Business Students Association
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Table of Contents
in every issue
a line at our s u p o r join s? D Thought @bsaonline.ca or comments. ns ur submissio age to share yo kp faceboo nline on g o e n i z a e mag ur blo Access th a or check out o om. .c t.c bsaonline aireuofa.blogspo zyf http://la
5 DAYS FOR THE HOMELESS how you can help
ICBC inter-collegiate business competition
MIMC uofa school of business places first
health and wellness
IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS: interview with Donloree Hoffman
student life
INTERVIEW WITH “SALES DIVA” woman in business profile: Kim Duke
GRAD 2011
CLASS OF 2011 Celebrate your accomplishments with friends and family
Graduation Banquet Chateau Lacombe Crowne Plaza Saturday April 2, 2011 Cocktails 5:00 pm Dinner 6:30 pm $65 per persom Tickets will be sold online beginning March 1, 2011 Presented by
BEA Fall Exchange & Travel Award Program Deadline
BSA Anti-Burnout
Daylight Savings
Study Abroad Fall & Winter Exchange Deadline
BFA Mock Market Prizes and Party
St Patricks Day
BSA Student Social Night Last day to drop classes
21 27
BEA Bon Voyage
AIESEC Exchange Review Board
BSA Awards
BSA Street Hockey Tournament
Student Life
5 Days for the Homeless After originating in the University of Alberta School of Business in 2005, Five Days for the Homeless has quickly risen to national recognition, raising $200,000 for local charities across 20 schools in Canada! This year, Five Days for the Homeless takes place March 13 – March 18, 2011 and has a goal of raising $20,000 for the Youth Emergency Shelter Society(YESS). Seven students from the University of Alberta and one student from Grant MacEwan University will be remaining on campus for five days, abandoning all income, methods of communication (cell phones, laptops) and only consuming the food donated to them. Kimberley Menard, the Edmonton Local Chair says that the goal of the campaign is to “raise awareness [about homelessness], and not emulate homelessness.” A week ago, Kimberley personally met with YESS staff and saw what a tremendous impact this annual fundraiser has. “YESS helps youth who are homeless to get clean, find jobs, or go back to school. The money raised will increase programs, help with upkeep and with the society’s long-term needs.” This year, Kimberley says that students should expect to see big surprises. Including a visit from Mayor Stephen Mandel at 3pm on Tuesday, March 15th (outside the business building)! Also, participants in the fundraiser will be recording their daily experiences on blogs on their website (www.5days.ca). How to help: - Donate online at www.5days.ca/ualberta. -On March 1st, Coffee/Orange Juice/Hot Chocolate will be served in the Business Atrium and outside the BSA Office to raise awareness about the campaign - Come to the Five Days Wrap-up Party the evening of Friday the 18th (tickets are $5) and can be purchased from any of the Five Days team members.
The School of Business Undergraduate office will be holding the internal round ICBC competition on March 21, 2011. The format will change to a written case competition. Cases will be handed out on March 21 and due on April 4th. Workshops on successful case writing will be held prior to March 21. Undergraduate business students who do not graduate this summer will be eligible. We are hoping that the change in format and date will give the selected teams more preparation time for ICBC.
Student Life
Monsters Against By e Breann i P isan
: a m o l e y M
als , many individu against cancer ht e es fig th e th om to fr ffering disasters t individuals su y and natural or rt fipp ve de su po is to to ge s war chan orking easant. From tually make a y others are w d t always be pl me time, man e person to ac no sa on e r ay th fo event change m t ty A ts ed ili s. ct en si ab pe Life’s ev r an unex ce.” Yet the on a daily ba te s en af pip er su ce ff sh d di en rd a an er ha s e ff e es mak arenes ing a di have to face th rase, “I want to lenge of mak developed aw d. u hear the ph d and Lance ok on this chal yo te to n ea te cr ster” he create ng of as on hu w So C “m . e a” causes Myelom about the ago, Lanc st e ar in or ye m ga a A tle s ut lit er a bo st t at. A “Mon find ou nitely a big fe zation called with Lance to life. An organi re caught up ai on e -F iv zy ct La pe rs he his pe ss? the world. T use all around raise awarene to rt a port for his ca st u o y a- How did iz uln a rg o is the MMRF (M th art st u o and contacted r y te d pu an id , m d ea co y id y about my “I just got on m Why exactl Foundation) t h rc tle ea ou es ia R ed a gle m tiple Myelom tion? acted every sin d nt lle co as ca I w ! er I rd nc ce oa ca en ab blood of audi they were all a rare type of ach the type fluthat would re inst Myeloma diagnosed with of ga k as A w in r s th -savvy crowd er he ia d st ul ot ed on m I co “My younger, m ly st year. M al e pa re th gle e at as th sin w th y in ch er ity a hi lom saged ev a commun looking for, w Multiple Mye I literally mes of ving back to n rt gi he hat pa T of w a . g e ay re in w ar ltu at y m sage st ople that ent in pop cu (M.A.M) was individual mes l. r feet. The pe an na ou er tio ok ev to ira bo N on sp ce d. in Fa ck or d t ba ad the w azing an person on my helped us ge of asking to spre absolutely am d ay e as w an ar w y it do m ity e to ly un us al m m ia, beca n was re we were trying the cancer co of social med us eness campaig er ar ed as w t lp aw po d ge he e an to th ho le w e ng isi were ab for those underestimat So this fundra ntacts that we me co ort, and hope so al pp in on su ga , rs to de pe e h itu at for m ed.” solely throug expressing gr that we receiv ry much a way and attention feeling power . It was also ve t lp le or he op pp ed su pe y h ed an uc ne m and ten leaves m to loma, there is uation that of Multiple Mye r tivate people fo control in a sit s o nd m fu ts d or u an eff o s r y es ou en of ar id lt d aw resu How less. By raising be found as a y a cure might da e on at th raise money? hope hers.” ot y an m ldn’t annoy of I thought wou at and the efforts th ay w a sually with t this in “I went abou ng to reach. U yi tr as w I ce in audien le will try to ga or irritate the u this idea? o y e , a lot of peop v gs a in g . P ity is th t ey a of on s h m W these kind out ng them vi ab gi til to un in st on ife a pers d I tried to really man en pity and guilt ing for. Instea be .A.M. didn’t ok y M lo ad e nd re er hi al w be e d w t what d. We ha fighting for, “Well, the idea absolutely no was diagnose ional what we were ot nd om em hi m e y be th m g r d in of rally rapy an onsters” in 6 months afte instill a sense an army of “m ugh chemothe perig ro ex in th e , at os iv ns th io ot l ot al m m e were sis. With my mother’s through the almost as if w with a diagno lp us this point in e t he A m . to co er e at er nc th th ca t e anything agains unity wer ups and downs a revolution and angry than ing so cancer comm ed el e at fe th tr e in us m fr le ft e le op as mor helped it motivated ences, the pe treatment, I w e people who od, because cided es go de th I ll as , w A . So . ch es rt hi ec w ion, ions onto the my own pa pick up the pi with our situat . The spired to do those frustrat ce in y la d an re st an to ul um d ef rc ie ci at e. I tr ion to canrtunate incredibly gr me to do mor ct their attent out of an unfo re d tickdi ha ity I to un d rt s an em po , th op up anted ming imes happen to create an audience. I w monton was co raiser which somet , nd Ed ily fu in a m t fa g er er y nc tin th m ea co cr y ra e or Lady Gaga rtickets towards ining sympath cer, not on m to merge ente to donate my o much on ga d ay to w de s ci ol cu de co fo I a u s. as et when yo that it w .M. I thought e at hand.” through M.A than the caus
Student Life
t involved, o g le p o e p So many lebrities like Perez including ceLady Gage herself. Hilton and u manage this? How did yo
ast me of thaenpization? o s re a t a h W your org sucesses of able
ess we were t of awaren n u o from am e th est success “I think just ely our bigg it n e fi e th d m is rage fro to generate media cove d e d iv an ce t, re e bal Shif M.A.M. W Hilton, Glo z re e Lady P – , n s u w S agaNe Edmonton and even G n o raised ac e B so a al e, we’ve at d the Myelom To r. e tt t we cial newsle It’s a lot, bu Gaga’s offi rs in funds. lla o d 0 0 0 just about $3 r!” ly do bette can definite
We cial media! power of so e th ich h h g u (w ro n nton Su “Solely th h the Edmo it w s), w ie ew n rv e te ont-pag did an in p making fr u ez er ed P d d en n ed to se actually angel decid e d m te so ee s tw es u and I g After he e about it. g ad sa h es es m at g a Hilton e the flood 400 use, it was lik of an hour, about our ca ithin the span w k over in l th al I . m opened group, fro r u o ed in ers jo had all new memb l fundraiser ca lo l al sm Our mpaign the world! a global ca to in ed rn that en tu hours. Once of the sudd a matter of in r aign p ce n m ca ca r against s of ou ew n , ad re been this huge tweet had ere getting w e W ! re fi wild ound the spread like people all ar m o fr es g sa the U.S. influx of mes , Germany, d an el Ic g din world, inclu l.” zi ra and B
ur biggest What was yo ent to date? accomplishm
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Agai t h g i F e u A Tr
eloma ainst My g A s r e t s Mon go to the eloma@live.com. , n ig a p m gainstmy ith the ca a s w r e d t e s n lv o o v To get in ebook, or e-mail m ac F n page o
t Contac
We don’t just wish for a cleaner world. We make it a daily practice.
