November 2013

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NOV 2013

LEADERSHIP ISSUE Leadership Styles & Aptitude Test Interview with Brad Baker from Wal-Mart Learning to love networking Exam prep 101



Jessa Aco fearlessly leading diverse opportunities

missing an issue of


Check out our new website, for past issues and more!

Please Recycle Me! Lazy Faire is printed on Xerox forest certified paper. Let’s contribute our efforts and do a little recycling of our own!

Pass this preloved Lazy Faire to someone else or return it to one of our news stands! Much thanks & appreciation in advance.

Power, Point & Shoot! On November 20th and 21st, Lazy Faire photographers will be set up in the business atrium post-BUS201 presentations to take your group's team photos for a donation of $5.00 or more! With all proceeds going to support Movember and prostate cancer, this is a great way to get professional grade photos of you and your team members while contributing to a great cause!

When: November 20th-21st Where: Business Atrium THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!



Content Contributor TAMMY LEUNG








MOVEMBER Support the fight against prostate cancer


RMBS Rocky Mountains during Reading Week


JESSA ACO Saying yes to opportunities


BRAD BAKER Why being uncomfortable isn’t so bad


THE ART OF APPROACH Being comfortable among strangers


THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST CEO of Yahoo vs Former CEO of Microsoft


A LAZY CONVERSATION WITH JORDAN BAKER Meet the SoB’s basketball superstar






Technology Director WILSON HUANG Social Media Director KEVIN PAUL ESPENIDO CHAT

EVENTS Production & Events LESLIE CHIANG Coordinators SHIRLEY DU


MEET THE TEAM A close-up of select contributors


EXAM PREP 101 Your last defense against finals

P RO D U C T I O N Sponsored by XEROX CANADA Special Thanks to DIANA WYLEY Contact us UOFALAZYFAIRE


cover photographed by ELLA LIN

ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP STYLES Overview of some leadership characteristics


LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Discover your greatness; meet the students studying leadership


LEADERSHIP APTITUDE TEST What is your leadership style?

M 4


W 6

TH 7

F 1

S/S 2/3







































What kind of a leader are you?

Leadership is being increasingly highlighted as one of

1. As a leader, I choose what type of a leader I will

More importantly, what kind of

the crucial aspects in human interaction. Yet for some-

be, what I am trying to achieve, and what I am trying

a leader do you want to be?

thing with so much importance, I find leadership to be

to inspire others to achieve.


extremely vague and broad. We generally agree that leaders have power but do not necessarily need to be in

Will you rally others to take up arms towards a vision like George Washington? Or will you gently but powerfully change the world like Ghandi?

a position of power. Furthermore, well-respected leaders (such as those referenced on the side) embody different characteristics, reactions and beliefs yet they are all constantly referred to as ‘one of the greatest leaders in history’. So how do you know what leadership exactly

2. The implementation methods of such choices can flexibly change such that every decision is adapted to the specific situations, goals and stakeholders. 3. Finally, I take responsibility for the choices and the decisions that I make, not just for myself but for the actions of others influenced by me.

is? How do you know what kind of a leader you should

Will you be as charismatic as Sir Winston

be or want to be?

this point in my life, one thing is for certain: I did not

Churchill in leading others with driven

Personally, I believe that you are unable to find the an-

decisions and determination? Or will

swers to many of these questions unless you invest the

you be as charismatic as Adolf Hitler

time and effort to get involved in leadership. Without

in charming others with words (though

personally experiencing what leadership is, you are un-

certainly not for such devastating causes)?

able to fully understand and define what leadership is to you. For instance, I had no idea what the word ‘leader’ meant until I took the courage to learn, experience and

Will you motivate others in passion for a

live leadership. Even now, I constantly learn new things

revolutionary cause like Martin Luther

that drastically change what I understand leadership to

King? Or will you inspire the world with gentleness like Mother Theresa?


understand such things about leadership even a few years back and I certainly wouldn’t have understood these things if I did not make an effort to expose myself to many learning opportunities. This is why I believe that the first step one should take as a leader is to commit to learning and defining what leadership is to you. Personalize and apply leadership to who you are. Be a leader in your own way. As such, this issue is about discovering who you are as a leader. Whether you are a leader well on your journey

Though I’m not an expert on leadership, I define leadership as the ability to influence, inspire and motivate someone. To me, this ability is determined by 3 elements:

Will you lead an organization towards

Though this is my personal definition of leadership at

choice, flexibility and responsibility.

to discover the definition of your leadership or a leader just taking the first step into this journey of discovery, we hope that this issue introduces, inspires and motivates you to grow as a leader.

its goals as CEOs or executives? Or will you support and motivate others to pursue their own goals as mentors and inspirational leaders?



designed by ASHLEY TRUONG photographed by ELLA LIN


W H A T ’ S

Student Poll Sample size - 40 people

U P What quality should every leader possess?

Sun Tzu

IN THE MODERN DAY Sun Tzu, a famous Chinese Military General, who is well known as the author of the “The Art of War”, spoke a significant amount about leadership -

but how do his quotes apply to us today?

SUN TZU TODAY “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

A successful leader makes calculated and strategic moves before entering an argument; a failed leader engages in an argument before thinking things through, letting their emotions control them.

“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious”

A leader knows how to pick his battles, because not every conflict is worth engaging in.



confidence likability



good looks


The thought of public speaking makes you...

Every leader needs to be an effective public speaker?


nauseous 25%



giddy&excited 30%

feel no different 45%

Leadership 1  Confidence

Leaders are born not made?



Are you an active or passive leader?

active taking initiative and being super involved

1  Bravery 2 Persistence

true 5%


2 Commitment false 95%

passive leading by example; being less in your face The ideal situation to be a leader?

Quoted: Jessica Ireland

17.5% sports environment

SoB, BEA President Emeritus

Colten Yamagishi

35% social environment

U of A, Students’ Union President Emeritus written by ILHAAM JIWAJI designed by LINNEA LAPP


47.5% professional environment

written by ILHAAM JIWAJI designed by KATIE TURNER

Every issue of the Lazy Faire is put together with the significant help of these amazing and dedicated business students. Whether it’s by designing the magazine, creating the content, or organizing the team, they play a major role in producing quality products. Still, this does not justify some of these ladies’ astounding qualities. Want to know more? Keep reading!

