Thought vs Thought
THOUGHT VS THOUGHT Much like other advice that previous generations offered about careers, money, and economics...this advice also aged fairly poorly. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t be able to profit off of your passion. If you have a knack for knitting cute sweaters, or building custom laptops, by all means, make an extra buck or two. In fact, saying that we should keep all passions as a hobby is very poor advice. If you have already become a veterinarian because you love taking care of pets, please don’t go spiralling trying to backtrack your decision. Love books? Go apply for that Library Sciences degree. Paint? Yes, continue finishing that project you were working on. However, when the struggle for monetization takes over your love for quickly realize that running behind passion exclusively will not suffice. Certain careers are considered unsustainable - an unfortunate reality many face. The economic system does not allow some fields to thrive as well as others, leaving some in the dust and the lucky few to rise to the very top. For the former, sometimes it starts becoming a low-paying or unstable job that becomes more draining and stressful than fulfilling. And isn’t that what passions are about - self-fulfillment?
especially if it’s the only means of income. Passions become a burnt-out method of making ends meet. The “side gig” hustle, which is common amongst younger adults these days, is a fine line. As volatile as it may be, some have found great financial success in freelancing, part-time jobs, or even second full-time jobs. But it remains a side gig for a reason - whether it be through lack of demand for services or simply just not having enough time. Simply put, it’s not quite sustainable by itself. That’s why most people can have multiple sides, or one paired with another, more steady job. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. It’s also important to dissect why some people have chosen their hustle. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to become brainwashed into thinking that there is an assigned monetary value to our productivity. However, here’s your reminder: not everything has to be sold to someone or reward you financially for it to be gratifying.
The truth is, work will always be work, but you can still love your work.You can love the outcome, the creative process, or the satisfaction you see in your client. Nevertheless, work will have its difficult times and be a struggle to get through, WRITTEN BY: Denise Nguyen
Nn Aa Yy
“Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” A tale as old as time that was passed onto millenials and Gen Zs.