Chapter 4
Results and discussion An investment in knowledge pays the best interest14. Benjamin Franklin
4.1. Descriptive analysis All respondents are divided into four groups with the aim of analysing their answers separately since it is assumed that the results of each group might differ. Within the framework of the study, it is investigated how the level of the illusion of explanatory depth differs between men and women. Yet, one of the pillars of the study is an interest in the group that underestimates and overestimates the level of knowledge the most. The results show that it was the right decision to divide men’s answers into two groups depending on the field of education because the answers of the respondents from the first and second groups are contrasting. It should be mentioned again that respondents were not aware of the purpose of the survey, so their answers are not affected by any external consequences or motives. After the responses collected from all respondents have been analysed, results showing trends of the illusion of explanatory depth are obtained. The groups are as follows: ‘humanities’ males, ‘science’ males, ‘humanities’ females, and ‘science’ females, respectively. The group that underestimates the level of knowledge most is the ‘science’ males. In contrast, the group that overestimates the level of knowledge the most is the ‘humanities’ males. It is gripping to Franklin, B., 2016. The Way to Wealth. California: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform.