March 04 - 10, 2012
Pages 4
Rs. 2-00
Published & Printed at Bangalore North
Add Colour to your Words
Indiranagar: Copywriting is the act of writing copy for the purpose of marketing and advertising a person, business , opinion or idea. Copywriting is the key to advertising in the growing competitive market. The field of copywriting is g a i n i n g m o m e n t u m among many in the city.
subscribe to a certain viewpoint.
Writing copy is probably the most creative and demanding branch of writing; Your goal is to get the most out of your swipefile Keyphrases. Often people buy because they c o n n e c t emotionally, not because they need advertising or a business T h e bonus. purpose of Ireebot marketing copy, or promotional text, c o n d u c t e d a is to persuade the c o p y w r i t i n gth on 25 reader, listener or workshop th viewer to act—for and 26 February example, to buy a 2 0 1 2 . M r . p r o d u c t o r Pramod Shankar,
a leading copywriter with his rich 25 years of experience conducted the workshop with his flamboyant ideas and showcased i n s p i r i n g copywriting fundamentals. Besides being a copywriter, Mr Pramod is an author, poet, photographer and public speaker. He is an alumnus of Xavier Institute o f Communication s, Mumbai. He has worked for O&M, Mudra, Leo Burnett, FCB etc. during the early part of his advertising career. Enthusias tic students from various field of studies took part in the workshop to
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Vol. 3 Issue - 28
Parks for Children Whitefield: Kilikili is a Bangalore-based trust that was set up to create play spaces for all children in the neighbourhoods. The projects undertaken by Kilikili is aimed at involving children regardless of their abilities. The first
play space in connection with the above project was successfully set up in Coles Park. Whitefield will also witness such a disabled friendly park in the near future. The case study prepared by Kilikili has been given
prominence in Unesco's 'The State of the World's Children 2012' report that was published r e c e n t l y. Unesco is now very much focused on making world cities fit for children.
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grab the nitty-gritty of copywriting. T h e highlights of the two days workshop were to understand the basics of creative and persuasive writing, understanding the elements of the brief, creating a b r i e f , understanding the elements of a brief, understanding the target audience and framing a communication a c c o r d i n g l y, c r e a t i n g advertisements, ideation process.
Awareness through Music Whitefield: Vineet Vincent a n d h i s colleagues started on a road trip to spread awareness about breast cancer. The team was all set to find a balance between s o c i a l responsibility and sustainability as artists. The tour started off with St. John's
Medical College Bangalore and carried on to Coorg, Hubli, and other places. The tour comprised of 10 shows with three hours of beatboxing, Coldplay and Christmas carols. Hats off to Vicent a n d h i s teammates for their meaningful and enthusiastic social endeavour.
Layout Times
March 04 - 10, 2012
Ensure Economic Viability of Airports to Attract Private investments Bangalore: With aviation sector facing turbulent times, industry body ASSOCHAM today called for fair valuation and viability of all stakeholders while fixing airport tariffs and creating an environment for a t t r a c t i n g infrastructure investments. Operating viability is paramount to ensure healthy inflow of private funds in future public private partnerships (PPPs), it said in representation to the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERA). Airports will require an investment of Rs 67,500 crore during the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) of which Rs 50,000 crore is expected to be the share of private sector. But Delhi airport operator is making heavy losses due to increased cost of operating a huge facility while being able to charge the tariff as per the Airports Authority of India (AAI) rate card common for all airports which is not even in line with inflation, said The A s s o c i a t e d
Vol. 3. Issue 28
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Deepika to Go Tan
