IA Connection July/August 2015

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Independent Assemblies

July/August 2015

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calendar July

National Minister’s Conference July 20-22, 2015 Embassy Suites Norman, OK Register online at www.independentassemblies.org See more on page 6



Interstate Fellowship Meeting August 10, 2015 Grove Christian Center Grove, OK Rev. David Knox North Texas Fellowship Meeting August 14, 2015 Grace Fellowship Church Eustace, TX Rev. Josh and Sara Adair

September Current Members

Interstate Fellowship Meeting September 14, 2015 Capitol Hill Full Gospel Church Moore, OK Rev. Jim Robertson

Membership Payment facebook.com/IAFellowship 2 • connection


Moving? If you are planning on moving or just recently moved, please contact the offices of the Independent Assemblies so we can update your contact information. Also, keep us up to date with your current email and phone number. We want to make sure you receive your copy of the Connection Magazine and all other Independent Assemblies updates.


f 2 Calendar

Independent Assemblies PO Box 1546 Ada, OK 74821 (580) 310-0222

4 Gary Keesee 6 National Minister’s Conference 8 Healed from Homosexuality

10 Culture 11 Board Members

Independent Assemblies PO Box 1546 Ada, OK 74821 (580) 310-0222 www.independentassemblies.org Produced by Layers Media, Inc. www.layersmedia.com connection • 3



by: Mindy Wood

At the July conference, IA ministers will hear Gary Keesee, a popular speaker, television show host, pastor and successful entrepreneur. He and his wife Drenda share kingdom principles for successful living in faith, family, and finances. They own Forward Financial Group, a financial planning company in New Albany, Ohio. Gary Keesee has been in the financial field for 33 years, owned and ran a nationwide financial planning company with over 300 employees and held securities and insurances in almost every state. They pay cash for everything, from their vehicles to their homes; but the Keesees didn’t 4 • connection

start out so successful. After they met at Oral Roberts University and married, their lives were full of hope and promise. Nine years into their marriage, the Keesees found themselves in debt, on anti-depressants and afraid of the future. They had ten maxed out credit cards, three finance company loans, and found themselves in debt to relatives, with liens and judgments and nowhere to turn. All that changed when Gary says he discovered the principles that govern God’s kingdom in the natural realm. He looked at the gospel with fresh eyes, watching the way Jesus demonstrated the kingdom of God and began to

apply it to their lives. “I discovered something so dramatic that in two and a half years I was completely out of debt,” said Keesee. The Keesees made a commitment to God that they would share their story and restructure their financial business to help families live financially free. In 1994 they responded to God’s call to pastor a church and began meeting in a basement for a Bible study. Today Faith Life Church is a large fellowship of believers committed to seeing each other reach their fullest God-given potential and divine purpose. The Keesees oversee several businesses, all of which help families find financial freedom. Because they wanted to reach people beyond their own church, they launched Faith Life Now, offering worldwide conferences, weekly television programming, books, and personalized help for people struggling to get through life. Gary is the author of “Fixing the Money Thing” (Sound Wisdom, 2011), “Money Mysteries from the Master” (Destiny Image, 2011) and “Faith Hunt” (Free Indeed Publishing, 2003). Drenda’s ministry to women is evidenced in her book, “She Gets It! Eleven Lies that Hold Women Hostage” (Amazon Digital Services, 2011). She is the host of the Drenda Show, which airs on ABC Family, GEB America, and the NRB Network. They both co-host Fixing the Money Thing. Connection Magazine asked Keesee to give readers a glimpse into what he will share with IA pastors at the conference. He will share his story and the principles he applied to reach financial freedom. While he and Drenda praise the foundations laid in the faith movement, the Keesees believe they are building upon that to further reveal insight into the way the kingdom of God functions. “We come from a background where we’ve heard preachers say, ‘give and God will’ but how will He? No one’s ever put the pieces together. I understand faith says He would do that, but why did He say it and what is faith? The whole

