Downtown ZEN Jan 2015

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Chief Editor Loren Becker

Managing Editors

Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Advertising Sales & Marketing

Loren Becker, Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Contributing Writers

Brian Paco Alvarez, Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin, Temple Brathwaite, Karina Giraldo, Consy Malasoma, Seane McNeil, Nomic, Fernando Reyes, Charlene Sands

Calendar & Events

Alexie Ihde, Mikela Lee-Manaois


Peter Gaunt, Seane McNeil, Ivan Quiroz, Matt Wong, Las Vegas News Bureau

Creative Directors

Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Art Director

Ryan Brekke (BullFish Media)

Web Design

Michael Boley Cover:

Concept, Production & Direction Mandy Crispin

Photography Ivan Quiroz


Doc Phineas Kastle


Doc Phineas Kastle

Logo Design & Typography Layout Nina Thomasian Special Thanks

Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery


Jackpot Printing 702.873.1902 |

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Letter From the Editors Welcome to 2015 and the new-look Downtown ZEN magazine! Before reading this note, did you notice anything different about the cover? No? Well, here’s a subtle hint: it may have something to do with the bolder, more strikingly beautiful composition of our redesigned logo. Yeah, that’s right. You’re not the only one bettering yourself in the new year — we are too! Now in our third year of publishing, we’ve grown up and wanted keep pace with the DTLV scene by providing a sleeker, more cosmopolitan-type feel. And as our slogan states, “Uniquely us. Distinctly different,” we guarantee no other publication is as involved and enthusiastically committed to covering the happenings of downtown Las Vegas than us. Humbly speaking, as a boutique-style magazine we take the time to understand the eclectic tastes of our readers, from the business professionals to the hipsters and the tech geniuses to the fashionistas; therefore, our New Year’s resolution is to continuously offer a diversified mix of inspirational, creative and unconventionally entertaining content that speaks directly to you. With that being said, to kick start the new year we’re rolling full steam ahead and spotlighting the charismatic and superbly dressed Doc Phineas Kastle, a notable figure within the steampunk movement. A downtown resident, Doc is a former model turned historian turned professor turned actor who regularly appears on Pawn Stars. He is also organizing February’s Steamathon Convention planned to be held inside Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery, one of the most historically rich, artifact-heavy casinos in Vegas. Throughout this issue, we’ll take you on a visual tour that will leave you in awe of the hotel’s scenic interior backdrop as well as Doc’s very own, elaborately customized wardrobe. Additional themes and columns within this issue, such as how to eat green, combat dry winter skin, and redecorate and feng shui your home, are also available for your reading pleasure. So, come on! Grab your garb, make a resolution and let’s journey together into a mystical new year ahead! Friends Forever, The Downtown ZEN

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table of





03 | Eating Green 09 | Steampunk

Philosophy ‘N’ Fluff 27 | Beauty 31 | Home Staging 33 | Nomic Spotlight 35 | History 37 | Energy 39 | Housing Guide

Events & Entertainment 41 | Restaurant Review 43 | Bar Review 49 | Calendar

09 43 03

41 About the Cover Things are getting steamy! Steampunk character Dr. Phineas Kastle wows us in a custom-made fur coat and time travelling walking stick outside of Main Street Station Hotel, Casino and Brewery this month. The steampunk aesthetic is a compelling look into the romanticism and nostalgia for the simplicity of the past coupled with the inspiration the future may hold.

JAN 2015 •

Green Eating Evoking Global Change Locally By Seane McNeil


hat does it take to have a healthier body and mind? Well, let’s start by putting down the processed foods and stepping away from the preservatives. Easier said than done, right? What if I told you it involves eating green and overcoming external obstacles, things like stress, time, money, lack of confidence and motivation? What if I told you I am here to help, would you listen now? OK good! So now that I have your attention, let’s start this year off right by talking (and eating!) fresh and organic. Why not even go as far as making it your New Year’s resolution. I mean, don’t you think that you at least owe yourself that much? Let me preface by saying I am not an expert on what to eat and what not to eat, but I do know a few people who are; therefore, I have chosen three different locations and three different people who all have different healthy eating options that can help you along the way. But first, what does it mean to “eat green”? Essentially, it’s for anyone and everyone willing to make a change, not only for health but also in the world. Why? Because according to the United Nations, eating less meat can help reduce global warming, which is predicted to increase by as much as 12 degrees by the end of the 21st century, and raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems,” as it produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the planet’s cars, planes and other forms of transportation combined. In fact, 30 percent of the Earth’s land mass is used for raising animals (which include growing feed crops and grazing), only later to be killed for human consumption. Now that you know some of the benefits of eating green and what you can do to help yourself and the environment, let’s begin by putting a little love back into the soil and visit Vegas Roots, a local nonprofit community garden. Located just west of downtown, I sat down with the director and owner of Vegas Roots, Rosalind “Roz” Brooks, where she told me about her healthy lifestyle and how she went about changing her eating habits to become vegetarian. Born and

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raised in Vegas, Roz says she’s always been interested in maintaining her well-being and wanted to spread the word throughout the community. With a little help from family and friends, she successfully began a community garden to share with the rest of the valley; and since 2010, local businesses, volunteers and families from all over have added a tremendous amount of culture and character to the garden, helping it grow its roots far beyond where the seed first began. As a nonprofit organization, Vegas Roots’ mission is to create a caring and productive community for children and adults who are interested in building a sustainable food system and ecofriendly environment. The garden’s overarching goals are to produce fresh foods, build youth leadership, create community connectedness and promote healthy minds and bodies. In an effort to get people from all age groups involved, Roz has created curated events, such as the Sunset Garden Stretch, the U-Pick U-Pay Garden and the Adopt-A-Plot Program, which allows families and businesses to either purchase or donate 50-square-foot plots of garden space to harvest fresh, organic produce year-round. In addition to individual and family activities, Vegas Roots also has children-centric happenings, including the HEART and Farm-to-School classes and programs for teens and schools of underprivileged kids, which help develop character, leadership skills and knowledge on how to plant their own garden. So the next time you’re in the area — whether with your family or by yourself — stop by Roz’s Vegas Roots to learn and experience everything urban gardening! Now, if you’re not much of a green thumb and prefer to have food already prepped and cooked, then let’s head to Downtown Container Park where I met with Stacey Dougan, owner and chef of Simply Pure. Fifteen years ago Stacey became a full-time vegetarian while residing in Atlanta, Georgia. Young, single and making a lot of money in the music and entertainment industry, Stacey decided

It's for anyone willing to make a change. JAN 2015 •


to invest her money into bigger and better opportunities, which would later lead to the opening of her own restaurant. Having never attended culinary school, Stacey picked up her skills through instinct and trial and error. From there, she became a pro at coming up with recipes to die, and live, for! After three years of running her own business Stacey decided to move to Las Vegas and change her career, where she began working as a temp at the Wynn. Not more than a year later, Stacey said she saw herself as “not a very good employee, and never will be,” and went back to the kitchen and opened Simply Pure.

purchased, which include Whole Foods, Trader Joes and Sprouts. Simply Pure has many options on their menu to choose from — the “Nacho Grande,” in particular, is one of their top selling plates, and my personal favorite. With vegan protein (aka soy), vegan cheddar cheese, pico de gallo and sliced avocado, all I can say was this was beans, meat and sour cream in disguise. After this taste test, Derrick allowed me to end the night by savoring the “Raw Almond Agave Truffle” for dessert. Leaving the restaurant I felt very well fed and, well, simply pure.