Carissa Tham

Director of Photography, Writer

Carissa is in her second year at the SoB, majoring in Marketing. She loves travelling, photography, and is a bit of a health and fitness nut. She aims to be as culturally and globally aware as possible. Can you describe yourself in one word? Believer. What is the best leadership advice you’ve ever received? “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing” – Margaret Thatcher While we should have concerns for others, we are often too preoccupied with what others think… to the point that we let too many inhibitions get in the way of doing something greater. What goals would you like to achieve with your involvement in Lazy Faire this year? I hope to capture the essence and heart of the Alberta SoB this year through my involvement with Lazy Faire. Lazy Faire is a great way for students to stay grounded amidst those crazy schedules.

Colleen Do Designer Colleen is in her fourth year at the SoB, majoring in Accounting. She enjoys practicing yoga and watching hockey on the weekends. Eating healthy is an important part of her life… except when it comes to macaroons. Can you describe yourself in one word? Determined. What is the best leadership advice you’ve ever received? To lead by example and have mutual respect for others. What goals would you like to achieve with your involvement in Lazy Faire this year? I would like to further develop my Adobe InDesign skills and try to put out more unique designs that do a better job at highlighting the information that we are trying to convey to our readers.

Bonnie Truong Designer Eileen Lee Writer, Designer Bonnie is in her fourth year at the SoB, majoring in Human Resources. She enjoys freestyle cooking and making her boyfriend try everything she makes. No gagging or food poisoning to date (luckily). Can you describe yourself in one word? Easily-amused What is the best leadership advice you’ve ever received? “Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position”- Brian Tracy. What goals would you like to achieve with your involvement in Lazy Faire this year? I want to continue to improve my skills as a designer.

Eileen is in her last year at the SoB, majoring in Operations Management. She has been with Lazy Faire for three years and has loved it thus far. She is a big foodie who likes to discover new cafés and restaurants in her spare time. Can you describe yourself in one word? Resilient. What is the best leadership advice you’ve ever received? A great leader is someone who is authentic and acknowledges that things are accomplished through teamwork. What goals would you like to achieve with your involvement in Lazy Faire this year? This year I would like to have additional opportunities to design articles and interview more amazing individuals at the School of Business and in the community.




Movember’s Fight against Prostate Cancer

It’s that time of year again! Ladies, get used to the piece-y mustaches and the patchy beards, because they are here to stay all month long! Throughout the month of November, men (and maybe a few women) throw down their razors and take the no-shave challenge to support prostate and testicular cancer. What started in 2003 as a group of 30 “Mo Bros” trying to bring back the mustache and promote men’s health has since turned into a global movement that has contributed millions of dollars each year to raise awareness and support research for prostate and testicular cancer. In 2012, over 1.1 million men and women took part in Movember, raising $146.6 million dollars. Lazy-Faire had a chance to sit down with our very own Movember all-stars, Jamey Lo and Alexander Kucey, to ask them a few questions.

Lazy Faire: What is it

written by LINDSAY HOFER

about Movember that

designed by EILEEN LEE & ASHLEY TRUONG photograph courtesy of JAMES LO

has drawn you to take part in the cause?

This month, Lazy Faire is

Jamey: I’ve always wanted to try it, but

supporting Movember through

no one in the past

our annual ‘Power, Point, and

would do it with me.

Shoot’ event. For all you first

Last year, a couple of friends and I did it

years stressing over your business

together; it was a fun

plans for BUS 201, ‘Power, Point,

way to show support

and Shoot’ is a way for you to

for a great cause. Especially since getting involved is such a major part of being in Business.

A: To be honest, I’m

handlebars will make

ticular cancer four

not sure what to ex-

a comeback.

years ago and ever

pect! I think $50 per

since then I’ve tried

“Mo Bro” is doable.

Why did you start a

to raise awareness

team for Movember

every year.


What advice would you give to someone

Who is your biggest

your most memorable experiences in the School of Business. On

Movember inspira-

November 20th and 21st, Lazy Faire


photographers will be set up in

J: Mark Brown from

the Business Atrium with our

the Edmonton Oilers.

cameras and backdrops ready to

What sets Movember

who is looking at

Alex: I started

apart from other

joining Movember this

the “official SoB



J: The fact that you

J: Just for Men! A few

his moustache than

are all dressed up in your finest

are wearing the

of my friends with

he actually spends

cause on your face

lighter facial hair

playing hockey.

outfits. For a minimum five dollar

for an entire month

found this product

is a big part of what

really helpful.

Movember Team” because I know that a lot of men around the business school show their support every year. Why not at the same time raise money for a great cause!

sets it apart. It not only endorses mustache-growing, but also encourages

Do you have a per-

others to join in on

sonal connection to

Movember as well.

the cause? A: My good friend’s


commemorate what will be one of dad fought off tes-

Do you have a fundraising goal this year?

What style of beard do you think will catch on this season?

I think he spends more time grooming

If your moustache had a name, what would it

take your group’s photo when you

donation, you can get a high quality photo of yourself or your

be and why?

team! Whether you want a funny

A: Merlin - because

photo or a professional headshot

by the end of the

for your LinkedIn profile, Lazy

A: I like to keep it

month, it’ll really be

classic with the tra-


Faire has got you covered. So come

ditional ‘dad-muzz’,

dressed in your best, with a smile

but I have a feeling

and a cash donation, and do your part to support men’s health.

Exam Prep 101 Here comes the moment we’ve all been dreading. It’s November, you are still recovering from your last batch of midterms, and now final exams are right around the corner. It’s a business student’s worst nightmare! Normally you would panic at the thought of this, but don’t fret! Lazy Faire has you covered with some of the best organizational tips for the stretch leading into finals. The list goes as follows:

1 2 3 4

Start studying now! I can’t stress this enough. There is no better time to start studying than this moment. Procrastination is never a good thing, no matter how good it may feel to avoid studying at the time. It hurts way more to pull an all-nighter than it does to develop a study routine during regular times. Trust us. We’ve all been there.

Get help early. If you don’t understand a problem or concept that will be covered on your exam, don’t hesitate to ask your professor for clarification. They will usually be more than happy to help you. Seeking this assistance early will lead to better results. The chances that your professor will respond to an e-mail during the middle of the night before the exam are slim to none.

Find the perfect place to study. Make sure that you are comfortable and will be able to focus all your attention on getting your work done. But don’t get too comfortable! We wouldn’t want you to fall asleep.

Budget your time according to your exam schedule. Make sure you have enough time to finish all your other assignments and to get an appropriate amount of studying done before your exam.


Eat well and get lots of sleep! You need your energy to think properly. Also, sleep tends to help you clearly remember the concepts you’ve studied.


Make sure to maintain a balance. Studying for hours in a row may not be the most productive use of your brain. Your mind needs rest in order to function properly, so in addition to sleep you also need to take breaks in between study sessions in order to recuperate.


