Architecture port

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PROJECT INFO Steming from an interest in construciton and conversely demolition I studied the principles of deconstruction. This theory led project was initiated from the counter intuitive notion that there is a certain atrractiveness to destruction, and that it would always accumulate an audience. Working on the basis that Big Ben was collapsing, but yet would never probably be allowed to naturally fall, I made various model/drawing/video experiements based around the idea of an organisation formed to tackle the event of such a collapse. Using various programs both digitally and analogue as well as traditional scripting I plotted out with as much attention to plausibility the whole event, attaining professional assistance along the way.

Point of collapse for Big Ben.

Proposed installation for long term tilting device beneath Big Ben.

Illustrative model showing angle of collapse for Big Ben.

Illustrations exploring deconstructive architecture and kinetic structures


PROJECT INFO The Garden of Confessions was an industry led project in collaboration with the developer Land Securities. In the seemingly hostile location a proposal was made for a thing of beauty, a greenhouse that would grow with the seeds planted from anonomous confessions. Here the need for a silent interaction was satisfied by the anonymous action of submitting a confession (we proposed through twitter) removing any liability in the corperate financial sector. Whilst the garden itself was located on an existing water feature so minimal additions needed to be made (irrigation was already built in). For more information visit lawrencerichards/docs/garden_of_confessions


PROJECT INFO As well as the projects listed I’ve developed other architectural practices from recent projects and self initiated ideas. My main focuses are illustration, 3d rendering and model making. I enjoy working from the ground up with an idea, and taking it from an early sketch to a complete drawing/model.

PROJECT INFO As part of a speculative architecture brief I set myself, This idea was an investigation into whether it would be possible to drink yourself out of a drowning situation. Here I calculated the amount of water volumn between the users mouth and the surface of the water and researched similar situations and our capacity for drinking underwater. I worked out in certain scenarios this would be entirely feasible.

Future foundations: tilter device.

Future foundations: dropper device.

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