January’s Hockey Pool leaders Sushi Pack start 2011 with a bang: Free Case of Energy Drinks compliments of Red Bull
He shoots...
Ragamuffin Rasclaz League Dominance challenged! Fall to 2nd place in January Say it isn’t so...is Crosby TKO?
Hockey Pool for Business School Writer EDMONTON
Taylor Hall whiffs on a shot against the Red Wings
Oilers find it difficult to win without scoring LAUREN BRISKE Hockey Pool for Business School Writer
The young Oilers are definitely going through a learning process. Nobody is expecting the Oil to win the Cup this season, but it seems that the players have forgotten one of the most important lessons in
hockey: you can’t win games without scoring goals. The Oilers’ “offense” (if you can call it that) has been dismal as of late; in the last month they have been held to two goals or less in a majority of their games. Every team in the NHL averages at least two goals per game (yes, even New Jersey!) so that certainly makes winning
a difficult task. So what now? Some people say that offense comes from playing good defence, so maybe the Oilers should focus more on their defensive game. But wait – the Oilers boast the highest goals against average of any team in the league. Well, at least if things look dim they can only look up from here.
The NHL’s Best and Worst Teams to Own NICK WILLIAMS Hockey Pool for Business School Writer
The release of Forbes.com’s annual “Business of Hockey” report has shed light on which owners are quietly grinning and which owners are scratching their heads looking for answers. Including playoff wins and revenue, four Canadian teams are
in the top six for revenue per win (Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, and Calgary). Taking this year’s top spot were the Toronto Maple Leafs through a combination of the largest fan base and one of the worst records in hockey ($6.2M per win). Despite Daryl Katz’s complaints over a lack of arena revenues, the Oilers ranked 4th, earning $3.4M per win. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the Phoenix Coyotes
struggled to earn revenues despite a 53 win campaign, earning a league low $1.26M per win. In theory, the Coyotes would have to win 5 games every time Toronto wins a game to match their revenues. Rounding out the bottom five were Washington, San Jose, Nashville, and Pittsburgh.
Against speculators expectations, the three-finance superpower Ragamuffin Rascalz have yielded first place in the Hockey Pool for Business School to the Sushi Pack. According to Denney Mah, the secret to the Sushi’s success has been “Patience. Investing and believing in players.” The ranking prospects of the Sushi Pack were downgraded only last month by the Rascalz who believed the Sushi’s +/- rating would render any comeback unlikely. The results couldn’t be father from the truth, which has manager Carmen Diep looking back to key contributions from M. Richards and Stall. What’s the likeliness of the Sushi’s running out of gas in the coming months? Not likely according to Victor Vuong, advising the Hockey Pool teams: “Be careful…and watch out for Datsyuk.” One thing remains clear: no team is safe – no ranking is beyond challenge – no player beyond the question of trade. With comebacks and shifting in the Hockey Pool rankings this game is far from over.
Student Life
Introducing your 2011/2012 BSA Executive!
