LMH Health Volunteers Annual Report - 2023

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Volunteer Services | Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet Annual Report 2023-2024 Volunteers LMH Health through

LMH Health Volunteers Mission

The LMH Health Volunteers Organization shall assist and support LMH Health and its patients, staff, physicians, and visitors in providing support for the delivery of quality healthcare in accordance with the objectives established by the institution. The LMH Health Volunteers Organization shall be an integral part of LMH Health and shall exist exclusively for charitable purposes.

LMH Health Volunteers Vision Statement

Serving Together to Support Quality Healthcare in Our Community.

2023-2025 LMH Health Volunteer Board Membership

President: Lew Nolan

Vice President: Karin Rexroad

Secretary: Stephanie Stewart

Treasurer: Linda Wilhite

Finance Chair: Charles Decedue

Governance Chair: Becky Holm

Member at Large: Shari Raybern

Member at Large: Diane Spicer

Past President: Robert Fieger

Summary of Year - 2023 Highlights and Accomplishments

January 2023:

⚫ The Gift Shop is in strong financial standing at end of December 2022. Having just reimbursed 2022 salaries, Elizabeth Hall, Gift Shop Manager, is prepared to write a check for the financial pledge to the Foundation for $46,000 in the weeks ahead.

⚫ Mid-January, Elizabeth goes to market in Atlanta, Georgia for five days.

⚫ Shane Heiman, Volunteer Services Supervisor, presents to Lawrence High School, Free State High School, Bishop Seabury, and to 200 students present at LMH Health. These presentations focus on the Junior Volunteer Program that will resume Summer 2023. This will be the first time the junior volunteers have been back at LMH since before the pandemic started in 2019!

⚫ The Gift Shop and Mario’s Closet successfully complete store-wide inventory on January 31, 2023, concluding the fiscal year.

February 2023:

⚫ February marks the start of the fiscal year for the Gift Shop/Mario’s Closet.

⚫ New committees of the Volunteer Board resume regular meetings, the first time since early 2020! The Volunteer Recognition Committee, Finance Committee, and Governance Committee all meet in February.

On February 9, Volunteer Jan Pollard is recognized at the LMH Health Foundation Annual Meeting and presented with the Elizabeth Watkins Community Caring Award for her significant service to LMH Health and the community.

⚫ Cindy Kruger begins as Gift Shop Coordinator on February 13.

⚫ Junior Volunteer Applications are open February 6 through March 3. Shane expects close to 60 applicants for the upcoming Junior Volunteer summer program.

⚫ Elizabeth Hall resigns as Gift Shop Manager on February 15. Shortly after she leaves, it becomes clear that the Gift Shop will not be able to write the $46,000 pledge check as planned. The

decision is made to skip the 2022 pledge payment entirely and add another year to the pledge for the Foundation.

⚫ Cindy Kruger starts the interview process to apply for the position of Gift Shop Manager.

March 2023:

⚫ The Scrub Sale takes place March 2-3 and raises $5,358.84 for the LMH Health Volunteers Scholarship fund. There are two scrub sales per year and one poinsettia sale, all with the goal of raising at least $12,000 to support 12 ($1,000) scholarships per year.

⚫ Cindy Kruger begins as the new Gift Shop Manager on March 6!

⚫ Becky Swearingen, Accountant for the LMH Health Foundation, supports Cindy in the Gift Shop with bookkeeping duties while we begin the search for another staff member to take the role of Gift Shop Coordinator.

⚫ Scholarship Committee meets on March 23 to select the 2023 recipients of the LMH Health Volunteers Scholarship.

⚫ Mario’s Closet opens the evening of March 23 to be highlighted during a KU Med/Oncology event in the Arkansas Street Lobby.

Junior Volunteer Interviews start, assisted by a team of volunteer interviewers. 68 students are interviewed in total!

⚫ Shane volunteers with Junior Achievement, teaches two classes of 3rd graders at Quail Run Elementary School, March 27-31.

⚫ In late March, staff prepare for a point-of-sale transition in the Gift Shop.

