3 minute read
Dialogue: A round-up of recent Society meetings & conferences By Rosemary Pridmore
A roundup of recent Society meetings & conferences
18 JANUARY 2021
Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner
The Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner (LPCC), Greg May introduced Ms Deslie Billich of his Office to the President, Bec Sandford and Chief Executive, Stephen Hodder. Ms Billich is the person at the LPCC who is available to speak confidentiality, and anonymously if wished, to those who wish to raise issues of sexual harassment, discrimination and workplace bullying in the legal profession prior to, or instead of, making a formal complaint. Various aspects of this new service and the LPCC’s management of complaints of the above nature, were discussed.
The Attorney-General (SA)
Matters discussed at a meeting Bec Sandford and Stephen Hodder held with the Attorney-General, the Honourable Vickie Chapman MP included the Society’s continued concern at the decline in the quantum of funds held by the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund; and the Society’s position that South Australia not seek to join the Legal Profession Uniform Law at present and its continuing work in relation to it.
10 FEBRUARY 2021
Australian Medical Association (SA)
Bec Sandford and Stephen Hodder met with the President, Dr Chris Moy and CEO, Dr Samantha Mead of the AMA(SA) and discussed various matters of mutual interest including aspects of the Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2021, which was at that time before the Lower House. 11 FEBRUARY 2021
Courts Administration Authority – Respectful Behaviours Working Group
The President and the Director of Ethics and Practice represented the Society at a meeting of the CAA’s Respectful Behaviours Working Group which aims to share and drive work to address bullying, discrimination and harassment in the legal profession. The then Acting Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Ms Emily Strickland attended the meeting. The Group received reports from various entities including the Law Schools and SA Bar Association, and from the Chief Justice including as to the amendment of the Legal Practitioners Education and Admission Rules to add a unit in bullying, discrimination and harassment to Mandatory Continuing Professional Development requirements. Issues discussed included how to effect a victim centred approach; and methods to manage the risk of sexual harassment in the workplace. The Society has taken on the task of creating a document showing the avenues and support available to victims of sexual harassment.
24 FEBRUARY 2021
Legal Services Commission Board
The President attended a meeting of the Board of the Legal Services Commission, at the Board’s invitation. Matters discussed included the LSC’s concern at the decrease in its funding from interest on trust account deposits, for which it is seeking an additional budget allocation; and a request from the Society, at the instigation of the Criminal Law Committee, that the LSC increase legal aid payments for appeal submissions and for work relating to extended supervision orders.
12, 13 MARCH 2021
Meetings of Law Society Presidents, Chief Executives of Constituent Bodies of the Law Council of Australia (LCA); Chief Executives of Law Societies; the Conference of Law Societies; and Directors of the LCA
Bec Sandford (as President and also as Society appointed Director of the LCA) and Stephen Hodder variously participated in the above quarterly meetings. Key topics of discussion included developments and initiatives to address sexual harassment in the profession, including bystander training; the issues posed by the Lawyer X Royal Commission, as to mandatory reporting; and the LCA’s “Lawyer Project”, being a research project aimed at documenting the value that the profession brings to society.
25 MARCH 2021
South Australian Council of Social Service
President Sandford and the Society’s Policy Coordinator, Nathan Ramos met with Ross Womersley, CEO and Catherine Earl, Policy Director of SACOSS to discuss and share information about the work being done by the Society and SACOSS on various matters including advocacy for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 14 years. B April 2021 THE BULLETIN 19