Your 2011/2012 BSA Executive Kimberley Menard President Joachim Chau VP Academic Derrick Stielow VP External Nick Williams VP Internal Clint Peter VP Events Paul Kan VP Marketing Josh Sereke VP Finance
Hey everyone! My name’s Kimberley Menard, and I would first of all like to thank you for electing me as next year’s Business Students’ Association President. The amount of support and interest you showed through campaigning and elections was truly humbling and gives me great hope for next year.
and events to complement your business degree. From academic events like ICBC and Case Lunch-and-Learns, to social events like Winter Gala and Beer Gardens, and career-based events such as Energize and Backstage Pass, we hope that are reaching out to as many of you as possible.
Second of all, congratulations! You have elected an amazing and dedicated team of executives that I look forward to working with to serve you, the students. We want to thank you for having a say in electing your BSA by reading our platforms, showing up to the forum and most importantly, by voting.
Every single person on this team is as enthusiastic as I am to hear from you about how we can improve our services to maximize your benefit and improve your undergraduate experience. Feel free to stop us in the hallways, drop by the office (BUS 2-06) or send us an email and let us know your thoughts on how we are doing.
My experience within the Alberta School of Business is as a Dean’s Ambassador, the Chair of Five Days for the Homeless 2011 and as the Director of Corporate Relations on the BSA. Through these roles, I have gained a strong understanding of how the SoB and the BSA operate and I look forward to bringing that knowledge into my new role as I work to improve on an already solid foundation. The BSA strives to be representative of the student body and provide you with resources
I’m looking forward to a great 2011/2012 school year and hope you are too! Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or suggestions for the incoming executive at knmenard@ualberta.ca. Kimberley Menard President-Elect Business Students’ Association Alberta School of Business
Staying Sassy in Sales Woman in Business Profile: Kim Duke By Breanne Fisher
Kim Duke said that at one time, she was terrible at sales. But, through extensive experience and years of perseverance, Kim successfully became a national award winning salesperson and founded her own sales training company– The Sales Divas. Among many accomplishments, Kim was the second youngest sales manager in Canada for CBC Television, worked with the WNBA and NBA, and has appeared in multiple national magazines, newspapers, and television networks. Through recognizing a relatively untapped market, Kim Duke has become internationally recognized as a sales expert for women. She said that at the time she entered a marketing field, not a lot of resources were readily available for women in sales. According to Kim, “women have always adjusted” to the ways sales have been traditionally performed. However, Kim felt that women in sales may perform better if they utilize their intuitive skills – listening and building relationships. She questioned the term “networking” and suggested that her clients instead focus on “building a community” – developing newsletters, communication with clients on a regular basis, and helping others for free. On this premise, Kim began working with managers, national corporations, doctor’s offices, and other clients to double and even sometimes quadruple the size of their businesses.
So, what does she feel lead to her success and what can business students learn by example?
1)“You have to have the guts to do it!” Kim didn’t always know that she wanted to start her own company. Branching out on her own was a tough decision and one that she considered extensively. But, because she was so clear and focused on the market that she wanted to serve, decided she was ready. Although big risks may mean big rewards, she said that it’s crucial to be prepared and clear on who you’re targeting. 2)Build a community of supporters Kim says that her success came through building a community - not a network. She communicates with clients and visitors to her website on a regular basis through a newsletter and blog, and she provides a constant stream of valuable content. She calls this marketing technique “h’orderving” – in which potential clients are always able to “sample” you and your services. This way, she is seen as more approachable and less “risky”. 3)Re-educate yourself constantly When not holding presentations or working on her next book, Kim is attending a seminar, reading, or speaking to her mentors and other experts. She is always educating herself on new innovations and the latest techniques in marketing and is never complacent with what she already knows. 4)Separate yourself from the rest of the competition Kim said that many traditional sales techniques tend to be boring. It’s important, therefore, to “cut through the noise” of other marketers. Clients know when you’re genuine and when you’re not. Kim’s success came through her ability to cut through the clutter of other salespeople and come out on top. As Kim continues to grow her business and develop her position as a leader in sales, her bold and sassy take on marketing is one to watch out for. If you’re interested in reading more about Kim or perhaps talking to her directly, check out her website at www.salesdivas.com/.
