Gloss may 2013

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GLOSS business | money | life | change | reviews | you

Founder Janine Garner |

EDITORIAL Managing Editor Kate Stone| Contributing Editors Helen Treloar Nikki Fogden-Moore Sara Lucas Guest Writers Alicia Beachley Blythe Rowe Fiona Craig Holly Rosier Kate Sutton Margo Lydon Renata Cooper



Published By: LBDG


Š LBDG 2013 All material is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of LBDG is strictly forbidden. The greatest care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information in this online magazine at time of going to press, and we accept no responsibility for omissions or errors.

A Message From Me

Welcome to the first edition of the brand spanking new stand alone GLOSS online magazine, which we are incredibly proud to present to our members and friends as part of the exciting changes that are coming this year at LBDG! GLOSS is something I know you already value; the quality of articles which our guest writers and regular contributors provide each month is outstanding, and the information they pass on is both practical and up to the minute no matter what industry or sector you are in; whether you are in corporate or an entrepreneur. We are introducing new thought-provoking items to GLOSS; not only are there the sections on finance, leadership and physical and mental fitness which you know and love, presented by Sara Lucas, Helen Treloar and Nikki Fogden-Moore, as well as our engaging guest articles, but now there’s even more. Each month, three LBD members will give their personal views on a relevant – and sometimes controversial – social or business issue in Quickness & Answer. We will have News & Reviews on the latest releases in e-books, white papers, fiction, non-fiction and new blogs to follow; and Managing Editor and LBD member Kate Stone will be sharing her thoughts on social issues in her monthly column, Lois Lane Lives. May is gearing up to be an exciting and productive month. An amazing line-up of speakers at our Sydney and Melbourne Business Seminars (see opposite) will guarantee netweaving at its best as insights, knowledge and business know-how is shared. A special shout-out to Renata Cooper and Forming Circles for their support of the Sydney event. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there. I welcome your feedback on the new look and content. Most of all, I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as we have enjoyed creating it for you. Connect. Inspire. Succeed. After all, that’s what women do.


If you would like to write for GLOSS, or are interested in advertising with us, please contact us via the email addresses in the front inside cover.






Contributing Editors


Guest Writers

Our fearless leader gives her rundown on this month’s issue and what is happening in the world of LBDG

Find out more about our regular columnnists and the expertise that they bring to GLOSS every month.

This month’s expert columnists - a quick link to who they are, what they do and how to contact them





The Secrets of Investment...

What’s Happening This Month in the LBDG World

Blythe Rowe breaks the world of business bullying down - bluntly. And we say... Bravo!

Holly Rosier tells us what we need to know to survive in the 21st century financial minefield

A Message From Me

Events Calendar







Alicia Beachley shows why reaching out and touching is so essential in today’s marketplace

Helen Treloar takes us on a very personal journey. Deeply moving. Don’t miss this.

Sara Lucas explains why we must look out for our income - no matter what stage of our earning life we are at. A must read.




Nikki Fogden-Moore delves deep into finding the best trainer for you - mind, body and spirit.

Margo, Renata and Kate answer some fairly hefty questions about philanthropy and what it means in today’s business environment

Managing Editor, Kate Stone, gives us her reasons why she finally considers herself a Woman of Substance.... and why each and every reader is one.

The Power Of Connectivity

Body & Soul

The Leading Edge


Money Talks

Lois Lane Lives

Contributing Editors

Helen Treloar

Nikki Fogden-Moore

Sara Lucas

Helen is a small business owner, coach, trainer, mentor and keynote speaker who utilizes her proven experience in business and qualifications in Life/Business Advanced Coaching, Master Practitioner of NLP, Timeline Therapy, Matrix Therapy, Training and Public Speaking to enable others to live life on their own terms.

Nikki Fogden-Moore is all about practicing what she preaches – and what she preaches is balance. Balance between work, home and maintaining your personal best.

Sara is a licensed financial planner, writer and speaker.

Working with individuals, teams and organizations, Helen transforms mindset and results for those who are committed to change. With a successful history as a CEO of 3 companies and product innovation expertise in school backpacks, she left corporate to commit herself to fulfilling her own vision of success in 2010. Specializing in executive transitional coaching, small business development and leadership training, in addition to general life coaching, Helen’s passion is to enable others.

“Ultimately health, vitality and getting the most out of life do not have to be last on the list. It’s about finding the best information, tools and support that suit your own goals and needs. We are here to inspire, educate and help people stay motivated, with practical tools and information enabling them to make the best decisions for long term health and wellness –My motto: CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT”

Helen is also the Founder and MD of FMC Leadership Academy for kids. FMCLA bring kids from 7 to 15 and beyond together to learn how to develop their own self-esteem, confidence, compassion and courage. “By owning our own thoughts, emotions, choices and behaviour, we own our results and our non results. Our future is on our own hands.”

She uses nature as her playground – and wants all LBDG members to do the same.

The owner of Life’s A Gym, Nikki is a motivational speaker, trainer and all round powerhouse who will help you to bring your body and soul together. Connect with her on twitter @nfogdenmoore or visit

A wealth management industry veteran, she began working with clients in 1987 helping them optimise their finances. She has since continued to work in senior industry roles all over the world with well-known names including Rothschild, Macquarie Bank, Lloyds of London and BT Financial Group. After a short break to found and lead a number of social enterprises in support of women’s and children’s interests, she founded Sara Lucas; a financial planning and advisory business, focused on meeting the unique needs of women and their families. To further develop the depth of offer to her clients she has partnered with the StrategyOne Advice Network. Connect with her at LinkedIn

Guest Writers

Holly Rosier Location: Melbourne Business: Evans & Partners hrosier@evansandpartners.

