steel and brass internal mechanisms, these components ensure reliable operation in harsh conditions. Chemically resistant variants of the plugs and sockets are also available.

Hammer drill/driver The new DEWALT DCD970KL-XE XRP5 18 V 3-speed cordless drills set new standards for system efficiency and performance. Some of the major improvements in the new XRP5 drills are: • Front-to-back speed shifting offers smoother and more positive placement when changing gear; • Bright LED work light offers increased productivity in dark areas; • All-metal, dual-collar design offers a unique ability to change mode without having to change the clutch setting; • New overall design offers best-in-class dimensions and improved ergonomics resulting in less end-user fatigue; and • The new DEWALT-designed and built frameless motor offers an optimised motor design for less wasted power, a 6-flat-magnet design for improved magnetic field and an increased airflow for cooler, more efficient running. The exclusive Nano-Phosphate Lithium Ion battery packs offer an industry benchmark 2000 charge cycles, more than twice the ‘claimed’ charge cycles of our competitors, and backwards compatibility with 99% of DEWALT’s 18 V products. The 3-speed transmission offers faster application speed, more application versatility and 30% longer run-time. The selftightening chuck offers two times the bit holding strength of conventional chucks as well as all-metal durability.


PRODUCTS Waterless skin care systems

Cordless reciprocating saw

The Deb Mini Skin Care System is a compact and complete skin safety system. It can be conveniently fitted inside vehicles or work cabins and contains everything needed to protect, cleanse and sanitise the skin. The products do not require running water. The skin care systems are available in indoor and outdoor versions to suit many applications. Three types of products can be mounted in the dispenser and these include barrier cream or sunscreen, heavyduty hand cleaner and sanitiser. The Deb Protective Cream is a multipurpose cream to be used before and after work for skin protection. The Deb Protective SPF 30+ Sunscreen is a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB with very good UVC protection and three-hour water resistance. The Deb hand cleaner is a rich, creamy lotion with a light citrus smell making it pleasant to use. The Deb Skin Sanitiser works instantly to effectively clean hands, providing the ‘ultimate’ clean, killing 99.99% of bacteria.

The new HACKZALL C12HZ-22C M12 Cordless Reciprocating Saw, from Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, is a compact (only 280 mm long) and lightweight (1.2 kg) saw designed for powerful, versatile cutting in tight spaces for virtually all tradesmen as they tackle plumbing, electrical, remodelling and HVAC applications. The lightweight design offers less user fatigue as well as one-handed operation. Featuring a 12 V Lithium-Ion battery, the HACKZALL cuts over 80 pieces of 38 mm PVC on a single charge. The saw delivers a 13 mm stroke 3000 times per minute for a smooth yet aggressive cut, and utilises a keyless Quik-Lok blade clamp to ensure quick and easy blade changes. The HACKZALL features a variable speed trigger that provides increased user control and all-metal gear case and gears that live up to Milwaukee’s legendary durability. The saw accepts both HACKZALL and SAWZALL style blades. Additional features include a built-in LED light to illuminate a workplace and a battery fuel gauge that displays the remaining run-time. Backed by Milwaukee’s 5-year tool warranty and 2-year battery warranty, the C12HZ-22C is supplied with two batteries, a 30-minute charger, two Hackzall blades and a carrying case.

Single- and multi-core electrical cables

The latest additions to the Olex range of flexible cables are the Nexans Sourced Titanex H07 singleand multi-core electrical cables. Suitable for installations with moving equipment, electric appliances and for use in building sites, these cables can be installed in the open air or buried (with extra mechanical protection). Manufactured to international standards, these cables have the right approvals and utilise the latest in cable material technology.

Tile drill The Pro-CERAM tile drill from Diager features a new ‘Diamond Quality’ coated tip. The diamond-coated tip outperforms standard tile drill bits, therefore providing users with faster and more accurate hole-cutting capabilities in dense, hard surfaces such as Moncottura and glazed tiles, marble, china, sandstone, terracotta and ceramic. The drill bits are available in sizes of 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 mm diameters.


