Lazy Faire — April 2021

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Editor’s Note

CONTRIBUTORS VP Editorial Nandini Chandra


Sara Assaf

VP Art & Design Jazlynn Chan



Vaneeza Asif Kim Tinana Quincy Tran Jacqueline Wong


David Dang Lucia Sanchesviesca

VP Marketing Red Enorme

Social Media & Website Director Melanie Mah

Suits LF David Dang

VP Operations & Finance


pril is always a busy time of the year with all the assignments and final exams. For some, it is the last month of their time in university. Winter 2021 is my last semester at university, and I find myself anxious and excited about what I want to do after I graduate. This month’s theme is “LIFE AFTER GRADUATION,” where we encourage you to explore your postgraduation plans and be inspired. In this issue, we will be exploring whether self-employment is better or a corporate job through our Thought versus Thought, meeting with Sadhna Mathrani, a passionate advocate and debater, and Michelle Height, the Career Coordinator at the Alberta School of Business, and so much more! Read on!

Jujhar Singh Brar

Parul Kanwar Editor-in-Chief

Table of Contents






Meet the Team

Thought vs Thought

Student Spotlight

Melanie Mah Sara Assaf Nandini Chandra Lucia Sanchesviesca Jacqueline Wong Kim Tinana

Self Employment vs Corporate Job

Sadhna Mathrani talks being involved in the university community, inspiration, and advice to aspiring business students



Lazy Chat


Michelle Height talks about her career path being a career educator and advice to students

In-demand Skills for Employers in 2021



Meet The Team

MEET THE TEAM Hi! My name is Melanie. I’m in my second year of Business, majoring in Marketing. In my free time, I like to read, write, draw, listen to music, and play badminton. According to my Wii score, I’m a pro at bowling. On campus, you’ll most likely find me in the library or at the gym (for the first half of the semester). As the Social Media and Website Director this year, I’m very excited to put pen to paper and join the Marketing team in showcasing student stories in Lazy Faire’s magazine issues! Feel free to reach out and say hello!

Melanie Mah

Social Media & Website Director

My name is Sara Assaf and I am a Business Economics and Law Major at the University of Alberta! I love writing and thought Lazy Faire would be the perfect opportunity for me to engage more in journalism! Using my voice to bring awareness and showcase talented individuals in our community is a passion of mine and I encourage you all to get involved in advocacy as much as possible. I can’t wait for you to read the work we create at Lazy Faire!

Sara Assaf Writer

Nandini Chandra VP Editorial

Hi everyone! I am so excited to write for Lazy Faire this year. I am from India and I have been in Canada for the past three years to pursue an Arts degree in Psychology. I am in pursuit of finding the best clubs and professors on campus and in business. I am in this magazine to know everything about business and gain an insider’s perspective.

Meet The Team


I am currently a fourth-year Fashion Business Management student from Monterrey, Mexico. Besides being a photographer at Lazy Faire Magazine, I’m also the Events Vice President of the Strategic Management and Organization Club. Something I’m passionate about is learning more about the slow fashion industry and topics on sustainability. After graduation I plan to work in the fashion or design industry while expanding my photography business before pursuing a Master’s in Graphic Design. Another dream of mine is to become a proud owner of many animals and eventually own an animal sanctuary in the mountains!


Lucia Sanchesviesca Photographer

Jacqueline Wong

Hello! I’m Jacqueline and I will be graduating with a marketing degree pretty soon! I am a very friendly, outgoing person. I always do my best to look out for others and make sure no one feels left out. I can also get pretty creative when it comes to my ideas whether for work, school, or my own personal life! I am planning on releasing a blog in February 2021 about skin and skincare, so please look out for that! My passion is to positively influence people and encourage others to be the best version of themselves. I am always looking for opportunities to grow and challenge myself, as seen from the many case competitions I enter. Eventually, I aspire to be in a top management position where I can help take things to the next level.


My name is Kim and I am in my second year in BCom. I major in MIS with a minor in Accounting. This year, I am a designer for Lazy Faire. I am very thankful for having this role. I can finally let my buried creativity run wild! With school aside, you will find me listening to podcasts about real life stories, life advice and romance. I also enjoy trying out new food and binge watch TV shows.