Alicia Beachley Location: Sydney Business: April5

Blythe Rowe Location: Sydney Business: Blythe Rowe

Kate Sutton Location: Sydney Business: Uberkate

Margo Lydon Location: Melbourne Business: SuperFriend

Renata Cooper Location: Sydney Business: Forming Circles renata@formingcircles.





01 06









22 Business Seminar Series SYDNEY COURAGEOUS LEADERS



























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“We must use time wisely and forever realise that the time is always ripe to do right.” - Nelson Mandela

BULLSH#T! Blythe Rowe

I sometimes struggle to articulate my uniqueness in what I do in business….
 Then my good mate Dr Jason Fox said to me, “The way I see it, you call the elephants in the room. You cut through the corporate bulls#/t in order to shift behaviours and drive results”.
And that’s it exactly (thanks Jas).
See, Bulls#/t is not only a card game, it is a common game played in corporate Australia and businesses alike. 

With UMR research showing that:
 - 1 in 3 people in Australia have been bullied at work.
 - 57% of people feel as though they have been unfairly micromanaged
; - co-workers & managers responsible for 53% and 47% of bullying cases respectively.
 - with over 5000 cases of bullying reported in

NSW alone in year 2011; - costing the economy anywhere between $6-36Billion a year (PWC). Quite frankly, in the year 2013, those statistics are bulls#/t!
 When I regularly hear from friends or colleagues about the poor behaviour of some of their senior executives within their companies (YES despite the fancy NO bullying policies and sexy vision and values), where their bullying behaviour is ignored, accepted and even worse, excused as “that’s just him, and he IS the boss, so we can’t really do too much about it”. You gotta call bulls#/t. 
How do these leaders continue to hold such positions, particularly, within global companies?

Because often profits trump people (or culture).
 When the top sales person (who achieves their results through backstabbing their teammates or taking credit for all their hard work) is not performance managed in the fear that they might leave – profits trump people. When the doctor who brings in the most revenue to the clinic continually swears, abuses and belittles the nurses is not reprimanded or sacked – profits trump people. When the abusive customer/client who continually threatens your team is not told to take their business elsewhere as this might affect sales – profits trump people. It’s a choice. As business owners and leaders, are we prioritizing our people or profit? Are our actions aligned with our beliefs or what we say the company values? How much do our people mean to us and how willing are we to stand up for them – regardless if it impacts profit? See, we ourselves might never be at the mercy of a bully – especially if we appear a strong and confident leader. But if and when we witness bullying of any kind, ignoring it, is not an option. As leaders, we have a huge responsibility to face up to the crappy behaviour. Kate Carnell, CEO of BeyondBlue, puts it so well, she said people should follow the mantra of “If you see it, call it” to ensure bullies everywhere know their behaviour is unacceptable.
 But admittedly, it is pretty tough to call it when it’s the big boss who has been getting away with their bullying antics for years. It’s understandable that targets say nothing in

the hope that it will just simply disappear. See, the big question remains…..Who monitors the monitors? It takes guts to stand up to the people in power and say “enough is enough” and all too often it’s just put in the “too hard basket” and people keep quiet desperately hoping it will resolve itself, or they quietly exit the business. As business owners, as leaders, as individuals, it is time that collectively we call these behaviours for what they are. And, yes that does take courage. Yes it takes guts. Yes it means taking the hard road vs the easy road. But that’s Leadership! Until we do this, together, the bullying WILL continue, it will be ignored & we will be having these same discussions in a decades time.
 And that will be hands down... BULLSH#/T! Stay tuned for the next edition of GLOSS where we will discuss the four-step process of how to Bully-Proof yourself in business.

The Secrets Of Investment Success Holly Rosier

Women continue to gain financial independence to an unprecedented degree, and their earning potential is constantly growing. Yet still, many women remain uneasy when it comes to talking about, and managing, their money. If you are a successful woman trying to work out how to take control of your investments read on! If you are not stop reading now. The reality or likelihood is that there will come a time when you will have to manage your finances independently. For this reason alone, I encourage you to read on and learn some simple tips, to help you become financially secure and independent. I have been blessed to have worked and studied with some extraordinary women. They have inspired me and are my role models. These women are strategic, committed, organised and confident in their chosen profession.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Find an adviser you can trust; Articulate what you want to achieve; Get organised; Enjoy the journey...

STEP ONE – CHANGE YOUR MINDSET We all lead chaotic lives, it is important to understand that managing your money successfully requires your time, attention and energy. The fact is, most of us simply don’t have the time, however for most of us it takes time to build wealth. Personal fortitude and a single minded focus are essential in planning and achieving your financial goals, along with surrounding yourself with people who can help you. As soon as you realise that this is a team effort, the sooner we can address step 2. STEP TWO - IDENTIFY YOUR KNOWLEDGE GAPS

However, sometimes their success compromises their financial well being. They are exhausted at having to make more decisions, and just want a simple plan to help them take control of their financial future.

To be a successful investor you need to build your knowledge base. Some may turn to financial books, newsletters or attending some courses. However, this takes time; something many of us don’t have.

These are the women who have inspired me to write this article.

You know what you know, therefore you need to identify what you don’t know and find a way to close the gap.

I believe successful women can make incredible investors, because many are: • Confident and level headed; • Patient; • Exert self control and discipline; • Risk averse – and typically do a lot of research before making decisions; • Willing to listen to external advisors with views that run contrary to their own. These qualities enable them to make considered decisions, which are critical to long term success in financial markets. With the right information and guidance, you will develop the skills to successfully manage your long term financial future. To assist, I have the following, simple six step plan - one I have implemented and shared with many other successful women – to assist you achieve financial independence: 1. 2.

