Rozdział VI
National Strategies for Sustainable Development of Morocco and Poland – a Comparative Analysis in the Light of Ordoliberal Theory1 Martin Dahl 0000-0003-1978-7045
Fatima Arib 0000-0002-8325-481X
Introduction The dynamic development of the world economy that we have been observing since the second half of the 20th century has led to unprecedented economic growth, growing social disproportions and the burden on the natural environment. Maciej Miszewski summed it up aptly, claiming that “the combination of globalization and uncontrolled technical progress makes the key problems visible on the level of individual national economies. There is a contradiction between the effects of the development of science and technology to serve the society and the costs of the side effects of these inventions borne by society”2. Elżbieta Mączyńska and Piotr Pysz have the same views and note that “despite the undeniable, continuous material and technological progress experienced by the modern world, the symptoms of global disorder, asymmetry, and dysfunction in the economic, political, social, and ecological aspects are becoming more and more visible. Many dichotomous phenomena in the socio-economic sphere prove the lack of harmony in shaping this area’s global reality. One of the most spectacular manifestations of it is, on the one hand, growing social inequalities and the extensive scope of social exclusion and areas of hunger, affecting about The publication is the result of research conducted by the Sustainable Development Reaserch Group – established under an agreement signed on May 6, 2019 between Lazarski University in Poland and Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco. 2 M. Miszewski, Ordoliberalna polityka gospodarcza w warunkach społeczeństwa światowego ryzyka [Ordoliberal economic policy in the conditions of global risk socjety], [in:] E. Mączyńska, P. Pysz (ed.), Społeczna Gospodarka Rynkowa a wartości europejskie [Social market economy and European values], Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne–Fundacja Konrada Adenauera, Warszawa 2019, p. 142. 1