Kim Tinana Designer



Thought VS Thought

thought vs. thought CLIMB THE LADDER TO SUCCESS AT A CORPORATE JOB Written by: Vaneeza Asif Some want to work for a great company, and those who want to start a great company. But neither option is as opaque as it sounds. Which is better? What do I prioritize in life? What will bring me more satisfaction? These are but some of the questions one must ponder before making such a decision. And as it turns out, it has more to do with timing and luck than one might expect. This article will outline why working a Corporate Job will be more beneficial than being self-employed (even for an Entrepreneur!). The reasons are as follows: Costs, Resources and Acumen. Firstly, it can be expensive to start a business, and it requires a lot of startup capital depending on the field and industry. They can range from $50 for sewing supplies to upwards of hundreds for woodworking equipment. Once you pay the startup costs, you still have to continue to put money into the business. For example, if you own a sewing business, you will have to buy fabric and sewing supplies throughout your business. If you do custom designs, you may end up buying certain supplies more so than others, and your less popular designs may result in a lot of fabric waste and lost money. You will also have to maintain your machine and pay for any upgrades. And finally, there is also the risk of your business failing. For example, if you overestimated demand and spent too much money on supplies. And secondly, one must also consider how comfortable their profits are. If you are breaking even every month, then this business may be nothing more than a side-gig. If your profit is not enough to meet your needs, you may require an additional job. Secondly, there is the issue of a lack of resources. This can include access to startup services, education & research sources, human connections and so on.

Consider our sewing business: The proper resources would advise you on the best suppliers for your business. They would advise you to the right people who can help push your business forward through advertising, finding your employees and providing you with industry insight. Proper research would help you compare the costs and benefits of various suppliers, determine the demand in your area of operation and provide you information regarding startup events and exhibitions across your city. If you have a corporate job, making these invaluable connections is much easier, and your employer will likely provide you with a host of resources that you can do with what you wish. And lastly, we have to consider our Business Acumen. Though it is not entirely intrinsic, an entrepreneurial mind does come naturally to some. For example, if you grew up around business owners, you will better understand what it takes to start a business than if you went in blind. If you’re going in blind, it may be best to get a corporate job BEFORE starting a business. This way, you can build your business knowledge from those around you and learn from the owners directly. You will know how various industries function in multiple economies and, in the end, will have a much better understanding of the business world. As outlined above, starting a business is not for everyone. But if you’re set on being an entrepreneur, the most important thing you can do is research. Research your business goals, the industry, the economy in which you will operate and the costs associated with it. Research can include online sources, but the best method is to connect with business owners who have lived through the reality of starting and operating a business AND immersing themselves in that field by working for a company.

Thought VS Thought



Enter the debate between chasing entrepreneurship or the corporate lifestyle, and discover their intricacies

CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE WITH SELF-EMPLOYMENT Written by: Sara Assaf | Designed by: Quincy Tran The day is arriving. In your fourth year, you’re set to graduate in April and eagerly to get closer to completing your second-semester classes soon. Do you want to work a 9-5 job for the rest of your life? Should you maybe take a year off instead, take some time to think, or live with your parents before making this big decision? Perhaps you should seek out a career advisor or consultant so that you can make a more concrete plan — all valid options. Ultimately, your future is in your hands — the world is your oyster, exquisitely crafted with opportunities of which you will contemplate. Will you choose a corporate lifestyle or self-employment? Only time will tell. If you’re interested in SMO and entrepreneurship, self-employment seems like a great fit! There are benefits to being your boss — from the flexibility of schedule to delegation of tasks to financing your own business. Tax benefits also serve as an incentive, along with the most essential quality, creative freedom taking a solid lead. But with this, there are also negative considerations, such as a lack of health and dental insurance, corporate incentives, the office lifestyle we all set ourselves up to dread, and pension plans. While social welfare programs’ quality and value can be debated, the same of a versatile schedule is certain with self-employment! With self-employment, life after graduation will prioritize YOU. In an article (https:// written by Bobby Hoyt, he explains why he believes he made the right choice to leave his teaching job for self-employment and used his personal experiences to shed light on the misconceptions. There is a potential high barrier to entry, depending on the industry you choose

to pursue. Whether your skills, services, or goods are tangible or intellectual, entering the industry and making a profit economically will be difficult. There are often high competition levels, and you’ll need to make yourself and your product differentiated to be on the radar. There’s also the fear factor — with selfemployment or a corporate lifestyle, there’s fear that exists, whether financially or in terms of self-actualization — did you make the right choice? It takes courage to put yourself out there, seek support from the public and your colleagues for your venture, and this fear comes at a much higher stake when fighting for yourself versus fighting for probation. As with COVID-19, we’ve learned that we must brace ourselves for anything. As an entrepreneur, this mindset is necessary, and adaptability goes hand in hand with flexibility. But because of this uncertainty in scheduling, self-employed individuals must be willing to sacrifice their own time if needed for their business (indubitably for themselves in the long term). There is less stability with self-employed careers — the lack of corporate culture is another consideration contributing to this instability. Although toxic at times, corporate culture ensures that an established distribution of power is implemented. Roles are delegated, and policies are made clear through an abundance of legal documents, and human resources work with corporate offices to ensure these policies are maintained after implementation. Now, of course, all of this is possible through self-employment — but it may be harder to climb up the mountain of success if you’re starting at the bottom while your competitors are pretty close to the slope.