During my visit, I met with Stacey’s manager and assistant, Derrick Lampkin, who introduced me to many of their dishes and shared with me the various places her ingredients are

Have you ever wondered what’s at the end of a rainbow? If you think you know, think again (hint: it’s not a cauldron of Skittles). At the corner of Almond Tree Lane and Sahara

Avenue, where the rainbow reaches its end, is just that: Rainbow’s End Natural Foods and Café.

After scouring through the defined marketplace, next I wandered through the café and sought out a couple of dishes from the menu that sounded absolutely delicious. The roasted portobello burger, marinated with raspberry balsamic ginger dressing and topped with caramelized onions, Vegenaise (vegan mayonnaise), vegan cheese, romaine lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, sundried tomato aioli, and Dijon mustard all stacked atop a gourmet organic wheat bun, immediately caught my eye. And if that doesn’t wet your appetite, the raw tacos — made of red cabbage filled with nutritional yeast, flax meal, avocado, carrots and sprout — definitely will, and should not be overlooked.

Since 1977, Rainbow’s End has been known for its great variety of vitamins and supplements, organic and natural whole foods, and its vegan café. Although atypical to other mainstream retailers and much smaller in staff, the grocer’s employees more than make up for it with passion, confidence and a vast amount of knowledge relating to their products. According to Sara Friedman, daughter of owner Sam Friedman, many of Rainbow’s End’s products are distributed directly from similarly sized vendors, including Quail Hollow Farm located in Overton, Nevada.

05 • JAN 2015

Get Alkalized Fridays

Upon uncovering some background information of Rainbow’s End, I also got to know a little more about Sara as well. As a long-time vegan, Sara says three key points are the main influencers to her vegan lifestyle: humanness, the environment and her overall health. Moreover, on Friday’s Sara and other staff members get together and participate in “Get Alkalized Fridays” — meaning they stay away from acidic solids and liquids, all while maintaining a raw food diet, exercising, and drinking plenty of water to keep the body energized throughout the day. To stay in-the-know of other Rainbow’s End upcoming events, check out their website at You can also read informational blog posts, print recipes, and

brush up on the latest vegan terminology to help you transition into your new lifestyle. So what do you think? Have I convinced you to start eating organically? Great things are sure to come this New Year, but only if you’re willing to put in the time, dedication and everyday hard work. Just think of all the kinds of impacts you will make if you do, and if Stacey, Roz and Sara can make a few changes in their diets, so can you! After all, I did say let’s make this your New Year’s resolution. You will love eating green. I know I have!■

JAN 2015 •


Downtown Las Vegas Grocery Store OG
































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JAN 2015 •

n awakening of agency By Mandy Crispin Special thanks to Doc Phineas Kastle

he term steampunk has been around since 1987, reportedly coined by science fiction author K.W. Jeter. It is a genre involving steam-based technology and alternative histories focused on the 19th century Queen Victoria era and the American West of the same period. Steampunk has its roots set in a much earlier time than 1987 when Jeter attempted to categorize the work he and his friends were writing. It made its entrance as early as authors Jules Verne (hailed as godfather of the movement) and H.G. Wells published their pages in sci-fi fantasy and time travel in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The style broadened into motion picture media in 1927 with the dieselpunk film “Metropolis.” In 1954 there was “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and in 1960 “The Time Machine.” Then came the 1965 television series “The Wild Wild West” and 1968’s “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” Although only one out of this list of old notables was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, (20,000 Leagues) steampunks would say that Disney has made a significant contribution to the genre, the most recent film being “Hugo” (2011). Since its inception, an aesthetic gelled around the literary foundation and has grown to include varied categories in culture, even outside of the natural path that film was, such as fashion, art and architecture. Visual clues emphasize clockwork mechanisms and steam-powered everything, all the way from machine gun prosthetic arms, cogs and wheels, goggles, airships and time machines to whole islands operated on steam. The look can also be as subtle as this season’s Prada or King Baby Studio. Basically, you’ve seen it and heard it, and you’ve probably been attracted to it, you may just not have known it. Furthermore, you probably don’t live it everyday. Continue Pg. 25

09 • JAN 2015


: often utilizes the fashions of 1800s British society. Here we see Dr. Phineas Kastle, steampunk ambassador, wearing a dearstalker cap and cape, typical of 19th century sports fashion and the latest British flag socks. -This photograph was made in the Pullman Room at Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery.

Photography by Ivan Quiroz JAN 2015 •


11 • JAN 2015

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{Rail Travel}

: a prevalent theme in steampunk Train travel is significant because steam-powered transportation characterized 19th century voyages. -This photograph was made in The Pullman Room at Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery.

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15 • JAN 2015

{Jules Verne}

: considered the father of the steampunk movement. High tea is an integral part of being a steampunk. Top it off with perusing a first edition “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” while traveling in a luxury salon train car, and you’ve got the ticket to ride. - This photograph was made inside the train car, inside the Pullman Room at Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery.

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: a powered and steerable airship. Doc has plotted the course of his next adventure. Waiting for his airship to arrive and armed with his “clocked” walking stick that, allowing him to time travel, will take him far away in space and time, he’ll be captain of the world. - This photograph was made in the antiques area of the second floor at Main Street Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery. JAN 2015 •

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continued from page 9

Enter Doc Phineas Kastle in a glorious and debonair embodiment of steampunk. He has admittedly donned many a character, but his latest incarnation of selfexpression has proven to be, he says, the climax of a lifelong journey. Having travelled extensively throughout Europe and lived in India for 10 years, he has accumulated collections of antiques and artifacts quintessential in the archetypal 19th century British world traveller. Finding steampunk was, to him, like coming home to a place he didn’t know existed; it’s the one outward expression of his identity he says he’s most comfortable ever having used, as one will see from visiting his home, he doesn’t do anything halfway.

And for those who say that steampunks are just Goths who found the color brown, it goes deeper than that. Doc explained, “I think that there might be a little bit of a movement today to disrespect adults, your grandparents and parents. And it was there for our generation too. Now there is a kind of looking back at the past with some reverence, particularly for our grandparents. They lived so naturally. They were recycling everything. I grew up with compost heaps. Everything they had they had to take and reconfigure. ‘Waste not, want not.’ My grandmother made her own soap. The backyard was full of peach trees, apple trees, a cow to milk … chickens for fresh eggs. They were ecological. They were healthy.