Chambers of C o m m e r c e a n d Bangalore: The hot match Rajnikanth's Industry of India topic of Indian cinema colour on screen. today is actress S t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t (ASSOCHAM). Deepika Padukone. equipments are used “Even with the A m i d s t l e a d i n g for this purpose. increase in tariff glamorous actresses proposed by the like Katrina Kaif, “Only a few things are r e g u l a t o r, D e l h i Anuska, Asin and being determined by International Airport o t h e r s , D e e p i k a us but many things remains to be the Limited (DIAL) is b l e s s e d o n e f o r happen of its own. My expected to face making it with super career in cinema liquidity crunch in star Rajinikanth in industry is a typical example of how I 2012-13 and 2013-14 Kochadiayan. m ade inroad in which will jeopardise The movie t h e v i a b i l i t y o f would be shot using cinema. Everyone “Who would not like to operations,” said m o t i o n c a p t u r e wants to act with the be a fan of Rajinikanth secretary general technology in 3D super star but I it's a sir? The same way I surprise and a turning D.S. Rawat. am also a dedicated format. point in my life for M o r e Also the movie g e t t i n g t h i s fan of super star. significantly, AERA's would be shot in such opportunity.” Deepika When I first met Rajini assumption of future a w a y t o s h o w talks wholeheartedly sir in the sets, I was groping for words.” passenger traffic Deepika go tan and to leading media. says Depika. growth at 15 per cent and aircraft traffic Subscribe to Layout Times to receive movement at 12 per cent seems very through Post aggressive and Subscription Charges Rs. 100 for 52 should be re-visited. High growth Weeks witnessed in the past ten years due to entry p h a s e o f f l e e t aviation sector is return equal to the cyclical in nature and r e t u r n o n e q u i t y of low-cost carriers expansion. has now been tamed. “ L o w y i e l d s a n d the degree of severity determined should be or volatility in cash a l l o w e d , s a i d M r The number of relatively lower load flows is higher. Airport Rawat. new routes added by factors are indicator of risks are the highest “Investors and domestic carriers in over-supply and cutamong infrastructure lenders seek a return the past three years throat competition,” he sectors like power, from the day capital is h a s b e e n s a i d a d d i n g ports and roads. deployed. However, substantially lower passenger traffic will F r o m a n the regulator's than the cumulative grow at close to ten routes added in the per cent compared to o p p o r t u n i t y c o s t philosophy is not to past ten years, said 17 per cent assumed perspective, DIAL was provide for any return not obliged to re-invest in the construction Mr Rawat. Due to by the AERA. various efficiency Given the risk the deposit monies period. We urge the issues, utilisation of profile of airports, a back in business as a regulator considers aircraft has been low return of equity of 20 means of project compensating the a n d a i r l i n e s a r e p e r c e n t p l u s i s funding. Having done operator for no-return expected to focus on needed to attract so, this source of period in the tariff this aspect before i n v e s t m e n t s . B u t finance should be revision for the return treated as equity and a period,” he said. entering the next
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Layout Times
March 04 - 10, 2012
S h o r t Love Begins in S t o r y the Womb “Where would you like to go …..Granny?” Raghu asked deciduously. His voluntary effort evolved out of concern towards t h e nonagenarian. The 80-year-old grandma was pleased that someone was caring on the roadside and requested, “Will you drop me in any old age home in the vicinity?” “Of course. Don't you have any children if I may ask you?” Raghu was curious. I have a lone son. But what's the use? Having felt that I am a burden to him, he left me alone here on the road side. I am a blind. “He might have thought I would be lost in the crowd.” tears
Page - 03
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rolled down her eyes. “Get in granny. I'll drop you.” Raghu helped her seated comfortably in the car. In the next half a kilometer ride, Raghu explained her that a Maruthi car was hit by a lorry leading to a terrific traffic jam. “O God….my son
too went in a Maruthi car after dropping me some time back. I wish the car is not his. I pray God that nothing happened to him.” worried grandma. Raghu looked at the old lady with a s m i l e a n d discovered the all time bonding and a ff e c t i o n i n a mother towards her son.
An Artist's Cutlery Mahadevpura: Artist C. G. Prince takes pride in crafting and designing birds using cutlery and material taken from mom's kitchen cupboard made of stainless steel. Phoenix Market City located at
Vol. 3. Issue 28
displays some of C.G. Prince's e x u b e r a n t collections crafted using his favourite kitchen ware. Everyone who passes by will tend to stop for a while to glance at the gleaming birds and then get lost into the M a h a d e v p u r a euphoria of the
artist's creation. It's a real feast for the h u m a n eyes to look at those b i r d s created by C.G. Prince using forks, spoons and scissors.