Annual Report 2023-2024 LMH Health Volunteer Services Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet 2 3
Lew Nolan Linda Wilhite Shari Raybern Karin Rexroad Charles Decedue Diane Spicer Stephanie Stewart Becky Holm Robert Fieger

Summary of Year - 2023 Highlights and Accomplishments Summary of Year - 2023 Highlights and Accomplishments

April 2023

⚫ Shane puts together the training schedule for 67 incoming junior volunteers, who will start in June.

⚫ All incoming junior volunteers are in-process with their on-boarding materials. Tuberculosis testing starts, with support from the LMH Health Lab staff.

New point-ofsale system, Square, rolls out in the Gift Shop and Mario’s Closet.

Rock the Block Kick Cancer is held Saturday, April 15. The Gift Shop contributes an auction item to help raise funds at the event.

⚫ Volunteer Appreciation Week is April 17-21, with a Kick-Off Celebration and Annual Meeting held on Monday, April 17 at the LMH Health Auditorium and Atrium spaces.

⚫ Shane presents to two groups of students from USD497 to talk about future volunteer opportunities at LMH Health.

⚫ The Gift Shop gives $11,500 to the LMH Health Volunteers towards the Foundation pledge. This is the start of quarterly installments of the pledge for 2023.

⚫ Cindy and Lauren begin planning promotional events to increase sales as much as possible for the Gift Shop for the remainder of the year.

May 2023

⚫ Final tuberculosis testing groups for incoming junior volunteers are held on May 4 and May 18,

with readings done on the following Sundays. A huge thank you to the Lab staff for their support of this process!

⚫ Shari Raybern, chair of the Volunteer Scholarship Committee, presents Abby Keltner with the LMH Health Volunteers Scholarship at Eudora High School. Shari presents another Volunteer Scholarship to Christopher Oral, student at Lawrence High School. Charles Decedue from the Scholarship Committee presents Shivani Patel from Lawrence Free State High School with her scholarship. Both Abby and Shivani received scholarships from both the LMH Health Foundation and the LMH Health Volunteers in 2023.

LMH Health Foundation Scholarship presentation on May 4 awards three LMH volunteers with scholarships through the Foundation: Shivani Patel, Nash Dunker, and Abby Keltner.

⚫ Huge spring cleaning sale in front of the Gift Shop on May 8-12 brings in over $12,000 in net sales.

June 2023

⚫ LMH Health Volunteer Board meeting on June 8 is followed by a reception for scholarship recipients. Students meet the Board, as well as Rebecca Smith and Russ Johnson from LMH Health Administration.

The Gift Shop stays open until 7pm on June 30 for the first Happy Hours event and brings in $794 for those additional three hours. This event will allow more staff and visitors to shop later in the day. Happy Hours will happen the last business day of each month for the remainder of 2023.

Junior volunteers start! The first two weeks of June, the juniors complete volunteer “boot camp” and trainings. Starting mid-June, the juniors start in the departments.

⚫ West Pop Up event on June 16 at the LMH Health West Campus. The new point of sale system allows for the Gift Shop to have off-site events for the first time ever. The pop-up event results in $2400 in sales!

⚫ Preston Fine starts June 5 as a new Patient Transport staff member.

⚫ Jen Crowe is hired as the new Gift Shop Coordinator, to start in July.

⚫ Volunteer Services is approved on June 7 to bring back Valet as an expansion of Patient Transport Service. We begin the process of hiring staff. The Valet staff positions will be paid for through the Foundation through June 2025.

July 2023

⚫ New Gift Shop Coordinator, Jen Crowe, starts July 10 in her new role!

⚫ The Gift Shop gives the Volunteers the second installment of $11,500 for the Foundation pledge.

Sidewalk Sale was July 20-21, with $16,894 in sales those two days! Jennifer McCue, Barbara Lauter and Lauren at Sidewalk Sale 2023.

⚫ Another Happy Hours event on July 31 brings in $335 from 4pm-7pm.

⚫ The Gift Shop surpasses their sales goal for the month by over $6800!!

⚫ Junior volunteers finish up summer volunteering. Several will continue to volunteer into August and during the fall semester and school year.

August 2023

⚫ The second (and final) Scrub Sale of the year is August 10-11, with $5,058 raised towards the LMH Health Volunteers Scholarship Fund.

