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Materials and classification
In NEN-EN 13501-1 a fire classification of construction products and building elements is described. The classification is divided into class A1 to class F, at which class A1 is the highest and safest one. The façade of the Zalmhaven is longer than 13 meters and higher than 2,5 meters, therefore all the materials in a construction would have to be of level B or higher. In the figures below the classification of the main construction materials are represented. This sketches the fire safety of the façade.
Concrete | fire class A1 / A2
The concrete walls and floors are incombustible
Isover multimax 30 ultra | fire class A1
The multimax 30 ultra insulation consist of glass wool. Almost all the products of ISOVER belong to fire class A1, also regarded as incombustible.
Aluminium cladding | fire class A1
Aluminium panels are incombustible. The melting point of aluminium is 659 degrees, so the aluminium cladding will melt.
XPS insulation foam| fire class E / F
The XPS insulation foam is very combustible. The material is as regards fire safety a bad choice.
Flashover situation
According to NEN 6069 the fire resistance between the floors, in both directions, has to measure up to criteria EI, the toughest criteria to get. This can be achieved easily in the Zalmhaven-towers because of the massive concrete floors. Concrete is proven to have a high degree of fire resistance. It cannot set on fire and doesn’t emit toxic fumes when affected by fire. The fire resistance of the façade, from the inside to the outside and reversed, has to measure up to criteria EI as well.
The façade is mostly build-up of concrete which is a fire-resistant material. Also the steel angle profile will block the fire. The PUR-foam and the XPS insulation, on the other hand, are highly flammable and a critical point in the façade. However, there only is a small amount of insulation fixed in the façade so which vastly reduces the risk of fire spread. Besides that, the mineral wool will block the fire. The aluminium cladding is as most parts of the façade incombustible. It will melt after a while. Overall there is a low risk of fire spread in the façade.