PRODUCTS Managing building services over IP

The BsmartTV distribution platform, distributed by Jonsa Ellies, gives the operator the ability to manage traditional infrastructures as well as high-speed data over a single means of communication. Fibre-optic cables have unlimited bandwidth potential and can easily carry many signals (RF or data). For the MDU, one way of conserving infrastructure costs is to deploy fibre-optic cables in conjunction with IP-based products such as building access control devices, IP CCTV cameras and many others. Many devices in the MDU, such as monitoring and control of water and gas systems, gardening irrigation systems, fire and smoke detection systems, gate cameras, intercom systems, apartment security systems, VoIP, cable TV distribution systems, and DBS/DTH satellite TV distribution systems, all have the ability to be managed over ethernet. The BsmartTV distribution platform not only gives access to these devices but creates a business model that allows service operators to deploy triple-play systems and add revenue to their bottom line while decreasing costs and increasing reliability at the same time. The flexibility to deploy any kind of IP application over the BsmartTV distribution platform alongside with the availability of 12.5 GHz of RF bandwidth makes the BsmartTV distribution platform the product of choice.


New range of liquid resistance starters NHP offers a range of Australian-made and industry-proven fixed and moving electrode liquid resistance starters for use with lowand medium-voltage wound rotor motors from 200 kW to 12.4 Â MW. The torque and current versus speed characteristics of a wound rotor motor can be altered and controlled through the addition of resistances to the rotor circuit. While one of the more common methods for starting wound rotor motors is the multi-stage secondary resistance starter, it is understood the resistors can generate substantial amounts of heat during starting, provide inconsistent starting performance and require frequent and costly maintenance. With many systems comprising little more than a tank which holds an electrolytic solution, thermostats and floats to monitor electrolyte temperature and level, and an enclosure which houses a shorting contactor and timer, the simplicity of liquid resistance makes them the ideal proposition for any downtime critical plant and/or for remote installations where the availability of specialist electrical personnel may be limited.

Eco-ficient time switch Consumer demand for energy-saving solutions is ever growing and hager is at the forefront in meeting this demand. hager has released the EG493E digital time switch that offers another simple way of saving energy. Providing control for up to four circuits, which might include lighting, ventilation, heating or any action that requires a specific date of operation, the Annual time switch brings a new level of functionality rarely seen in such a compact device. With its large LCD, four channels, 300 program steps that include a basic weekly program, 10 sub-programs and the introduction of a specific program date, the user is provided with programs that can be as simple or as sophisticated as needed.

PRODUCTS User-friendly and ergonomic terminal blocks

Expanding its market coverage, HPM Legrand has launched a comprehensive new range of screw and spring terminal blocks called Viking 3. The new range boasts superior ergonomics for faster fit-off and includes a complete automatic spring range, as well as screw connection. The Spring connection range features direct insertion for 5 and 6 mm pitch blocks for rigid conductors and flexible conductors with ferrules that saves time, integrated end caps for pitches of 6–12, small overall dimensions and optimised terminal block size with identical electrical characteristics for 5 and 6 mm pitch blocks. The Screw connection range features identical height blocks from 2.5–10 mm² and 16–70 mm² conductors, dark grey single colour end cap and direct screw-less fixing on DIN rail for protection conductor modules (for pitches 5 to 10).

Cable glands With the everchanging requirements for gland performance, Alco continues to develop its glands to meet the stringent performance requirements of modern industry. Alco cable glands are designed to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 60079 and AS/NZS 61241.1. All armoured cable glands are supplied with a weatherproof seal that is rated to 900 kPa (IP66/68-30 m). The range of cables that each gland will accept has increased, reducing the chances of cable size variations that require a change of gland. All metal glands are supplied with a fibre washer and plated locknut in the one kit, which avoids the need to order and stock multiple items. Hazardous area glands are now supplied with the extended seals (20 mm or longer) that are required for more effective gas sealing. The seals meet the requirements of current Australian and international standards.