⚫ After many months of efforts, Cindy reports to the Finance Committee that there was roughly $58,000 in excess merchandise purchased at the Atlanta market in January by the former manager. By August, approximately $30,000 of this was returned, leaving about $28,600 in merchandise that was not eligible to return. The financial challenges from early in the year put pressure on the Gift Shop to still be able to meet all financial obligations by the end of the 2023 fiscal year.

Valet staff officially starts! Rick Sawyer (left) and Adam Krein are hired and trained, with the first day of Valet Service returning on August 17.

⚫ Lauren and Shane work to revamp the volunteer website (www.lmh.org/volunteer). Some of the updates include an all-ages volunteer application and simplified pages. Shane and Lauren also update orientation materials for new volunteers to include Best Practices and an updated orientation quiz.

⚫ End of Summer Clearance Sale and Happy Hours pushes the Gift Shop over their monthly sales goal once again!

⚫ New Patient Transport member Kris Jennings starts on August 28.

⚫ Shane Heiman presents to the USD497 School Board on August 28 to recognize the outstanding work of the junior volunteers from the summer.

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Summary of Year - 2023 Highlights and Accomplishments Summary of Year - 2023 Highlights and Accomplishments

September 2023

⚫ New Patient Transport staff member Jordan Miller begins on September 5.

⚫ Friday, September 8 is the Penny Jones Golf Tournament.

⚫ Saturday, September 16 is the Health Fair! Many volunteers join in this annual event to serve the community with free and low-cost screenings. The Gift Shop is open 8am-12pm during the Health Fair, bringing in $380 in sales that morning.

⚫ Friday, September 29 is another Happy Hours event. The evening staff at LMH express their gratitude to be able to shop later into the evenings.

⚫ Saturday, September 30 is the LMH Primary Care flu clinic. Thank you to those volunteers that assisted staff!

LMH Health Gift Shop is announced as the Best of Lawrence #1 Gift Shop at an event on August 30!! Best of Lawrence, Cindy and Linda Wilhite

⚫ At the end of September, the retail shops are short of their monthly sales goal by $2,624 but are still $4,493 over for the year!

October 2023

⚫ Our volunteer program stats in October are some of the highest they have been since 2019! We have more volunteers, more departments using volunteers, and more overall hours at this point than we’ve had since pre-COVID.

The Gift Shop participates in the LMH Health West Campus Mammography event on Saturday, October 14, making over $600 in four hours’ time.

⚫ Patrick McGrath is hired as the new afternoon Valet-Patient Transporter on October 18.

⚫ Lauren and Shane work through the month of October to collect flu shots for all volunteers. Two flu clinics are held on October 17 and 23 to offer free flu shots to volunteers. Flu season begins November 1 and goes through March 31.

⚫ The Gift Shop gives the Volunteers the third installment of $11,500 for the Foundation pledge.

⚫ The Gift Shop has “Late Night” on Thursday, October 26, opening at 10pm and closing at 1am, in partnership with the Koffee Korner’s Late Night event at the same time. Night staff were absolutely thrilled to have the chance to shop! The shop brought in over $500 in three hours’ time. Thanks to Shane for his willingness to be in the shop during the wee hours of the morning to make this possible!

⚫ Happy Hours event on October 30 was a huge success! From 4pm-7pm, the shop made almost $900.

November 2023

The shops begin to transition to holiday merchandise and pack up fall. Decoration Day is Sunday, November 5, where the real magic happens! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped prep, unbox, price, hang, and arrange holiday merchandise and decorations! All the trees and the entire Gift Shop were simply stunning!

⚫ Gift Shop Holiday Open House is November 9 and 10, open until 7pm both days. A great event to kick off the holiday season! The Gift Shop brings in $4,222 over these two days.

⚫ Volunteer Services and Valet were closed both on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Lew Nolan volunteered at the Information Desk

Wednesday, November 15, was the Volunteer Services Holiday Party at the Arterra Event Gallery. Around 80 volunteers and staff attend to enjoy good food, drinks and company.

on Thanksgiving. Diane Douglas with Patient Transport assisted on Friday afternoon. Both were busy—thank you for being here!

