AnotherChance to Get it Right 1
Business Students Association
Bu Stu As
Message from Our Sponsor
Editor’s Note
Breanne Fisher
Welcome back! Whether your first semester was glorious or something that needs to be forgotten, you’re officially off to a fresh start. As you’ll see in our January calendar, your prospects for the new year have never looked so vast! The long-awaited Business Week officially begins on January 17th at 9am. Filled with everything from social networking events to tacos, it’s often recognized throughout campus as one of the best faculty-specific events. Take a look at page 13 for more information. Business Week will wrap up with an espionage-themed Winter Gala! Dust off your dancing shoes and prepare for a night of wonder. As the Gala committee has been working on this for almost a year, it definitely will exceed your expectations. Remember that the new year brings a fresh beginning. As you’ll see in this issue, you still have the opportunity to take part in clubs (like JDC West or AIESEC), conquer your fears (p. 14), or even add to your vocabulary (p. 11)! Whatever you decide, we hope you’ll take the Lazy-Faire along for the ride. Enjoy!
The new year to me means one thing: Resolutions. We all have them, whether we are willing to admit them to each other or not. Higher grades, greater focus, a healthier lifestyle and better habits are all common resolutions. It’s no wonder that January is the busiest month for gym memberships. While we may keep up the new habits for a short time, eventually, most of us return to our old tricks. Despite that, here are a few things I would like to see change in 2011: ~ Profs who don’t give us exams right after reading week - The end of reality shows featuring Kardashians, former Playboy Bunnies or pregnant teens. (Jersey Shore is a guilty pleasure) - A hockey team that actually wins games and the end of excuses for why they can’t seem to put the puck in the net What do you want to see change in 2011? Drop us a line at and let us know.
Jyoti Lamba
Best of luck in the new semester
Magazine Contributors
Breanne Fisher Editor
Farzana Allidina Karolina Zheng Sally Au
Jyoti Lamba Editor
Creative Director Creative Director Creative Director
Brittanee Tomkow Shirley Guo Matt Crowley Breanne Pisani Pam Chang Lance Chung Paul Kan Bryan Tran Jeff Mah
Creative Director Creative Director Creative Director Senior Contributor Senior Contributor Senior Contributor Production Director Photography Front and back cover Image
in every issue
Table of Contents
ENTREPRENEUR’S ORGANIZATION presidential roundtable
JDC IS BACK uofa hosts competition in 2012
BUSINESS WEEK the craziest non-exam week of the school year
EMBRACING FEAR finding yourself amidst the unknown
Opinions? Suggestions? Ideas? Drop us a line at or check out our Facebook page!
BRUSH UP ON YOUR VOCAB how the oxford dictionary has evolved
student life
THE BUSINESS OF FAME what could get you on the A-list
health and wellness
Like you. You’ve got a lot on your plate balancing education and life. At Athabasca University’s Faculty of Business, you can pick up an online course that fits your schedule and your needs. Our business is helping you complete your degree. Learn more at
Athabasca University
Faculty of Business 5
January 3
BEA Week of Welcome Begins
BSA Book Sale Ends
JDC West Competition Ends
BSA Business Week Begins
23 30
BFA Info Session Tuition Due
AIESEC Info Session BEA Exchange Info Session
New Years Day
BSA Book Sale Begins
BSA Anti-Burnout
AIESEC Info Session
BEA Nation to Nation Kickoff
AIESEC Info Session BEA Exchange Info Session
JDC West Competition Begins BSA Social Night
BSA Business Week Ends
BEA Ski Trip Begins BFA Challenge Begins EDGE Competition Begins
BEA Week of Welcome Ends
BSA Winter Gala
Time Killers Each month, Lazy-Faire features one student and asks them about their “Time Killers:” where they hang out between classes, what they do during their downtime and other things that interest them. What inspired you to be a make-up artist? Was this something you always wanted to pursue? I’ve always been interested in makeup and beauty products. My mom taught me the importance of healthy skin and we would regularly have “girl’s night” with facials, manicures, pedicures and even just play makeup. I started my own makeup collection in grade 9 and then eventually, buying cosmetics became a regular part of my budget. When I started University, I got a job working for Clinique. I learned a lot about skincare and enhancing natural beauty. I met a lot of other makeup artists in the industry and I realized it was my passion. Did you attend school or classes or are you self-taught? While I was working in the summer, I attended the professional makeup artistry course at Marvel College and realized that I had the potential to start a successful business. I’ve been working as a free-lance makeup artist for a couple of years but I wanted to get my professional certification. There are so many people who say they’re a makeup artist with no experience or credibility, so I wanted to make sure I set myself apart. It was never a primary goal in my life but I felt like I needed a creative outlet as an accountant. What surprises you most about working in this industry?