Health and Wellness
IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS: Interview with Donloree Hoffman By Breanne Fisher One day, she decided that she simply had enough and began to pursue a healthier body. She said that one of the greatest epiphanies she had was the realization that “I was worth fighting for.” So, with a lot of zeal and persistence, she enlisted the help of a personal trainer and abandoned her unhealthy eating habits. She also began testing her limitations and discovered, in her words, that “I am more resilient than I thought I was.” After dropping a third of her body weight and transforming her health and selfconfidence, Donloree set her sights on another dream: bodybuilding. Unlike running, Donloree loved to lift weights and wanted to do “something big.” She now wakes up at 4:45 a.m. every day to go to the gym, has successfully completed a figure bodybuilding competition in October, and is training for her next competition. Her blog (www.bikiniorbust.wordpress.com)
Have you ever sat down and truly
examined what you want to do with your life? Have you ever imagined a world where the possibilities are endless and there really are no limitations? And if you have done both, were you able to successfully follow through? Donloree Hoffman did just that. Like many before her, Donloree began seeing a life coach after feeling as though she needed a greater sense of direction in her life. After several sessions, she realized that a life coach is a different form of counselling – one that helps clients find and capitalize on their true passions. Donloree became so inspired by the experience, she decided to get certified herself! Through extensive training, she was taught how to ask questions and draw out other’s passions. She enjoyed helping others at their own pace, and customizing her counselling to fit the
individual client. Over the years, Donloree has helped people overcome weight issues, relationship issues, and career dilemmas. For her, each session has a “homework assignment” for the client – to empower them to put what was discussed into action. Donloree describes life coaching as reciprocal process: clients must start plans on their own, but are promised that their coach will be “running alongside and helping them along the way.” As a self made business woman, Donloree loves working on her own schedule and expanding her client base on her own terms. She also enjoys empowering others to pursue seemingly impossible dreams... When Donloree was 20 years old, she was married in a size 20 dress, weighing 216 pounds. She hated exercising and was a self-proclaimed “emotional eater”.
has incited a tremendous following of women (of all shapes and ages) who are also looking to pursue a fitness dream and sparked a network of other amateur figure bodybuilders (under the “Bikini or Bust Challenge”). Through her own experiences, Donloree said that she discovered that when “you’re self-confident enough, you can start to give it to other people.” She’s now able to impart her own passions to her clients and the many loyal followers of her blog. Despite the many challenges Donloree has faced and the many times her self-confidence might have been challenged, she pursued and fought through it. Next time you want to give up on a huge dream, think of Donloree.
Choosing the Right Web Browser By Sally Au
“Hey did you forget to bring your USB with your homework?” “Nope, I use DropBox.” “Did you miss Big Bang Theory last Thursday?” “ I’ll just catch it on some site streaming it.” “ Bobby Joe has a girlfriend?” “ Yeah, it was on Facebook dude, yesterday.”
There are so many factors to decide when
choosing among web browsers. It’s kind of like finding a boyfriend/girlfriend: get the one that suits you best. Some may want the one with the most bonuses, others may go for stability. Everyone has something that attracts them; whether it is the wavy long hair or their favourite plug-in they can’t live without. For the people who have no idea about how many web browsers there are out for them, here’s a short list: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, Avant, FlashPeak, Sleipnir, Flock, K-meleon and Maxthon. As for me, I am currently in a long and stable relationship with Google Chrome. Here are a couple of reasons why: 1. Un-crash-able Chrome isolates each webpage, every tab, and plug-in separately. If a bad site or application is causing trouble, you won’t have to end everything else open. Don’t have to wait for every site to load again!!
2. Fast It’s fast. As each site is isolated, one slow site won’t bring the house down. Did I mention it is fast?
We do almost everything on the internet nowadays and one of the most important things we often overlook is the web browser. No web browser, no internet. Bad web browser = fail. 6. Customized homepage Chrome comes with a default dynamic home page. The top nine sites most often visited appear in snapshots on your home page, along with your most commonly used search engines and bookmarks. There’s no forcefeeding here though. You can override the dynamic home page with any home page you want.
3. Minimal Futuristic and minimal interface. No more multiple search or home bars, buttons and logos. What you see on the screen is the site. Sometimes I don’t remember I’m using a browser! Love it.
7. Go Incognito Like Internet Explorer 8’s recent beta release, Chrome offers a private browsing option— Incognito mode. You can open a special type of new window and rest easy knowing nothing you do in it will be logged or saved on your computer.