InstantFOAM hand sanitiser

uvex i-vo track safety glasses The new uvex i-vo track delivers ultimate advanced performance in medium-impact eye protection. Featuring new fashionable straight arms, the i-vo track has a unique 5-point lens inclination system to fit a wider range of facial features. Fitted with Duo Component Technology, the moulded hard and soft materials form an ergonomic frame design for the complete comfort experience. Available in clear, amber and grey lenses, each with a long-lasting THS anti-fog coating on both sides, the product is designed to be worn in hot and humid environments. In addition, the advanced frame design offers extra ventilation, allowing humid air to escape. The uvex lens replacement system allows quick and easy changing to provide users with significant cost savings.

The new Deb InstantFOAM hand sanitiser utilises the power of Deb Foam Technology to provide an instant solution to an invisible problem. With no sticky gelling agents or water required, the unique and refreshing foam formula sanitises hands quickly and effectively. The sanitiser kills 99.999% of many common germs in just 15 seconds. It is available in a variety of convenient pack sizes to suit all situations and spreads rapidly to cover the hands quickly.


PRODUCTS Changing the way of looking at chassis safety

The Isobar Chassis will change the way you look at chassis and safety. It features a unique busbar disconnection system for each busbar tee-off and allows any tee-off to be converted to a neutral, providing unparalleled flexibility. The busbar disconnection system permits unused outgoing poles to be electrically isolated from the mains, enhancing protection for the user against direct contact with live parts. Isobar is ideal for applications that require minimum downtime and maximum safety. For situations where only the safest chassis will do, choose Isobar. Ideal for critical power applications and hazardous areas, the Isobar Chassis is available in two types: TNA and PEV. Both types are available in various sizes ranging from 12 to 72 poles, have 250 A current-carrying capacity of the busbar (180 A with neutral kit fitted), 100 A current carrying capacity of outgoing tee-offs, 16 kA for 200 ms withstand rating and 25 kA conditional withstand rating.


Industrial markers Dy-Mark’s new industrial markers include the high-performance Paint Markers (P10, P20 and P30) range, the Duo — a fast dry permanent marker and the D10 Industrial Marker for heavy-duty applications. The Paint Marker range contains highquality, Xylene-free paint and provides bold, easyto-read marks. The varying nib sizes add to the versatility of the markers. The P30, with a broad chisel nib, also features an innovative valve design, which ensures longer write-out, faster priming and constant ink flow. The Dy-Mark Duo is the ideal ‘all-round’ marker, featuring a handy reversible bullet/chisel nib. It is suitable for marking on wood, plastics, metals and cardboard. Completing the range is the D10 Industrial Marker, also with a reversible nib. The D10 provides permanent marks, suited to all heavy-duty applications. The fast-drying, smear-resistant ink is ideal for marking on almost all surfaces. The hard-fibre acrylic nib and aluminium shell makes it the ideal marker for use in the mining, manufacturing and metal fabrication industries.

New tool safety straps The Tool Safety Straps are easy-touse accessories that are ideal for use in a number of industries when working at height to keep equipment from falling on people or objects below. They are used to connect to tools and equipment such as drills, hammers, torches, spanners and much more. One end of the strap connects to the tool and the other end to the user’s wrist, fall protection harness or tool belt. There are a variety of models available to suit specific requirements, dependent on the type of tool and application being undertaken. The straps are available in elastic and non-elastic models, with either a choke-down cord, web-loop or clip-tool attachment system. Harness connection is via a karabiner and wrist connection is by means of a choke-down system. Warning: care should always be taken when using tool straps around your wrist and attached to your body in proximity to parts and machinery.