Aside from creating an impressive living environment true to the steampunk wonderworld, Dr. Phineas Kastle has amassed an impressive wardrobe. Doc’s refined style is made up of half true-to-period (authentic 19th century) items and half modern clothing. He can often be spotted riding his punked-out bicycle wearing Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Kenneth Cole and Alexander McQueen. His top hat may be from the 1880s, his walking stick from the 1930s, and his dueling teacup holster only a few years old

I think young people are looking back at that in an idealistic way. That maybe we need to go back and get out of this horrible mess we’re in with these piles of waste we can’t get rid of … find a way to have a better future. I think this generation is remarkably really looking at the problems. Instead of being overwhelmed and doing drugs they say, ‘I’d rather be an inventor and think my way out of this.’”

Steampunks are

“people who are bold enough to say ‘I don’t want to be like everybody else. I want to express myself." (hand made for him by a close friend). To Doc, putting together the day’s outfit is the spice of life. He recounts his grandfather: “I was raised by Victorian grandparents. A lot of my walking sticks are his walking sticks. I asked him, ‘Grandfather, what gives you joy?’ every day when he woke up, and he said, ‘I try to decide what hat I will wear, what pocket watch to put in my vest, and what walking stick I will use.’ And that inspired me that he was so elegant … in a world that has gotten so lazy and grungy,” Doc concluded, musing that his students come to school in pajamas, “We have actually lost that kind of elegance and self esteem. I think that’s one thing about steampunk. We have a professional way to present ourselves. Education, professionalism, respect for my ancestors. That’s what motivated me to go there.” In contrast to previous subcultures that became a way to dress, think and act, like the rap-associated “guns and drugs” or Goth genre which is on the darker side, the influence steampunk has is happy and focused on education, exploration, a reverence and nostalgia for the past, inventiveness and hope. Doc pointed out, “The past has become the future. It’s amazing that this science fiction that came out of the 1800s has become relevant in 2014. That’s a big part of how we view the future: that openness to learn and that inventive mentality. In many ways it’s made me a better man.” 25 • JAN 2015

And of course, our stigma as Las Vegans follows us around even in subculture circles. Doc claimed, “People can see it everywhere else but not in Vegas. We are going there, and if you’re downtown Las Vegas its really forward. I discovered the Main Street Station. There are places we can go and hang out in our garb and people don’t laugh at us or make jokes about us. They think we’re cool.” For how stunning Doc is all dressed in his garb, there can be some who go straight to negativity. About this he commented, “I am not going to say it’s been without criticism. A lot of people get very challenged by me because maybe I’m just so free and so happy. It kind of brings the hate out. You straighten your back and let it roll off your shoulders. I have no ulterior motives. If I can be out front, I’m going to take it for a while. It’s what I do for my community. Some people are going to like you and some people are going to hate you. What can you do but have fun?” Doc Phineas Kastle is hosting Steamathon at Main Street Station February 6-8. For details contact He is also the president of Steampunk Guild International, currently the antiquities expert on the international hit History Channel television show “Pawn Stars” and starring in the movie “The Q File” from Amarcord Pictures.■

fe at ur ing se a food & d r Y- a g e d s t e a k s R AT ED one of the TOP T EN

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201 n. 3rd street, las vegas, nv 89101 On third, One blOck nOrth Of fremOnt st. Located across the street from downtown Grand

JAN 2015 •


By Temple Brathwaite

Dry, flaky & dull—ew! Protect your complexion all season long with these nourishing & spa-tested solutions.


don’t know about you, but who doesn’t want great skin? A sun-kissed glow and rosy cheeks are the perfect touch to a summertime look, but how do those magnificent features carry over into the harsh winter months?

I was offered the opportunity to sit down with Amy Meier, Spa & Salon manager at the Golden Nugget, and really pick her brain on how to keep flawless skin all winter long. For example, how many times have you come home from a party, exhausted from a good time, and had forgotten to take your makeup off before cozying into bed? According to university studies, over 17 million people in the U.S. have acne. This could be the result of not taking care of your skin regularly or having a facial routine to keep skin healthy and clear. Thoughts like this were like nails on a chalkboard to Amy as she broke down her own facial regimen and provided great advice on the key to healthy skin. When you’re going from dry, hot weather to cruel and abrasive wintertime winds, protecting your skin is crucial. Using enzymes instead of scrubs, Amy cautioned, can provide a milder treatment to already sensitive skin. The chemical reaction of enzymes helps to eat away dead skin cells. Chemical peels tend to cause skin irritation and provide a harsher treatment, much like using a scrub or other abrasions in the winter. Coupled with arid temperatures, skin can become overexposed. Popular enzymes on the market are pumpkin or papaya-based, but seeing a dermatologist to get the best recommendation on what products to use is advised.

27 • JAN 2015

Your skincare

routine should change from summer to winter.

JAN 2015 •


Following up an enzyme treatment with a serum is very important. Why? Hyaluronic acid! Extremely hydrating to the skin, hyaluronic acid, or squalene, contains components that bind water into the skin. (Hint: immediately apply a hyaluronic acid after stepping out of the shower then follow-up with a moisturizer.) This onetwo punch combo works to invigorate the skin and the moisturizer acts as a barrier to help slow down moisture loss and really provide hydrating benefits during colder months.

There are benefits to using different products or regiments from day to night. I think I could only go a few days if I had to eat the same thing for breakfast and dinner. So why do we do the same thing to our face, day in and out every single day? Feeding your skin differently for day and night truly warrants better results. In the morning your skin is on the defense, gearing up for a day of fighting off stress and pollutants. Antioxidants in the morning help to add a protective layer, almost like sunscreen. Vitamin C, Amy mentioned, is the best antioxidant on the market to date. At night, your body naturally restores and repairs, so retinols are a good nighttime “anti-aging serum” as well as night creams, which tend to have natural compounds, such as beta glucan, meant to restore and maintain a youthful appearance.

Healthy skin BEFORE makeup is essential to a flawless form. Knowing how to take care of your skin, and most importantly recognizing the skin type that you have, also aids in choosing the right makeup. Dry skin and mineral makeups don’t seem to mix well because most minerals are powdered based. If you’re trying to achieve a dewy look, liquid formulas may work best. However, how clean you maintain your skin beforehand is essential to achieving that celebrity glow.

Sensitive skin can best be determined by your dermatologist. Most people think they have sensitive skin when in actuality they have reactive skin. Their bodies may be reacting negatively to particular products being used because they are not right for that skin type. Before each Golden Nugget Spa facial, a consultation is done to first access the skin and determine the best process and products that should be used. Getting facials on a regular basis truly makes the difference, but at-home care is imperative to a lasting look.

29 • JAN 2015

Extractions are a love/hate relationship for most. What is important to remember here is that extractions should not hurt. You should walk out feeling better than when you came in, and that truly depends on the professional.

There is benefit to using steam all the time. The determining factor to this treatment is the distance away from the skin. Irritation from steam can come from it being too close and actually burning the skin. The purpose of steam is to soften the skin and add moisture back into opened pores. Relying on your professional facial consultant to know when close is too close can be beneficial, but it is important to speak up if you are not comfortable with the process.