Change your mindset; Identify your weaknesses/knowledge gaps;

Educating yourself is great, but sometimes we need to call in the experts. So if time is short, you need to find an adviser you can trust, and one that is suited to helping you and identifying what you want to achieve. STEP THREE – FINDING AN ADVISER FOR YOU You don’t have to be the CEO of your investments; you can be the Chairman with an appointed financial CEO or CFO. With women’s responsibilities continuing to grow, you need someone you can trust to understand your needs, and help you develop a plan for your financial future. When looking for this someone, in my opinion the following attributes are non negotiable: • TRUST AND INTIMACY– find an adviser who will take the time to get to know you, educate you and earn your trust. You want someone to take the time to find out about your work, social

and family life – as these details will often shape your financial priorities and financial future. • TRANSPARENCY –find an adviser who is honest and candid, especially when it comes to fees, and tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. • RELIABILITY – an adviser that does what they say they are going to do, and does it well. • CREDIBILITY – find an adviser who is the best at what they do. • LANGUAGE – investment language over complicates basic concepts – make sure they talk to you in a language that does not miss the way you make decisions. • COMMUNICATION – many successful women realise that their situations are complex, and require the assistance of a number of professional advisors - make sure your chosen experts communicate, so that your investment, legal and tax plans support each other.

I recommend you focus on the following three areas when reviewing your investment objectives and strategy: • Asset Allocation – is it appropriate for the current environment? • Portfolio Construction – is it well structured are there any issues? • Investment Objectives and changes in personal circumstances, dependents or significant others- has anything changed? STEP 6 – ENJOY THE JOURNEY You have been through the steps. You know what you want to achieve. You know who is going to help you and you are organised. Feel better? Excellent. Life is too short to put this off. You owe it to yourself to make your own investment and wealth management plans.


Don’t wait for death, divorce, job loss, illness or other events to force you to act.

It is no different than a business plan. You need a framework aligned with your values and your objectives, to help you make informed decisions. Decisions that deal with the complexity of your situation and sets you on a course to financial security and personal fulfilment are important.

Act Now.

Your adviser will help you, but first there are four major issues you may consider: • • • •

How do you currently spend your money? What investments interest you the most? Where do you see yourself in 1,3,5 and 10 years time? How much will you need when you retire? And when do you want to retire?

STEP FIVE – GET ORGANISED Reviewing your financial objectives and investment strategy regularly is a must. Small, incremental changes can have a dramatic impact. You don’t let your business float along, you are regularly assessing it – your investment portfolio should be no different. Rather than making significant changes sporadically, regular ‘tweaks’ as appropriate can have an enormous impact.

Any advice in this article is general in nature and may not be suitable for your specific circumstances. You should seek personal financial advice before acting on this information.

The Power Of Alicia Beachley

Collaborate or perish – well it’s not really that dire, but collaboration can be exceptionally powerful, and if done correctly and cleverly, it can escalate a business to the next level. Collaboration defined is: ‘the act of working together with another or others on a joint project, or something created by working jointly with others’, but I think it is much more than that, it is the power of what can be produced together as a sum of the parts. Being open to collaboration is the first step, not thinking that by collaborating you are going to share ideas and lose out to the competitor, or compromise your identity or brand. It is our nature

as businessmen and women to be protective and I am not saying don’t be, however, when you work with others who you trust and who have the same values and integrity levels, the partnership can be very beneficial. Collaboration comes in many forms. Whether it is within individual businesses in terms of achieving goals and innovation, or when it is two mutually beneficial partners working together to achieve common goals for clients and each other. A large part of what I am talking about is in the approach. Particularly in the past it has been

common practice to make claims of ‘all things to all people’ and when our clients asked if we could do something (and we knew we couldn’t) tendency was to just say yes and worry about it afterwards. By collaborating, and being transparent about the collaboration, you can bring to the table experts that are the best in their field and then present as a united, specialist front, without having the overheads of having the discipline in house. There is also much power in collaborating for new business, new clients, new suppliers, even staff. I know of very successful models where agencies are sharing staff and working together, opening networks and supporting each other. I feel that it is important that we broadly embrace these models and practices for the common good of our wider industries. This is particularly relevant when we are faced with tougher economic times and sometimes it’s just not practical to have a certain skill set on staff. 01.

Take creative services, as an agency we always outsource these, as we find we get the best ‘look’ for the job we are doing. What I need for a technology client is very different to what I need for my retail fashion clients, and I can achieve much more by working with the relevant teams to deliver the best outcome for my client. The key is in finding the like-minded partners that you want to collaborate with and then working on the terms, so that there is no ambiguity. There may be no other reward than the sharing of information but if there is to be some sort of financial remuneration, this needs to be openly discussed and agreed upon before any sort of arrangement is entered into. When it comes to direct competitors, while they do pose potential threats to our businesses, coming together in the spirit of industry-wide initiatives to raise awareness and give back is vital. As an Executive Committee member of the Australasian Promotional Marketing Association (APMA), I see first-hand the benefits a combined and collaborative approach brings to our members who are all working in the same space and competing.

The power of these sorts of industry bodies and groups to bring about industry change, launch education programs, host networking opportunities, raise awareness among key target audiences including media and clients and even lobby government is phenomenal. While I am not of the ‘collaborate or perish’ school of thought, I do believe that collaboration is a powerful tool that should be embraced. If we increasingly take a collaborative approach to the daily operations of our businesses and in promoting and enhancing our industries, we will be all the better for it.