Find out where your exam is going to be. It definitely helps to know where you are required to write your exam ahead of time. You don’t want to be late to your exam, especially after you’ve been studying so diligently by following all these tips.


If your teacher provides you with any study material for the final exam, make sure to use it. Previous midterms, practice questions, and study guides are all valuable resources to utilize.


Learn how you study best and take advantage of it. If you study better through visuals, use cue cards or coloured highlighters to help you learn. If you study better when you talk to others about the subject, ask some of your classmates to form a study group.

If you take all of these recommendations into consideration when preparing for your exams, we are sure that you will be able to tackle even the hardest final exams. Good luck!

written by GABRIEL NUNES designed by JENNY TRUONG


THE ROAD TO Is there a better way to spend your reading week than making dozens of new friends at an amazing location, while furthering your business education? I don’t think so. The Rocky Mountain Business Seminar (RMBS) is an annual conference that takes place at the beautiful Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, giving students the opportunity to network with other students and industry professionals alike from across Canada. For this month’s issue, the Lazy Faire learned all the juicy details about Canada’s longest running, student-run conference from its co-chairpersons, Remi Lafleche and Natasha Birchall. written by ROSHNI PARHAR designed by COLLEEN DO photograph by CARISSA THAM & courtesy of RMBS

Tell us a bit about RMBS and its history Remi: RMBS is a conference for business students across Canada held every year at the Jasper Park Lodge. RMBS is going into its 49th year, bringing business leaders, students and faculty from across

entertainment, wrapped up in one fun-filled week. Why does RMBS bring delegates from all across Canada?

spectives from around the country. Someone from BC may have a different viewpoint than people from Quebec or Ontario. It’s also helpful in expanding your network to other cities.

networking, learning lots, and having an out of class-

conference. By expanding it to that level, it really

room educational experience like no other.

incorporates what we are all about: wanting students

It’s balling!

to see a real life perspective, and not have such a

Natasha: RMBS is all about inspiring business students all across Canada by giving them the chance to meet business professionals from diverse

their growth. One of my favorite parts of RMBS is

venue, and we’re lucky to have been partnered with them for almost 25 years now. Remi: Although I do love the hospitality suite, my favorite part is meeting a ton of new people. Every year you make a hundred new friends. I’ve gone

Natasha: It also helps to build the credibility of the

goals does RMBS wish to achieve?

a year working towards has actually contributed to

the location! The Jasper Park Lodge is such a great Remi: I think it’s valuable to get other people’s per-

the country to one location, with the objective of

What is the main purpose of RMBS? What major

rewarding feeling to know that what you’ve spent

narrow focus. Business is global, and being able to speak to that in the conference is really important. As both of you have been to RMBS a couple of times before, what would you say is the best part of the conference?

twice now, so I’ve pretty much made two hundred new friends just through this conference alone! How have you both grown from the RMBS experience? Remi: This year, being co-chair, I have learned how to lead a team with Natasha. I’ve learned how to not control every aspect of what is going on, and to step back and say “this is what this person is doing, and this is what that person is doing and let’s reconvene

backgrounds. It helps students think about what

Natasha: I’ve attended as both a delegate and

career paths they want to follow, and gives them the

as co-chair. I would say that getting to organize it

opportunity to meet numerous established individu-

was my favorite part. When you can contribute to

als. RMBS is all about education, experience, and

such a great experience for students, there’s such a

in a day or two”. Natasha: When I first found out about RMBS, I wasn’t involved in the school at all; I didn’t know too many other fellow business students and I didn’t


know what opportunities were available through the

a result of your contributions, and that it’s quite

22nd at 6 am. The location is on campus, at a secret

School of Business. From where I was two years ago

a big deal.

mystery location that will be announced at 6 am via

to where I am now, I think that RMBS has changed who I am, not just as a student, but as a person as well. The things I’ve learned through RMBS have been more impactful than any other experiences I’ve had as a student. I think the skills I have learned and the people I have met have made such an impact on me, and these will be the things I remember when I graduate. What will be different about RMBS this year, in the hope of making it even better than previous years? Remi: What can we say without ruining everything?! We have a really exciting opportunity to learn about

Natasha: RMBS creates an environment where you have future business leaders all in one room, with students of all different interests and majors together. You see people’s natural lead-

Facebook, Twitter and our website. It’s an unforgettable experience. You won’t get something like it by going snowboarding in the mountains during reading week. You should take advantage of it.

ership qualities in things like the case competi-

Natasha: There will also be an info session on

tion, and the hockey tournament. Being able to

Thursday, November 14th at 5:30 pm. The confer-

prove that you can be a leader in different ways

ence costs $525 to attend, which includes food,

is something special, and that is what makes

accommodation, travel, and all seminar sessions. It’s

you a true leader.

a great week where you get to meet the best and

What is the process for students to sign up for the 49th running of RMBS?

the brightest across Canada at an amazing location. It’s just an inspiring week!

Remi: Well, you’ll have to wake up early and run! The sign up for RMBS is Friday, November

entrepreneurship, so for anyone looking to be a startup entrepreneur, RMBS is really going to have something that will be a key learning opportunity for you. Natasha: Our events portfolio is really engaged this year. We are trying to spice up our games and casino nights, so there will be some very different things going on compared to the past. We also have a lot of fantastic sponsors, as well as different sponsors who haven’t been to the conference before, so that’s something to look forward to. How would you say that RMBS is helpful in developing leadership skills? Remi: Since we always bring in business leaders, when they discuss how they got to where they are today, delegates can learn what the makings of a good leader are. As an executive member, it’s sometimes hard to realize how you’re leading, but when you look back, you see everything that was done as



co A written by KAWTHARA SHIRE designed by SHIRLEY DU

photographed by ELLA LIN


eadership is critically important to human activity, along with few other concepts of equal importance. Effective leadership is what helps a nation through times of jeopardy. It makes a business successful. It enables a not-forprofit organization to fulfill its mission. It’s a unique human quality that some are born with, but all have to learn. For this month’s issue, the Lazy Faire decided to put the spotlight on Jessa Aco, President Emeritus of the Business Students’ Association, cofounder of the Next Generation Leadership Club, Philippines Students’ Association, and Network of Empowered Women. Jessa’s illustrious career in the Alberta School of Business is coming to an end and Jessa’s reminiscence of her undergraduate career was reflective and very forth coming.