Exfoliating frequency depends on the type of exfoliator and the type of skin. Thick and oily skin can get away with exfoliating every day. Enzymes, peels and mechanicals can also provide the same affect. This coupled with clay and other mattifiers are great for controlling the oil on your face.

Makeup brushes should be washed depending on frequency of use. Washing makeup brushes about once a week is ideal. Dish soaps can dry out your brushes, so Amy recommends using a professional brush cleaner as the product is more formulated to the bristles. Brushes should be cleaned daily, but a deep cleaning can be done once a week or less frequently depending on your makeup use. With an array of different products on the market, skincare basics have not changed but products and technology has definitely gotten better. While the Golden Nugget Spa works hard to push back the hands of time, Amy jokes that they cannot “roll them back.” At-home maintenance is at the heart of having great skin. The Golden Nugget Spa & Salon offers many packages and even custom facials, so be sure to stop in to see Amy and her crew to subdue even the severest of wintertime conditions.■

JAN 2015 •


31 • JAN 2015

New year, new you, new room. Recreate your post-holiday abode with a warming color scheme and distinctive home accents, providing just enough pizzazz to make your living quarters pop. Featuring a single-cushion sofa, designer pillows and bronze-hued chandeliers and mirror, no one decorates your home with more panache than

Inside Style.

JAN 2015 •


Spotlight CMYK 67, 63, 63, 57 PMS Black 7

Lauralie Ezra Founder and Owner of Crowd Siren

Have you heard the story of Lorelei, a giant rock on the eastern bank of the Rhine? Legend has it that a maiden would sit atop the rock distracting sailors with her beauty. She was a siren of sorts, although perhaps not as ill intentioned, and you can guess how the story ends. For Lauralie Ezra, a born-and-raised Las Vegan, the story behind her name isn’t about the potentially tragic ending; it is a story of the power of enchantment.

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“Crowd Siren helps businesses build brands that get people to pay attention without being able to look away,” she says. The marketing firm accomplishes this by managing everything from online and social to traditional media, and this year, they are offering a new service: social media models. Ezra and her team have a staff of promotional models trained to capture social media content for brands in real time during events.

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What are Las Vegas’s hidden gems? There are places I go to write. I will escape to Sunrise Mountain. There are some beautiful lookout points there to see the entire valley. Red Rock, too, even though it’s not so secret. There are some great hikes where you can really feel like you’re out in nature. It’s quiet. It’s away from it all.

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What is your favorite thing about downtown? I love that the entrepreneurial spirit is still alive here. I couldn’t find that in other parts of the city, where you can go to a coffee shop and bump into other business owners and other people who have startups. You feel the spirit downtown. Crowd Siren is located at Emergency Arts. How would you describe Emergency Arts to someone? It is a collective of artists and business people, galleries and offices. It’s like something you’d find in Williamsburg. Every room is something different, and there are records being played downstairs. New year, new you, right? What advice would you give to people who want to improve their online identity this year? First, Google yourself and understand your online brand now. Then, decide what you want to show up there, and spend the new year creating that content. Follow Nomic on Twitter @nomic & Instagram @nomiclv Photo by Aaron Glassman

33 • JAN 2015

“Crowd Siren helps businesses build brands that get people to pay attention without being able to look away.”

JAN 2015 •


A Living Time Cap > on Fremont By Brian Paco Alvarez


There is little doubt that the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino is a living, breathing time capsule of Las Vegas history. A hotel so inextricably tied with the history of the community itself that it would be foolish not to acknowledge the two in tandem. For a city that has done a spectacular job in imploding much of its architectural past, the Golden Gate stands as a testament that some things are still sacred. If anything can be said about the little hotel on Fremont, it’s that it had a front row seat to the 20th Century. The hotel was inaugurated in January 1906, just seven months after Las Vegas was founded and at the height of the Edwardian Age and towards the latter half of La Belle Epoch, an era of optimism, scientific discoveries, wealth and the expansion of the United States towards its Manifest Destiny. Originally named the Hotel Nevada, with just a little over a dozen rooms, one could stay the night for a whopping one dollar. The hotel was the first of many things in Las Vegas. It was the first building on Fremont Street made of brick and mortar. It had interior electricity, steam radiators, ventilation and it was the first building in town to have a telephone. When one arrived in Las Vegas, via steam locomotive that is, the hotel would be the first thing travelers would see. The address is still 1 Fremont Street, and the land under the hotel is still owned by the Miller family, the same family that purchased it during the great land auction that established the town of Las Vegas in 1905. In the early years the hotel would witness the creation of Clark County in 1909, the incorporation of the City of Las Vegas in 1911, the beginning of World War I in 1914, prohibition and women’s suffrage in 1920, the beginning of the Great Depression, the construction of Hoover Dam and so much more. In 1931, the year that gambling was legalized in Nevada, the Hotel Nevada would be expanded and renamed the Sal Sagev, Las Vegas spelled backwards. But it was in 1955 the hotel would be renamed to its current moniker the Golden Gate, an homage to the city of San Francisco from where the new owners arrived. The rebranding of the hotel and its subsequent expansion would also harken its most famous addition to Las Vegas’ fledgling culinary scene, the introduction of the 35 • JAN 2015

psule t St.

shrimp cocktail. From its introduction in 1959 till today, the shrimp cocktail would make the Golden Gate world famous. People would line up from all over to pay 50 cents (now $3.99) for the delightful treat. Many making way for seconds and thirds!

Images courtesy of the Las Vegas News Bureau

During a recent visit of the hotel, I was fortunate enough to tour the property with Golden Gate President Mark Brandenburg. Mark’s passion for the granddame of Fremont Street is electrifying. You can tell he is very proud of the hotel and its storied past. As he walked me through the property I got a sense of the history, from its casino floor to its subterranean levels to its vintage rooms and its newly expanded tower with tastefully decorated selection of deluxe suites. The hotel exudes boutique class in a spectacularly curated experience for those looking for a more authentic Las Vegas experience. Through the ups and downs of the 20th century and well into the 21st, the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino continues to shine ever brighter.■ JAN 2015 •


Living Zen By Consy Malasoma


o you have survived all the parties, decorating, clubbing and just outright frolicking over the holidays. Now we need to get down to business and make some positive changes in our lives for the new year that is upon us. I feel that setting intentions is the best way to approach any new year, but I also like to take stock in what I accomplished over the past year. So this article will give you some tips to put your life into perspective and may even help you “turn over a new leaf”… The best approach is to simply find a quiet moment in your day to sit down and take out a piece of paper or make an entry in your journal (maybe that was something Santa brought you for Christmas). Then sit still, turn off your cell phone or any distractions and write down what your successes were no matter how small they may seem. It might include leaving an unhealthy relationship, leaving a job you did not like, or starting a new project. This will really give you an idea of where you came from and how truly magnificent you are just by your accomplishments. If you are struggling with this list then just simplify it with actions like playing with your pets, sleeping in on your days off or doing a favor for a friend. We often forget all the good deeds we have done! Because I love Feng Shui and what it stands for, I also want you to take this time to look hard and long at your living space. Your bedroom should represent your “inner sanctum” and have no clutter piles, stuffed dresser drawers, clothes crammed into your closet, a treadmill in the corner or a large 60”+ television that is exposed. Any or all of these things will not be conducive to a good night’s sleep. Any clothes that no longer fit should be sorted and passed on to those less fortunate. Whatever good you circulate out to the world will come back in spades and open your space up for new things. Then check out your desk, if you have a home office, and clear up all the paper files and piles. Sort through your magazines, bills, and folders, or check out your computer files and clean up your Word docs and desktop items. Backing up your files at this time is a must. This could apply to your cell phone where you have kept every text message since you bought your phone three years ago. It all equates to a form of clutter.

