Rozdział XI
Employee Benefits as Success Drivers for Human Capital Policies in Business Organizations Iryna Polets 0000-0002-9160-7048 My ambition is to employ still more men, to spread the benefits of this industrial system to the greatest possible number, to help them build up their lives and their homes. To do this we are putting the greatest share of the profits back in the business. Henry Ford
The words of Henry Ford explain well the essence of this article. It is worth emphasizing that my attention was drown to the part where he speaks about lives and homes of his employees as an elements of success of his business, and where he was eager to make a substantial investment. From this small illustration, one traces the intertwining of several aspects, mainly, the value of human capital and its development for business enterprise; elements of social responsibility and creation of productive environment for own employees – all the steps that can lead to the overall development of an enterprise and its sustainability. For contemporary global professional these elements are usual, especially reflected through the compound corporate responsibility and employees’ benefits by the leaders of corporate world – Google, IBM, Facebook and many more. Actually, the list of the brands and companies can be endless here. My primary concern for this article is to show, that lavish and contemporary corporate environment is not a novel idea and despite the general understanding that corporate business has to maximize its profit1, companies do try to invest in employees’ facilities and various social benefits in order to keep the best talent and to be competitive on the market. This chapter will also try to show that there is a historic continuity in development of corporate business regarding social benefits and the ideas that seem to be very creative and innovative are not new – they were in application even earlier than we think. M. Friedman, A Friedman Doctrine. The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, “New York Times Magazine” 13.09.1970, [accessed: 13.10.2019].