Student Spotlight

SADHNA MATHRANI Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m a fourth-year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in Business Economics and Law with a minor in Political Science. I was involved in debate throughout my degree, so I was pretty active in the University of Alberta Debate Society for a few years. I’ve served in two different executive roles where I was the Novice Member At Large in my first year, and in my second year, I was the Vice President Internal. I think debate tends to get a bad rep in many ways where people feel that it’s very elitist, so I wanted to make sure to change that and create a more diverse and embracing community. In my second year of university, I judged at the World’s University Debating Championships in South Africa. I was also on the Alberta JDC West team. In my first year, I was a member of the debate team, and in my second year, I was the Captain. That was the year that we had the first all-girls debate team, and to this day, there hasn’t been another all-girls team, so we were the first and only ones. This year, I’ve just been coaching the debate team. I am also the Vice President Logistics for Women in Business, so I’ve done a lot of work with EDI. In terms of things that I enjoy doing, I love baking, reading and writing. I love the world of fashion and have my own fashion Instagram account. I like travelling too!

Can you tell us about involvement in Women in Business, JDC West and ASANA voices? So starting with JDC, I was the debate Captain, where I pretty much planned our practices, and if someone was new to debate, I would coach them, teach them the fundamentals and make sure they could become phenomenal speakers. When I was on JDC West in my first year, there were a few instances of discrimination, sexism and racism, and the executive team wasn’t addressing that, which didn’t sit right with me. When I went back as Captain, it was a big thing that I wanted to do. I created this zerotolerance equity policy that tackled harassment and discrimination. That code of conduct is still in place, and I’ve adapted that for both Women in Business and have helped the Business Students’ Association adopt theirs as well. ASANA Voices, the Alliance of South Asians in North America, was created by some of my cousins in Los Angeles. They were raising South Asian voices and bringing to the forefront a lot of issues that the community faces that are considered taboo and we don’t want to talk about. This made me want to join them as a writer, but I have transitioned out of the role and work on the video content. We are now trying to expand into Canada as there is a relatively large South Asian community here. Being part of this gives me a channel to express myself, and writing is one of my biggest passions.

Student Spotlight

Who is your biggest inspiration or idol?



Interviewed by: Nandini Chandra Designed by: Kim Tinana Photographed by: Lucia Sanchesviesca

This will sound a little bit cliche, but I would say that my mom is my biggest inspiration. When we came to Canada in 2002, she took a ten-year gap because my brother and I were young and my dad was still in school. My mom is a doctor, and she needed to take some exams to get a medical license to practice in Canada. She just got her license this year, so that’s over eight years of work because she had to retake her exams and redo her residency in Pakistan. What inspires me most about her is that even in the face of hardship, she persevered. There were periods when we were growing up where she went back to Pakistan for two years for her training because it had been many years since she had practiced, and around last year, she was practicing in Ireland. People often told her that she couldn’t do it and shouldn’t leave her family, and even though she wasn’t around much during my teenage and young adult years, it was inspiring to see her continue to push forward and pursue her passion. She has gone through a lot to get where she is now, and I know that being a results-oriented person, I couldn’t do it, but she still pushes me to do the right thing. I admire her for that and hope that I can be like her one day.

What is the best course that you have taken at the School of Business? I think that the best course I have taken is Indigenous Business in Canada. I think it provides a different perspective to a lot of things we learn about related to indigenous rights and history. I’m not here to say capitalism is the greatest thing in the world, but unfortunately, it is the system in which we live. Despite its flaws, there are opportunities for many indigenous people to build themselves up economically. It is a great way to showcase to people that they are good business partners and can succeed. It’s been an exciting class because I didn’t know a lot about the Economic Development Corporations and other issues that Indigenous groups face when starting businesses. This is an essential course because a lot of how we practice business is based on indigenous history and how they used to do things. So I think it opens the door for more conversations as well and showcases that, for example, in the future, if someone does want to create a business with indigenous peoples, how are they going to do it in the best way. Something that I’ve taken away from this class is the idea that social ventures can function well, and we don’t necessarily have to look at charities. Charities are phenomenal in their way. It’s also essential to incorporate social ventures and encourage people to create businesses where they are for-profit and give back to the community. It’s given me a whole different perspective. I think it’s shown me a lot about how we can help people succeed in the long term, not just indigenous peoples but individuals who may not have as much power in traditional society.