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When you understand that everything around you has an energetic “vibration” then it only makes sense to clear it, fix it, eliminate it and make a fresh start for the new year. I am always amazed that people leave their cars out on the street in the hot summer heat and sun so their “stuff” can take up valuable real estate square footage in the garage. Over time many items are ruined in the hot garages and eventually have to be tossed. This may turn into a weekend project to really address what you have “burdened” your life with. Amazingly when we purge our things life seems to improve. Be careful not to do it all in a short amount of time. I had a client in Napa who literally cleaned up her boys’ playroom and their bedrooms as well as her closet. She had at least 10 large trash bags to drop off at Goodwill. Shortly after doing this “purging” her youngest child brought home a stomach flu, and the entire family was ill! Cleansing and clearing should always be done slowly and with the intention to improve clarity in one’s life. The power of intention after you have taken on any of these projects is to set your goals and to envision what you want to change or manifest in your life. I always suggest starting off small and making a list that might read, “I see myself … or I have…” Try not to state that you “wish” for something, but write as though it has already manifested. Make your list/goals attainable and realistic. If losing weight is one of your objectives then write, “I see myself in optimal health eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.” Another approach to starting off the new year with a fresh outlook is to clean your entire space, take a nice hot shower and use a sage to “clear” your space. You may purchase them online or at Whole Foods or The Psychic Eye. Set up a temporary altar with flowers, a lighted candle, some crystals, a small bowl of water, and something metal. This will represent the wood, fire, earth, water and metal elements. Then honor your ancestors and state what your intention is to cleanse your space. Take your “list” of goals and set it on this altar. Try to approach every room with your burning sage walking counter clockwise and draw the circle eight for completion when you are done. These are many powerful ideas to prepare yourself for a new year of new beginnings and positive changes in your life. I wish you all the best and of course ... Happy New Year!■

r a e Y w e N


Consy is a Feng Shui practitioner and home stager. She uses an organic and energy approach to her home staging business and works in households and offices to unblock negativity and help to remove stressors in her client’s lives. Another helpful tool for her consulting business is to look at her clients’ astro charts to determine what planet transits are having effects. Her background as a real estate broker in Washington has been a great asset, also, when staging a property. This column will provide articles on Feng Shui, a healthy lifestyle and relationship tips, along with design ideas. Her mission is to bring information to improve lives, and help others navigate the challenges of life through one’s environment. Consy is available for consultations and gives talks on these subjects. Her talks have been given at Barnes and Noble in Summerlin, East West Bookstore in Seattle and the Psychic Eye on West Charleston Avenue. She can be notified through her website at

JAN 2015 •




Rancho Circle, often called the Beverly Hills of Las Vegas, is a guard-gated community located at the corner of Rancho Drive and Alta Lane. Less than one mile from the I-15 and I-95 interchange and a hop, skip and jump away from the Strip and downtown Las Vegas, this neighborhood offers extreme privacy and seclusion from its surrounding city-centered location. First established in 1945, Rancho Circle has been home to some of the city’s most notable elite, gaming executives, entertainers and VIPs throughout the years. Behind the guard gate of Rancho Circle there are 26 prestigious homes that lie on one to three acres of land each. The homes range in size from 2,790 square feet to 13,368 square feet and are all uniquely built, with no one style predominating over another. 39 • JAN 2015

Karina Giraldo Residential Specialist T: 702.566.7222 M: 702.480.9131 F: 702.853.4470

One of the best-known properties in the neighborhood has been nicknamed “Castle Rancho” for its striking resemblance to the estate manors of 14th century England. It was originally built as a single story farmhouse surrounded by a lush garden and wide gate. Las Vegas gaming legend, Don Petitt, purchased the property in 1969 and transformed the home into the mansion that it is today. Before the guard gates of Rancho Circle were installed, “Castle Rancho” was a popular stop on bus tours of Las Vegas for its innovative design. Rancho Circle is nestled close to other vintage Las Vegas neighborhoods such as Rancho Bel Air and Rancho Nevada Estates. However, there are fewer homes in this luxurious enclave than in its notable surrounding communities, making it as quaint as it is grandiose. When a house does come up on the market in Rancho Circle it is purchased almost immediately. Move-in ready homes often sell for over eight figures and homes that need major renovating, while seldom, appear to sell around $750,000 and provide a rare opportunity to buy into the elite area. While Rancho Circle’s homeowners association sets no particular restrictions or regulations, the residents are committed to maintaining the integrity of the historic community intact. The main road, one large circle for which the neighborhood is named, is lined with trees that have been standing for close to 70 years. One short drive around the circle is enough to romance anyone seeking a new home in Las Vegas.■

Rancho circle is a community full of an intriguing history and beautiful estate-style homes. While there aren’t many homes for sale at the present moment, any potential future buyer would be honored to be part of such a vibrant community. JAN 2015 •



restaurant R E V I E W

The Goodwich

Stacked-Rite Sandwiches By Mandy Crispin


he Goodwich is located at the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Wyoming Avenue. Co-owned by business partners Jake Leslie and D. Joshua Clark, it’s the metal building with the robot mural painted (by Todd Miller) on one side. The business sits on a tiny patch of land but packs a no-nonsense punch to lunch. There are a few stools right outside the order window for enjoying the delicious offerings right there at the counter if diners wish to do so, but it’s just as easy to grab a sack lunch a go. The setup mirrors that of a food truck, only stationary, with just enough room for supplies and the all-important flattop grill. Jake and “Josh” have rich histories in the Las Vegas restaurant scene and both have backgrounds in French culinary arts. The passion they have for their craft is front and center in the no-frills setting. Clean, welcoming and unweighted by extraneous kitsch décor, it’s as if to say, “Let’s get down to what’s important. Let’s get straight to the food.” Continuing in this vein, the menu is straightforward and reasonably priced, especially for downtown. Sandwiches are a simple $3, $5, $7, $9 with extras ranging from $1 to $2. For three bucks you can get a fried egg with butter and sea salt, a grilled cheese or a “Fluff & Nutt” (Nutella, toasted marshmallow, and crunch). The five, seven or nine dollar expenditure includes a more fancy fare featuring meats and veggies in some pretty top-notch, unique, gourmet combinations. Choose from items like a ground beef patty dressed with smoked cream cheese, onion and pepper jack or a roast cauliflower sandwich complimented by an onion fondue and curry with a crispy rice topping. The “Chive Turkey” comes with the house boursin, cranberry, arugula and crispy chicken skin. These combinations not only flatter the pallet but run the textural gamut all the way from cream to crunch in each composition. All sandwiches are cooked on the flat top grill, and come on a choice of white, wheat or rye sourced from Bonn’s Breads, which Jake points out is more expensive, but to him, the high standard is worth it. 41 • JAN 2015