4. Search is SO much simpler Welcome to the The Omnibox – ONE multi-purpose bar used for searching and basic URL link typing with a function to remember where you went. Search engine? Google, of course.
There you go. Those are the reasons why I like using Google Chrome. Choose the browser you feel is best for you and don’t worry if you ___try out different ones as well. I use Firefox _____once in a while too.
VS 5. The Tab War Drag or drop tabs into separate windows; I abuse this function every day! You can also custom set the browser to start up with various tabs such for example tabs from previous sessions.
Student Life
student ambassador Joshua Sereke is currently a third year business student, at the University of Alberta, with a double majori in finance and accounting. His interests include corporate securities law, macroeconomics, and computer programming. He is currently the Financial Service Director for BSA 2010-2011 and will be the VP Finance for the 2011-2012 school year. He is a Research Assistant for Professor Sarah
Moore, Auditor for the UADS, and Ambassador for the Alberta School of Business. Joshua is also a member of the Jeux de Commerce (JDC) debate team representing the University of Alberta. Joshua is looking forward to enhancing his portfolio management and equity analysis experience through his analyst role, managing the PRIME fund Industrials sector. He is currently enrolled in the
JOSHUA SEREKE What do you think is one of the School’s best kept secrets?
Having a mentorship and alumni network, with various financials professionals within the business community, has not only proven to be instrumental in developing an augmented educational experience, but has also provided invaluable insight into various occupations such as investment banking, trading and asset management.
Well, when I begin to think, there’s definitely more than one that comes to mind. But if I was forced to relinquish one secret within the school’s Pandora box, I would hesitantly state, that on the 3 floor in Rutherford North, there is a partially hidden room that overlooks the middle entrance. It is where my most productive learning occurs (outside of the classroom of course). To some, this room is known as the Bibliography room.
Chartered Financial Analyst program and CBV program and plans on pursuing his JD/MBA in the future. Upon completion of his Bachelor of Commerce degree, he plans to gain work experience in M&A/restructuring/underwriting advisory segment of investment banking.
April 2012 B.Comm. Double Major in Finance and Accounting
Managers and analysts of the PRIME group collectively manage a $1,300,000 Canadian equity portfolio that tracks S&P/TSX through various sectors ranging from Energy to Health care.
What is one of your favourite experiences about being on campus so far?
What is your favorite restaurant in HUB Mall?
I would have to say that the Program for Research and Investment Management Excellence, colloquially coined as PRIME, is by far one of the most rewarding and privileged opportunities that I have currently experienced on campus thus far. For those of you who are wondering what PRIME is, it’s essentially a training ground for some of the top business students in Canada to utilize the classroom theory learned in class in a practical portfolio management context. The Prime program facilitates the learning and expertise in a variety of areas, including equity research, spreadsheet modeling, portfolio tracking and teamwork. Additionally, analysts are trained in the compliance and regulatory standards of the investment process. Investment skills constitute another important area of focus, with respect to risk analysis, value assessment, trend analysis, and competitive analysis.
My favourite restaurant in HUB would come to a split decision between Ho Ho and Academy Pizza. Next time you’re craving some good Chinese food, get out of your comfort zone and try something on the menu. 41, 54, 75 are all excellent choices. Favorite sports team(s)?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
exploring and understanding the legal ramifications of the soulless entity we call the corporation. By pursuing these cores disciplines I project that five years down the road I will have just freshly graduated from academia.
As volatile as this prediction may be, I see myself continuing my education through the Joint JD/ MBA program. Ideally, my goal is to work in the M&A/Underwriting/restructuring segment of the financial industry.
However 5-20 years down the road, I anticipate that my unique skill set will set me on course for a rewarding career in where my interests would be equitably matched with intellectually stimulating and emotionally satisfying work.
Detroit Red Wings, Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox’s, Pittsburgh Steelers
My passion for business sparked my interest in
Student Life
UAHRMA’s 5th Annual HRM Student Conference: “Creating Connections”
Successful organizations are adaptive, resilient, and customercentered. Within this environment, the HR professional, considered necessary by line managers, is a strategic partner, and an employee advocate and change mentor.