PRODUCTS Simple, high-quality crimping tools Answering market demand for simple, high-quality crimping tools, HPM Legrand has expanded its Starfix range of highquality crimping tools to cover complete solutions for ferrules in strips from 0.25 up to 6 mm². The new Starfix tools, developed in France, feature improved ergonomics for faster and more comfortable use. The models nos. for the new crimping tools are: • 37608 Crimping tool for 0.25 and 0.34 mm² cross-sections; • 37609 Crimping tool for 0.5 to 2.5 mm² cross-sections; • 37610 Crimping tool for 4 and 6 mm² cross-sections; and • 37606 Crimping tool for 0.25 to 6 mm² cross-sections (single and double ferrules).

Improved Clipsal 56 Series industrial switchgear The new and improved 56 Series industrial socket outlet range is packed with engineering design features to guarantee reliability and durability in adverse industrial applications, making it the first choice for quality and dependability. The socket features a 25% stronger flap; increased spring strength; wider arc opening that is easier to operate; permanent laser-marked specifications, so there’s no more stickers; larger area for padlocking; the pivot bungs have been removed for added durability; new pivot assembly that strengthens the cover; co-injected socket gasket that eliminates shrinkage in aggressive environments; and a single-piece rear gasket for guaranteed IP66 rating. The improvements also provide end-user benefits including: improved safety, security and dependability, extended life cycle, less maintenance and reduced ongoing replacement part costs. All features and quality components combine to provide a hardy longterm solution that can be relied on to reinforce value, peace of mind and the ultimate in protection. For over 25 years, all Clipsal industrial covers have been manufactured from premium-quality materials and tested to the highest standards. They won’t let you down when the going gets tough.

New CEP7 communication modules

NHP and Sprecher + Schuh have introduced their new CEP 7, second-generation, solid-state thermal overload protection relays. The new CEP 7 overloads incorporate a greater use of sophisticated electronic control and monitoring. With recent advances in microelectronic technology and the introduction of the ASIC chip set, it has become possible to improve on and add new features to the popular CEP 7 range. The CEP 7 second-generation overload now incorporates greater accuracy and versatility while providing increased overall protection. The 5:1 current-setting range means only four models can cover motor sizes on the range of 1–15 kW, while the self-powered low consumption ensures very little heat is dissipated to keep enclosures cooler. Users have the ability to add protection modules, making it a unique and powerful protection device. With these advances comes the ability to add a side module to meet more applications, from ‘Jam/Stall’ protection, ground fault to PTC protection and now a comprehensive communication package.


PRODUCTS Digital TV antenna The Australian government has announced that analog TV signals will gradually be phased out across the country between 2010 and 2013. They have established a Digital Switchover Taskforce to coordinate the transition to digital television so that Australians can enjoy better picture and sound quality, new content and more HD channels. To gear up for this switchover, Hills Antenna has a complete range of products to assist with the digital transition. The Platinum High Definition 2 antenna is high definition and standard digital compatible and engineered for ‘Australian Capital City’ digital channels (6–12 and 28–38). The antenna is designed with a strong aluminium boom and heavy-duty elements for superior corrosion resistance, combined with optimum performance for ‘inner fringe’ reception conditions. The PHD2 antenna is also branded with the ‘Digital TV Ready High Definition’ sticker, confirming its suitability for digital TV transmission to consumers.

Disposable overalls KLEENGUARD Disposable Overalls offer protection with breathable comfort. They are designed to assist in protection against hazardous dust and particulate matter. The overalls provide a good level of repellence against light sprays of water-based liquids and are ideal for use in emergency services, maintenance and general cleaning occupations.

Energizer hard case professional headlight The Energizer Hard Case Professional Headlight is superior to other headlights on the market because of its superior 100 lumens light output delivered by a 1 W Cree LED. The long run times of approximately 15 hours, rugged durability and waterproof construction make it a key component in the professional toolbox. The headlight also features two red LEDs for low level light, a green LED for increased visibility of imperfections in pipes, a battery pack for balance and a removable third strap. It is waterproof and shatterproof from 4.6 m and runs on 3 AA batteries, which are included in the pack.