The Leading Edge: FROM HE TO SHE Helen Treloar

Something different from me this month ladies. I have fought and resisted the compelling pull to utilise my own journey in my professional coaching and speaking career for some time, as it is mine. What I mean by this is that I am happy to share, however, what value does it deliver by doing so? With your pre supposed permission to be frank,

as a CEO in corporate I had a favourite mantra of ‘don’t shovel your shit.’ My inner question therefore was, by sharing my journey, was I shovelling shit or adding value? Of late, I have found that by allowing others to take from my story whatever they choose, that assists or enables or validates them in their own, I have added value. Settle in with a cuppa, this is more of a story than an article. Let me know if you connect with the story on any level at all. Call me ‘Gov’. I’ll start mid way through the story (nothing like skipping to the juicy bits Melissa Browne). (LBD member injoke; Mel is known for reading the back page of a book before she starts.) I have arrived! All I have worked so darned hard for, for years, has paid off. I am CEO. More than that, I am a bloody good CEO. I am confident, strong, motivated, engaging, innovative, creative, firm but fair, decisive, present, to the point, bottom line focused with a strong need to empower people (whether they want empowerment or not!). I wear expensive 2 piece pant suits, patent leather loafers, even a silk tie on occasions. My Management Team call me ‘Gov’ and my staff call me ‘Big H’. I walk fast, tall, purposefully and towards challenges I can solve daily. I earn big bucks, drive an uber expensive prestige sports car, travel the world, call the shots and own the niche of the market. I have a husband who has given up his career to raise our two boys from their birth. He looks after everything domestic and family as I am clocking up the 16 hour days and 6 days a week. I feel SIGNIFICANT. People rely on ME; heck they NEED me. I rock! So Is This As Good As It Gets? It’s a Spring Sunday morning. I slept in and had breakfast in bed, delivered by my forever accommodating husband. The boys are 4 and 2 years of age and playing in the garden running in and out of the cubby house. The house is clean and tidy (thanks to Hubby) and the world is as it should be on a Sunday morning in suburbia. I have everything I have ever wanted and all I need in life. I walk to the back of the house to hang some washing, and it happened. A black hole seemingly fell from the sky and landed over me. It sucked me up into the vortex of its core. It was dark, confronting, cold and bleak. I was frozen in time, as if the noises of my family around me were kilometres away and disconnected from me. I felt trapped and overwhelmed. ‘Oh My God; Is This As Good As It Gets? I am 40 years of age and the next 40 years will probably be more of this.’ No matter how I tried, I could not shake the emotion and thoughts away. Hubby comes to see what I’m up to as I have been at the washing line doing nothing for a long time now. He takes a look at me and with concern asks if everything is alright, ‘are you unwell?’ If I Truly Liked Me; Who Would I Be? I need to skip another huge chunk of the story in order to keep this article to a size that is digestible in a few minutes. There was no language for my feelings. All I had was confusion and emotion. At work I was still the ‘Gov’ and ‘Big H’ authentically; as this was a character I had created and was familiar with. I knew how to play this character well, no rehearsal required. I was the one making all the difficult decisions and meeting the needs of Directors, Customers, Suppliers and Customers. I was the ‘Gov’ with the finger on the pulse and the ‘can do’ attitude. I made things happen for goodness sake. Home life was very different. Not that anyone outside our home would know. The brand message from Team Treloar to all friends, family and associates was ‘life is great.’ In reality, there was an ever increasing emotional and physical gap forming between my husband and I and my connection with my children was inconsistent at best. I would go to tears easily or lose my temper over seemingly ridiculous things. There would be brooding long periods of silence. Intimacy, well that completely disappeared for over 18 months. The ongoing question from my husband of ‘what’s wrong?’ now riled me as I didn’t know how to language what was wrong and felt guilty for feeling this way when I had everything I ever wanted, hell everything many other people were working their hearts out to get. ‘Shouldn’t I be blissfully happy right now?’ Truth is I was miserable. I didn’t like me anymore. Sure what I had achieved was fabulous, but what I felt was less than good. My inner voice would say things like, ‘you are a fraud, all of your success is luck and timing, it has to run out at some point’ and ‘your employees and friends think you have it all and in reality you are a terrible wife and a mother who is MIA most of the time; you’re a pretender’. My extended family all praised me for my accomplishments and would openly speak of their pride in me. This made me guilty and angry as the success they were proud of was position, power, money and lifestyle and all of these things were a result of a character I no longer wanted to play. However, I didn’t know how to play any other character and keep the spoils of success. I was the bread winner, I had to retain the success. The word that stayed with me for over 2 years was ‘stuck’. I felt damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. I was trapped by my own success.