As you are set to graduate this semester from the Alberta School of Business, can you tell me one thing you were glad you did, as well as one thing you wish you had done? When I was in my first year, I created the “yes” project for myself. It occurred to me that in order to make the most of my time in the School of Business, I needed to be open to new challenges and push the boundaries of my comfort zone. I said “yes” to almost every opportunity that presented itself. One project led to another, and as I think about it all three years later, I’m surprised with the amount of experience I’ve been able to gain. With this in mind, there were also a plethora of opportunities to get involved in outside of university, and I wish I could have pursued many of these.

Your experience with business school seems to be multifaceted, with so many different extracurricular activities from which you took leadership positions. Can you tell me where your drive and passion for business comes from? I remember when I was seven; I actually started selling beaded bracelets and necklaces to my first grade class. If you can believe it, my first marketing scheme was giving free products to the popular kids! I did this, as I wanted them to model my creations, and thus garner more sales. From then on I guess I knew I was going to be in business. The drive, apart from the innate entrepreneurial spirit, comes from my personal background. For me, everything boils down to family. My parents worked hard to bring us to Canada only five years ago, and so the least I can do is not waste the opportunities in front of me.

What are the most important qualities any business professional and leader should have? There are a multitude of qualities a leader should have, but what I value most is a good sense of self, and the ability to empower people. Before anything else, you need to know how to motivate yourself before you can inspire a team. When you’re self-aware, you capitalize on your strengths, and you are humble enough to seek advice on your weak points. Empowering a team is also one of the most important aspects of being a leader. By giving people autonomy, you maximize their potential and give them room to grow as fellow leaders. Through empowering the people around you, those individuals develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence that will keep them committed to an organization, or a company.

tics, women comprised of 47.4 percent of the Canadian labor force, while only 14 percent of the board of directors’ seats were held by women in 2010. (R.A. Noe et al, 2012) Can you speak on why starting NEW was important to you? What do you hope for it in the future? The NEW objective was very important to me; I didn’t want to be in my late 20’s, realize that I’m having my first baby, and be in fear that if I take maternal leave, my opportunities within a company would lag behind. There is a need for women to be equipped early on, and realize that these types of challenges do exist. The sooner we talk about it, the more informed our decisions will be. It was vital for the founding team to connect students to women who have demonstrated a balance between a successful career, and a fulfilling family life. We wanted to build a conference where we could learn from their past experiences, and really dispute the negative belief that women do not want to see other women succeed. I hope that there will always be students who are just as passionate, so that eventually a national network can be set up in order to continue the conversation, and preserve the connections beyond the university level.

You’ve often been a leader of your own peers, and conflict is naturally inevitable. How do you deal with conflict, and what advice could you give to students in leadership positions struggling with resolution and conflict? Resolving conflict is all about problem identification, communication and regulating emotions. When conflict happens, there’s a lot of noise that conceals the core problem. There just needs to be a culture or environment that’s created to promote open communication, where the people involved are honest, and where they do not let personal agendas take over. Encourage your team to think about being in someone else’s shoes, apply a 2 minute rule where each person can talk for two minutes without being interrupted, so they can voice their opinions clearly, and emphasize that everyone is working towards a common goal. It’s just a matter of understanding each other.

And finally, what sort of legacy do you hope you’ve left behind here at the School of Business? I hope I was able to show my peers that you don’t need to be the smartest person in the room, or the most confident extrovert to be able to lead – all it takes is the willingness to work towards a vision, and nothing but good intentions to get you through. At the end of the day, I hope I was able to inspire people - just as I was from the people before me.

Network of Empowered Women is an organization that you cofounded here at the UofA. According to statis-

Citation: Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P.M., Eligh, L.E. (2012). Strategic Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage. 1st Canadian Edition. 13


“Being transparent


Why Being

bLee unCCoomffor orTTaabL un

Isn’t So Bad

LF Interviews the Senior Director of Loss Prevention; Walmart CAN

allows people to trust you” -Brad Baker

Brad Baker

It is safe to say that we would all prefer to be in a comfortable situation rather than an uncomfortable one whenever we can. Brad Baker, Senior Director of Loss Prevention at Walmart Canada, has built his career through

open one of the first Walmart Supercenters in Canada. This was my first experience with getting uncomfortable. The market in Ontario was unknown to me and brought a

seizing the opportunity regardless of his comfort level. What started off as

lot of uncertainty. Also, I was moving away

a job to pay the bills when he was 17 has now spanned into a career, gaining

from a comfortable situation managing a

him experience from all across Canada and a MBA degree from Harvard. We

store in Nova Scotia and being close to my

had the opportunity to speak with Brad about why getting uncomfortable

family. Nonetheless, after seeking counsel

was something good, and how taking the lead in his career got him to where he is today. written by EILEEN LEE

and I found people that I really wanted to


model myself after. It sparked my inter-

us a little about yourself. How did you become the Director of Loss Prevention? Brad Baker: I was born and raised in a small town in New Brunswick. I grew up very close to family so work ethic and small community values have always been a part of my life. At 17, I left home for school and started working part time at Walmart. During my time there I discovered that I really enjoyed the organization

from a few role models I had at the time, I decided that it was a good decision, albeit a scary one. It was great to be a part of


Lazy-Faire: Let’s start with you telling


and authentic

est in retail merchandise. Sixteen years later I’m still just as passionate about the company as when I first started. After my first job in the Layaway department, I progressed into store management roles and then through operations. My move from Eastern to Western Canada really helped me understand how people behave, whether it be customers or colleagues. Looking back, it was a fundamental part of my growth. In 2006, I had a chance to be 1 of 6 store managers to

something that was historical for the company. The key learning for me from that situation was that getting uncomfortable was good. Had I not made that decision in my career, there is a high likelihood that I would still be in the Maritimes doing something different than what I’m doing now. After managing a store in Ontario I was presented with an opportunity to run the Calgary market, which at that time was the largest market in the country. Again, I was apprehensive. However, after seeking counsel, I decided that the opportunity aligned with my career growth and took a chance. I played a key role in putting the

supercenters into Southern Alberta. Later I moved into the role of Regional

How has Walmart supported you through

I would have to say being a Store Manager

your education and career?

because of the incredible sense of ownership and the amount of interaction with

Director of Operations for Western Canada

They’ve allowed me the opportunity to live

which allowed me to focus on the business

across Canada, which is fantastic from

and self-development. One of the high-

both personal and professional aspects.

