3 minute read
Young Lawyers: BBQ & Bowls tournament wrap-up By Lauren Willgoose
Justice contains a good summary of the cases relevant to the standard of care expected of a solicitor and if you haven’t read it, I strongly recommend that you do.
This case is a prime example of the importance of making good, clear, unambiguous file notes and, where necessary, confirming them in writing. Had this file note stated unambiguously just who was doing what, and in relation to which licence, and/or the limitation on the retainer was confirmed in an email or letter to the client, the case against the solicitors probably would never have even got off the ground, saving the solicitors involved years of anxiety and wasted time and the PII Scheme substantial costs, most of which turned out to be unrecoverable.
An additional resource that is now available to practitioners insured with the SA PII Scheme is the Sale and Purchase of Businesses document package [https:// www.lawsocietysa.asn.au/Public/ Publications/Commercial_Law_Package/ Commercial_Law_Title.aspx]. The proper use of this document package or similar procedures—in particular BSP-P3A, the Initial Letter to Purchaser Client re Legal Due Diligence, BSP-P1A, the Letter to Purchaser Client re Scope–Minimal Instructions, and the follow-up letter, being BSP-P1B, the Letter to Purchaser Client re Scope–Instructed to Proceed— would likely have ensured that issues as to whose responsibility it was to sort out the Builder’s Licence would not have arisen.
Camilla Parker Bowlers strike again


After the year that was 2020, on 18 February 2021 the Young Lawyers were excited to hold their first event of the season, being the annual BBQ & Bowls tournament.
Eager competitors congregated at the Adelaide Bowling Club for an evening of sunshine, fun and lawn bowls. With a record registration of participants, 11 teams were in the mix to take away the crown of 2021.
In contrast to last year’s wet weather wipe out, this year’s teams faced the hallmarks of a typical Australian summer - with the mercury topping 37 degrees on arrival and not a hint of a breeze in sight.
Before hitting the turf, our teams were fuelled by a champion BBQ spread and several coldies to cool things down before they were to get heated all over again.
Around 7pm, with the sunshine still beaming, our teams made their way to the grass to get things bowling… With a backdrop of chatter and arguably the world’s greatest playlist, our teams were ready for battle.
With The Bowled & The Beautiful taking one for the teams and stepping out of the competition, each of the remaining 10 teams were partnered off for the first round of business.
As the show went on, each winning team continued the battle for the revered top spot, with each luckless (i.e., losing) team playing it off for the wooden spoon.
With several hours of bowls under the belt, at 9pm our two top teams went in to battle for the title. Who would win - the historically victorious Camilla Parker Bowlers or the virgin underdogs Habeus Bowlus?
Despite being a nail biter with only a centimetre or two in it, Camilla Parker Bowlers took out the top spot, much to the disappointment of most.
But for the upsetting loss of this year’s underdogs, the event was a perfect start to the Young Lawyers’ social calendar.
Thank you as always to our sponsor Burgess Paluch Legal Recruitment for their continued support of the Young Lawyers.