I’ll Be He You Be She. Another big chunk of the story skipped... and after 10 months of psychology (which, for me, was frustrating as it kept me wallowing in my sadness as I repeatedly talked about my past and my feelings) and 8 weeks of coaching (which changed my life) I had clarity. I became clear on the character I had developed and the why and when parts of it and how this was different to the character that was authentically me; the very best version of me. Sure there were parts to each that were similar or the same, I wasn’t a complete fraud. Phew! My coach held the mirror up to who I was, and it wasn’t pretty. I was the male controlling presence in my marriage. By me becoming extremely masculine and suppressing my feminine and not allowing myself to be vulnerable with my husband, I had placed him in the position (quantum physics) where he became vulnerable, and in my eyes, weak. I was married to a person who wouldn’t stand up to me, or say ‘pull your head in Hel’ when I was being the ‘Gov’ at home. He would accept my poor behaviour and excuse it as I was working long hours under pressure as a CEO and his role was to support me, I was the exclusive bread winner who needed to be served; when in truth I knew I was behaving badly and the more he allowed it, the more I resented him for it. I was quite a masculine monster. Intimacy was a non event as I was ‘in my head’ and not willing to feel vulnerable to my man. I refused to see my man as a man; and it was all up to me to provide, protect and defend the family. Or so I thought. Man was I out of alignment. No wonder I felt like hell. My husband should receive a courage award to sticking with me through this. He now shares how he held faith as I had become this monster rather than always was; he believed I would see the light at some point. He was also focused 100% on the boys and what they needed to be healthy, happy and loved at a time when their Mum was being less than nurturing. Construct A Reality That Works. Another big chunk skipped... 8 years on, I am now a Master Coach specialising in Executive and Leadership Coaching. I went back to learn HOW my coach had helped me. It then became a passion and my purpose to help others. I left corporate as I had a clear vision of what my purpose was. I love corporate and believe there is a need for women to stay and love what they do within it. Corporate drives society, hence my passion and love of working with high end executives in corporate. I am also the very proud owner of a Leadership Academy for Kids. My goal is to enable kids to know that they can choose to be the very best version of themselves in all environments. This is one of the keys (in my belief system) to getting more women on boards in the future, who are strongly congruent with themselves. There is no need for women to become men to succeed in business. Life for me now is the best it has ever been. Like you, I have challenges and obstacles and fears and failures. Throughout all of these experiences, I like me. I am confident in me and my abilities not what I know. I remain grateful and happy and my love for my patient and amazing husband is deeper and stronger than ever before. He is now the man of this family. I am vulnerable to him as I feel safe, protected and secure. I stepped off the mantle of ‘control freak’ and gave appropriate power to him whilst building my own inner strength and power congruently in a strong and feminine way. I have tolerance, patience, and acceptance and I have no attachment to the words that used to rule my life ‘I know’. What I DO know is that by not knowing I get to learn more, I am open to the new and willing to take on more. There is nothing to protect and nothing to defend in normal daily living; it’s all a journey and everyone is on their own personal journey, doing the best they can with what they have. I am here to enable anyone by being the best version of me every day. As Ghandi said “We must BE the change we want to see in the world.” I continue to learn about and experience the complexities of relationships in life and business and find that relationships are the key to authentic success; the most important relationship being that with self. To truly love and like yourself every day, regardless of what the world is saying and doing around you, is a place of happiness. The environment can never be the solution to our problems. It can never be ‘others’ or ‘things’ that create authentic feelings of happiness and acceptance within us; it must be from self. Exceptional Leaders truly like themselves. We don’t know it all. We enable. We learn. We allow. We are vulnerable. We are authentic to a character that is the best version of ourselves. We get out of the way. We give our best freely. We say sorry. We make mistakes. We are risk takers. We are all of these things and so much more. We are LBD women. My story now is very different. I love being a Mum and I take time to BE with my boys regularly in a way that enables them to share and ask and grow. I still consider myself a success in business, even though the current income and company car is much less than my peak of the past and I operate with a staff of two.

I do what I love and I love what I do every day. I get to make a difference to the world, every day. I am grateful every day. I am me every day. 100% authentic. You may not agree with me, you may even dislike my point of view, but you will like me, as I am you. This is my reality. What’s yours? Life is not a dress rehearsal; make every day count. Warmest regards


connect with your brand?

Need people to

april5 can help. Any successful brand needs consumers to relate and engage with it. Whether it’s an online promotion, a loyalty program or your next event, we create campaigns that connect target audiences with your brand and drive consumer action.

Getting to know you and your business is the most important thing to our Agency – it’s how we create our best work. Understanding your objectives and creating campaigns that actually make a difference is what we pride ourselves on. It’s all about creating long-term partnerships with our clients to help positively impact their brands. Alicia Beachley Managing Director t 02 9977 6255

Money Talks: When The Music Stops Sara Lucas

Unless you’ve been under a rock recently you will have noticed the tidal wave of commentary on the government’s proposed super reforms, more specifically how they affect women. to ask questions.

This week, Mark Bouris has been working the media with his brand of Silver Fox charm and getting his female followers all in a tizz about their money issues. Apart from being fun to watch, Mark’s campaign emphasises the direness of our under provision for retirement, which is a good thing. However, there’s more to the matter than simple super. In my client world, the issue is what happens when the music stops. What do you do if your income ceases but you still need to meet your expenses, whatever your age? Somewhere I think we’ve all got lost in the complexity of the super debate because of course with age and decrepitude comes a certain loss of employability and therefore income earning capacity, but frankly, loss of income at any age is becoming more certain too and it’s an equally important issue. How do you provide for yourself if you lose an income at any age? Unless you meet some really stringent legal conditions, you won’t be able to access your super money before preservation age,* that’s for sure. How many people do you know who have recently experienced the crashing reality of redundancy, long term sickness, or worse, the loss of their primary income provider for ever? That person might even be you. How long could you last if you lost your primary income tomorrow, by the hand of whatever cause? What would you actually do to stay afloat? Whether you’re 25, 35, 45, 55 or 65, the question is the same, how could you keep your life together if you lost your primary income, and how long could you last before you were really, seriously in trouble? In both my practice and my social life I’m seeing clear evidence that it’s taking people longer and longer to get back into paid work after a job loss; the traditional three months of cash stash is not enough any more and the much touted $5000 ‘mojo money’ is not even close to enough stand-by money for the former professional income family with accompanying lifestyle and associated expenses. Whether you’re in marital bliss and truly believe you’ll remain so, you’re yet to meet the partner of your dreams or you’ve joined the cynical

side of the fence, the realities remain the same. Salaried or self employed, you (both) need to accumulate, and manage your risk of income loss as best you can. Empirical evidence points to at least a one-time loss of primary income before you retire. Saving is and has always been, a critical element of anyone’s financial planning, regardless of his or her level of wealth. Many of us are struggling to save right now; hell, I struggle to save too. Expenses are skyrocketing but even paying down the mortgage on your principal residence is a form of saving, so if that’s all you can manage, then at least do that so you have some equity to fall back on in an emergency.# If you can’t answer the questions I’ve posed to you here with any degree of certainty, you are at risk. It’s not all bad, with a bit of thought, a healthy dose of realism, insurance and some really good, professional advice you can start to patch it up but there will almost certainly be compromise and not everyone wants compromise do they? Compromise is not much fun. But then, neither is being financially strung out with only a few options. I encourage you to think about this issue, truly. It’s not a passing diet fad or a do-good campaign. It’s a real issue. So are you ready? #if you have other debts you should seek professional advice on debt reduction. *click here aspx?doc=/content/60489.htm&page=10&H10 to see your preservation age This information is of general nature only and is not intended as a personal advice. It does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs. Before making a financial decision you should assess whether the advice is appropriate to your individual investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. We recommend you consult a professional financial adviser who will assist you. Sara Lucas and StrategyOne Advice Network Pty Limited are Authorised Representatives of Lonsdale Financial Group Limited ABN 76 006 637 225 AFSL 246934

Body & Soul: Finding Your Ultimate Trainer Nikki Fogden-Moore

It’s a wonderful thing having a coach who you trust, inspires and educates you. Whether it’s in business or in life we can always learn. The trick is knowing who to listen to, and asking the right questions to make an informed decision on who to work with.