process how heaven gains legal jurisdiction in the earth realm or why it’s necessary and the process is something I didn’t quite grab. Jesus demonstrated the kingdom when He fed the 5,000 and He would say, ‘the kingdom of God is like this,’ and compare natural process to the kingdom of God,” he said. The Keesee’s teaching often changes old mindsets about money, the problems and symptoms of debt and financial restriction. He challenges the view of stewardship in light of the parable of the talents. “Debt is a symptom of the problem, not the problem. The traditional view of getting out of debt is [financial] restraint. Essentially the Christian culture terms this as being a good steward of what you have, which is true, but their mindset is to constrain. You have to use wisdom, but the problem is the church hasn’t learned to harvest, to tap into what the kingdom has in it, how to operate in the earth realm with the kingdom, the government of God.” Keesee presents the kingdom of God almost the way one might interpret law. “Isaiah says, ‘for unto us a child is given’ but at the end of that scripture it says Jesus is the head of that government, this government will expand and is built on righteousness and justice. So righteousness is what God says is right and justice literally means the administration of the law. As a citizen of the kingdom, I have a legal right for a process of justice which ensures that I enjoy God’s law of what He says is right. Most believers don’t understand that process and how to legally tap into all that God has for the kingdom which he’s already given us as citizens of that kingdom.” Despite his success, Keesee hasn’t forgotten what it was like to be without as he empathizes with struggling believers. “Typically families are not choosing to destroy their lives through credit cards, it happens through living. Pastors are sometimes some of the worst financially stressed families. The church’s prosperity is built upon the families. The principles we teach to pastors, the pastors can teach their people,” said Keesee. For more information about their ministries visit garykeesee.com • connection • 5




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JULY 20-22, 2015





► Keys to Effective Ministry

ROBERT JOHNSON ► What I Wish I had Learned in Bible School

JOSH BARTOMOLUCCI ► Your Ministry and the Internet

KEYNOTE SPEAKER GARY KEESEE As an author, speaker, daily television host, and successful entrepreneur for more than 33 years, Gary Keesee has helped thousands of families and businesses realize their God-given potential. As a graduate of Oral Roberts University, president and founder of Forward Financial Group, founder of Faith Life Now, and founding pastor of Faith Life Church, Gary has committed his life to helping people realize they can (and should) DREAM BIG! His message will motivate, educate, and inspire you to pursue success, walk out your purpose, and leave a legacy for your family.

www.independentassemblies.org Youth Leaders Fellowship - Monday, July 20 (after evening service) Biennial Business Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 22 at 9:00 am connection • 7

Healed from Homosexuality JANET BOYNES by: Mindy Wood


Homosexuality isn’t a fringe movement pastors can ignore anymore. As the political machine demands and forces acceptance, those with same sex attraction turn to the church and are either shunned or told their sin is natural. Janet Boynes ministers to churches about this issue and speaks to the media about same sex marriage and the born-gay theory. With love and truth, Boynes shares how Christ restored her sexuality after 14 years as a lesbian. She has been living straight for 17 years and her book, “Called Out” (Creation House, 2008) tells her story. Boynes life was filled with trauma. She suffered physical abuse at home, was sexually molested by a distant relative and a few months later was raped by an altar boy at church. Her first same sex encounter would come after she had been saved and was engaged to a man during college. Boynes had noticed she was increasingly attracted to women; but it wasn’t until she started spending time with a coworker, a pastor’s daughter, when she gave into temptation. After that encounter, she lived as a lesbian until a woman from an Assembly of God church reached out to her in a grocery store parking lot. She started attending a women’s Bible study there and eventually lived with a church family for a year; during this time she began to heal and her sexuality was eventually restored. Today she runs a ministry to homosexuals, regularly addresses pastors, and speaks to media outlets about the born-gay theory. Although she is a guest often welcomed by conservative news outlets, she appeared on C-SPAN during a discussion on same sex marriage in May.

