Layout Times

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March 11 - 17, 2012

Pages 4

Rs. 2-00

RNI No.: KARENG/2009/32521

Published & Printed at Bangalore North

Vol. 3 Issue - 29

Snap Fitness Round- Bringing Hygiene onto the-Clock with Showers the Roadside

Whitefield: Whitefield is heading for a joyous moment with the arrival of Snap Fitness 24/7. The all enthusiastic team of trainers led by Mr. Nanda Kishore is all set awaiting the inauguration of Snap Fitness on 18 March 2012. The brand name Snap Fitness is well recognized and fitness enthusiasts have already started enrolling in magical numbers from in and around Whitefield. The inaugural offers by Snap Fitness is worth the money for its state-of-theart cardiovascular equipments, strength training machines, free w e i g h t s , experienced t r a i n e r s , nutritionists, geometric access, personal training, etc. Snap Fitness

S n a p Fitness h a s uniquel y fitted shower s for ladies

has emerged truly on a global scale with over 2500 branches around the world. So far 18brances are available in Bangalore. A migrant who has enrolled at Snap Fitness will be least bothered as he has the option of locating a Snap Fitness branch conveniently at most destinations be it in Bangalore, India or abroad. The 3200 sq feet largish space will be sufficient for Snap Fitness to handle thousands of people in its 24 hours cycle. Unlike any other fitness centres,

Whitefield: There is roadside hotels so much being are generally talked about when it considered to comes to food serve unhygienic safety and hygiene food. in hotels but many But Ravi hotels miserably fail often the ambience and Venugopal to keep up the a l o n e a t t r a c t s b r o t h e r s a r e standard in spite of customers but the clear exception and gents. t h e l a w s b e i n g i n s i d e s t o r y i s to this. Their No gym emphasized. More i g n o r e d . T h e mobile hotel that gives you more (Cont on Page 4) for your money, Subscribe to Layout Times and win as it offers the Free Ads. best cardio and Contact: 080-28495167 / s t r e n g t h 9538294703 training fitness Subscribers receive Layout Times equipment, 24 through Indian Postal Services. h o u r g y m Subscription Charges Rs. 100 for a c c e s s , 52 Weeks introductory f i t n e s s p r o g r a m s t o offerings you get help you get from Snap Fitness, g y m started and a y o u r host of online membership also BEML Layout: Swamy Temple at services to help gives you access to Kalyana utsavam BEML layout on you get results. discounts on brand- in temples are Sunday, the 4th Snap Fitness name services and p e r f o r m e d i n march 2012 with u s e s o n l y apparel. Contact good faith to gain grandeur. q u a l i t y a n d 7 8 2 9 0 1 8 8 8 8 t o the blessings of T h e K a l y a n a b r a n d e d know more about G o d s a n d Utsavam remained equipments in t h e d i s c o u n t s Goddesses. It is a as a charming puja available to Snap all its centres. traditional way of that re-enacted the Fitness members. worshiping the marriage of Vishnu In addition respective Gods to Lakshmi (on his t o t h e by conducting right) and Bhoomi tremendous their marriage. Devi (on his left). fitness club T h e r e O n e s u c h K a l y a n a always remains Utsavam was t h e t h r i l l o f performed at p e r f o r m i n g B o o n e e l a marriages for God Booneela Sametha Sri t e m p l e s Ve n k a t r a m a n a S w a m y S a m e t h a S r i i n Kalyana Utsav at BEML Ve n k a t r a m a n a because it involves

Heavenly Marriages Performed in Earth

Golden Retriever Puppies for sale Contact:


(Cont. on Page 4)

Hike Customs Duty on Cigarettes to 150 Per Cent for Checking Illegal Imports Bangalore: Industry body ASSOCHAM today called for increasing customs duty on cigarettes and placing their imports in the restricted list to curb contraband trade which is resulting in estimated revenue loss of more than Rs 2,000 crore in unpaid duties and foreign exchange outflow. Multinational companies are seeking to expand their business in developing countries like India due to declining sales in their home markets. They either set up operations in target countries through direct investments or imports, thereby creating a legitimate umbrella for distribution and demand creation activities.

Vol. 3. Issue 29

March 11 - 17, 2012

Layout Times

Women's Day Gains Prominence

license make it extremely difficult to monitor and regulate Marathalli: Each the inflow of stocks. Thus customs duty on cigarettes should be increased from 30 per cent to the WTO bound rate of 150 per cent subject to a minimum duty equivalent to 50 per cent of the p r e v a i l i n g countervailing duty, that is length-based specific central e x c i s e d u t y applicable on c i g a r e t t e s manufactured within the country.