This is the same for personal trainers and coaches in health and fitness. Know your

This is the same for personal trainers and coaches in health and fitness. Know your goals, know your rights and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Since Launching Life’s a Gym 10 years ago I am always looking for incredible personal trainers to recommend to clients, be part of our Bodibreak retreats, Corporate Vitality of work as a representation of our brand and philosophy. This is not an easy task when you have some strict criteria and want to have AMAZING not average. As a platform for best practice we pride ourselves in connecting the best in the business to INSPIRE, INSTRUCT and EMPOWER. How do we find the best coaches we love to work with, connect with our clients and include in our events and share our vision? By Creating an Ultimate Trainer Program™ Here are 5 of my top 10 criteria to find your ultimate trainer: 1. Inspiring Before you consider working with any trainer are they inspiring to you? This is key for motivation and a level of aspiration. Looking the part is key to being a personal trainer - but they need to walk the talk and fit your idea of vitality, health and fitness. Are they well presented, do they have a WOW factor, and most importantly are they authentic? 2. Experienced Your coach needs to know their stuff! Make sure they are honest about their experience and have rates and standards accordingly. We celebrate trainers who never stop learning, are experienced in multi level training and who have the ability to tailor make programs for their clients based on knowledge, past experience and a sixth sense for what will suit individual needs. Our Ultimate Trainers require Fitness Australia and the Australia Institute of Sport credentials and memberships so that we know they are registered, have the basic level of skills required or are at the top of their game. 3. Articulate Verbal and written communications are a high priority when it comes to 5star fitness so that you as the client can learn while being coached. Are your getting the core information clearly, whether individual or in a group environment? Is the level of training suiting your needs and can your trainer describe what they are doing so you can be trained. Whether it’s a corporate conference, a private session or a boot-camp: the ability to communicate and articulate is a MUST.


4. Presentable Presentation is key to success. Is your trainer turning up on time, are they a good representation of a healthy happy lifestyle. Are they well presented, tidy and professional at all times? Consistently delivering an expert attention to detail means they have pride in what they do. Your trainer should be an expert, have an extra eye for detail, dress well, love to talk about the latest gear and make you feel comfortable by creating a professional environment indoors and outdoors. 5. Professional Being a fitness or wellness expert comes with a degree of responsibility. Make sure your trainer does a proper intake with you about fitness history, injuries and clear goals before you start working together. This should usually come as part of the program and is a great chemistry check. Be open with your trainer and don’t forget to check with your doctor if you need clearance before embarking on an exercise regime. Creating a solid and open relationship with clients is key to success, as you need to trust each other and create a program that suits their needs. Importantly your trainer is your partner in health – helping decisions with integrity that reflect long terms goals and success. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 6. Organised It seems simple, but this is often the most overlooked aspect of a great trainer. I love working with trainers who are organised, plan ahead and keep track of programs and information for clients. Being on time is mandatory. We look for this element from start to finish. On a final note - an experienced trainer that puts your needs first will know if you’ve had a rough day and need to tailor your program. Sometimes you just need to decompress for a moment. A great coach reads the situation before you start your session and provides the right training for that moment. Any fitness regime should have a nutrition element along side so bring this up with your trainer and ensure you can share a food diary with them.

You are a team. A healthy fantastic looking and happy client is a great business card for any trainer. So find a coach that prides themselves in your success and sharing their knowledge. I would love to answer any questions you might have - this is just the tip of the iceberg when it

it comes to getting a great coach. It is worth asking the right questions, knowing your goals and being prepared to put the work in learning about a positive lifestyle as you go. If you have a trainer that you feel exudes the 5 star fitness mentality above then we would love to hear from them or you can nominate them for the Ultimate Trainer competition I will be launching at FILEX in Sydney. Email us at - details will be online officially April 19. Health & Happiness and remember: you are in charge of your destiny. Nikki x


Quickness & Answer Kate Stone

Last month, one of Janine’s blogs (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) addressed the very pertinent topic of Australian business men and women ‘giving back’ to the community and to up and coming members of their sectors or budding entrepreneurs. Giving back is not necessarily about money – sometimes it is about giving up time, or skills, or knowledge. This month, we are asking three very influential members of the LBD community - MARGO LYDON, RENATA COOPER & KATE SUTTON – each of whom is involved in giving back in a unique way – their thoughts on how and why Australian change-makers and leaders should be sharing their good fortune. Q: Do you believe that Australians who are in a position of privilege give enough back – both to the community as a whole, and to their peers and juniors within business? Margo: Australians, by our very nature and strong culture of mateship, are mostly willing to help out others in their time of need. We have seen this demonstrated through the huge community response to recent natural disasters, but also within corporate peer support and mentor programs. There are numerous and various examples. Can we do more? Most definitely! I am a strong believer in the huge benefits gained by investing in developing the strengths of people and creating a culture of care for others and belonging. This is equally applicable to neighbourhoods, communities, families and workplaces. The gift of giving to others should be welcomed, fostered and encouraged in all settings, and I believe that we all have the opportunity to do this in our lives. Renata: The majority do not but that is not to say that we aren’t looking at ways to improve the way we give. I know in the US, philanthropy is an expectation and is also quite public, whereas in Australia there are people giving anonymously and perhaps coping some flack publicly for not being perceived as generous. I am of the belief that philanthropy is not just fiscal, but also social - I love mentoring, and being mentored. You know that old proverb that goes something like ‘you can give a man a fish and