What was the best advice you received

lights for me was being a part of the inte-

It has given me insight on how Canadians

when you were still in school?

gration team which was formed through

behave and how they might be different

the acquisition of a business in South

from coast to coast, both customers and

Africa. In terms of having a global perspec-

the people that I’ve worked with. It has

tive, that experience helped to accelerate

also allowed me to gain global perspec-

me through my career.

tives working in the United States, South

As the Sr. Director of LP, what are your tasks? My role as the Sr. Director of Loss Prevention also includes continuity, aviation, and travel services. I’m responsible for the execution and development of our Loss Prevention program across the country. A typical day consists of understanding where we are performing relative to our metrics. The great thing about my role is that it has touch points in all parts of the organization. Rather than the stereotypical view of what people have of Loss Prevention (ie shop lifters), we are focused on looking at the total loss perspective which includes mitigating loss, working on processes, and working with several functional groups locally and globally. How would you describe your leadership style? How has it helped you in leading your team at Walmart, as well as in interacting with other divisions? In one word, I would describe my leadership style as authentic. Being honest, transparent, and authentic are traits that I saw growing up in my family and it’s what I take after in my leadership style today. Being transparent and authentic allows people to trust you, since your intentions are always clear. Therefore, I think people are more comfortable in collaborating with you and developing a relationship because they know they can trust you.

me opportunities to get uncomfortable and encouraged me to think openly about

fortable. #2 Be humble and maintain an aptitude for learning. #3 Identify mentors and role models.

So there you have it, being uncom-

opportunities in my career. It allows me to

fortable isn’t always bad! Brad

build a diverse and exciting resume with-

states that the highlights of his

out ever having to leave the organization.

career have always been the times

In terms of education, I had a chance to participate in our international MBA

where he was uncomfortable. Considering Brad’s advice, take the

program through Harvard. My experi-

lead and dive into some incredible

ence allowed me to gain a much broader


perspective in seeing the strengths and opportunities in the organization, as well as areas for improvement. I became more objective and critical in terms of viewing the organization from the outside in. I think it is key in terms of being able to have a vision about our direction and where we are currently at. Why should students consider going into retail upon graduation? Retail is a really exciting career. I think often people have a narrow scope about the opportunities in a retail company and only think about the roles they can see. However there is a broad range of roles available. At Walmart we have buyers, accountants, lawyers, pilots, logistics, and marketing… just to name a few. It’s a great environment for a student to apply their learning

For me, it’s the ability to engage others in

other functions.

results towards a common purpose.

3 things: #1 Be open with getting uncom-

Africa, UK and Argentina. They’ve allowed

How do you define successful leadership?

a way which will inspire them to achieve

many different people.

and learn about

What was your favourite position thus far? 15


The Director Directors are perfectionists, and possess the ability to have a bird’s eye view over projects. Like film directors, they have grand plans, and they know how to go about achieving those goals. Although they may be authoritative, directors know what they are doing and will do all it takes to achieve their goal. While directors can help their team achieve incredible success, they run into conflicts

written by CARISSA THAM

with others in the process. Directors are essential


for fledgling teams that need that initial push to

Leadership styles, like personalities, are fluid. Many different kinds of leaders exist and there is never one perfect type. Different situations call for different approaches to leadership. Although leaders display different leadership styles according to the situation at hand, there are several common styles of leadership that will be useful for us to understand in order to be better team players… and leaders.

get on track, as well as for teams that find themselves hard-pressed for time. Directors are also critical in times of crisis or when team members are not on the same page regarding the team’s goals. However, even though directors are much needed in certain situations, this style should not extend over long periods, as team members may begin to feel too overpowered.

The People Lover Everyone loves leaders who are people lovers. The reason is simple—people lovers just know their way around people and how to make them satisfied. Although this leadership style is very broad, leaders who are people lovers care for their team members. They make the effort to understand their team members and make it a point to consider their views. People lovers may treat team members as friends rather than subordinates. Needless to say, they have incredible rapport with their team. While this leadership style will build great harmony within a team, pitfalls occur when a team is in dire need of direction and drive. Team performance may also suffer if this leadership style is used alone, as this style is more focused on the journey rather than the end goals.


The Developer This is one of the most noble leadership styles. Similar to people lovers, developers put in special time and effort to understand their team members. Developers want to bring out the best in every team member and are very personally invested in the team. However, unlike people lovers who may treat team members as friends rather than subordinates, developers understand their unique positions as leaders, and want to use their positions to help the individuals in their team. Leaders who lead with this style are very experienced in their subject area and want to pass their skills and knowledge onto their team members in order for them to advance in their respective fields. While this is a great leadership style, it may only be appropriate

The Delegator This is an essential role that every leader has to play one time or another. Delegators understand that although they may be responsible for the work their team produces, they cannot possibly complete projects alone. Good delegators are either not perfectionists, or have let go of their perfectionist tendencies. Delegators have learnt that it is impossible for them to be in total control all the time. They understand that teamwork is only possible when everyone contributes equally, and that the best leaders are able to delegate work to their teammates according to their individual strengths. To do this, delegators have to know their team members well. They are necessary when the team already has a clear goal and there are projects at hand. Remember that teamwork is all about playing your part, so delegators have to ensure that they themselves have been assigned work as well. The last thing leaders need is for teammates to feel their leader is not putting in as much effort as them into the team’s projects!

for teams who have very clear goals and plans and are already successful.

Sometimes, leaders display a predominant leadership style. While this is not wrong, it may be rather ineffective in bringing a team to success. Situations change, and thus leadership

The Brains

styles require change as well. Leaders have to be adaptable.

Leaders who fall under this category

In essence, teamwork is all about respect and communication.

have a knack for dreaming up “the impossible.” They possess the incredible ability to visualize future goals. Howev-

Regardless of what type of leadership style you may have as a leader, or regardless of what type of leader you may have

er, unlike directors, leaders who are “the

as a team player, it is critical to be heard; but be sure to do so

brains” of their team may not always be

respectfully. It is fundamental for leaders to get to know their

able to devise feasible plans in order to

team members personally in order to build better rapport with

achieve their goals. Nevertheless, these leaders are much needed for mature teams and organizations seeking change.

them. The key is to find that balance between retaining a professional relationship with teammates but at the same time,

New teams will also find such leaders

knowing teammates well enough in order to work efficiently

very helpful. Even so, this leadership

with them. One way to build rapport with teammates and get

style can never be used alone, as great

to know them better is to participate in non-work related ac-

goals will never be achieved without precise plans.

tivities together. However, as this may be beyond the scope of this article, we’ll leave that part up to the Human Resources experts!