What advice would you give to someone who’s just starting in the School of Business? I think my biggest piece of advice is to try everything. I have had this conversation with my brother. He’s going to university next year and is scared to try things because he is afraid of failing. I told him that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you fail or not because if you never try, you never know what works for you and what doesn’t. If I had never attempted debate or JDC West, I would have missed out on a lot because it has been one of the best experiences I have ever had, and I’m so glad that I did. If you get caught up in the mindset that you might fail and what people will think, you limit your opportunities and ability to find things you might do well. University is an important period of your life because you’re growing and learning a lot about yourself. The Faculty of Business is unique in that it has many opportunities and different things that you can do, so try everything. If you’re even remotely interested in marketing, take a marketing class to figure out if you like it. If you’re scared of public speaking, try joining debate to improve on that. And once you figure out what you’re interested in, you can narrow down what you want to pursue and specialize in. I think that’s probably my most significant piece of advice for anyone who’s starting, you know, take risks, try out everything, and then you can kind of figure things out as you go.



Lazy Chat

Lazy Chat with Michelle Height Written by: Sara Assaf | Designed by: Vaneeza Asif Tell us about yourself: I have been working for the School of Business in Business Career Services for just over 24 years. I started in career development as a receptionist and, honestly, I didn’t have any aspirations towards being a career educator at that time. Still, opportunities presented themselves, as they often do, and now I am here, 24 years later, working as a career educator! In addition to working in business career services as a career educator, I am also an instructor with the School of Business, teaching business communications.

What is your favourite thing about your job? If I do my job well, it makes a difference, and I think everybody can appreciate how much that matters- to be part of people’s professional development and help them achieve their goals. I can’t imagine a career much more rewarding than that. The students change, and so does my job because of their other goals, aspirations, and various challenges. The one constant is that, as I said, if I do my job well, I help people achieve their own goals, which is just deeply rewarding. When I was a recruitment assistant, I helped students connect with the office resources; I facilitated a lot of the critical events and different ways for students to communicate with support. As a career education coordinator, giving students meaningful advice, connecting them with significant resources, and sitting down and speaking to them about how I can help them achieve their own goals. We don’t solve the problems for you, but we give you the tools to solve the problems yourself, and to me, that is just fantastic, so I love that about my job!

Would you say you’re happy with your “life after graduation”? What goals do you have for the future? Absolutely. I have taken my undergraduate degree places I never would have expected. Life after graduation was so much better than I thought it would be because the future was not so bright as an arts grad in the 90’s, I’ll be honest, just because of when I graduated. As well, as someone who’s has graduated with an executive MBA from the School of Business, the difference that choice has made in my career path has been enormous. For students who are thinking about life after graduation, recognize that you can only prepare for so much and that the best things in life come from when you’re open to opportunity. When you’re willing to be flexible, consider other possibilities, and take those leaps, that’s when the most brilliant things happen in our lives! So, be brave, be bold! These are challenging times but letting yourself take risks, that’s the best thing you can do after graduation. Take that foundation that your degree gave you, and then let it take you where it wants to take you. That’s the reason I have been so thrilled in my career path, because I’ve allowed for possibility.