PRIYA KAPUR Program: Bachelor of Commerce Cooperative Education Year: 4 Major: Accounting Minor: International Business Photography by Bryan Tran
A huge surprise was the level of networking required. Makeup artists, hair stylists and photographers all work together very closely since we all need each other in order to be successful. My sister (the hairstylist) and I always be sure to get our name out and work with as many photographers as possible since it is such a close knit industry. How do you find balancing running a business and attending school fulltime as well as keeping up with your extra-curriculars? It’s definitely a challenge since it’s always in the back of my head to keep current with my portfolio. Scheduling time for everything is the biggest challenge but prioritizing and setting goals helps me get through everything. School is still my number one priority but I schedule in time to work on my business. I have a lot of plans to help my business grow but I’m planning on spending more time on the it when I’m on my final coop placement. I will be starting a YouTube channel and blog to give makeup lessons, share my tricks and discuss beauty products. I think it’s so important to keep in touch with your hobbies because it is so easy to lose touch with the fun part of life as school and work can be overwhelming. By starting a business related to my hobby, I make sure that I make time to do what I love. How can people contact you?
Do you want to be featured in the next Time Killers? Drop us a line telling us why at
For now, the best way to contact me is via email, phone or facebook. My makeup portfolio is posted on my facebook and is public for anyone to view, so if anyone is interested in seeing the type of work I can do they can look on there. I’ll be starting a website and setting up portfolios on various networking sites, so potential clients can find me on there.
Message from our Sponsor
Student Life
JDC WEST 2012, It's coming back!! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run an event for over 550 students, corporate representatives, and faculty from across Western Canada? Organizing JDC West will give you a chance to put your skills to the test. Like running your own business, JDC West will challenge you and teach you to be a better student and professional. This past summer Nathan Petersen and Koryn Stamler headed to Saskatoon to present a highly anticipated bid-package fully supported by the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, and Productivity Alberta. The bid was a success and JDC West is coming back to the Alberta School of Business in January 2012. Now the Co-Chairs are looking to compile an Organizing Committee of roughly 15 Vice Presidents to make this memorable weekend a success. What is JDC West? “JDC West is the largest student run business case competition in Western Canada and is a three day event that showcases academic competitions, athletic challenges, a social competition and charity initiative. Over 550 students from 11 of Western Canada’s top Universities unite annually to compete in this competition that is solely organized by and for business students.”
How to apply? During this coming January, VP Portfolio positions will need to be filled and applications are open to all business students. The follow positions needed include:
developing an initiative called Productivity Alberta. In essence, Productivity Alberta is designed to build and support innovative and efficient business in Alberta. With their help, JDC West 2012 will incorporate three pillars of productivity that will act as a foundation for the competition (Innovative/Creativity, Management/Leadership, and Operations). The competition’s message will focus on how innovation and changes in management and operations affect an organization’s overall productivity.
The western provinces derive their strength from the ability to provide resources like oil and natural gas to the rest of Canada, and in a way we fuel Canada’s export driven economy. The competition’s tagline, ‘Fueling Productivity’ will challenge participants to ignite change in their communities. Western Canada has the ability to be the catalyst for change, and Nathan and Koryn are confident the theme will stir up a similar sentiment in all participants.
The Theme: ‘Fueling Productivity’ On Monday morning, purchase a copy of the Globe & Mail and chances are you will find an article talking about the productivity gap that exists between Canada and the United States. Economists at TD Bank suggest that Canada could immediately improve productivity by adopting the best practices from across the world. So if it’s that simple why has nothing been done about it? Is it too expensive? Do we have the resources?
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Co-VP Logistics (2 positions) VP Events VP Gala VP Athletics VP Academic VP HR VP Hotel Relations VP Social VP Corporate Relations VP Marketing VP Finance VP IT
Participating on the JDC West 2012 Organizing Committee will be a fun, stressful, and fulfilling experience. Each of these VP Portfolio positions involves an extensive amount of work; therefore appropriate candidates must be responsible and have exceptional communication and organizational skills. The Organizing Committee offers applicants an opportunity to expand upon classroom knowledge, develop leadership abilities, meet successful members of the local Edmonton business community, and develop friendships with individuals from across Western Canada that may last a life-time. If any of these positions interest you, please submit a letter of intent explaining why you feel you are the best fit and your resume. All submissions can be sent to Koryn (koryn@jdcwest. com) by February 1st and if you have any further questions, stop either Co-Chair in the hallways, as they would be happy to explain their vision for JDC West 2012. Feel free to also check out our website,
The Government of Alberta has recognized that something should be done to positively impact Canada’s position as a world leader by
Presidential Roundtable!
