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Volume 28 No: 34 8 November 2012

igeret k’tana Shalom Kehilla, It is with much sadness that I inform you of the passing this morning of Ruth Blum who passed away peacefully. Ruth was a very much respected teacher at the school for many years, loved by her students, colleagues, parents and all of our community. Our thoughts are with Sharonne and Ruth’s family, and trust that all the wonderful memories that they have of Ruth’s contribution to the school ,the community and her family will be consolation in their and our time of sorrow and grief. We wish them all Long Life. At 5am on the 11th of November 1918, representatives of the German, British, French, Italian, and American governments signed the Armistice ending the First World War. This cessation of battle would begin six hours later, on the “Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month”. Throughout the world, governments and citizens commemorate the sacrifice of their men and women in war. At Bialik, as with Jewish schools throughout the world, we reflect on members of our families and communities who gave their lives in the many armed conflicts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This is a time when pride in our country’s morality, dignity and courage is matched with our sadness of the tragedy of war, and we honour the fallen with our secular traditions such as the Last Post, and our religious traditions including Kaddish. To mark this occasion, Bialik will hold a minute’s silence, supported by work in class and in Assembly, to reinforce the message of the sombre day. In the meantime, the Igeret continues to celebrate the vibrancy and variety of Bialik life, which reflects what so many have fought for – religious and ethnic freedom and diversity. I would like to mention the menschlich behaviour of Rachel Rockman in Year 3 who found a $5 note on the floor and without hesitation handed it in at Reception. Kol HaKavod to Rachel for being so instinctively honest and considerate. B’Shalom, Jeremy Stowe-Lindner Principal

Meet the Principal A number of parents have attended the Cup of Tea with the Principal opportunities. If any parents would like to attend on Thursday 15 November 8.15am-9am, there are still places available.Please RSVP to Fiona Barradale on 9822 7981 or barraf@bialik.vic.edu.au

What’s coming up? November Sunday 11 Monday 12 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday 16 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday 22 Friday 23

Class of 1996 16 Year Reunion – 2.00pm-5.00pm – Library Kinder 3 Parent-Teacher Interviews Day 1 – 4.00pm Parents’ Association AGM – 7.30pm – Mifgash Year 5 into Year 6 in 2013: Program Update – 7.30pm - Theatrette Kinder 3 Parent-Teacher Interviews Day 2 – 12.30pm Bialik 2012 AGM - 7.30pm - Hall SPEECH NIGHT – 7.30pm Prep Orientation – 2012 Intake - 7.30pm Chavayah students depart VCE Exams conclude Great Victorian Bike Ride commences

Quick links: Middle School News Rosenkranz Centre Speech Night V&PA Calendar


igeret k’tana Rosenkranz Centre News The Bialik Primary Chess Team had a great day at the State Semifinals Tournament last Monday at the German Club in Windsor. Over 200 students and 27 schools participated in this highly competitive tournament. Our team did extremely well, finishing in a tie for 7th and 8th place, which qualified us for the State Finals Tournament this Friday at the Box Hill Chess Club. Leading the team with five victories out of seven matches were Gabriel Waterson and Isaiah Liberman. Also performing very well were Leon Paratz, Eric Guliev-Datsin, Dustin Felman, Daniel Gankin, Jacob Marks and Ben Aizenstros. The boys showed amazing endurance and stamina in a very long day which went from 10am until 4pm. The boys displayed excellent sportsmanship and a real desire to perform well for the school. In addition, everyone really enjoyed themselves and were inspired to keep on improving their chess playing skills. We wish them all the very best for the state final. Go Boys!

Birthday Book Club Mark the occasion of your birthday by donating a book to the Bialik Library! Donations will be acknowledged with your name placed in a specially-bought book. All donations are gratefully received and are tax deductible: $25 for a Paperback, $40 for a Hardback and $60 for a Reference Book. To make a donation please click here and choose “Library Fund’.