Lazy Chat



How did you decide that you wanted to pursue this career? I’m unusual in the School of Business, in that I didn’t go through the BCom program, as I have an arts degree from the University of Alberta. Honestly, I never aspired to go into business, necessarily. I come from a family of entrepreneurs. All of my family members work for themselves or the family businesses. But I never wanted that path for myself. For some quite time, I was the only one in the family that worked for someone else. It’s sort of interesting that way. When I completed my arts degree in the mid-90s, where there was no work and I was glad to find whatever job I could. Because I had a background in business from working summers in the family business, I took those soft skills and used them to my advantage. I didn’t have the related experience, but I had the soft skills that employers wanted. That focus made a big difference. I had developed excellent communication skills and focused on soft skills, and I used my network well. While looking for work, I was volunteering at an organization, and one of the fellow volunteers was working for the school of business. We were having a conversation, and he said, “you know, I think you’d be better at my job than I am.” He said, “I’m going to be leaving, and they don’t know yet, but when I apply, I’m going to recommend that they consider you.” And now here I am! So, just wonderful proof of the value of building a solid network, which I advocate for in my class. This started as just a job but, as I went down this path, I discovered how wonderful it is to be involved in people finding success. As I said, I started as a receptionist in the career center, and when as the opportunity presented itself to more into other another role, I seized it. One of the best things that I’ve learned through my career is that we can have a vision and think of what we’re going to do when we go to School but once we graduate and start to work, the opportunities that present themselves are often things we could not have anticipated. It’s essential to not be so set on the path that you’ve chosen that you can’t see other opportunities. So, yes, it’s good to have a plan, it’s good to plan, and it’s good to have a vision of where you want to go, but don’t be so set in that vision that you’re not open to possibility. Because of my unusual path, I have gotten additional training related to career development and support. I’ve educated myself in communication, but as well, I went back and got my MBA. Twenty years after I finished my [first] degree, I went back and completed my executive MBA at the U of A, which was a fantastic experience! It’s a case where I had that vision of where I wanted to go in career development, and I took the education that I needed to make that happen. What that did was it allowed me to move into the role I’m in now, where instead of just being somebody passionate about career development, I also have the vital skill set to back it up. My path is nothing like what I would’ve imagined, but because I was open to possibilities, I’m where I should probably always have been. I fully anticipate that I will retire at the university with a School of Business because I genuinely enjoy what we do, and I believe in what we do.

For other students interested in similar positions, what advice would you give them on starting? Once you have an idea of where you want to go, look at the skills you would need to achieve those goals. The advice that I give to anybody who comes in to speak to me about career planning is, don’t think of “what does my degree, or my major equal?” but rather, “Where am I trying to go, and what do I need to pack into my toolkit to get there?”. I always like to think of your courses, your designations and your experiences as tools that you pack in your toolkit. The goal is that you’re going to be able to open up that toolkit at that new job and have what you need already there. To me, it’s about what skills are transferable no matter where you go and what experiences can you get that would give you an overall better skill set? Experiences in leadership, guiding others, and being willing to take on that kind of higher-level role are all precious. Look at how you can achieve skills growth through work experience, volunteer and club involvement. There are so many different ways to get experience to build those soft skills, which made all the difference for me relative to my other fellow arts grads, who all struggled in the 90s. I had a robust soft skill set that allowed me to take my degree and be quite effective in the career services field. Part of your success comes down to your degree, but your degree and major alone don’t dictate your path. What you’re mostly learning is how to learn. I encourage you to look at your career path as a lifelong commitment to learning. The people who are successful in achieving their goals have never stopped learning and never stopped embracing the opportunity to learn. One of the best things you can do is prepare for that path is to develop your soft skills through a diversity of experiences and then be prepared to learn and challenge yourself.




Written by: Vaneeza Asif Designed By: Jacqueline Wong

IN-DEMAND SKILLS IN THE CORPORATE WORLD Just what are corporates looking for these days? HARD SKILLS: learned abilities acquired/enhanced through practice, repetition, & education. Cloud Computing: Today, companies are built and run on the cloud. They need talent who can help them drive technical architecture, design, and delivery of cloud systems like Microsoft Azure. So there is demand for this. Business Analysis: Analysis is a top skill any day, but in 2021, it’s especially sought after in business analysis. The types of skills employers look for include Forecasting, Process Mapping/Modelling, Financial Planning, Data review and Technical Integration. Artificial Intelligence: Despite what movies would have us believe, A.I. is not always intelligent autonomous robots. Like business intelligence, employers seek a host of skills in the context of A.I. Sought-after skills include coding, mathematical intelligence (Linear Algebra and Statistics), research and familiarity with various algorithms.









SOFT SKILLS: a variety of aptitudes and behaviours. Any skills you developed beyond your technical competencies and intellectual knowledge. Emotional intelligence: Employees with high levels of emotional intelligence handle pressure and stress better by being aware of any changes in their emotions and can implement healthy coping mechanisms to relieve stress and maintain control. In our fast-paced and quickly changing environment, there is enormous demand for this. Adaptability: With the onset of remote working, it’s more important now than ever to be adaptable. This involves a willingness to learn, persistence, being resourceful and having a curious mind. Collaboration: Collaboration can be a part of any job and is a skill that will always be in demand. Being collaborative means that you are a good listener, have excellent communication skills, respect diversity and are good at conflict resolution.





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