Leadership Certificate Program:

Discover Your Greatness

written by JEREMY JAKUBOWSKI designed by JENNY WANG photographed by CARISSA THAM

“Leaders from Alberta for the world” is reiterated frequently throughout our school. It has a great message with a frequently misinterpreted word. Leadership is often associated with people that can take control of a room, and organize a group under a common plan. What is often left out about great leaders is their association with their task. The resulting actions of great leadership are often misconstrued as requirements for leadership. This can create personal barriers that deter passionate people from unlocking their full potential.

The growth that occurs in students involved with this program is not confined to the development of inner leadership. The program recognizes that great leaders must understand themselves before they can understand others. This is a limitation facing many students in academia. By exposing the cohort to successful leaders in the community, the students can start engaging leaders on a personal level. Brittany Bryce, a third year SoB HR major in her first year of the program says, “You start picking out the trends, the values that leaders possess. For example, doing what you love but making a living out of it”. Motivation should be fueled by passion, and passion requires a pursuit of happiness. Discovering who you are as an individual takes a lot of work. The cohort’s exposure to this trifecta of mentorship, discussion and interaction helps accelerate the process. They begin to develop their personal motto, leading some members of the program to a complete 180o re-evaluation of their goals.

B Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others C

The Leadership Certificate program recognizes this constraint, and chooses the cohort based on a common objective. It is about working towards a goal that is larger than self-advancement. This includes school clubs that further encompasses community involvement. Sagar Memon, a 2nd year Business Economics & Law major, is in his first year of the program, and his potential was recognized by his involvement in The Youth Restorative Action Project. Another example is Harry Hothi, a third year SoB Marketing The practical knowledge learned today will major in his second year of the leadership provide members of the program with a program. His involvement with internal clubs —Jack Welch competitive advantage in their future career. such as the BSA, along with his community work Harry Hothi says, “I want the ability to motivate everyday people. If with the Boys and Girls Club allowed the panel to recognize his potential. I’m walking down the street and I bump into someone, I want [him or Bringing candidates together in a cohort bound by a shared objective her] to leave with the impression that I’m a stand up guy”. Leadership should not be forced; it should arise out of passion. Great leaders creates a family-like mentality. Harry states, “By placing students from different [leadership] backgrounds together, you begin to develop a are constantly projecting their values, and their passion. It is of great broader understanding of leadership”. The success of this program importance to utilize the vast opportunities present in the SoB, and pursue things that make you passionate. Whether you get involved appears to reside in a trifecta of recurring themes; mentorship, discussion, and interaction. Class time involves Dean Joseph through the School of Business, or in the community, these endeavors Doucet, directing the cohort in a discussion. The resulting interaction will only prepare you for future success. Do not let a predisposition of amongst the students sets the stage for developing, and growing the leadership deter you from utilizing the resources available to you, as conversation. Through this exposure to diverse perspectives, the cohort leadership is developed, and incorporated in all aspects of life. Getting involved in something that makes you passionate is an important step acts communally, as an influential mentor. towards personal growth – eventually leading to long term success.


The Art of the Approach written by JAMES LO designed by DAVID TON-LAI

Let’s face it, approaching strangers, and initiating conversations with people you have never met can be absolutely terrifying. It’s my guess that the thought alone has sent shivers down the spine of a majority of you reading this article. And you know what? That is perfectly fine!

What NOT to do Be Passive

Avoid small talk and dwelling on lacklustre conversation. Standard interview questions such as, “What do you do for a living?” or “So how about this weather we’re having?” are extremely boring and uninteresting. Also, avoid questions that require simple yes or no responses. Just skip them.

For many people, initiating the conversation can be the hardest part about socializing. To quote one of Adam Sandler’s less awful films, Big Daddy, “initiating the conversation is half the battle.” And this statement couldn’t be truer. This isn’t to say that you must always be the first person to strike up a conversation with every person that

Be Negative Converse, don’t rant. While it is perfectly fine to share your opinion, and in fact, it’s encouraged, do not dwell on negativity or act arrogantly.

you see. However, it’s also not the best idea to go about your entire life, waiting for somebody else to make the first move. As with most things in life, it’s all about balance. And once you are able to initiate conversations with ease, the rest will progress naturally. Whether you are in a professional networking situation, or want to ask your dream guy/girl out on a date, by reading this article, you will soon be ready to attempt the hardest part of a conversation – the initiation.

Stress Relax and breathe! Do not be a quivering, nervous wreck, as well as the person who scans the room while talking to someone. This can indicate to the other person that you are not interested in the conversation. Just relax, it’s only a conversation, people don’t bite (well, usually).

What to DO Smile and Make Eye Contact One of the most important things you can do is smile. A bright smile exudes confidence and ensures attention. This is an easy step to appearing open and social. Eye contact can also act as a non-verbal conversation starter. Acknowledging someone else’s presence, prior to approaching them, can go a long way towards making introductions easier. You can learn a great deal about a person by just looking into their eyes.

Act Confident Striking up a good conversation is all about confidence. It should be obvious that without any amount of self-esteem you will struggle. Having confidence in yourself, and who you are makes this job very easy. If you find yourself doubting your worth, make a few mental notes of why you are interesting. There is no questioning who you are; you just have to realize it. Confident people succeed because they play on their strengths. People love talking with people who exude confidence, because their infectious energy and enthusiasm rubs off on others, and makes them feel more comfortable. However, be sure to avoid overconfidence, and arrogance!

Listen. Be Thoughtful and Observant! Take a general interest in people. Most people are very interesting, so listen patiently, and actively engage in the conversation. Take mental notes about anything they have shared with you that you find particularly interesting and intriguing, and try to probe further with stimulating, yet simple questions. Actively listening will give you cues to continue your conversation and make intelligent remarks. Look for common interests. Observe your environment and the person you are speaking with. Comment on their clothing, maybe something they are carrying, or a current event. This will show your presence of mind. Injecting any sense of personal connection, or common interest into the conversation is essential to establishing the stepping stones for a relationship, whether it be personal or professional!


THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Examining the Leadership Styles of Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer vs Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. This past August, Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer announced that he would be stepping down as CEO, as soon as Microsoft found a suitable successor. Ballmer’s departing company-wide speech took emotional leadership to new heights, but it wasn’t enough to stop the torrential downpour of criticism and finger-pointing that rained upon his leadership choices soon thereafter. One stark comparison that has been headlined throughout the business world is that of Ballmer’s leadership style in contrast to that of another big-time CEO’s, Marissa Mayer. Our writers chime in and enlighten us with their personal opinions on the Ballmer versus Mayer debate.

