Hirsutism Market: Advanced Technologies & Growth Opportunities in Global Industry By 2024 Date: 03-24-2017 08:19 PM CET Category: Health & Medicine Press release from: Transparency Market Research
Global Hirsutism Market: Overview Hirsutism is a condition noticed in females wherein there is an abnormal presence of androgenic hair/terminal hair throughout the body. This condition generally involves presence of predominant facial hair, along with terminal hair in hands and feet. On the other hand excessive hair in pubic and scalp region without any other noticeable terminal hair is not categorized as hirsutism, but as localized hypertrichosis. Both conditions are often confused with one another; hirsutism can therefore be distinguished as hypertrichosis exclusive to females and female children. Browse Global Strategic Business Report: www.transparencymarketresearch.com/hirsutism-market.html Hypertrichosis in men is also known as Ambras syndrome or werewolf syndrome in extreme cases. Hypertrichosis has many causative factors; some are genetic whereas others may be acquired i.e. by some medication or external factors. Genetic factors show extreme cases and complete body hair presence; on the other hand external factors may present localized terminal hair. Hirsutism is often a major concern among women as social norms perceive women with excessive body hair as unacceptable to the society, or unfavorable in the gene pool. The root cause for hirsutism hasn’t been universally defined, a cluster of reasons are given for the persistence of facial and body hair, one of them being the increased sensitivity of hair follicle towards androgens present in the body. Typically, both human males and females have androgens in the body, the count in females being significantly lower than men are, in some hirsutism cases even existing low levels of androgens may trigger hypertrichosis in women. Higher insulin levels and obesity are also observed to be a factor contributing to hirsutism, in such cases, lowering insulin levels has been shown to gradually reduce the effects of hirsutism. In majority of the cases however, polycystic ovaries have been found to be the major factor in causing hirsutism, it has been defined as a contributing factor for the recent increase in hirsutism cases.
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