Layout Times

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Feb 19 - 25, 2012

Rs. 2-00

Published & Printed at Bangalore North

RNI No.: KARENG/2009/32521

Vol. 3 Issue - 26

Launching the Topaz Sofa LOOKING GOOD FURNITURE WHITEFIELD #202/1, Whitefield Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066. Tel: 28454846. Mob: 9986466676 LIVING ROOMS | BEDROOMS | DINING ROOMS | KITCHENS | OFFICES | RESTAURANTS

IISc to Add Medicinal Garden to its Campus Bangalore: The K e n d r i y a Vidyalaya (KV) School in the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is a home to several environmental initiatives. Soon it will be adding another medicinal garden to its campus. “We celebrated the valedictory of the p r o j e c t , 'Conversion of school campus i n t o a n

Environment Friendly Zone', which was held in collaboration with Te c h n o l o g y Informatics D e s i g n Endeavour (TIDE). During that event, environmentalist Suresh Heblikar had said he would like to be part of this project,� says G Ponshankari, PGT Biology teacher at KV. The TIDE project

s a w t h e installation of groundwater r e c h a r g e structures, w a s t e management practices and a solar-powered lighting system. Sri Nagalingeshwara Swamy Temple Kundalahalli Village Performs Maha Shivaratri puja on Monday, the 20th of February, 2012. All are invited to take part and receive the blessings of Lord Shiva

Allow Banks as Intermediaries in Commodities Futures Market Bangalore: To increase the penetration of s a v i n g s instruments and upgrade financial

literacy in rural areas, industry b o d y ASSOCHAM today called for permitting banks

as intermediaries in commodities futures market so that economic benefits of development

Golden Retriever Puppies for sale Contact:

spread beyond urban pockets. Though the country has a high savings r a t e , t h e participation of urban population with high incomes in agricultural segment is minimal due to lack of suitable investment opportunities and absence of credible intermediaries

dealing with agrib a s e d investment products. Commodity futures as f i n a n c i a l instruments are easier for urban p e o p l e t o understand and s o s h o u l d f a c i l i t a t e channeling their investments, said

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). The primary result of such participation will be to improve the depth of market and price discovery. But banks are not permitted to e n g a g e i n c o m m o d i t y (Cont. on Page 4)

Feb 19 - 25, 2012

Layout Times

Vol. 3. Issue 26

Page - 02

Unemployable International Wine festival in Syndrome in India the City Bangalore: Low e m p l o y a b i l i t y, particularly in the IT sector, of thousands of engineering graduates hitting the Indian job market every year is prompting academia and industry leaders to make efforts to end the demand-supply mismatch. However the interaction between academics and the IT sector is still not on wide scale nor is it regular even though alarm bells have been ringing for a few years now, industry leaders acknowledge. "Quite many initiatives are there (mostly at one company to many institutes level)," Raghu Bhargava, chairman of the Bangalore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCIC), told I A N S . "But sustained initiatives are needed, which facilitate regular interaction and c o o r d i n a t i o n supporting small and medium IT and ITeS (IT enabled services) enterprises as well," he said. The BCIC plans to set up a task force to "address on a continuing basis" the issue of interface between academia and IT, ITeS industry leaders to restructure the courses to ensure graduates have desired skills needed by this sector, Bhargava, chief

executive officer of JSoft solutions, a Bangalore-based IT f i r m , s a i d . JSoft is part of the $3.7 billion Jindal group headed by Sajjan Jindal with interests in steel, aluminum, ports and energy. The task force idea stemmed from an interaction between a group of academics and representatives of IT and ITeS firms in Bangalore the BCIC organized early this m o n t h . Holding the exercise in Bangalore was apt as the Karnataka capital is India's IT hub and home to, as the BCIC noted, about 800,000 workers in the ICT (information, communication and technology) sector. The city is home to Indian IT majors Infosys and Wipro as well huge offices of international biggies like Accenture, Honeywell, Oracle, IBM and scores of call centres and BPO o f f i c e s . The IT activities in the city covers chip designing to operating systems, cloud solution, business solution, to new generation mobile application and embedded software. The city is also a hot destination for engineering courses. However all these have not bridged "the glaring gap - that of industry ready talents. Each firm is spending a sizeable

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Bangalore : The state government will be holding the three-day 'International Wine Festival - 2012' in Bangalore from March 2. The festival will create awareness about grapes and

wine amongst f a r m e r s , entrepreneurs and the general public and provide global exposure to wineries. In all 50 wineries, including 10 international players, will participate in the

event which offers technical sessions for all stakeholders and exclusive business sessions to foster trade. Wine tasting session is also planned to promote wine consumption.