GMRS industrialgrade floodlight

The Pierlite GMRS range of rugged, industrial-grade floodlights provides lighting designers with a diverse range of highly efficient optics ranging from symmetrical, asymmetrical or road lighting distributions for HID lamps types from 250 W up to a powerful 400 W. The durable, natural finish body housing is constructed from diecast LM20 aluminium and the glass visor assembly is a reliable high-impact and thermal shock-resistant 4 mm thick tempered glass. Fixing of the luminaire is via a solid, multipoint, galvanised steel trunnion arm. The GMRS is 45° Ta rated and provides a very secure IP66 protection; ideally suited to arduous industrial applications such as wharfs, docks, loading yards and security requirements.

PRODUCTS Switching device for all safety functions The PSR Trisafe relay is the new configurable safety module that can monitor entire safety circuits in machines and plants — from emergency stops to safety door monitoring — using just a single intrinsically safe switching device. With a width of only 67.5 mm, this relay can be used to monitor up to 20 incoming safety signals. It also provides four intrinsically safe outputs as well as outputs for clock signals, alarms and ground switches. The safety logic can be easily customised using drag-and-drop functionality in the Safeconf graphical configuration software. No programming knowledge is required to use this tool, so new safety equipment can be quickly and easily integrated into the system at any time. The included simulation mode and automatic logic check function provide users with a sense of security even during the logic definition phase. Since each module can be configured in just a few mouse clicks, this eliminates the need to perform complex wiring while at the same time minimising potential sources of error. The configurable safety module allows for efficient project implementation during all phases.

Australia’s safest fall protection lanyard range The new Force2 fall protection lanyard range is the first product of its type in Australia addressing heavy weight issues, strength and compatibility, while working at height. The Force2 range carries a new line of high-strength hardware with gates rated to 16 kN to remove the risk of accidental detachment from excessive force, otherwise known as ‘cross-gate loading’. The hardware is also fully compatible, meaning that a correctly sized anchorage Dring cannot physically contact the gate latch, removing all risks associated with forced rollout. Each and every hook on the Force2 lanyards also includes a unique (patent pending) latch protection device (LPD). The LPD reduces the risks that can become present in various work methods/techniques that cause webbing to wrap around the back of the locking gate of the hook and unintentionally ‘trip’ the gate — a common problem present with all brands of lanyards and pole straps out in the field.

Allen-Bradley PowerFlex drives

NHP has released the first of the drives from the Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 750 series — the PowerFlex 755. The 755 is a high-end drive which provides one consistent platform across a range of kW ratings and includes an IP54-rated option. This first release covers up to 250 kW in both IP20 and IP54 protection ratings, with a very compact wallmount 250 kW IP54 drive, which breaks new ground. Like all Allen-Bradley drives, there is a focus on ease of integration, with a range of stand-out features that provide a number of additional benefits, including embedded ethernet communication port, multiple safety options, embedded DeviceLogix control, predictive diagnostics, a real-time clock, conformal coatings standard and preventative diagnostics. The PowerFlex 755 is ideal for applications that require safety, high-performance motor control and application flexibility.


PRODUCTS Bushfire code-compliant fans The Fantech Plus Bushfire Compliant range of roofand wall-mounted fans meets the requirements of five of the six Bushfire Attack Levels (BALs) set out in the recently revised AS 3959: ‘Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas’. The standard has been updated in light of the recent bushfires, with an emphasis on ventilation openings. Hot burning embers can enter buildings through openings such as roof ventilators and have the potential to cause catastrophic damage. The six BALs determine the type of construction required for each building. The range includes: • GL Gamma BFC Series fans, for use in commercial kitchenexhaust systems and other applications requiring the combination of speed-controllable motors with all-metal construction. • New Generation BFC axial roof-supply air units, with adjustable pitch impellers for a wide performance range to be obtained. • Ezifit Roof BFC Series fans, specifically developed to meet the airflow requirements of bathrooms, toilets, range hoods and small commercial applications. • BFC Alpha Relief Air Vents enable design engineers to control relief air and the pressures within buildings to meet requirements of the installation. • Ezifit Thru-Wall Series external wall-mounted fans for residential or light commercial installations where quiet, powerful exhaust is required and space is limited.