Any sandwiches can be “stacked rite” (made to the consumer’s personal liking) by adding fried eggs, jalapenos, crispy chicken skins, chip bits, bacon, cheese or chicharones. Now if your mouth isn’t watering, you are reading. The Goodwich is not just for the casual pedestrian. There is ample parking in the Dino’s Lounge lot, and sandwiches can be “dine-in” inside the larger establishment. Delivery and catered lunches are also available, and they say the menu can be customized to meet the needs of any event (because we all know that groups contain at least one “picky Pete”). The best part about this business’ forwardthinking and innovative approach to getting the food from their

joint into your mouth is actually a common sense solution to the busy downtown lifestyle. Text your order. Instead of having to call ahead, you text, and there are no misunderstandings or screaming over the “whoosh!” of passing busses or asking “Can you hear me now?”■ So head on over to 1516 S. Las Vegas Boulevard (89104), or, for faster service, just text your order to 702-910-8681. The Goodwich is open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Sundays you’ve got until 4 p.m., but Mondays they are closed, so don’t delay and go grab a Goodwich that’s stacked just your way.

©Ivan Quiroz JAN 2015 •





By Charlene Sands


ipster. The term is met with many a stigma. The word association usually goes something like thick-rimmed glasses, indie music, ridiculous hair, liberal mindedness, Williamsburg, etc. Williamsburg, New York — you can just see it now. It’s a corner building, stone walls, rooftop trellis, and an impossibly trendy crowd inside enjoying libations. Oh wait, this is Las Vegas? Yup, its downtown Las Vegas, and the corner building is called Commonwealth. Commonwealth celebrated its grand opening only two years ago, but what a pair of years it has been. It’s not hard to recall a not-so-distant time when Fremont East could only lay claim to a much smaller amount of bars, the most notable being Beauty Bar and The Griffin: two mainstays, both hailing from national chains of successful bars. There are more Yelp reviews of Commonwealth with the word “hipster” in them than you can wag a PBR at. Not all of them with a positive connotation. Commonwealth is one of the most polarizing additions to downtown, so it seems, and we are here to say that the addition is worthy and purposeful. While Commonwealth may bear the hipster onus, hipster is not a black and white term; it’s a prism scale, and Commonwealth is doing its damnedest to satisfy the full spectrum. Upon entering you’ll be greeted with the shining star of the establishment — the aesthetics. Owner Ryan Doherty has not spared any expense or detail to create a certain motif within the Commonwealth walls. The ceilings

43 • JAN 2015

are exposed with austere wooden beams stretching from wall to wall and a series of ornate chandeliers punctuate the spaces in between. A bevy of modern surrealist and pop art pieces line the walls as well as pastiche collages that look full of clippings from 1920s Harper’s Bazaar and photo albums from the same era. Long wooden tables split the room, the bar to one side. Booth-type seating areas with period appropriate furniture, handpicked by designer Hayley Hunter, tastefully litter the remaining areas of the room. Your art and decor aficionado hipster friend gets a fix in these vibe-setting elements no doubt. Now, your laidback musician hipster friend also gets his or her fix on the first floor of Commonwealth. The bar is home to an event called the Wednesday Chandelier Sessions hosted by Ben Carey, formerly of Lifehouse. That event aims to foster the local musician community with a space to perform as well as be mentored by musicians from many different walks. Wednesday Chandelier Sessions are held every Wednesday from 8 p.m. to close. But what about your hip-hop hipster friend (say that fives times fast)? What is there for them at Commonwealth? Well, you need only walk up the iron-railed staircase to the rooftop patio to find out. Your hip-hop hipster friend as well as your hipster friend who secretly likes clubs but has a strong distaste for club covers/costs and Strip-type crowds (you know those two commonly run together) will both find respite on the rooftop. The rooftop provides an atmospheric

Commonwealth is located at: 525 E. Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 They are open: Wednesday-Friday: 6 pm-3 am | Saturday-Sunday 7 pm-3 am For more information please visit: ©Anthony Mair

aspect to Commonwealth and a view of Fremont Street that really can’t be beat. While we’re rifling through one’s most commonly had hipster friends, you know we cannot forget your suspender and bowtie wielding, curled mustache having hipster friend. Where do they get their fix at Commonwealth? First off, they are going to fit right in with the staff, as it seems they’re all required to possess the aforementioned accessories. A craft cocktail they crave? You don’t say. Well, this friend came to the right place. Commonwealth boasts a drink menu with the likes of evening cocktails named “Little Hot Mess” (we all know one), “The Dude Abides” — an interesting take on a White Russian (and any hipster worth their weight in American Spirits is a fan of “The Big Lebowski”), and ”The Marauder of Fremont Sreet” (sounds intimidating, but the combination of Bacardi wolf berry, lime juice, simple syrup, fresh mint and berries is just simply delightful). Their Copper Mugs selection has your classic “Moscow Mule’, but there’s also one named “The Panty Dropper,” so if your crass hipster friend is tagging along, they’ll have a drink to go after as well. More importantly if you have a friend that is of the elitist variety or just enjoys a private and quiet setting, The Laundry Room is just for them. The Laundry Room is the private speakeasy bar within Commonwealth. Haven’t seen it or heard of it? Well, that’s because you must be invited or be lucky enough to be bestowed with a clothespin that has

the private telephone number to the bar on it in by which you can make reservations to enjoy the 12 person capacity space. Once inside you’ll be attended to by Dan Marohnic the resident mixologist, or as he would like to be called “boozologist.” With over a decade of experience under his belt, you can simply describe a mood or a particular flavor you like and Dan will make the most appeasing cocktail you can imagine. If cocktails aren’t your thing and beer drinking is more your hipster style, know that you will be met well as the local and non-local craft beer selection at Commonwealth is pretty stellar, a must-try being their Banana Bread beer. Looking to get some bang for your buck (knowing your cheap hipster friend is probably along for the ride too) look no farther than the “Pick Your Friends” selection, choose one of eight beer choices, as well as one of seven liquor shot choices all for only $12, and you’re bound to have a good time. Still looking to save? Commonwealth has a commendable happy hour that runs Wednesday through Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and provides $3 well drinks and draft beers, and $5 premium cocktails and craft beers. Overall, Commonwealth really has a little bit of something for everyone — dancing, unique drinks, and ambiance to boot. Also, all these hipster generalizations are said in jest and love: we just can’t help that Commonwealth is so hip! Remember self-depreciation and sarcasm is a hipster’s best friend, so from one hipster to another, cheers!■ JAN 2015 •


JAN. 24, 2015 10AM-4PM

The Zappos Family is hosting a free wellness expo!