Shabbat lighting times and Parsha of the ‫ח יי שרה‬ Week - Chayei-Sarah

Friday, 9 November 2012 Light Candles at: 7.45pm Shabbat, 10 November 2012 Shabbat Ends: 8.48pm Parsha: click here for the link to this week’s parsha

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igeret k’tana Grandparents’ Afternoon Tea Grandparents’ Afternoon Tea, Tuesday 4 December 2012, 2.45pm-4.15pm Grandparents are cordially invited to a special Grandparents’ Afternoon Tea with Jeremy Stowe-Lindner on Tuesday 4 December, from 2.45pm- 4.15pm, The afternoon will involve tea with our Senior Leadership Team; a student musical performance; and then, at 3.45pm, a tour around Bialik for grandparents accompanied by their grandchildren. Should grandparents wish to participate in this event which seeks to develop our Bialik community, please complete the reply slip below and email back to RSVP@bialik.vic.edu.au by Friday 16 November. All attendees will need to be noted so that Security can be notified in advance and adequate arrangements can be made in school. Name of Student hosting the Grandparent on a Tour*: ___________________________________ Year and Class: _____________ (* Please note: Siblings are welcome to accompany the Student Host: please include details of the siblings if they are accompanying the tour). Name of Parent/Carer: __________________________________ The following grandparents (or equivalent senior adults) will be attending the Grandparents’ Afternoon on Tuesday 4 December, 2.45pm - 4.15pm 1) 2) 3) 4) Please provide any additional information that may be helpful (e.g. disabled access required):

Kitchen Garden WORKING BEE Please join us on Sunday 11 November from 2.30pm–4.00pm for our first ‘working bee’ in our Kitchen Garden which will then be followed by a tour of our Kitchen Garden from 4.00pm–4.30pm. Those who would like to join our working bee will enjoy rolling up their sleeves and getting involved in tasks such as planting seedlings, working in the shed, as well as labelling the garden beds. Those who would just like to come for the tour will enjoy walking around the garden as well as getting a glimpse of the Kitchen. If you are interested in joining us, please RSVP to Lara Wittels at wittel@bialik.vic.edu.au. Please let us know whether you will be joining both the working bee and the tour or just the working bee or the tour. Please watch this space as more working bees and tours will be happening… We look forward to seeing you all there! To visit the Kitchen Garden blog, click here.

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igeret k’tana Middle School News Year 9 End of Year Exams Could students and parents please note that the Year 9 End of Year Exam Schedule was emailed to all Year 9 students late Wednesday afternoon, and also posted on the CLE [under Year 9].

Visual & Performing Arts

Current Events

VCE ART & VISUAL COMMUNICATION ART EXHIBITION VCE Art and Visual Communication work is now on display in the Annia Castan Arts Centre in the Art & Technology building, until the end of term. Fiddler on the Roof - 2013 Thank you to all students who auditioned for Fiddler on the Roof. The cast list has been published on the CLE. Letters are being mailed to parents this week. All students who wish to audition for the orchestra need to ensure that the application form is returned to Elizabeth Exintaris in the Music department. Auditions for the orchestra will take place in November and students who have returned their forms will be contacted directly. For the crew, the application forms are also on the CLE. Please ensure that you return these forms to Deborah Farago no later than Friday 16 November.

Forthcoming Events

Year 2 -11 Art and Design Exhibition The Year 2-11 Art and Design Exhibition will run from Monday 19 November until the end of year, and will be located at the top level of Art & Technology Building.

Speech Night Speech Night is compulsory for ALL STUDENTS in the Middle and Senior School. Parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome to attend. This year’s Speech Night will take place on Tuesday 20 November at Dallas Brooks Hall, 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne, commencing at 7.30pm sharp.

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igeret k’tana Annual Magazine Annual Magazine Order Form The College will be supplying one complimentary copy of the annual magazine per family. If you would like extra copies (at no additional charge) please fill out the order form and return it to communications@bialik.vic.edu.au by Friday 9 November 2012. Please be mindful of the $30 cost of the magazine to the college and our imperative to keep costs manageable and to impact sensitively on the environment. Thank you.