Want to know how organizations are achieving these goals? Want to know how you can learn how organizations develop into successful and profitable businesses that treat their employees with the upmost respect? University of Alberta Human Resource Management Association, UAHRMA, is a student-led organization at the University of Alberta that is committed to building and promoting the Human Resources community while preparing HRM students for the workplace. Upon leaving the conference, all attendees will have a better understanding of the different career paths and roles an individual in the HRM field can take. The conference will encourage the value of connecting theory and practice by connecting the Western Canada’s HR community. It will also provide participants with professional development opportunities and a great networking opportunity with other students & professionals from across Western Canada in the HRM field. Attending such an event like this conference can open many doors for an upcoming Human Resource Manager. This will give you the opportunity to be ahead. Online Registration closes: Friday, March 4th, UAHRMA member price is $75, while a regular student price is $90. For full details of the conference don’t forget to check out our website at www.uahrma.ca. Keep an eye out for posters, conference guides, information sessions and much more!
For more information & to register www.uahrma.ca • hrstudentconference@gmail.com
March 11, 2011 3:00 pm-9:00 pm
MayField Inn & Suites
March 12, 2011 9:00 am-3:30 pm
16615 109 AVE 17
Student Life
Manitoba International Marketing Competition:
University of
School of Business
By Lance Chung
We here at Lazy-Faire are all about the advancement of student culture and achievement at the School of Business. Never resting on our laurels, students are always at the forefront of new opportunities and ventures. And this year, although just begun, is no exception! From January 5th-9th, the annual Manitoba International Marketing Competition was held in Winnipeg, challenging participants from around the world to “make business decisions based on marketing strategy”. Representing our beloved school were five students (Ahmed Kamar, Kristi Lewis, Jennifer Albers, Regina Tsai, Spencer Norris) and one faculty advisor (Dr. Yuanfang Lin). The grueling competition was comprised of three elements: Simulation (which used Capstone simulation software to make decisions based on strategic marketing concepts), Strategy Statement (which tested teams’ understandings of their industry and environments), and Presentation. We caught up with participants Ahmed Kamar and Kristi Lewis to discuss the competition.
LF: How did your team compete? AK: Our team came first in the intra-industry portion of the competition, which is comprised of three other universities. There were 3 different industries with 4 universities from North America, Africa, and Europe competing for first place. After we placed first in the intra-industry portion, we advanced directly to the final round. LF: The global aspect of the competition seems like an intimidating factor, with talent coming in from around the world! How did the competition go for you? AK: I felt that the competition went really well for our team. We definitely knew we were facing tough competitors, however the fact that our team was creative, ambitious, intelligent, and hard-working definitely contributed to our successful outcome. KL: Absolutely! Our team was **AWESOME** . We had a great team dynamic. Yes, it was a little intimidating, but we just focused on doing our absolute best and in the end, that ended up working great for us. LF: What was your team’s business plan? AK: The competition was based on an 8-week capstone simulation revolving around making strategic business strategy decisions. Our company, Baldwin Inc., sold sensors, and it was a business-to-business (B2B). LF: And what did your team end up placing? AK: Our team for the Manitoba International Marketing Competition placed first. In the final round, hard work and creativity earned the team first place. LF: Do you have any suggestions/tips for students wanting to participate in this competition, or any in general?
AK: The competition is a great learning experience, as it encompasses all aspects of business. In addition, you get 3 credits and a possibility of winning MONEY… need I say more? KL: Be professional, confident, and creative! Go up there and believe in everything you’re talking about, even if you’re not quite sure or the fact that your company is entirely fictional. BELIEVE! LF: How was your team recognized following your win? AK: The School did a write-up on the School of Business and University website. Further, we were congratulated by Dean Percy, Elaine Geddes, many faculty and non-faculty members, and the Business Students’ Association. LF: Congratulations well deserved! The University of Alberta placed first, with Universidad Panamericana (Mexico), Bielefeld University (Germany), and the University of Winnipeg placing second, third, and fourth, respectively. The motto for the Manitoba International Marketing Competition states that it, “Inspires Excellence and Innovation”. Something our students know a little about.
In this photo: Spencer Norris, Dr. Yuanfang Lin, Jennifer Albers, Ahmed Kamar, Kristi Lewis, Regina Tsai.
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