“This will go a long way in resolving the problem of tax evasion by some unscrupulous importers by underinvoicing the value of imported cigarettes,� said secretary general D.S. Rawat in representation to the The demand Directorate General t h u s c r e a t e d i s of Foreign Trade. actually fulfilled On the other through contraband hand, high taxes on stocks that are sold domestic cigarettes through established have led to a huge d i s t r i b u t i o n demand for smuggled channels, said The ones which have A s s o c i a t e d captured five to seven C h a m b e r s o f per cent of the C o m m e r c e a n d market. Besides Industry of India leading to revenue ( A S S O C H A M ) . losses, cigarette Porous borders and s m u g g l i n g cigarette imports aggravates underunder open general

To advertise in Layout Times call 080-28495167

Page - 02

year around the w o r l d , International Women's Day ( I W D ) i s celebrated on M a r c h 8 . Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.

Org anisation s , governm e n t s , charities a n d women's Inspiring Futures" is the 2012 theme of the international w o m e n s d a y. c o m website and this has been widely used by "Connecting Girls, h u n d r e d s o f

groups around the world choose different themes each year that reflect global and local gender issues.

(Cont. on Page 3)

Subscribe to Layout Times to receive through Post Subscription Charges Rs. 100 for 52 Weeks utilisation of domestic capacity and affects farmers by eroding demand for Indian tobaccos. To s t o p t h i s m a l p r a c t i c e , cigarettes should be reinstated to the restricted list forthwith, said Mr Rawat adding their manufacture in export oriented units and special economic zones should also be banned. Leakages from duty-free channels at airports and black marketing of

cigarettes brought in are other significant u n d e r p e r s o n a l sources of contraband baggage allowance for cigarettes. personal consumption

Will Hospitals be Spared? Bangalore: Friday's violence in Bangalore civil court complex spilled over to B o w e r i n g Hospital too. The lawyers were aggressive and it disturbed the emergency sections of the hospital. The media persons entering hospitals to meet the injured were

stopped by a group of lawyers. Seeing the lawyers behaving aggressively, the police at the entrance of the hospital refused permission for the media persons to enter into the hospital. The unusual crowd in the hospital remained as a hindrance to the patients and their

families. A police n a m e d Mahadevaiah escaped a near death when a flower pot was thrown from the seven-storey City Civil Court complex. The helmet worn by Mahadevaiah saved him as the flower pot hit his head.

New packages available for advertising online and on print

Layout Times

March 11 - 17, 2012

Cure for Back T r u e Pain S t o r y The 79-year-old Krishnamurthy l i v i n g a t Abiramapuram, Chennai had suffered from back pain for several y e a r s . H e approached umpteen hospitals and doctors and swallowed tons of medicines that finally yielded no permanent cure. Back pain having aggravated, he rushed to a nearby hospital. The doctors advised him for MRI, X-ray and blood test. F i n a l l y, t h e doctors in the h o s p i t a l diagnosed that Krishnamoorthy's back bone had been worn out. The doctors advised him an

i m m e d i a t e operation. This might leave Mr. Krishnamoorthy on a wheel chair p e r m a n e n t l y. Much worried Krishnamoorthy came across Oxymed Hospital that treats patients without operation. The senior doctor at Oxymed e x a m i n e d M r. Krishnamoorthy and told him that the cartilage has been damaged badly. However, the doctor gave confidence that a gradual cure would be possible. Krishnamoo rthy visited the hospital every day for 2 to 3 hours as an outpatient. He was given pulse signal therapy and

reflex detox treatments. The medicines and diet control reduced his pain by half within a week. In the next w e e k s , M r Krishnamoorthy could see a complete cure in his health. Even after 7 months s i n c e h i s treatment in Oxymed, he is at ease without pain and he walks long d i s t a n c e s comfortably. People who are keen on k n o w i n g O x y m e d ' s treatment that involves no surgery can c o n t a c t Krishnamoorthy over phone 9940325547.

Vol. 3. Issue 29

Page - 03

Om Lord’s Grace Ashram Inner Circle, Near Whitefield Park, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066

Yoga Classes

Herbal Juices Available: Gulab, Neem, Punarnava Ark, Tulasi Ark, Rasayan, Trifala Extract

Vegetable Juices Palak, Pudina, Dhaniya, MatSuva Extract....

Contact: 9964723399

Cartoon First Woman: I went to a doctor because my son swallowed a one rupee coin. Second Woman: Then what? First Woman: He swallowed thousand rupees from me.