They have agreed to organize this year’s event on campus in order to make it accessible to business students for an exclusive networking event.
Details for the student reception are as follows: Location: Jubilee Auditorium (11455 87 Ave. - first balcony) Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm Description: the opportunity to network and liaise with Edmonton’s top entrepreneurs and hear from globally-respected professor at the Alberta School of Business, Dr. Lloyd Steier, on the topic of entrepreneurship. Cost of admission: Complementary Please RSVP no later than Friday, January 14, 2011 to Space for students is limited, so register early to avoid missing out. The Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) is a dynamic, global network of more than 7,300 business owners in 42 countries.
Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO is the catalyst that enables entrepreneurs to learn and grow from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life. Lead by a volunteer board, EO Edmonton is comprised of 105 chapter members with average revenues of 10M and a minimum of 30% ownership in their respective companies.
EO members share a value set that includes: Boldly Go!? Bet on your own abilities
Thirst for Learning? Be a student of opportunity Make a Mark? Leave a legacy Trust and Respect? Build a safe haven for learning and growth Cool? Create, seek out and celebrate once-in-a-lifetime experiences 10
he Oxford Dictionary of English has been updated once again! Although this seems quite uninteresting, when it comes to the business world, a refreshed vocabulary cannot hurt. The economic downturn has been responsible for a few of these additions, terms added include: “overleveraged” - having taken on too much debt, and “staycation” – a vacation that does not involve traveling far. This year’s World Cup has also influenced an addition to the dictionary with the word “vuvuzela” – a plastic trumpet that was heard non-stop during every single World Cup game played in South Africa.
An increase in social media channels has also been responsible for the inclusion of words such as “defriend” - deleting someone off your friends list on Facebook and “tweetup”- an organized meeting that is set up through Twitter.
It’s official. All those slang words that have been used in the past are now officially part of the English language. However, until our society advances more and these words are completely integrated into our daily lives, I would suggest staying away from any use during a business board meeting or otherwise. Use them at your own risk!
Other words added include:
fre●ne●my: n. a friendly relationship despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry
catas●tro●phize: v. view or present a situation as considerably worse than it actually is
auto●mag●ically: adv. automatically and in a
way that seems ingenious, inexplicable, or magical
over●think: v. think about (something) too much or for too long
Brush Up On Your Vo●cab…
c.) n. bad luck due to a harvest moon
Buzz●kill: a.) n. an annual hunt made famous in the 1950’s- known for highly peculiar methods of slaughtering bees. b.) n. a person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect c.) n. a poisonous hybrid of weeds
automagically fussbudget
b.) n. a dance famously known in African tribes for instigating fertility
a.) n. a close relationship between two men
Test your dictionary savvy with the words below:
how the oxford dictionary has
interweb staycation catastrophizing buzzkill cheeseball bargainous tweetup
a.) n. a plump retriever b.) n. a sentence that contains 24 letters of the English alphabet c.) n./adj. lacking taste, style or originality
a.) n. a pill for hyper-reactivity b.) v. the combination of chilling and relaxing c.) n. relief from hypothermia
Answers: Bromance a.) n. a close relationship between two men Buzzkill b.) n. a person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect Cheeseball c.) n ./adj. lacking taste, style or originality Chillax b.) v. the combination of chilling and relaxing
BURNOUT Wed. Feb. 2nd.
burn·out (bûrn′out) n.To make or become exhausted. an·ti (ăn′tī) pref. To oppose. Join us in front of the BSA Office for your monthly issue of the Lazy Faire and Anti-Burnout (a.k.a. free food giveaways).
Student Life
Beach Party
Club Hunt
Backstage Pass
Bar Night
Wet & Wild
Winter Gala
Business Week and the Apprentice Challenge
It may just be the craziest non-exam week of the school year. From January 17-22, all business students are invited to an abundance of educational and social events. The week kicks off with the BSA Beach Party on Monday, Two-Person Mini-Challenges on Tuesday, the Backstage Pass Networking Event on Wednesday, Bar Night on Thursday, the BSA’s January Social Night at West Edmonton Mall Waterpark on Friday Night, and finally the Winter Gala on Saturday!