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Boynes boldly told C-SPAN viewers, “I can’t change from black to white, but I did live a homosexual life for 14 years and I’ve been out 17 years. We know change is possible through the power of Jesus Christ.” Born-gay studies continue to be questioned, and often proven, as flawed or at best inconclusive. Still, 41 percent of Americans believe people can be born homosexual according a Pew Research survey in 2013. Boynes said the scripture exposes

this as a fallacy. “The Apostle Paul, in essence, stated that homosexuality is a choice when he used the two words “abandoned” and “exchanged” the natural sexual relationship between a man and a woman for homosexual relations.” In her experience, the gay life is a broken response to a broken heart. “When I was in the life, a lot of us didn’t truly believe we were gay. We knew that we had ended up where we were because of life experiences in our past; experiences that truly marked us and were never resolved. There are many that engage in pornography which opened the door to homosexuality. Watching men or women having sex with multiple partners can set one on the path of a life they never intended to live. Many will not admit that indulging in pornography caused this.” Boynes encourages pastors to stand their ground but reach out to the gay community in their churches, offering “compassion without compromise.” She said pastors must respond out of love and not fear. “If a pastor is bashing, criticizing, and running those who struggle with homosexuality out of their churches, he or she is clearly not acting out of love. The same way if a pastor who says that it is acceptable to God to live a life of homosexuality, is also not acting out of love; he is acting out of fear. I always urge pastors to be bold and address homosexuality before their congregation in a compassionate way without compromising God’s Word,” said Boynes. It is important to understand the dilemma. “Becoming knowledgeable on this topic is crucial if your heart is truly set on seeing those in this lifestyle become whole and walk in holiness,” said Boynes. “Pastors have to do their own research so when the time comes to bring in counsel to help the church, that person is aligned with their belief. It helps to bring in someone who has overcome and has a message of hope, and redemption. It’s important that if someone wants help, there are people on staff who are equipped and willing to walk this journey out with them,” she said. Pressure to accept homosexuality has never been greater. LGTQ groups are in schools and teachers are finding ways to include homosexuality in curriculum so they don’t require parental permission. According to probe.org, kids

are experimenting to see if they are homosexual. Evangelical pastors have pledged their acceptance of homosexuality, including Stan Mitchell of Grace Pointe in Franklin, Tennessee and Ken Wilson, pastor of Vineyard Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Many pastors are afraid to speak about it publically for fear of legal retaliation or angry picketers. Lawsuits against faith-based businesses and churches who rent sanctuaries for marriage ceremonies have shocked the evangelical community. Boynes suggested churches address homosexuality in a statement of faith. “The statement is not intended to limit the organization’s ability to reach or serve a particular group, but rather to protect it from being forced to operate in a way that violates its religious beliefs. A statement on marriage, gender, and sexuality will protect religious organizations and it may discourage those looking for ‘easy’ lawsuits. Courts generally regard a clear statement of faith as an expression of the organization’s doctrine and defer to it as required by the First Amendment,” she said. Freedom of speech and religion aside, Boynes hopes pastors will take a stand. “The gay community will come against us sooner or later. The question is, will they find you standing or will you be found ducking behind your pulpit? Paul said if he were seeking to please men he would not be a bondservant of God. We must stand for truth regardless of what people think.” Janet Boynes Ministries is based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota where they respond to callers through a help line. They are not licensed counselors. “We are spiritual leaders who are ready and able to invest of our time and efforts in seeing them walk out of whatever they are going through.” For more information, visit janetboynesministries.com or sign her petition pleading with President Obama to hear the voices of those who have left the homosexual lifestyle. • Disclaimer: The material available on this interview are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue.