⚫ The Gift Shop has a busy month! Sales were $29,773 with a profit of $13,607 for the month. The Gift Shop will continue to report profit numbers moving into the year ahead to better show the amount the shop has available to contribute to the Foundation pledge and salary reimbursement each year.

⚫ November Happy Hours on November 30 brings in $570 in sales from 4pm-7pm.

December 2023

The Poinsettia Sale on December 1 is a huge success! We sold out of all plants within about 4 hours of opening. This sale raised $1,178 towards the LMH Health Volunteers scholarship fund. The Christmas Cactus were incredibly popular this year—we plan to double (if not triple) how many we order for the 2024 sale!

⚫ Lots of promotional events in the Gift Shop this month! Those include a LMH Health West Campus Pop Up event on December 6; Plinko Fridays in the Gift Shop; another Late Night event (10pm1am) with Koffee Korner on December 14; and a Holiday Clearance Sale December 20-22. Another big thanks to all the volunteers that helped at these events!

⚫ The Gift Shop made $16,128 in profit the month of December. This figure will be added to the monthly dashboard starting in January 2024 for better tracking.

⚫ The Gift Shop begins rearranging fixtures and merchandise to make space for Mario’s Closet moving into the back space of the Gift Shop early in 2024.

⚫ The Gift Shop writes “the big check” to reimburse the hospital for the manager and coordinator positions, a total of $61,611.39 for 2023.

January 2024

⚫ Poor weather conditions cause disruption, including canceling volunteers on January 9 due to dangerous conditions and slow sales in the Gift Shop this month.

⚫ Shane Heiman begins the Fellowship Leadership program at LMH, which runs through December 2024.

Mario’s Closet moves into its new space in the back of the Gift Shop to create a new “boutique” with various fashion and cancer support merchandise.

⚫ By the end of January, Valet parks over 900 vehicles since starting in August!

⚫ By end of the 2023 fiscal year, the Gift Shop succeeded in turning around the financial situation for the retail shops. By the end of their fiscal year, on top of reimbursing almost $62,000 in salaries, the Gift Shop is able to give $34,500 for the Foundation pledge, three-quarters of what we had set-out to give at the start of 2023. This is the most given for the pledge since before COVID!

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Summary of Gift Shop Promotional Events in 2023

Marguerite Lockwood Volunteer of the Year Award

Marguerite Lockwood was one of the founding members of the LMH Auxiliary. She was a long-time volunteer up until her death in 2002. Marguerite was known for her dedication to Same Day Surgery where she was assigned. She was professional and a member of the department. Selection for this award is based on ongoing commitment to volunteering at LMH, maintaining high standards as a volunteer and dedication to their service area.


Chris started volunteering in 2006 after her good friend Helen Cobb recommended it to her. Chris was a letter carrier and a nurse’s aid at Watkins Hospital, where she worked with Helen. Chris started volunteering at LMH South in the Endoscopy Center. She also helped as a Patient Ambassador until 2017, visiting with patients in the hospital. When the endoscopy clinic moved to the main campus, Chris moved with it! Over that period of time, Chris has given somewhere in the neighborhood of 4500 hours! She has been nominated multiple times for Volunteer of the Quarter and received the Volunteer of the Quarter recognition in 2019 for her service to the Endoscopy Center.


Marolyn started volunteering in 1996 when she saw an article in the newspaper about the volunteer program. For many years, Marolyn served as a “TLC” volunteer, providing gentle hand massages and facials to inpatients to help them feel pampered. Since 2021, Marolyn has served as a Wayfinder at West Campus, greeting and directing patients. Marolyn has also been engaged in many facets of the volunteer program, including assisting at Health Fairs, participating in the Tapping our Leadership program in 2010, and serving on the Special Project Committee (including as chair) for many years. Marolyn received Volunteer of the Quarter in 2013 for her work with patients as the TLC volunteer.

