Roadblocks in drug development could turn into opportunity for computational biology market, says tm

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Roadblocks In Drug Development Could Turn into Opportunity for Computational Biology Market, Says TMR

The global computational biology market is oligopolistic, led by major players who represented almost 80% of the market in 2011. Key players operating in the market include Simulation plus, Schrödinger, Certara, Compugen, Accelrys, and Entelos. Leading players are acquiring or merging with other companies to enhance their business and grow in the market, states a new report by Transparency Market Research (TMR). Case in point. Schrödinger acquired Synaptic Science and adopted the “Seurat” platform. This has helped Schrödinger to enhance its share in the market. Accelrys merged with Symyx technologies, allowing it to improve the company’s scientific data management, decision support, and analytics. Although the global computational biology market is in its nascent stage, there exists high rivalry among existing players. The threat of new entrants is expected to be low as there is a need for capital-intensive infrastructure. Moreover, the lack of validation compels buyers to opt for branded software products, rather than the ones offered by new players. Browse Global Strategic Business Report: Significant Funding By Governments Aids Advances in Computational Biology Government initiatives across Europe, Asia Pacific, and America for the development of genomics and proteomics are expected to drive the global computational biology market. Investments by major IT players such as Infosys and TCS are expected to boost the growth of the computational biology market. Significant funding by governments is accelerating the growth of the market. For instance, considerable funding has been done by Max-Planck Institute in collaboration with Federal Government of Germany. Similarly, The European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s European Institute (EMBL-EBI) with support by the U.K. government has funded a huge amount for research infrastructure. There has been extensive research for the storage, retrieval, and integration of the data generated through virtual screening and sequencing. Innovations in the aforementioned areas will enable research on larger sets in much lesser time, and boost the computational biology market’s growth.

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