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We warmly welcome you to the official opening of Bialik College’s

landscaping project 19 March 2013

Planting Garden


Worm Farm Demonstration Harvesting


Harvesting Planting Seedlings


Planting Seedlings Worm Farm Demonstration

3.40pm-4.00pm Sample delicious freshly cooked pizza from the garden pizza oven

Student Kitchen




Mezuzah Ceremony

Garden & Kitchen 4.30pm-5.00pm

Sample treats and tour the facilities in the Kitchen, Planting Garden, Indigenous Garden and Frog Bog

Su pp ort th e K it ch en G a rd en L a nd sca pi ng Progra m by in sc rib in g B ia lik C ol le geaTrleeeaf ofonGthiv ein g. L ea ve s a re avai la bl e in 3 si ze s: sm al l ($3 60 ($720), la rg e ($),18m00ed). iu m C onta ct H ei di M ey erso n fo r m ore info rm at io n; m ey erh@ bi alik .v ic.e d u. a u

Th ank You

e h t o t l u f e t a r g y r e v We are have o h w s ie n a p m o c g in w o foll kindly donated goods and r ou of t or p p u s in es ic v ser Kitchen Garden


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