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CULTURE Oh, how one word creates such energy! Some leaders lament over their cultures, especially after hearing about the greener grass elsewhere. Other leaders labor under the weight of gurus’ comments, such as, “The condition of your culture is something you can’t delegate; it’s all up to you.” And a few may look at their own culture and smile, but they realize that culture constantly changes. But there’s glorious news that the gurus have withheld: You don’t have to do this alone! Nor should you try. Instead, look for culture-contributors to help you. These are the opposite of culture-consumers. Contributors believe culture is an opportunity for leadership and welcome ownership. Consumers, though, believe culture is the responsibility of leadership and wonder when you, the owner, will kick in and create a great culture. The wisest move for a leader is obvious: find the contributors, tap them as a collaborator, talk about how to work together, fuel their energy, then watch the culture blossom. Choose carefully, though. Put each potential coconspirator through these four filters, and anyone who makes it all the way through is the right person(s):

by: David Staal

Does this person identify with the team? If the person talks about people and groups within the organization and consistently uses “you” and “we/ they,” then he or she has telegraphed a desire to keep distance. From what? Answer: From all the hairballs, hair pulling, and hilarious situations that will arise when dealing with organizational relationships that collectively become “the culture.” This person likes to play safe. And he or she won’t help change a thing. Contributors don’t play safe. With the same innocent determination of a baby learning to walk, the person you want as a collaborator will try, fall, try again, and stop only to rest before trying for however long it takes. That’s the person you want. That’s the person you want to be, too.

Does this person naturally dish out compliments? If so, make sure the person distributes legitimate kudos to many people at all levels, not just to the top leader. The former shows a genuine ability to notice the best in people, the latter shows the person is a suck-up.

Does this person offer solutions to problems? One kind of person will shout out about problems, in a group setting or a one-to-one meeting. When this happens consistently, the person has self-identified as a consumer. It’s a low-leadership skill to identify what’s wrong. Do you really need another critic or a whiner? Contrast that person with someone who proactively spots an issue, directly addresses what’s taking place, and develops solutions, or even resolves issues prior to becoming problems. This can happen at any level. Whenever you spot it, grab hold of that person, and celebrate finding a contributor.

Does this person help the team celebrate wins? If so, you might have a contributor. On the other hand, if the person works hard, too hard, to avoid credit in an effort to appear humble, use extreme caution. Either the person hides behind false humility or will not possess the mojo to incite revelry. You need more mojo than what you alone bring. (Oh, the gurus didn’t mention that?)

Just as culture won’t change overnight, one person can rarely change it working alone. Find fellow contributors. But also keep in mind that organizations must have a mix that includes consumers. In fact, consumers will comprise the majority of the culture. Don’t look to them to initiate change, though. Or to turn on the revelry. That’s a job for the contributors. •


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executiveBOARD Mickey Keith

President PO Box 1546 Ada, OK 74821 (580) 310-0222 mickey.keith@gmail.com www.life623.com

Dr. Ted Estes

Vice President PO Box 2248 Claremore, OK 74018 (918) 341-8344 pastorted@lifechangerchurch.com www.lifechangerchurch.com

Ken Anderson

Secretary/Treasurer PO Box 1120 Lexington, OK 73051 (405) 527-6030 kda@valornet.com www.libertygospelok.org

Robert Johnson

Director of World Missions PO Box 978 Blackwell, OK 74631 (580) 363-2734 roj@clarionmissions.org www.clarionmissions.org

Jerry Edmon

Board Member PO Box 862 Elgin, TX 78621 (512) 281-5316 Jedmon1234@aol.com www.fwcelgin.com

REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Southeast Oklahoma District Rev. Billy Hunter Antlers, OK (580) 298-2740 Southwest Oklahoma District Rev. Donnie Miller Cyril, OK (580) 464-2224 (580) 512-3657 North Texas District Rev. Marc Jones Denton, TX 75751 (903) 675-6011 Southeast Texas District Rev. Herb Hawthorne Baytown, TX (281) 723-2278 South Central Texas District Rev. Jerry Edmon Elgin, TX (512) 281-5316 Midwest Regional District Rev. Mark Maynard Granite City, IL (618) 931-4106 Arkansas Regional District Rev. Charles Kendrick Alexander, AR (501) 303-0831 Ozark Regional District Rev. Terry Fletcher Aurora, MO (417) 678-2310

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