feed him a meal, or you can teach a man to fish and he can feed a village?’ I see the sharing of knowledge when you are successful as a way of teaching people to fish. Mentoring is an undervalued skill in every aspect of life and really needs to be embraced. We can always give more. Kate: I believe there are groups of people who do, but there is always room for all of us to get better at giving back. Even if it’s half an hour a week to phone mentor someone starting out in business, the impact that half an hour a week can make to someone is monumental. Giving back is like any part of business culture, once you get into it, you can’t live without it! Q: As a business woman, how are you involved in ‘giving back’ to others? Margo: I feel it is such a privilege to be able give back to others and try to do this in numerous ways. Other than donating to charities and getting involved in days that celebrate a range of ‘causes’, I’m currently volunteering my time and expertise to Chair an Advisory Committee for a new suicide prevention charity called Roses in the Ocean. I also provide some mentoring and support for some young women impacted by severe mental illness. I also welcome the opportunity to provide support, advice and guidance for young business women (and men) in their career development, and have done this through a range of channels.

Renata: The framework of Forming Circles initially was to invest in socially minded businesses that might not attract grant funding or other financial support. This evolved into the big picture that is inspiring change in the way we do business in the 21st century. Not only have I invested over $500,000 in the past 18 months into a broad range of projects, from films to fudge makers, charities to seamstresses, I have also invested myself into changing the mindset of people working in industry. I think that we need to look at more than just the bottom line and think about how to run a profitable and successful ethical and socially minded organisation. I’m encouraging that kind of business. Kate: We sponsor fundraisers and continuously donate products to be auctioned at fundraisers. We tend to focus on children’s charities and I’m really proud to be in a position to donate prizes that raise a lot of money for charity. I have also recently been involved in mentoring women in business, which is new to me and I love it. Being in business for almost 10 years allows me a unique view of other businesses starting out and I love being able to give advice, ideas and support. I am a massive fan of women in business. Q: What are the pitfalls for those who do have ‘more’, and what can they do to protect themselves from non-authentic people? Margo: Align their decisions to their values, and ask lots of questions. I also think it’s about, where possible, getting directly involved which can help enormously in determining authenticity of the cause/ people. Renata: It’s difficult at times to separate your emotions in decision making but I have been able to have some clarified moments when selecting my business partners and collaborators. I think you need to trust and then move on once burnt, don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted or advantage of, at the same time it is so important to remain connected to projects and people. That is what we are doing at Forming Circles. Kate: Always stay true to yourself and give what you are capable of giving. During different times of the year work is really intense and I have now learnt not to overcommit during those times. If you overcommit or over give you are left energy depleted. On the flip side, the feeling you get from sharing knowledge with businesswomen starting out is like a shot of adrenaline. Non-authentic people tend to slip off your radar when you are focusing on the authentic

ones! Q: What areas or demographics, if any, do you personally feel need more help within society and within business? Margo: I have to say mental illness and suicide! Unfortunately there is still a lot of stigma about mental illness and suicide in our society and within workplaces. As mental illness affects one in five Australians every year and we loose over 2,000 Australians to suicide every year, we have a significant issue that I believe is everyone’s business. A community, a workplace, a family or a friendship group where people can talk openly and share about their experience living with a mental illness without stigma would go a long way to building a more inclusive and caring community and lead to better health outcomes. Renata: The Arts and creative industries are my personal passion - particularly because many creative types struggle with the fiscal side, which is my strength and where I can help most. Kate: Within society I think we need to focus more energy on our youth... we need to inspire young people with a can do attitude and support them when they are in situations of despair. Too many young people slip through the cracks and if we can pick them up at the right time then their whole lives take on a different perspective. In terms of business, I believe small to medium sized businesses in Australia need more support, incentives and help. There have been many times over the 9 years I have been in business that I have needed a mentor or advisor...I feel a small to medium business hotline could be the answer - someone you could call for advice when you are at a turning point or in a hotspot and can’t afford professional advice. Q: In an ideal world, what would be your ‘three wishes’ for being able to give to others – through any forum? Margo: More money; more time; greater access to expert and specialist resources. Renata: I am very lucky as I am already executing many of my wishes through a number of Forming Circles’ platforms, but I would love to see our model recognised and supported by government and larger organisation as a new way of doing philanthropy and investing into community in the 21st Century. On a personal level, I am a strong believer that financial literacy is a way forward for women to achieve financial independence and freedom. So

creating platforms and opportunities where this can be achieved would be one of my wishes.

ing with it. I haven’t had that experience yet, so fingers crossed I never do!

Kate: Health would be my number one, being healthy is a gift and makes everything else worthwhile; love would be number two as I believe being loved and loving is as important as breathing... and my third would be inspiration. Being inspired allows us to reach our full potential.

Q: Do you feel you give out more than you receive when it comes to your business?

Q: What, if anything, puts you off when it comes to helping others? What do you think puts your fellow business leaders off?

Renata: I have moments where I feel like there is more give then receive, but generally I am overwhelmed by the amount and reach of the ripples that we are creating. It was always my goal to inspire others to act in the same way, I could never effect the change on my own, and now after more than 18 months, Forming Circles is seeing some wonderful community driven initiatives that we are not involved in, but have inspired. That makes it so worthwhile. Written Portraits, our competition to encourage high school aged creative writing, has been one of the most amazing and fulfilling projects and this year it is looking to absolutely explode. This is definitely because of hard work, vision, and the ripple effect!

Margo: I think it can be a challenge when the person/organisation who is approaching me for assistance is unclear about what exactly they want or need. It’s so much easier to get engaged and involved, when you know what you are able to commit to - and the reason I say this, is so that I am able to deliver to my commitment. I also think that it is more helpful when there is a direct synergy between the request and the business. Some thought of the value proposition before pitching the request for help, is always welcome. Renata: Lack of vision or when people don’t actually want to help themselves. I have a strong story of oppression, arriving in Australia as a refugee with a few dollars in my pocket. I worked hard and focused to become a successful businesswoman, and I know while it is not for everyone - if you are asking for help, you need to be ready to help yourself. There is also another aspect I came across through giving generously, that people get used to it, and treat giving more like a “seasonal sale” or an expectation. Kate: Nothing puts me off personally... but I know from other business women they find it frustrating if their advice ends up being hot air… or they give energy to someone who does noth-

Margo: No, because I believe you ‘get what you give’. And the more you give, typically the richer the experience. It’s such a mutually beneficial experience usually.

Kate: No! Everyday I get personal feedback from clients; emails, photos of mums holding their newborns and wearing a necklace I made. If I ever feel overwhelmed in business (which is often) I just go to our Facebook page and it rebalances my energy. Q: Please name your personal charity of choice (no explanation needed), not including the First Seeds Fund. Margo: The RSPCA. Renata: Touched By Olivia Foundation. Kate: Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick… we sponsor Gold Week every year.

News & Reviews

Featured This Month OFFER:


LBD Member Melissa Browne is offering 10% off the cover price of her amazing and insightful book ‘More Money For Shoes’ - just for the release of GLOSS! At point of purchase enter ‘LBDG’ and the discount is all yours - enough to put towards some shoes perhaps? Her exciting new 12 week online Business Makeover Series is about to start - have a look at

BLOG: Matt Church. Thought Leader. And Courageous Mind. See him at the LBDG Business Seminar in MELBOURNE on 30 May - but before then, check out his fantastic blog for truly challenging views about the way we should be doing business.

BOOK: Written Portraits 2012. Backed by Forming Circles and published by the Olive Press, this anthology is the result of the inaugural Written Portraits YA writing competition, developed to encourage teenagers to express their thoughts and feelings on the page. Confronting, challenging, moving, funny - I defy you not to shed tears when reading this. Entries are now open for Written Portraits 2013 - find out more at Forming Circles.

William Johnsonn

Mark Webber

Lois Lane Lives: A Woman Of Substance Kate Stone

A woman of substance knows that life is not a fairytale where she has to sit and wait for a prince to come on a white horse and make her dreams come true. She strives hard to overcome all the obstacles to achieve what she wants because she knows that if she wants something she has to fight for it — Aarti Khurana.

When Janine first asked me if I would like to not only edit the new look GLOSS, but also write a monthly column for it, my first reaction was to ask her if she had lost her mind. I think she may have thought that a little bit as well, if she was brutally frank with herself!

I want you to think carefully about this. The last time you were with a group of women – and I don’t mean your close, Ya-Ya Sisterhood, cross your legs laughing female friends – how many times did you hear the words ‘wow, that’s fantastic, what an amazing achievement!’

I think that was possibly my second reaction too. And third. After a couple of glasses of wine however, and a bit of the old Garner magical persuasion (where does she get that from, and how can we bottle it?) I began to believe that maybe – just maybe – I had it in me to make this thing not only buzz, but shake, rattle and roll. Because I am, if I am for once not too shy, or falsely modest to admit it – a woman of substance.

Or even more to the point – ‘that’s a brilliant idea. What can I do to help get it off the ground?’

As are each and every one of you taking the time to read these words.

This thing I know to be true.

What is sad is that my first reaction was as it was. I truly, in my heart, thought ‘I am not capable of doing this’. Which is wrong – I am capable. I am more than capable, I am bloody good at what I do. Janine knew I was – my clients know I am, otherwise I wouldn’t have a business. Why couldn’t I immediately recognise it in myself? I think this is a question most of us face within ourselves on a daily basis – no matter how successful we are from any perspective, and irrespective of how much and how often we are gathering kudos and recognition for our street smarts, our style, or our financial savvy. Why do we, as women, have such a hard time giving ourselves a pat on the back for our own intelligence and ability? Why do we feel the need to self-denigrate and belittle our own brain-boxes? I spent quite a bit of time puzzling this out – and then, sadly the answer came to me. It’s because generally, as women, we don’t tell each other how worthy we are.

We are not naturally kind to each other as a sex, we chicks. There are some fairly cut-throat females out there, and honestly? There isn’t much you can do about them. But.

The same thing that prompted Janine to have faith in me, and to recognise my worth, and to see me as a woman of substance – and which allowed me to see myself through her eyes – that is something that resonates throughout LBDG. It is unique, and it is real, and it is the reason I am massively, massively proud to be editing this publication. Because of the women of substance who contribute their knowledge and wisdom and experience to it each month. For no gain other than knowing that others will benefit and become more substantial women from their advice. When you wake up tomorrow morning, take just a moment before the yuck of perhaps not removing yesterday’s mascara hits you with a slap in the bathroom mirror, and repeat after me. ‘I am a woman of substance. How do I know this?’ ‘BECAUSE I SAY SO!’ And so say all of us.

Kate x

What went down at the Courageous Leaders, Courageous Business, Courageous Minds Business Seminars in Melbourne and Sydney - photos, follow ups and a feature on some of the speakers... and perhaps some behind the scenes gossip... An introduction to the brand new LBDG website and what it will offer you as members... so much more, just for you! Our new membership packages - how they will work, and yes, you will be able to pay MONTHLY! Features from Kelly Slessor, Sophie Andrews and more... New Q & A with 3 different LBD members: My Business Heroes & Personal Champions of Change.





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