Women's Day Gains Prominence (Cont. from Page 2)

Marathalli: Each year around the w o r l d , International Women's Day ( I W D ) i s celebrated on M a r c h 8 . Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March

to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. Organisation s, governments, charities and women's groups around the world choose different

themes each year that reflect global and local gender issues. "Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures" is the 2012 theme of the international website and this has been widely

used by hundreds of organisations including schools, universities, governments, women's groups and the private sector. Each year the United Nations declares an overall International Women's Day

Send any interesting articles / news from neighbourhood to Layout Times and get it published. E-mail: news@layouttimes. com Advertise in Layout Times and get noticed by subscribers and other readers. Call 080-28495167

Registered: KRNA/BGE-1072/2010-2012 RNI No.: KARENG/2009/32521

Posted at MBC Bangalore GPO On every Monday

Vol. 3 Issue 29

Page - 04

Bringing Hygiene onto the Roadside

(Cont. from Page 1)

serves lunch at a place opposite to Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, Whitefield every day has earned the reputation for deliciousness and hygiene. People from all walks of life starting from cab driver to managers working in IT (Cont. from Page 1) companies have B h o o n e e l a their lunch time S a m e t h a S r i associated with Ravi Venkataramana a n d V e n u g o p a l Swamy temple brothers. “My first is no exception customer from when from serving I s t a r t e d t h i s every devotee business 4 years with a feast of back still remains to delicious food. be my satisfied Thanks to the customer today.” t e m p l e says Mr A.M. Ravi. committee for There is absolutely bringing a lively no doubting the a n d d i v i n e quality of food items marriage for the being served by d e v o t e e s Raja and co. The thereby invoking tomato rice bath, the blessings of briyani rice, egg, L o r d cured rice, bonda, Venkatramana sambar, and other Swamy on every items are cooked one. with utmost care at Snap Fitness his residence before being brought to Whitefield in a 24/7 Maruti van in special fast - convenient containers. Sharp at affordable 12 every day, the #183, 2nd Floor, Opp. van door opens at Forum Value Mall, Whitefield, the Whitefield Main Road, jumbo umbrella is Bangalore - 560 066 Mob: 7829018888 erected to give a temporary shelter

Heavenly Marriages Performed in Earth different pujas involving ardent preparations clearly resulting in very different experiences and so Kalyana Utsavam is absolutely joyous. The expert panel of vedic priests, well trained in rituals and chanting performed the a u s p i c i o u s Kalyanotsavam of Sridevi and Lord Venkatramana, symbolically to invoke their blessings. This is a highly effective pooja for all unmarried men and women. It is an effective remedy against all doshas related to marital life kuja dosham, sukra dosham etc. A complete wedding atmosphere was prevalent at Bhooneela Sametha Sri Venkataramana Swamy temple with

e v e r y o n e enjoying the divine activities portraying the marriage of G o d a n d Goddess. The d e v o t e e s showed their u t m o s t dedication and were fully absorbed in divine activities. Throwing of flower balls around was very delightful and made everyone feel that they had been taking part in an auspicious marriage. A marriage is a l w a y s consummated with delicious food and the K a l y a n a Utsavam at

for the team to serve the customers. Once the customers start pouring in, there is no respite up until the spoons clatter with the bottom of container indicating that not much food is left. About 300 customers have their lunch every day here. You can afford to h a v e a comfortable lunch – healthy, hygienic and delicious – for just Rs. 25 which includes egg curry along with rice items. You have special chicken rice for Rs. 45 and the same would cost much higher elsewhere in the surroundings. There is no room for adulteration in any form when it comes to preparation of food items. This is the secret of Mr. Raja's business that gained him popularity and won friends all these years.

“Once when I happen to visit a cardiologist to get consultation for my aged mother, the cardiologist smiled at me and said 'I often visit your mobile hotel for lunch.” He also praised about the quality of food for a while before diagnosing my m o t h e r. ” R a v i takes delight at h i s accomplishment. Nowadays Ravi and Venugopal brothers also undertake bulk orders for parties a n d o t h e r functions. If you are interested, you can reach him on his mobile 9742107759.

parshé for women footwear |clothing | accessories Sidhapura, Opposite Munneshwara Temple, Varthur Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560066

Ph: 9742291028

Owned & published by K. Kalyanasundaram at Bangalore North, 1177, 1st Floor, ‘D’ Block, AECS Layout, Kundalahalli, Bangalore - 560037. Mob: 9886065344. Editor: K. Kalyanasundaram. Designed & printed by Lakshmi Mohan Kumar at Indu Kraphics, No. 13-A, I Floor, Venkataswamy Reddy Building, Marathalli Main Road, Bangalore - 560037

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