Allscripts to Expand India Operations Bangalore: US healthcare firm Allscripts is expanding its India operations to deliver h e a l t h c a r e information solutions to hospitals and physicians for improving patient care. The company

will hire about 300 development professionals this year increase its efficiency. By hosting key clients in India, Allscripts wants healthcare experts to see how it develops solutions they use. Allscripts solutions

amount of money to train the new recruits/freshers out of college so that they can work in real/corporate world. The issue is more visible and acute for smaller firms," the BCIC noted. Bhargava said with the interaction it arranged, the BCIC "has triggered a debate at a platform level." He said the BCIC planned the interaction in the backdrop of a 2 0 11 W o r l d B a n k Survey which also talked of the severe mismatch between the actual requirement of ITITeS industry and the skills of graduates passing out from various institutions in India. Among the

suggestions at the interaction were to encourage faculty to go on sabbatical to industry/vice-versa and a revamp of recruitment process. On the drawbacks in the present recruitment process, Bhargava listed several. They are: "Short interview cycle, and thereby validation of creative skills takes a back seat compared to scores; offers made too early (one year before the course completion); recruitment in the 7th semester or 6th semester sometimes make the youth disengage with the college curriculum once they have a job offer. This needs to be stopped."

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He said "companies vie for each other for day 1 placement; the placement office does not allow students to get multiple offers. As a result some students accept jobs (out of security) which they are not really keen on. A better system of match-making at campuses required. "The practice of deferred placement is attracting lot of flak. The s t u d e n t does not know where he stands for months t o g e t h e r. J u d g i n g placement success by size of offer is what media gives credence too. This is a poor practice as salary is but one indicator," Bhargava said.

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Layout Times

Feb 19 - 25, 2012

Vol. 3. Issue 26

Page - 03

Om Lord’s Grace Ashram Cancer Prevention Inner Circle, Near Whitefield Park, Awareness Week Observed Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066 T.C. Palya: Cancer Prevention Awareness Week, 7 days of activities in connection with the world cancer day celebrations organised by St. George Cancer C a r e a n d Research Center in association with Montfort College, Dooravani Nagar Kerala Samajam, K a r u n y a Bengaluru, St. Ann's 1st Grade College for Women, Banjara Academy, T John College of Pharmacy, Garden City College, My H e a r t G a l l e r y, S u v a r n a Karnataka Kerala S a m a j a m Bangalore East Zone and IHMA B a n g a l o r e Chapter ended with "Cancer Prevention Awareness Walk" from Kamanahalli Circle to Mariappa

Circle, walking a l o n g t h e Kamanahalli Main Road. Students from various institutions and people from d i f f e r e n t organizations participated in the Walk proclaiming the slogan Cancer Free World through 'Dynamic S c i e n c e ' . The week long activities provided cancer prevention a w a r e n e s s s e m i n a r s , p a i n t i n g s exhibition, free medical camps and ended today with the road show. The main focus of the activities were meant for creating awareness among the public about t h e n e w l y introducing cancer prevention and management methodology " D y n a m i c

S c i e n t i f i c Approach." This new methodology offers a complete cure for cancer with identification and rectification of the basic causes associated with c a n c e r development along with the removal of the tumor. This will help prevent the recurrence of the tumor also. Understanding about the basic causes of cancer, were made possible by the application of the hypotheses of the " D y n a m i c S c i e n c e " E v e r y b o d y participated in the road show today took an oath to spread the new methodology for the welfare and healthy existence of humanity around the world.

The Interview - Play Whitefield: The play really made all of us smile and towards the end, we were all literally sucked into the action. It t o o k t h e

audience to get out of the intense closing moments! Brilliant script, great acting and a Must Watch!