Kids Zone Health Zone Food Zone Education Zone Fitness Zone food trucks | free give-a-ways and samples | activities for kids chair massages | photo booth | health screenings On-site blood donation clinic by the United Blood Services.

400 Stewart Ave Las Vegas, NV • JAN 2015

J AN 9AM Dow. 24 nto


, 20 Las


Veg as

5k & Fun Run

100% of the proceeds will go directly to the NCCF For more info, please visit

JAN 2015 •

Writers The Downtown ZEN is distirbuted monthly in print, digital and web formats. We are seeking talented people in writing, art and photography who are innovative and looking for a creative outlet. Uniquely us. Distinctly different... This is a volunteer oppurtunity. Interested parties should contact us at

47 • JAN 2015

JAN 2015 •


events calendar JANUARY 1 THURSDAY

JANUARY 9 friday

Live Music at Park on Fremont location: Park on Fremont time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

Body Art Expo The world’s largest tattoo expo with over 300 of America’s best tattoo and piercing artists! A skin show-off party with a beer fest, live music, tattoo contests, freak shows and human suspension! location: Cashman Center time: 2 p.m.-11 p.m.

New Year’s Day


Downtown3rd Farmers Market | 9am-2pM FIRST FRIDAY First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District and celebrates young and established local artists. location: Arts District time: 6 p.m.-11 p.m. more info: Clockwork location: Gold Spike time: 10 p.m.

JANUARY 3 saturday DJ Wizdumb location: Gold Spike time: 10 p.m.

JANUARY 5 monday

Tech Cocktail Week Want to be in the know for all things tech? Be sure to check out the brilliant speakers for this week’s Tech Cocktail series. Startup Night Downtown Vegas Presented by International CES [LAS VEGAS] location: Gold Spike time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

JANUARY 7 wednesday

JANUARY 10 saturday Body Art Expo location: Cashman Center time: 2 p.m.-11 p.m.

JANUARY 11 sunday Body Art Expo location: Cashman Center time: 2 p.m.-11 p.m.

JANUARY 13 tuesday

Trivia at the Beat Come with a team or find one at The Beat. Every second Tuesday you can test your knowledge and flex your brain in a cerebral competition. There will be prizes and beer specials, and most likely a little more beer than brains. location: The Beat Coffeehouse time: 7 p.m. Live Music location: Park on Fremont time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

JANUARY 16 friday

Downtown3rd Farmers Market | 9am-2pM

Bingo and Beers Come drink and play on the first Wednesday of every month. Purchase a drink and get bingo cards for the chance to win a variety of prizes. location: Banger Brewing time: 5 p.m.

Bridal Spectacular Winter Show Las Vegas' largest wedding planning event, this original bridal show has everything you need to plan your wedding. Featuring hundreds of wedding professionals, dazzling fashion shows, prizes, cake tasting and more, a bridal show is the best place to start planning your wedding. Additionally, there are two bridal and tuxedos fashion shows: one Friday night at 8 p.m. and one on Saturday at 2 p.m. Register for chance to win grand prizes. General admission tickets are $15. location: Cashman Center time: 6 p.m.-10 p.m.


JANUARY 17 saturday

Tech Cocktail Event DADO and the Connected Consumer: Keeping it REAL location: Inspire Theater time: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Rachel’s Kitchen Jam Come enjoy live music from Melanie Spector and an open mic night. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Live Music location: Park on Fremont time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.


Downtown3rd Farmers Market | 9am-2pM • JAN 2015

Bridal Spectacular Winter Show location: Cashman Center time: 6 p.m.-10 p.m.

Rachel’s Kitchen Song Writers Circle Local artist and songwriter Nick Mattera hosts the Songwriter’s Circle. Engage with other songwriters to improvise, interact and share ideas on the beauty of writing a song. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Rachel’s Kitchen Book Signing Meet local author Laura McBride. She will be signing books and reading from her novel “We Are Called To Rise” and answering your questions. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Nacho Daddy Party With the theme of “HO, HO, HO,” come keep the holiday cheer alive with drinks and good people! location: Nacho Daddy Downtown time: 10 p.m.-2 a.m.

JANUARY 19 Monday

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

JANUARY 20 tuesday

Karaoke at the Kitchen Come enjoy a night of good food, good people and music. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 5 p.m.-7 p.m.

JANUARY 21 Wednesday

Catalyst Week During the fourth week of each month, CatalystCreativ partners with a new co-curator, individual or organization, to create Catalyst Week, an experience for 40 influencers and tastemakers that provide a window into Downtown Project in Las Vegas. location: Fremont East Studios time: 6 p.m. Getting A Fix On Sports Betting Our diverse panel of experts will tell colorful stories from sports gambling’s rich history, provide insights into the biggest betting controversies and debate the future of sports gambling in America. Admission is $25 for non-members. location: Mob Museum time: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

JANUARY 22 Thursday

Rachel’s Kitchen Jam Come enjoy live music from Betsy Holm and an open mic night. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Live Music location: Park on Fremont time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

JANUARY 23 Friday Catalyst Week

Downtown3rd Farmers Market | 9am-2pM

JANUARY 24 Saturday Catalyst Week

Downtown 5K and Fun Run One hundred percent of the proceeds go to NCCF (Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation) location: Downtown Las Vegas time: 9 a.m. more info: DowntownCommunity Road to Wellness Community Expo Giveaways, kids activities, massages, photo booth, food trucks, health screenings, and on-site blood donations. location: Zappos HQ time: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Las Vegas Gun Show Buy, sell and trade quality new and used guns at the Las Vegas Gun Show. This event is the place to find popular handgun and rifle brands as well as firearm accessories. location: Cashman Center time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

JANUARY 25 Sunday

The Las Vegas Gun Show location: Cashman Center time: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


february 3 Tuesday

Downtown Project Lowdown Want the inside scoop on all of the good things happening with Downtown Project? Then you won’t want to miss the Downtown Lowdown, a monthly event that brings the community together with updates relating to DTLV. location: The Learning Village time: 5 p.m.-6 p.m.

february 6 Friday

FIRST FRIDAY First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District and celebrates young and established local artists. location: Arts District time: 6 p.m.-11 p.m. more info:

february 7 Saturday Las Vegas Pet Expo Play-Shop-Learn-Adopt location: Cashman Center time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. more info: Free Admission

february 10 Tuesday

Trivia at the Beat Come with a team or find one at The Beat. Every second Tuesday you can test your knowledge and flex your brain in a cerebral competition. There will be prizes and beer specials, and most likely a little more beer than brains. location: The Beat Coffeehouse time: 7 p.m.