Bialik College 2012 Annual Magazine Order Form

Please fax this form back to 9822 0553 or scan and email to communications@bialik.vic.edu.au by Friday 9 November 2012. In addition to one complimentary copy, I/we wish to receive ……….. extra copies of the 2012 Annual Magazine for the students named below. Parent name: _________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Please deliver the 2012 Annual Magazines to the following students: Name: _________________________________ Year level: _______________ Name: _________________________________ Year level: _______________ Name: _________________________________ Year level: _______________ Name: _________________________________ Year level: _______________

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igeret k’tana Shuk news With many students in exam mode, it is very important that students check their online lunch orders, as recurring orders are still being made and not collected, thus, parents are paying for lunches unnecessarily. The canteen cannot function without the wonderful volunteers who help us daily. We would really appreciate if parents could check the rosters sent out at the start of the term, for volunteer times. The texts sent out are a courtesy reminder. PLEASE do not rely on these alone to alert canteen duty. As a rule, if a volunteer does not come in, no one replaces them. Our class of the week is Prep K. They have placed the most orders for any class this week. Well done Prep K! Our volunteer of the week is Angie Fox! She single-handedly completed all the wraps, sandwiches, rolls and bagels on order, in record time!

PA news PA AGM With not long left until the end of term 4, its time for the PA AGM and 2013 PA committee elections. Come along and hear the president and treasurer’s reports and PA plans for 2013. Principal Jeremy Stowe-Linder will be attending so put it in your diary now and bring your friends along!

Staff Lunch Each year, the PA hosts a staff lunch to thank our teachers and ancillary staff for all the hard work they have done with our children throughout the year. This year the PA will be holding a BBQ lunch celebration on Friday 14 December at 12:30pm.

The PA is also looking for an enthusiastic 2013 committee who would love to contribute to our friend and fund raising. Please see attached form for committee roles and nomination forms. For more information or questions please contact Monique Gaspar mgaspar@netspace. net.au. We would love to see some new faces for 2013.

We are looking for some volunteers to assist in the set up on the lunch on Friday 14 December in the morning, even if it’s only for a short time. Childcare will be available all day, at no charge, at the long day care holiday program in the ELC. Please email BCPA@bialik.vic.edu.au if you are able to help. We will really appreciate any assistance.

Date: Wednesday 14 November 2012 Venue: Seminar Room in the Library Time: 8 pm Agenda: President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, General Business, and Election of Committee Members for 2013 Second Hand Book Sale – NEWSFLASH! NEWSFLASH After searching high and low the BCPA is excited to announce the implementation of the Sustainable Shop, an online second-hand book-trading site. The flyer is attached but we are so thrilled to be able to offer this service to parents. It is similar to the trading post where families list For Sale & Wanted advertisements. And the system matches buyers with sellers. We encourage you to utilise this site to sell and buy second hand books - a great way to cut down on landfill and save money on booklists as well!

Family Camp Family camp 2013 is sure to be the biggest one yet! The organizers have some fantastic activities to keep the kids occupied so you can have a relaxing weekend. Join us for a communal Shabbat on the Friday night, a movie and disco on the Saturday night plus sports, games and numerous other activities. Cabins are already sold out but grab a tent and some sleeping bags and join other Bialik families in a campsite. The kids will have a ball! Please see flyer attached for more information and contact the organisers to secure your place for family camp 2013. Family Fun Day - Please note that this event which was scheduled fro Sunday 25 November, has been cancelled.

More information will be available when 2013 booklists are distributed soon but register now and start listing books that you would like to sell.

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igeret k’tana Also Buy & Sell • Calculators • Sporting items • Musical items • Electronics • Hobbies & Crafts

Buy and Sell second-hand Textbooks

• Stationery

Plus many more categories

Pricing Guide Like New




Very Good






contact us… Sustainable School Shop Pty Ltd ABN 55 114 136 211 ACN 114 136 211 PO Box 77 Mount Martha VIC 3934 Email:


Phone: 1300 683 337


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igeret k’tana buy & sell

For great results

• Recycle – it’s easy

• Check your emails regularly for Ad Match emails

• Buy items – save money

• There are 2 types of Ad Match emails:

• Sell items – make extra cash

Simply • Register on the Sustainable School Shop website • Nominate your school during registration (essential) • Free Annual Family Memberships are being provided by

the Sustainable School Shop until 31st Aug 2013, making it free for families to trial for 12 months. • www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au

Exact Match email: means it is the correct item from another parent from your school Close Match email: means it probably is the correct item, could be from a parent from another nearby school • You will continue to receive Ad Match emails while your