Steve Ballmer

Marissa Mayer
















Bold Ballmer, Mediocre Mayer by Elnur Kasumov Born March 24th 1956, Ballmer, son of a Ford manager from Detroit, grew up in Michigan. At age 17, he got a perfect 800 score on the math section of the SAT at a private college preparatory school. In 1977, he graduated “with great honor” from Harvard with a B.A. in applied mathematics and economics. While at Harvard, he managed the football team, worked on The Harvard Crimson and The Harvard Advocate



During the next decade Ballmer headed Micro-

Ballmer is a master at maximizing profits. Often

soft’s operations, operating systems development,

described as an energetic and exuberant personal-

and sales and support divisions. From February

ity, his leadership style is meant to motivate

1992 onwards, he was given the role of Executive

employees and partners.

Vice President, Sales and Support. Ballmer was then promoted to President of Microsoft in 1998, and finally, took over for Bill Gates in January 2000. Since year 2000, Ballmer nearly tripled Microsoft’s annual revenue from $25 billion to $70 billion… a monumental achievement!

(two very influential college magazines). He beat

Today, this guy is worth $18 billion in personal

Bill Gates’ score in the prestigious William Lowell

wealth, placing him 21st on the Forbes 400 list,

Putnam math competition. Afterwards, he worked at

and the 51st richest person in the world. On top

P&G as an assistant product manager and decided to

of that, he is responsible for giving the world

study at the Stanford Graduate School of Business – at

XBOX! Curious as to how he accomplished all

which point his old college buddy Bill Gates hired

these things? So was I… so I did some research

him as Microsoft’s first business manager.

and arrived at the following conclusion:

Here are some leadership pointers I suggest adopting from this father of 3:

1. Be a Big Thinker:

Sure, it probably

helped that he beat Gates at math, but it boils down to much more than that. Ballmer makes people who interact with him think; he uses precision questioning when conducting analysis with his subordinates and inspires them to up their own game.

2. Be Detail Oriented:

He holds his

people that you value them is just as important as

takes, and that’s exactly what he showed as he

employees to high standards and scrutinizes them

listening to people when you interact with them.

publicly regretted some of his. I resent the claim that

for perfection, believing wholeheartedly that

Remember your interactions; this will let them

Ballmer’s leadership is faulty, especially compared to

everyone in his organization wants to work in a

know how much you value them.

Mayer’s as his role is fundamentally different.

competitive environment that encourages them


Let’s step back and examine the positions they had

to achieve great accomplishments. He is very

Lead by Example! To me, this is

both stepped into. Mayer eased into her position

self-critical, always digging deeper for personal

the most important attribute any leader can have.

following an idiot Intermediate CEO who almost

growth and improvement.

Faced with adversity, demonstrating courage and

sent his company down the drain, attempting to fire

conviction and remaining positive will give strength

87% of his workforce. Not really a hard act to follow.

and hope to the people around you. Once that’s

Ballmer on the other hand, had to follow Bill Gates,

established, success is inevitable.

a technical genius who raised the software giant from

3. Put a Strong Emphasis on

Talent: Ballmer has an appreciation for other people’s work. He values the people he works with, showing them respect and complementing

Recently, Ballmer has come under a negative light

them for who they are. If someone errs, there’s

in a particular comparison to Marissa Mayer, a new

always room to learn from that mistake. Showing

CEO at Yahoo. It takes great character to admit mis

Bold Ballmer Mediocre Mayer Bald Ballmer, Mighty Mayer by Caitlin Hall Marissa Mayer: wife, mother, engineer, and CEO of a 30 billion dollar company. The self-proclaimed geek, who appears more like a Hollywood movie star, is making headlines for transforming the culture and bottom line of Yahoo. Only one year after she entered the organization,Yahoo’s stock price surged and employees were reengaged with their work once again. Conversely, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s departing CEO, saw stock prices rise after announcing his retirement. What did Mayer do that Ballmer didn’t? What made her a better leader and CEO? Mayer once stated that her “quest to find, and be surrounded by, smart people” is what brought her to


scratch to make it one of the biggest companies the world has ever seen. I would argue Steven Ballmer is an exemplary leader!

Bald Ballmer Mighty Mayer

encourage open communication, cubicle walls were

system, employees on the same team are, essentially,

eliminated and a forum was created to hear employee

turned into competitors rather than comrades. Each

concerns and suggestions. Perhaps the most morale

unit ranks its employees; the top candidates receive

boosting reform that she implemented was the FYI

the largest bonuses and most frequent promotions.

weekly meeting. This meeting was held every Friday

The system intends to reward high performers.

with every employee at Yahoo. A typical FYI session

However, it unintentionally creates a culture where

communicated strategic plans, celebrated weekly

employees withhold information and avoid working

“wins”, and ended with some Q&A.

on teams with other top performers out of fear

Not all of Mayer’s reforms were welcome changes.

of being hurt in the rankings. It discourages the

The elimination of telecommuting caused a lot of

collaboration that Mayer achieves in her meetings.

unhappiness, specifically among working mothers. However, Mayer’s intentions were good. Physical presence encourages communication between employees; which in turn, results in productivity, innovation, and culture.

You couldn’t find CEOs with leadership styles more different than Mayer’s and Ballmer’s. So let’s return to the earlier questions: What does Mayer do that Ballmer doesn’t? What makes Mayer a better CEO? She believes in culture. Because of this, she has

Google. She believes in being surrounded by people

Furthermore, many employees were initially scared

created an infrastructure within Yahoo to support

who challenge her to grow. Upon entry to Yahoo, she

by Mayer’s intensity.Yahoo’s previous CEO was a

open communication, collaboration, and innovation.

immediately noticed a brain drain and a lack of mo-

distant power figure to many, communicating almost

In this fast paced environment, Mayer takes a

tivation. The most talented executives and engineers

solely with the executive team. Mayer took another

moment to celebrate and acknowledge employee

were leaving Yahoo to work for advancing rivals like

approach. She sat designers, engineers and product

contributions. She’s given the employees a reason to

Facebook and Google. The labour that didn’t leave the

managers down in Yahoo’s boardrooms. She then

work hard, and Yahoo’s success is the result.

organization had no problem leaving early, showing up

asked detailed questions about their projects and

late, and working from home. In her view, the culture

scrutinized their every move. Simultaneously, she

was broken.

encouraged collaboration and brainstorming in these

So… what to do? Mayer implemented a succession of cultural reforms almost immediately. Her goal was to imitate the Google environment she grew up in: one full of energy and productivity. Under her direction,Yahoo would become an organization where employees were happy to work over-time, not happy

meetings. The focus was to get quality products out the door, but also to develop quality employees in the process. The employees who learned to excel in Mayer’s fast-paced culture gained her trust. These individuals often became the largest contributors within Yahoo.

to clock-out. To do so, Mayer started her efforts in

Mayer’s methods of cultivating talent differ from

the cafeteria. Food became free and Mayer began

Ballmer’s. Ballmer is well known for implementing

taking her own lunches in the employee cafeteria. To

the ‘stack ranking’ system within Microsoft. In this





A Lazy Conversation with Jordan Baker

This month, basketball phenom Jordan Baker lends to us an interesting perspective

whether it be in groups or just classes in general.

of what it was like to be an athlete while attending the School of Business.