Students are also invited to form teams of 4 and compete in the week-long BSA Apprentice Challenge; a competition that will challenge students’ passion, teamwork, wits, and networking skills. The winning team will win $1600 for their efforts! One of last year’s winners, Derek DeGroot said of the Apprentice: “It’s about how smart and how ridiculous you are. You are basically calling in every favour that you have.” Sign-ups for the Apprentice Challenge open at the beginning of the Winter Term.
JAN 06 to JAN 15
Drop Off
Jan 6-7 Tory Atrium: 10am-3pm
Money and Book Pickup
Jan 10-13 Tory Atrium: 1pm-4pm
Jan 14-15 BSA Office: 10am-3pm
*A portion of proceeds from Jan 10-13 Tory Atrium: 9:30am-12pm the BSA book sale will be going to Humanserve to help those in need.
Health and Wellness
Embracing the of the Perched on top of Budapest, Hungary.
hen I made the decision to travel across Europe last year it seemed like everybody was so sure it would be the best thing for me. That it would change my life. Open doors.
Alter my lifelong perceptions of the world. Me? I was terrified.
It was cold and dark and my bag was heavy. The thin gloves I had brought from England were a futile buffer against the stinging winter gusts. My fingers were throbbing. Across the street, a florescent pink and red brothel sign grinned at me with what seemed a mocking hostility. For I had not a single Czech crown to buy my way inside, nor a single Czech word to explain my situation. I was stranded in the cold; frustrating inches away from the warm inside of the hostel I had booked and paid for. Around me gleamed the white cobbled streets of Prague, which pulled themselves up and down the great rows of houses like drastic motions of an accordion. The tall row houses cradled dark inside the streets with an oppressive dim.
Where did I park my bike? Outside Amsterdam Centraal Station.
There was not a single friendly face. Not a single person I could call. Not a single piece of comfort I could purchase. There was just the cold doorstep outside the hostel, covered in icy snow.
by Matthew Crowley
I sat down. And I realized there and then that something had fundamentally changed in me. I was not afraid. I had nothing and no one. I was living my greatest fear. And I was still alive. The strangest of all was my feeling of ease. It was victory.
When I first imagined myself travelling alone over a year ago I thought I could never be that brave. I was not a risk taker - and by any measure, I was a very conservative, straight-laced kind of
The hostel was closed. It was dark. I was alone.
I looked at my paper-to-pen map with startled betrayal; I was at the right door, but there was no one at the hostel to answer. I rang the buzzer again. Again. Again. No one. 14
Health and Wellness
guy. I studied hard and maintained a small core of excellent friends. And that was comfy. Really comfy. When I finally decided to take a year off to travel, it was not – at the essence of my intention – to enrich myself in culture, language, or diversity. I decided to travel, quite simply, because it was the greatest fear I had. I would be totally alone and the core of who I was couldn’t actually handle it. Perhaps, this sounds strange to you – it sounds strange to me today but I can still anchor myself in that shadow of worry. At the time, I had convinced myself that I was too introverted to make new friends. That maybe I wasn’t bubbly or exciting or attractive or interesting enough to attract great people into my life. That I couldn’t make friends in a moment. I assumed I was destined for a sidelined social role. I fully expect you have heard a hundred times how amazing and wonderful and must-do-how-couldyou-wait-I’m-so-excited-I-would-pee-my-pants-if-itwould-help-you-go enthusiastic pitch to travel abroad. All I can say is, above all, do what is best for yourself. For me, travelling brings out the best of who I am in every moment. I have learned to be in my most ideal personal state no matter the situation. An incessant snorer in a hostel was not a nuisance, instead an opportunity to
I decided to to travel, quite simply, because it was the greatest fear I had go for a morning jog at 4am to experience the beautiful sunrise of a city. Its like the whole setting was made exclusively for your enjoyment at that time.