Wanted ads are listed. • Manually searching does not provide the best outcomes –

often items are listed and sold between searching sessions and are never seen • Parents who list Wanted ads get first choice of the items

second-hand textbook trading system • List all your Wanted & For Sale Ad (Browsers tell each

other what they require and what they have to sell) • The school’s book lists are loaded into the

system to make the ad listing process easy, fast and accurate • Assistance is provided to accurately price items • The system matches the ads of Buyers and Sellers • Notifies the Buyer (Wanted Ad) via email of the Ad Matches • Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to

trade, we are not involved in the transaction and do not charge any commissions. • Excellent telephone (1300 683 337) and email help-lines

are provided • Most trading occurs with other parents from your school

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igeret k’tana Bialik College

1-3 March 2013

Next year`s family camp sees a change to a new venue! The Bellarine Big 4 Park is 19km from Geelong and has a fantastic range of facilities on offer including communal areas for everyone to gather at all meal times. We also have the whole campsite to ourselves. Arrive Friday afternoon/early evening, settle in to the tents and cabins and begin the weekend with a communal Kabbalat Shabbat. Keep the kids entertained with the Bialik mini Olympics, soccer ,footy, basketball, tennis, cycling, swimming and lots more! End the day with a movie night followed by a disco party Come along for some morning activities before checking out at 12pm and heading back to Melbourne

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igeret k’tana

G o K a r ts b Basket


Soccer unds

Indoor Pool

Ten n i s g Jumpin

Powered Site $142.40 (2 nights) 3 Bedroom Cabin $504 (2 nights) 2 Bedroom Cabin $396 (2 nights) BCPA non refundable fee $25

BBQ o PLaygr

Traditional powered camp-sites are available as well as 30 cabins for 2 nights (many camp sites are surrounded by cabins)



This year caravans will also be avaialble to hire Please contact the organisers for more information

All payments must be made through flexischools www.flexischools.com.au

For cabins call Isabel - 0412 601 706 For campsites call Sandy - 0419 486 110 All bookings will be taken on a first-come-first served basis once payment has been recieved Cabin and campsite bookings must be paid for in full at time of booking

Bo cc e

Cabin bookings are fully refundable only if cabin is rebooked by another family

Fox Flying

Campsite bookings are fully refundable up until 1 week prior to camp

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igeret k’tana Bialik College Parents’ Association AGM Date: Wednesday 14 November 2012 Venue: Seminar Room in the Library Time: 8 pm Agenda: President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, General Business, Election of Committee Members for 2013 The aim of the BCPA is to hold events and activities, raise funds for the College and bring the Bialik Community closer together in a way that embodies Bialik’s values of Respect, Integrity, Perseverance, Empathy and Responsibility. Everyone has a different amount of spare time and the PA is a great way to help as often as you can and to attend events whenever you can. For the PA to be effective, we also need a core group of people whose commitment extends throughout an entire school year, and these people make up the PA Committee. As always, the PA welcomes those people who would like to help out on an ad hoc basis as well, with no nomination or election required. If there is a specific function or fund-raiser you would like to help out with, we would love to hear from you to discuss your ideas but for those of you who would like to make a more formal commitment please complete the nomination form and returned to BCPA at BCPA@bialik.vic.edu.au, or drop to ELC or Main Reception marked to the attention of BCPA by Friday 9 November. The PA Committee 2013 comprises: President, Vice-President, Treasurer’s Assistant, Secretary, Marketing Coordinator, Past President(s), General Member. PA PRESIDENT: Chair PA meetings; proof minutes from meetings before they get distributed; attend monthly Council meetings; liaise with each group organising a fundraising activity and keep PA Committee updated with developments; organise new families morning tea before the commencement of the school year; co-ordinate the staff end of year lunch; liaise with each department at school where PA is required; attend year 12 graduation dinner; prepare annual calendar of events; prepare PA page for yearbook; oversee all PA activities as they occur throughout the year. NOTE: if there are 2 people nominating as Co-Presidents, there may not be the requirement for a Vice President. PA VICE-PRESIDENT: Support PA President. TREASURER’S ASSISTANT: Assist Treasurer Karen Gordon (employed by Bialik College) by providing timely reports and information where required. Organising all cash floats for fundraisers, counting, recording and delivering cash to treasurer following all functions, reconciling monies due to be raised and spent with what is actually collected and paid, preparing activity-based P+L reports for PA. SECRETARY: Take minutes of Committee Meetings, and General PA meetings each term. Minutes are to be sent to PA President for comment and changes, and then circulated via email to the PA Committee and to internal Bialik contact person for inclusion in the Igeret. MARKETING CO-ORDINATOR: Ensuring the Bialik Community is made aware of events and activities of the PA. Includes update of the Igeret each week, managing the PA display boxes and Facebook. GENERAL MEMBER: General assistance to the core PA committee. Page 11