Past Award Winners

2003 Dorothy Green

2004 Bea Carlson and Reathyl Brummett

2005 Barbara Huyser and Levi Daniels

2006 Gaye Groene and Martha Jane Kukuk

2007 Jackie Shmalberg

2008 Mary Lou Holcomb

2009 Beverly Van Dyke and Wallace May

2010 Madge Compton

2011 Geneva Pohl

2012 Lorna Allen

2013 Marge Haney and Shirley Anderson

2014 Helen Cobb and Lew Nolan

2015 Julie Hack and Dorothy Miller

2016 Marian Wilbur and Alan Fisher

2017 Paula Carlson

2018 Charlyne Michnick

2019 Dianna Nelson

2020 Bob Williams

2022 Jan Pollard and Michael Miller

2023 Ellen Neis and Proctor Crow

Annual Report 2023-2024 LMH Health Volunteer Services Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet 8 9
Dates Promotional Event Net Sales May 8-12 Spring Cleaning Sale $12,000 June 16 West Pop Up Event $2,400 June 30 Happy Hours open late 4pm-7pm $794 July 20-21 Sidewalk Sale $16,894 July 31 Happy Hours open late 4pm-7pm $335 Aug 16-18 End of Summer Clearance Sale $3,686 Aug 25 Happy Hours open late 4pm-7pm $248 Sept 16 Health Fair, Gift Shop open 8am-12pm $380 Sept 29 Happy Hours open late 4pm-7pm $392 Oct 14 West Mammo Event Pop Up 8am-12pm $600 Oct 26 Late Night, open 10pm-1am with Koffee Korner $500 Oct 30 Happy Hours, open late 4pm-7pm $900 Nov 9-10 Holiday Open House $4,220 Nov 30 Happy Hours, open late 4pm-7pm $570 Dec 6 West Pop Up Event $2,328 Dec 14 Late Night, open 10pm-1am with Koffee Korner $2,891 Dec 20-22 Holiday Clearance Event $13,761 Total Sales from Promotional Events $62,899
Robin Gaschler, Cindy, and Karen Beightel, West Pop Up

The Ryan Kanost Student Volunteers of the Year

This award is to recognize students who have demonstrated exemplary service to the hospital during their time as a volunteer. It is named after a former LMH student volunteer, Ryan Kanost, who passed away in September 2006. The award honors Ryan’s spirit of volunteerism: his positive attitude, willingness to help, and appetite to learn.


Congratulations to Ember Alvarez for being our Junior Volunteer of the Year! As we brought Junior Volunteers back to the organization in the spring of 2023, Ember was a part of that returning group of students. They came to orientation eager and ready. From when they started in June of 2023 to now, they have given right at 100 hours! This is quite impressive considering Ember is a Junior at Lawrence Free State High School, taking AP classes this year. Ember also stays busy on the Free State High School swim team as well as with karate during the off season. Not only is Ember an amazing volunteer, but they are also an accomplished print-maker!


Chloe Bauer is our Student Volunteer of the Year! Chloe started as a volunteer in August of 2022. After she completed her initial 12 hours of training, she has dedicated every semester to the Oncology department. To date, Chloe has volunteered a little over 220 hours! Sandy Herd states, “I love working with Chloe and she so deserves this award! She is thoughtful, reliable, and very dedicated.” Chloe is a pre-med student at the University of Kansas involved in many extracurricular activities and philanthropies which include being a member of Chi Omega sorority, recruitment coordinator for the on-campus organization Natural Ties, and also is a companion caregiver for a woman in a Lawrence nursing home. Chloe plans to graduate from KU this May!

Past Award Winners

2008 Todd Crawford

2009 Justin Groenwold

2010 Bryce Ridgeway

2011 Jackie McCullough and KyAnne Hall

2012 Amar Bhakta

2013 Dakota Bunch

2014 Sam Ho

2015 Nadia Hamid

2016 Eric Wang

2017 Alex Adkins

2018 Meeli Patel

2019 Jacob Steinle



Talia Rowland and Auria Jackson

Nirali Patel, Emma Yackley, Lucy Zuo, Ashtyn Stutzman, Chloe Thornton

2023 Jared Bramble

The Allyson V. Leland Staff Mentor of the Year Award:

Starting in October 2018, we asked volunteers to nominate and recognize staff who make a difference at LMH Health and create a positive experience for volunteers. In March 2022, the Volunteer Board unanimously approved to name this award after Allyson Leland, in honor of her 32 years of dedication and leadership as the Director of Volunteer Services at LMH Health. This award honors staff mentors across the organization that work tirelessly to support, welcome, and engage volunteers in their service to LMH Health.