It was nice being able to see how the “other side” lives. Getting to know people that way was pretty special for me.

Hi Jordan! Tell me a bit about yourself.

Leading a basketball team is quite different from

This is my fifth year as a basketball player for the

leading a group for a presentation, but the skills

That’s a really interesting perspective – usually

University of Alberta Golden Bears team, playing not

are pretty similar. You learn to manage people; you

it’s the other way around, with business students

only here but overseas in international competitions

realize that not everyone responds the same way to

trying to network outside of their faculty. So,

as well. I am also part of the national team. Also, the

certain feedback. You have to be more critical with

what is one thing that you would tell your first

reason that I am here today is probably because I am

some and more supportive with others. For me, the

year business self?

a recent graduate from the School of Business!

biggest thing was leading by example. If you are will-

I would tell myself to take more courses that were

ing to put in the hours and do the work, then people

general and broad. It is important to expand your

will respect you and eventually get the work done.

horizons and take a look in different areas because

What did you take at the School of Business? I majored in Marketing and minored in Finance.

there is such a wide array of skills that you are going

Marketing was always of interest to me; I was inter-

How did you manage to balance school

ested in selling and promoting things and I

and athletics?

also worked in retail for a bit, so it was a side

For me, the time commitment was around 2.5-3

Any tips for first year business students?

of business that I was interested

hours every day, and we often travelled for days at

When I took BUS 201, the seminars really scared me

in. As for Finance, it was a contrasting skill to Market-

to need and use in the real world.

a time. The big thing with being an athlete is that you don’t have much downtime. If you

into thinking that it was a huge deal and that the case analysis was going to be the end of my life, and

ing and I thought that it

manage to stay on top of readings and

that I would never get any sleep once the business

would be good to

assignments, you’ll do fine. However,

plan started. It is a big deal, and you are going to

be well rounded.

if you get behind, there isn’t really an

learn a lot from it, but it is also important to just

opportunity to catch up.

relax as you’ll still do just as fine.

I heard that you’ve led several teams

What was your most memorable

throughout your

basketball experience?

athletic career. What

There were two that really stood out.

kind of skills did you

One was in my third year, when we man-

gain from that experience?

aged to exceed a lot of expectations at U of A and went on to play in the national finals in Halifax. Being on a national stage as a team after a long time and seeing these kind of results was really awesome. The other was playing in the Universiade games over in China, where we placed second. What is an enjoyable experience you’ve had in the School of Business? One of the best things was just being able to meet people outside of basketball,

So what’s the plan now? I am currently doing a Masters in Coaching, which is part of the Physical Education and Recreation faculty. In one of my classes, we deal with the fundraising and marketing of a program, which is pretty nice for me since I have that marketing background. As for the future, my goal is to be out of Edmonton by next year, playing professional basketball in Europe or Australia. I also plan to do research for my thesis while overseas. That’s great! We wish you luck in the future. Any final words? When I took BUS 301, I learned a lot about how to manage and communicate with people, as well as how to negotiate. It was almost second nature for me because I learned a lot of those skills through basketball. Everyone in business seems to talk about future employers and securing a job, but something really to look for is the ability to not only be a student, but also have other things and branch out. Athletics is definitely one of the big points that employers look for!

written by FELICIA LIANG designed by ASHLEY TRUONG photographed by ELLA LIN


The Business Students’ Leadership Test

What type of leader are you? As a business student, you will inevitably find yourself in a leadership position at some point in your career. The question is, what type of leader are you? When placed in a position

Remember: there are no right or wrong answers. Every leader has their own strengths and weaknesses.

of authority, your actions will be a clear reflection of your personality. We have developed a flow-chart to help you learn more about yourself as a leader.

written by THOMAS YONAN

star t Accept the position with enthusiasm!

No way!

You are open to new ideas during decision making

designed by LINNEA LAPP

You have been given a leadership position. YOU:

You prefer to deal with problems as they happen

When you think of leadership, communication comes to mind



It’s all about YOUR big picture

What big picture?

Of course What DMP?

Collaboration is a necessary part of the decision making process

Run for the hills!


No I’m proactive

You use challenges as an opportunity to grow

No! Challenges are bad

You always find yourself solving everyone’s problems

You care the most about the end result

For sure




Yes What emotions?


You always keep the big picture in mind

More creative

Disagreement is a sign that a new direction should be found


You try to keep your group member’s emotions in mind

Of course You bet

Rational all the way

When problem solving, you tend to think more rationally than creatively

Its more about the journey



B. The Teacher A. The Visionary The Visionary is a creative leader who is able to fit objectives into the bigger picture and break it down into smaller steps. They are strategic and purposeful, helping the team make the right decisions for both long and short-term goals. They inspire by keeping group members focused on the future, providing the drive needed to work hard and make a difference.

A Teacher fosters team building and professional development through collaboration and mentoring. Their interpersonal intelligence and level-headedness help them develop meaningful and productive relationships in the workplace. The Teacher is open to learning more about themselves and is continuously working towards self-improvement, often bringing colleagues along on the journey.


You are a perfectionist Everything you do fits into a grand scheme

C. The Operator

D. The Firefighter

The Operator can be described as task-oriented, protective, and controlling. They are a perfectionist and can be very critical of the work done by their fellow group members. Unlike the Teacher, the Operator is not afraid to put their own goals (which could be what they perceive to be the groups’ goals) before the needs of others, often resulting in the loss of trust from others.

Due to a lack of foresight, the Firefighter is constantly reacting to problems. Instead of looking for potential opportunities, they are too occupied with putting out fires as they happen. As individuals they can be very pleasant and accommodating, helping everyone else solve their own problems, but this inevitably leads to a lack of planning and often hinders the realization of goals.

Not really

Sort of?

I need to solve my own problems

E. Team Player Leadership isn’t for everyone. If there were only leaders, the business world would be unbalanced and inefficient. By channeling your skills into a niche that you enjoy, you will find that you have a valuable place on a team.


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