igeret k’tana 2013 PA COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM I / We would like to nominate for the position of: President Vice-President Treasurer’s Assistant Secretary Marketing Coordinator General Member Name 1: Contact Email: Contact Mobile:

If you and another parent would like to share a role and you have already discussed working as a team, please nominate both of your names together on the one nomination form. Name 2: Contact Email: Contact Mobile:

Alternatively, if you would like to share a role but have not found someone to co-nominate with, please indicate below. Comments:

Please return to BCPA at BCPA@bialik.vic.edu.au, or drop off to ELC or Main Reception marked to the attention of BCPA by Friday 9 Nov 2012. Page 12

igeret k’tana 2013 BUS PASSES Bus passes for 2013 will be issued as follows:  

One Direction Both Directions

- either to OR from school - to AND from school

These passes are full week usage passes. We do not accept bookings for part of a week. Single trip passes may be purchased from the School Office. Bialik College will endeavor to arrange bus routes to accommodate all requests as closely as possible. All buses used by Bialik College have seat belts fitted, and all children are expected to secure those seat belts for the duration of their journey.

Term 1, 2013 I/We wish to purchase the following bus passes for the coming school term. Surname: Address: P/code

Names of Children

Year Level 2013

PLEASE NOTE: Bus Stops will be arranged for the closest main intersection I/We require the bus service for: Mornings only Afternoons only Mornings AND Afternoons Name: Signature: Date:

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igeret k’tana BIALIK CALENDAR 2012 Term 1 1 February – 30 March Term 2 16 April – 29 June Term 3 17 July – 21 September Term 4 10 October – 12 December November Sunday 11 Monday 12 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday 16 Sunday 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday 22 Friday 23 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29 Friday 30 December Sunday 2 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Saturday 8 Sunday 9 Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Sunday 16 Sunday 23

Class of 1996 16 Year Reunion – 2.00pm-5.00pm – Library Kinder 3 Parent-Teacher Interviews Day 1 – 4.00pm Parents’ Association AGM – 8.00pm – Library Seminar Room Year 5 into Year 6 in 2013: Program Update – 7.30pm - Theatrette Kinder 3 Parent-Teacher Interviews Day 2 – 12.30pm Class of 2007 5 Year Reunion – 2.00pm-5.00pm – Library Annual General Meeting – 7.30pm - Hall SPEECH NIGHT – 7.30pm Prep Orientation – 2012 Intake - 7.30pm Chavayah students depart VCE Exams conclude Great Victorian Bike Ride commences Prep 3-way Conferences Day 1 – 12.00pm-4.00pm Prep 3-way Conferences Day 2 – 12.00pm-4.00pm Prep 3-way Conferences Day 3 – 12.00pm-4.00pm Year 3 Swimming Carnival – 11.00am-12.40pm Years 4&5 Swimming Carnival – 8.40am-10.40am Great Victorian Bike Ride concludes Class of 1992 20 Year Reunion – 2.00pm-5.00pm – Library Year 2 Swimming Carnival – 9.40am-11.20am Grandparents’ Afternoon Tea – 3.00pm – 4.15pm Year 2 (2013) parent orientation evening – 7.30pm - Theatrette Year 11 camp commences Year 1 Dance Evening – 6.00pm - Hall Erev Chanukah Year 11 camp concludes Chanukah Day 1 Prep Dance Evening – 6.00pm – Hall Last day for ELC Year 9 Graduation – 7.00pm - Hall Year 5 Graduation – 9.00am - Hall Term 4 concludes – School finishes at 1pm Staff Conferences – Day 1 Staff Conferences – Day 2 Chanukah Day 8 Fast of 10th of Tevet

Current as at 8 November 2012

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