Cartoon First Policeman: Kabali says he would break in only in places where cctv camera is placed Second Policeman: Why? First Policeman: He complains us of adding more stolen things which he is not responsible for and so he wants to rely on CCTV camera!
Send any interesting articles / news from neighbourhood to Layout Times and get it published. E-mail: news@layouttimes. com Advertise in Layout Times and get noticed by subscribers and other readers. Call
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Registered: KRNA/BGE-1072/2010-2012 RNI No.: KARENG/2009/32521
Vol. 3 Issue 28
Page - 04
Photo Exhibition Contest Indiranagar: Max Mueller Bhavan is happy to announce a Call for Entries: Photo Exhibition on Open Wells and Groundwater in the City.
Speedy Redressal to People's Problem Bangalore: Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda announced that the government will implement the Karnataka Guarantee
of Services to Citizens Act 2011, passed in the state legislature. This act will provide s p e e d y
redressal to the p e o p l e ' s problems and b r i n g transparency in administration.
Avoid Extra Selenium Scientists have warned that consumption of selenium more than required can spur increased type-2 diabetes
risk. Selenium is vital for health in tiny amounts. Low selenium levels have been tied to higher death risk, poor immunity
function and mental decline. At the same time, research explains that more of selenium seems to have adverse effects.
Sustainable Pest Management Bangalore: The Association for Pest Management in Horticultural E c o s y s t e m (AAPMHE) in association with the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore, has
announced to hold a conference on plant protection in horticultural crops. The symposium is named as the '4th N a t i o n a l Symposium on Plant Protection in Horticultural Crops: E m e r g i n g
World Water Day is celebrated internationally on March 22, the UNdesignated day. This year Max Mueller Bhavan celebrates the occasion - and highlight a very important issue for Bangalore - with several events - an exhibition, film screenings, real-life presentations, discussions, etc... The theme of the exhibition c e n t r e s o n groundwater and specifically the open well, and its role in the city of Bangalore a n d i t s surroundings. Max Mueller Bhavan invites photographs around this theme to be sent to the
Challenges and Sustainable Pest Management' from April 25 to 28. Productivity in the In the recent national capital, the p a s t , w h i l e M i n i s t e r o f addressing the Agriculture and National Conference Food Processing on Horticulture I n d u s t r i e s M r P r o d u c t i o n a n d Sharad Pawar, has
f o l l o w i n g e - around the role of m a i l s : t h e w e l l historically and in m , present i t s T h e condition. The d e a d l i n e i s submissions need March 10, 2012. not be focused on T h e the well alone but p h o t o g r a p h s could also portray c a n b e l o w life around it. resolution jpeg Plans are on to i m a g e s . c o m p i l e a S e l e c t e d catalogue at a photographs will l a t e r d a t e . Suggested then have to be s e n t i n h i g h themes: The life resolution fit-to- of an open well, The process of print quality. divining for water T h e , Well diggers and submissions their wells, A day could be recent in the life of a well, or from older The drying or collections, in pollution of a well, black & white or Different kinds of c o l o u r. T h e y pulleys to lift could be single water, The images, photo drudgery of lifting essays or water from a well, c o l l a g e s . Ecology of an Multimedia or open well, The short videos process of digging generally not an open well. exceeding 5 M a x M u e l l e r m i n u t e s i n Bhavan requests duration are also you to give wide a c c e p t a b l e . coverage to this The photo e v e n t , s o exhibition is B a n g a l o r e ' s d e s i g n e d t o shutter bugs can give full rein to o r g a n i s e a their talent and discussion c r e a t i v i t y.
praised farmers and all those associated w i t h t h e development of horticulture in the country for achieving an all time record
production of over 240 million tonne of horticulture produce and helping the country to earn foreign exchange to the tune of Rs. 14,000 crore.
Owned & published by K. Kalyanasundaram at Bangalore North, 1177, 1st Floor, ‘D’ Block, AECS Layout, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037. Mob: 9886065344. Editor: K. Kalyanasundaram. Designed & printed by Lakshmi Mohan Kumar at Indu Kraphics, No. 13-A, I Floor, Venkataswamy Reddy Building, Marathalli Main Road, Bangalore - 560037