Spinal Muscular Atrophy Market: Popular Trends & Technological advancements to Watch Out for Near Future; Global Industry Analysis 2023 Date: 03-22-2017 09:39 PM CET Category: Health & Medicine Press release from: Transparency Market Research - Pharmaceutical
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Market: Pipeline Analysis Snapshot The number of people affected with spinal muscular atrophy is increasing globally. As stated in a publication by CureSMA, at least one in fifty people carry the defective spinal muscular atrophy gene. It should be noted that the research does not include the entire global population and therefore the total number and proportion of SMA gene carriers can be much higher than estimated. This is a key reason for the growth of research and development efforts put into understanding spinal muscular atrophy and discovering feasible treatments for it. The market is, however, currently restrained by the overall lack of research in terms of the types of spinal muscular atrophy that exist. Research organizations and government bodies are constantly working to measure the growth of spinal muscular atrophy in concerned regions. However, they do not include the various types of spinal muscular atrophy in their research, thus creating a large gap in the mapping of SMA. Browse Global Strategic Business Report: www.transparencymarketresearch.com/spinal-muscular-atroph... There is currently no treatment available for spinal muscular atrophy. Most options available only target the symptoms and not the clinical problem. At the same time, the pipeline for spinal muscular atrophy is fairly dry except for the presence of a few advanced drugs. North America Scores Highest on SMA Treatment Market Attractiveness Taking several factors including regulation policies, drug pricing, competitive intensity, and population, it can be said that
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