Katie Underwood, Lead Radiology Technologist, OrthoKansas

Nominated by: Karin Rexoad and Becca Jones

Katie has worked at LMH Health for 11 years and at OrthoKansas for 7 years. She has been the lead radiology technician for 2 years. Katie has lived in Tonganoxie her whole life. She stays busy raising her two active kids with her husband of 22 years. Katie is being recognized for her constant support and encouragement of the volunteers that give their time in the imaging department within OrthoKansas. Katie has created an environment for volunteers that all the staff follow – welcoming and embracing volunteers as valued members of the Imaging team. Volunteers receive training and direction and are treated with respect, receive a thank you – not just each day when volunteers leave but frequently throughout each volunteer shift. In large part due to Katie’s efforts creating a welcoming and warm work environment, all volunteers look forward to volunteering in Imaging!

Past Award Winners:

2019 Vic White, LMH Therapy Services/Fit Assist

2020 Debbie Ridgway, Family Birthing Center

2022 George Rennels, Surgery Department

2023 Sheryle D’Amico, Adminitration

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LMH Health Volunteer Fundraising and Scholarships

Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet | LMH Health Volunteers combined

Detail of income and expenses will be provided upon request

The fiscal year runs from February 1 to January 31 each year.

The Total Profit from the LMH Health Gift Shop and Mario’s Closet is used to reimburse the salaries of the Gift Shop Manager and Coordinator positions, as well as fund the primary gift given to the hospital each year. Your support of the retail shops at LMH Health directly supports new technology, patient access and care, and expansion projects.

Financial gifts to the hospital Financials

2023 The Gift Shop was able to give $34,500 towards the Foundation pledge in 2023. This was made in quarterly installments to help break up the donation over the course of the year. Those installments were paid in April, September, and November to the LMH Health Volunteers, who then paid the Foundation. The overall timeline to pay this pledge back will likely surpass the original five-year goal. The Foundation has assured the LMH Health Volunteers Board that extending the payment timeline is acceptable and does not pose any issue for them or for us.

2022 The LMH Health Board planned to pay an installment of $46,000 towards the latest pledge to the Foundation. Due to unexpected financial challenges in early 2023, the LMH Health Volunteers were not able to make this payment. The 2022 pledge will be moved to 2027. Starting in 2023, the Board will continue the installments towards the pledge, paying quarterly towards each year’s installment of $46,000.

2021 The LMH Health Volunteer Board made a pledge of $250,000 over the next five years for the Improved Patient Outcomes initiative for Technology. No pledge money is given this year because of financial challenges due to the COVID pandemic.

The LMH Health Volunteers raise money throughout the year to support local students pursuing a career in healthcare. The proceeds from the fundraisers directly benefit these local students. The LMH Health Volunteers held two Scrub Sales and one Poinsettia Sale in 2023 while supporting 12 students in their studies.

LMH Health Volunteer

Scholarship awardees- 2023 - 2024 Academic Year

The LMH Health Volunteers award three new high school students a $1,000 scholarship, renewable for a total of 4 years for students who are anticipating healthcare majors and who maintain a B average GPA. The following students have received scholarship contributions this past school year:

Avery Carroll, Nursing major, University of Kansas Medical Center

Ling Clobes, Pre-nursing, Wichita State University

Evan Darrow, Chemical Engineering/pre-med, University of Kansas

Cassidy Dunn, Nursing, University of Kansas

Elijah Eklund, Exercise Science, pre-physical therapy, University of Kansas

Brandy Hadl, Child Developmental psychology, University of Kansas

Abby Keltner, Nursing, Washburn University

Maira Munoz Garcia, Nursing, University of Kansas

Ayla Nguyen, BA/MD program, University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine

Christopher Oral, Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, University of Kansas

Shivani Patel, Exercise Science/pre-med, University of Kansas

Grace Schieferecke, Medical Microbiology, Kansas State University

Annual Report 2023-2024 LMH Health Volunteer Services Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet 12 13
Retail Shops Financials Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2021 Retail Sales $320,240.00 $328,868.26 $281,458.00 Total Profit $149,452.00 $151,653.69 $120,812 Gift to Hospital $34,500 $0.00 $20,000 Salary Reimbursement $61,611.39 $60,709.46 $67,000
Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2021 Poinsettia Sale $1,178.75 $1,097.50 $0.00 Scrub Sale $10,416.79 $11,424.18 $9,591.58 Expenses Scholarships $12,000 $9,000 $10,000
Fundraising Income