CCTV kits

CCTV solutions are now available in ready-to-install kits in a format that is easy to install. In today’s society, CCTV has become a way of life, with people’s movements being able to be captured by some form of security camera. Whether used for theft prevention or for occupational health and safety reasons, CCTV is an essential service for most business and community areas. Kits are available in different configurations, for example KIT1, comprising an LCD monitor, a 500 GB DVR (digital video recorder) and two internal or external cameras (extra cameras can be purchased to add to the system). Custom kits can also be designed to service the specific requirements of a particular application or environment. Wiring for a CCTV system is easy, running RG59 or RG6 coaxial cable and power cable between each camera and the DVR.

Solar warning beacons The SWB solar warning beacons are an ideal product to highlight dangers and potential hazards in the working environment. Charged by sunlight, the lights will flash all night. Available in five colours (red, blue, green, yellow and white), each light has a Class 1 reflective band that allows for daytime visibility. The super-bright LEDs are activated as soon as the natural daylight disappears, with the in-built sensor turning on the flash cycle. Each unit is fully sealed from water and dust and has a simple on/off switch that allows for easy use and storage when not in use. The beacon is 153 mm in height (200 mm when attached to the bracket) and sits perfectly into the top of standard traffic cones, or can be mounted anywhere with the use of the SWB bracket (vertical or horizontal mounting).


PRODUCTS Rugged enclosures for mining The mining world can be tough and demanding, with extreme variations in temperature, clogging dust, corrosive atmospheres and requiring the absolute peak performers in product as well as service. That is why the RiMine range is recognised as a great solution for enclosure challenges. Designed in Australia for Australian conditions and based on feedback from Australian end users, the RiMine product is available in three ranges: • Mild steel in X15 orange; • 316 grade stainless steel uncoated; and • 316 stainless steel in X15 orange. All enclosures include numerous features such as IP66 rating, door stays to reduce the chance of accidents during wind gusts and padlockable handles for security as well as safety. A selection of Rittal’s famous Climate Control Solutions is also featured to round out the accessories and options available to fine-tune your selection.

W22 electric motor WEG has just introduced its brand new Flagship series W22 electric motor — a motor for the 22nd century. Having researched its customers’ needs from all over the world, WEG’s chief electrical designers’ goal was to create a new class of electric motor superior to anything currently available. Thoroughly researched and redesigned from the ground up, this new electric motor range offers an exceptional specification. Energy optimisation was critical in its design concept, along with its ability to meet or surpass the latest electrical efficiency standards, while still providing great value for money. Additionally, the W22 employs ‘state-of-the-art’ aerodynamic styling which provides excellent heat dissipation along with lower noise levels than even its predecessor, the W21 electric motor (already one of the quietest motors on the market). Having achieved all of its design criteria, production of the W22 has recently commenced, with stock of the larger framed motors to arrive into Australia and be available at Auslec branches shortly.

Desktop thermal transfer printer

The Brady BBP11 is a compact desktop printer that provides high-quality thermal transfer printing. It is an entry-level printer for labels, tapes, cable markers, sleeves and much more. Identifying cables, devices and other electrical components has never been so easy. The BBP11 offers the best mix of high-quality printing, durability and reliability at a low cost price. It not only yields high performance, but with its physical dimensions of just 258 (L) x 202 (W) x 173 mm (H), it also provides important savings in desk space. This series is the ideal solution for low- to medium-volume printing, while offering a printout speed of up to 12.7 cm per second. An internal ethernet port allows the printer to be quickly integrated into any application. The BBP11 is available in 200 and 300 dpi versions. BBP11 200 dpi is recommended for general applications, while the BBP11 300 dpi is recommended for more detailed requirements such as 2D bar codes, fine text and complex graphics.


true power

Guaranteed 3% division on the output of the panel

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