Brugge: it’s like a freaking fairy tale town! When I was lonely or needed a friend, I just started talking. I accepted everyone and everything, and that grew my horizons for possible friendships. I learned that even as an intensely introverted person, I am wicked cool and plenty interesting. And that the more positive, loving, and accepting I am the stronger that all the best is channeled back to me. I’ve seen some amazing and remarkably beautiful things like the Berlin Wall, the ancient Stonehenge, and the enchanting Cliffs of Moher. Of all these magnificent places, the most wonderful experience is always in the journey not the destination. And it is this journey that you are taking right now. In the words of one of my greatest friends:
Live like this is your last day. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Laugh like you never heard it before. Dance like no one is watching. 15
f o s s e n i The Bus
e m fa
By Lance Chung Students at the University of South Carolina will be presented with an interesting course come springtime. Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame will be added to the university curriculum, where students will be able to analyze the culture of fame. In less than two years, Gaga has gone from a fledgling artist to a full-blown, record-breaking, superstar. Her rise to fame can, undoubtedly, be attributed to her talent and knack for theatrics. But, is that it? In the business of show business, talent is often never enough. Success and superstardom are products of hard work, yes, but also a very strategic marketing plan built around brand and image development. Kids take your seats, Fame 101 has commenced. - Contrast: Celebrities differentiate themselves from others, and make sure it resonates with their audience. Gaga has theatrics, Taylor Swift has sweet sincerity, and Michael Jackson had amazing choreography. Be memorable. - Proximity: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. With the abundance of networking tools offered today, technology has given artists an unlimited number of venues to get closer to their fans and show a more personal, intimate side not often shown in the media. But with great power, comes great responsibility! An air of mystery (in other words, some distance) is still necessary in order to maintain a sense of exclusivity. Going on a Twitter rant (yes, Kanye, you), or revealing too much, instills a sense of commonality that does you no benefit.
- Evolution: Artists must continually be able to re-invent themselves, while still maintaining a sense of recognition and consistency for their fans. As with any product, the novelty wears off and consumers move on. Artists, and the like, must be able to cater to society’s ever-shrinking attention span in order to stay relevant. Xtina (girl-next-door to dirty), Madonna (material girl to dominatrix), and Schwarzenegger (actor to “governator”) are just a few examples. - Hype: Give your fans something to be excited about. Concerts and tours are a primary source of revenue for artists. Creating “events” build anticipation and hype, giving fans motivation to invest their time and money in an artist. Gaga continuously “teased” her fans to generate buzz in order to promote her new album, The Fame Monster. The debut of its first single, Bad Romance, generated tens of thousands of views within the first hour. Others, like Paris Hilton, are able to demand $30,000 for ten-minute club appearances solely based on the fact that her fans will come by the masses to witness and experience such an “event”. - Symbology: Strong symbols are the products of relentless repetition and provide visibility, a crucial element in a market of consumers desensitized by the constant exposure of marketing messages. Gaga’s “Monster Paw”, Gene Simmons’ massive tongue, Star Trek’s “Vulcan Salute”, and Snooki’s Poof all provide a trademark of sorts that society is easily able to recognize. - Unity: Gleeks, Lambs, Trekkies, Navy, Little Monsters. These are the names of the ever-devoted fan bases of Glee, Mariah Carey, Star Trek, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga, respectively. Tribal marketing instills a sense of community and pride amongst fans, giving them a bigger voice to rally in support of an artist. - Gratitude: Any business-savvy individual knows that your focus must be on your customer. Showing appreciation and gratitude towards your fans is essential. Simply put, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Next term! “Fame 102: The Lohan Way – How NOT to get famous!”
Did you know 98% of CGA
Alberta’s 417 newly designated members in 2010 enjoy positions like Vice President, Controller, Senior Manager, Director and Project Leader? Did you know these 417 new CGAs are employed with such organizations like KPMG, Stantec, Shaw Communications, Intuit Canada, Scotia Capital and Talisman Energy? Alberta CGAs work in great jobs, enjoy great salaries and have great careers. See what a CGA designation can do for you. For a one-on-one consultation, call 1-800-661-1078 or visit our website at: We see more than numbers.
Winter Gala 2011:
Sabatoge and Espionage ~ Presented by CGA ~
Mission: Winter Gala Redefined has commenced. The SoB Spy Organization needs your help! Test your spy skills and join us:
January 22, 2011 Shaw Conference Centre
• Award-winning fine dining with world class service! • Flashworks Photobooth
Cocktails 5:30pm
• Rapid Fire Theatre Improv
* Tickets: $45 on sale January 10 - 18 in front of the BSA office
• Dance Party • Spy themed entertainment
Bus_LazyFair_8.5x11.indd 1
AU BComm student Teang
Success. Being successful includes overcoming obstacles. If your schedule is getting in the way of completing your business degree, don’t let it stop you. Athabasca University’s Faculty of Business has the courses you need, without the obstacles. Success begins at
Athabasca University
Faculty of Business 19 10-11-09 11:55 AM