Winner of 4 Mahindra Excellence in T h e a t r e Awards, and chosen for Hot Ink at the Lark, a festival of

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new writing in New York, The Interview is “a tightly-packed action comedy” with “ b r i l l i a n t contemporary w r i t i n g ” . A bright young man, holding his resume close, waits nervously at the reception of one of the country's largest corporations. Minutes later he is called in for his job interview. But nothing he learnt in college, university or his last few jobs has prepared him for what comes next. But he's keen to make it through this. After all, it is a job to die for. The play is written by Siddharth Kumar and

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directed by Akarsh Khurana. You can watch the play at Jagriti Whitefield between Feb 10 and Feb 26, 2012. Truly hilarious, very tight script and direction. Do watch it for a fun filled evening. Send any interesting articles / news from neighbourhood to Layout Times and get it published. E-mail: news@layouttimes. com Advertise in Layout Times and get noticed by subscribers and other readers. Call


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Posted at MBC Bangalore GPO On every Monday

Vol. 3 Issue 26

Page - 04

Kumble’s Talk Pepped up Students

Allow Banks as Intermediaries in Commodities Futures Market (Cont. from Page 1)

derivatives business. “By virtue of their vast branch network, banks are in a unique position to display tickers showing real-time prices of various commodities across the country which will be the most efficient price d i s c o v e r y dissemination that c o u l d b e implemented in a very short time,” said secretary general D.S. Rawat. Notifying commodities b r o k e r a g e business carried on through a national multic o m m o d i t y exchange that f a c i l i t a t e s electronic trading in commodities derivatives as

permissible form of business in the gazette in terms of section (1)(o) will enable banks to participate in commodity trading as intermediaries either directly or indirectly through subsidiaries. A wide variety of agricultural commodities, crude oil, base and precious metals are actively trade in India through three online exchanges – NCDEX, MCX and NMCE. O r g a n i s e d commodity futures trading offer a viable, efficient and globally-accepted alternative to manage the price risk and hence

i m p r o v e agricultural growth. Many b a n k s – especially nationalised banks – have been engaging in agriculture and rural-based activities and commodity futures will adapt well to their business. Such participation will t r a n s f o r m commodity futures into an effective tool for n a t i o n a l development, said Mr Rawat in communication to the finance m i n i s t r y, t h e Reserve Bank of India and the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution.

Bangalore: “It's important to create an impression on the examiner, just as bowlers have to bowl to impress. It's also important to prepare and practice. It's practice that makes one perfect,” said Anil Kumble while speaking to students

during the mock S c i e n c e Aptitude Test programme that was conducted on Saturday. He also advised students that the mind is trained to address tough situations in a simple and l o g i c a l w a y.

Relating his engineering background to cricket, he explained that planning and preparing in advance are key to success. According to him the same thing applies in everything in life.

Fans Dedicate Flash Mob to Yuvraj Singh Koramangala: A group of about 15 people suddenly broke into dance s t e p s o n Valentine's Day at Forum Mall, which eventually led to a flash mob for India's ailing cricketer, Yuvraj Singh. These dancers put on Yu v r a j S i n g h masks, as the

crowd who were celebrating the occasion gathered around them. They danced to popular Kannada and Hindi songs, as the audience were whistling in excitement and enjoying the show; while others stood wondering what the whole scene was about.

H o w e v e r, f i v e minutes later, the c r o w d w a s greeted with another surprise. A popular radio station in the city h a d c o m e together to express their love for Yuvraj Singh and wish him a quick recovery, in the form of a flash mob.

Computer Literacy Made Compulsory Bangalore: The state will offer Rs.5,000 per annum to its government employees for b e c o m i n g computer literate. This is in view of p r o m o t i n g computer usage in offices. This is

applicable to all government employees except primary school teachers, police constables, nurses, forest watchers, excise guards, health assistants, group D employees and drivers. According

to reliable sources, the government employees who fail the computer skill exam within three years will be denied promotion and those who do not qualify even in the fourth year will be denied the annual increment.

Owned & published by K. Kalyanasundaram at Bangalore North, 1177, 1st Floor, ‘D’ Block, AECS Layout, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037. Mob: 9886065344. Editor: K. Kalyanasundaram. Designed & printed by Lakshmi Mohan Kumar at Indu Kraphics, No. 13-A, I Floor, Venkataswamy Reddy Building, Marathalli Main Road, Bangalore - 560037

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