Volunteer Services Department Stats

A typical volunteer at LMH Health gives 2-4 hours once per week. Many of our volunteers are college and high school volunteers, balancing academic and work commitments on top of their volunteer position. Our adult volunteers also give their time to other community agencies, support their families, go to school, and hold down jobs. Every hour a volunteer gives is a gift to the hospital and to our community. Each year follows the fiscal year for consistency, from February 1 to January 31.

Service Anniversary Pins

John Hoopes

Chloe Inthalangsy

Carter Jones

Rohan Joseph

Raabia Khan

Mina Khosh

Graciela Lambardia

Fiona Maddy

Madi Mandachi

Monica Marni

Maleah Marquez

Maddie Mayberry

Rachel Mazotti

Jacquelyn McDonald

Nick-E Mershon

Syndey Mingucci

Ben Minh

# of Full Time Staff Equivalents (FTEs)

*Based on the Kansas Independent Sector Metrics https://independentsector.org

Service Anniversary Pins

Celebrating 1 year of service in 2024 (started in 2023 and gave at least 40 hours of service)

Nicole Ahad

Amber Alvarez

Megan Anderson

Anya Asjad

Madison Bases

Vidhi Bhakta

Mridula Boopeshkumar

Julia Bourquin

Delaney Bouska

Austin Bowie

Matthew Bridges

Lukas Caldwell

Nina Chieu

Emily Colby

Nicholas Cosnowski

Lisa Costlow

Abigail Cothern

Dakota Cruz

Mariah Daniels


Hannah Duncan

Natalie Duncan

Nash Dunker

Rachel Edmiston

Katelyn Eschbacher

Ryan Farley

Alex Fauth

Brandon Felmlee

Madeline Franci

Robin Gaschler

Colleen Geller

Andrea Gunara

Grace Haugh

Carson Mix

Seraphine Mukangamije

Jane Nguyen

Sandy Niu

Kate Ohnoutka

Albert Park

Alexandria Pascua

Megh Patel

Prisha Patel

Vandy Ray

Maggie Ridgway

Hannah Rolf

Kai Roller

Joann Schaffer

Udita Shah

Madison Shaw

Ariana Siddique

Avery Simons

Lainie Simpson

Keziah Slinkard

Addison Sloan

Johanna Smith

Blake Spencer

Celebrating 5 years of service: (started 2019)

Mary Chapman

Barb Goff

Sandy Herd

Celebrating 10 years of service: (started 2014)

Ed Corporal

Charlene Droste

Jan Poulsen

Cliff Tisdale

Celebrating 20 years of service: (started 2004)

Dianna Nelson

Celebrating 30 years of service: (started 1994)

Shirley Anderson

Charlie Stansfield

Diana Swafford

Valeria Taborda

Gabrielle Taylor

Remington Tee

Alexandra Terry

Kelsey Theilen

Kris Thompson

Caroline Trowbridge

Nathalia Vicente

Ella Voth

Tucker Wagner

Kaitlyn Warren

Leigh West

Elizabeth Whiteman

Lauren Wilson

Eleanor Wyndrum

Marlena Zuo

Shivani Patel

Mary Ann Rasnak

John Stratton

Susan Tabor

Junior Volunteers

Annual Report 2023-2024 LMH Health Volunteer Services Gift Shop | Mario’s Closet 14 15
VOLUNTEERS 2023 2022 2021 New Volunteers Started 134 83 71 Total Volunteers 309 246 457 Total Volunteer Hours 22,669 16,336 11,726 Departments using Volunteers 27 23 49 Total Value based on year’s value of a volunteer hour* $609,116 ($26.87/hr) $438,948 ($26.87/hr) $298,778 ($25.48/hr)
11.33 8.17 5.85
325 Maine Street | Lawrence, KS 66044 | 785-505-3313 | www.lmh.org

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