JANUARY 29 Thursday

Rachel’s Kitchen Jam Come enjoy live music from Betsy Holm and an open mic night. location: Rachel’s Kitchen in the Ogden time: 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Live Music location: Park on Fremont time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

Visit Blue Man Group’s ShoeZaphone at the downtown campus and create your own soundtrack and light show. Then come to Monte Carlo and watch us create ours!

FEBRUARY february 1 Sunday

Big Game 10K in Downtown Las Vegas Additional 5K run/community walk (8:15 a.m. start time) and kids’ dashes (9:30 a.m. start time). location: Carson Avenue and 7th Street

february 2 Monday Groundhog Day



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Main & Stewart

DOWNTOWN RESTAURANTS 100 The Beat Coffeehouse G5 520 Fremont St. 702.385.2328 101 Le Thai 523 Fremont St. G5 702.778.0888 102 Triple George Grill F4 201 N. Third St. 702.384.2761

103 Tacos El Gordo J8 1724 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.251.8226

105 Bar+Bistro D8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #155 702.202.6060

106 Mundo – A Culinary Haute Spot C5 495 S. Grand Central Pkwy. 702.270-4400 107 Courthouse Bar & Grill E5 330 S. Third St. 702.388-8222 108 City Centre Café F6 375 Lewis Ave. 702.383.4055

109 El Gaucho Luca’s Café & Deli F5 231 S. Third St., Suite #110 702.384.3115 110 Viva Las Arepas D10 1616 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #120 702.336.9696

111 Subway G5 600 Fremont St. 702.302.5020 113 Jason’s Deli D3 100 City Pkwy. 702.366.0130

115 Luv It Frozen Custard D10 505 E. Oakey Blvd. 702.384.6452

116 Lola’s: B8 A Louisiana Kitchen

241 W. Charleston Blvd. #101 702.227.5652 117 Casa Don Juan Restaurant C8 1204 S. Main St. 702.384.8070 118 eat. G5 707 Carson Ave. 702.534.1515

119 Du-Par’s F5 Restaurant & Bakery 1 Fremont St. (Inside Golden Gate) 702.385.1906

120 E5

200 Lewis Ave. 702.631.1112

121 El Sombrero Café D7 807 S. Main St. 702.382.9234

124 Big Ern’s BBQ G5 707 Fremont St. (Container Park) 702.834.7845

125 Pop Up Pizza E4 1 Main St. (PLAZA HOTEL) 702.366.0049

126 Denny’s F4 450 Fremont St. (Inside Neonopolis) 702.471.0056

127 Rachel’s Kitchen G5 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.

(Inside Retail Space at Ogden)

128 Radio City Pizza G5 508 Fremont St.


129 Park on Fremont G5 506 Fremont St.

205 Banger Brewing F4 450 Fremont St. Suite 135

130 Anthony’s Pizza & Deli E5 321 S. Casino Center Blvd., Suite #125

206 The Griffin G5 511 Fremont St.



131 La Comida G5 100 Sixth St.


1132 Doña Maria's Tamales D8 910 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.382.6538

133 Mingo Kitchen and Lounge 1C8 1017 First St., Suite #180 702.685.0328

134 Bronze Café inside The Center H7 401 S Maryland Pkwy 702.202.3100

135 Wild B9 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd. Suite 120 702.527.7717

136 Nacho Daddy C10 113 N. 4th St.


137 Pura Vida H7 1236 Western Ave.


138 Tiffany's Café G4 1700 S. Las Vegas Blvd 702.444.4459

139 Art of Flavors G5 1616 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.676.1027 Search "Art of Flavors"

140 MTO Café D5 500 S. Main St.


141 O Face Doughnuts G5 124 S. Sixth St. Suite 140

702.476.3223 Search “O Face Doughnuts”

142 Rock ‘N’oodles C8 1108 S. Third St.


143 The Goodwich G5 1516 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite A 702.910.8681

144 Carson Kitchen F5 124 S. Sixth St.


145 Zaba’s Mexican Grill E4 1 Main St. (PLAZA HOTEL) 702.207.0777

BARS, LOUNGES & NIGHTCLUBS 200 Downtown Cocktail Room (DCR) G5 111 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.880.3696

201 Bar+Bistro D8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #155 702.202.6060

202 D8 1025 S. First St. 702.489.6339

203 Beauty Bar G5 517 Fremont St., Suite #A


204 Dino’s Lounge D10 1516 S. Las Vegas Blvd.



207 Hogs & Heifers Saloon F4 201 N. 3rd St., Suite #130


208 Insert Coin(s) G5 512 Fremont St.


209 Vanguard Lounge G5 516 Fremont St.


210 Commonwealth G5 525 Fremont St.


211 Backstage Bar & Billiards G5 601 Fremont St.


212 Bunkhouse H6 124 S. 11th St.


213 Don’t Tell Mama G5 517 Fremont St. 702.207.0788

214 Atomic Liquors H5 917 Fremont St.

702.349.2283 215 Velveteen Rabbit C9 1218 S. Main St. (702) 685-9645

216 Gold Spike G5 217 N. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.384.8444

217 Aruba Lounge D9 1215 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

410 Freddie Ramon C10 220 E. Charleston Blvd.

702.910.2396 Search “Scullery” 220 Inspire Theater F4 501 Fremont St. 702.910.2388

RETAIL SHOPS, BOUTIQUES & SALONS 400 Coterie G5 515 Fremont St.

702.685.7741 Search “Coterie Downtown”

401 Globe Salon E7 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #130 702.938.4247

404 Vexed By Design C8 1017 First St., Suite #185 702.275.7141

406 Josephine Skaught Hairdressing D8 1025 S. First St. Suite 165 702.431.8071

407 Cowtown Guitars D7 1009 S. Main St.


409 C10 1421 S. Commerce St. 702.439.3923









412 Gaia Flowers C8 6 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.997.0222

413 Happy Panda Toys C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #105A 702.516.3432

414 Hillary Salon C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #250



702.399.1100 416 Nature’s Element D7 817 S. Main St. 702.521.0725




2 3


421 Let Me Nail You F7 514 Bonneville Ave.

1301 1501



125 145






701 24hr Fitness E3

100 City Pkwy., Suite #160 702.824.9614 727 S. Main St. 702.685.5070

HOTEL & CASINOS 800 El Cortez G5

600 Fremont St. 800.634.6703


301 Fremont St. 702.388.2400

803 Golden Nugget F4

129 Fremont St. 702.385.7111

1 S. Main St. 800.634.6575

805 Downtown Grand Las Vegas F4

206 N. Third St. 855.384.7263 217 Las Vegas Blvd. 888.734.8503


100 213

1000 The Ogden G4 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.






518 517









404 1213 1204 413 1205 1214 202 1211 1203

414 12151401 1201105 112 425 500 1212






412 133



501 521 515 503








508 1209




504 502 505

217 509 510
















417 1206



110 138 603














1209 City of the World C9 1229 S. Casino Center Blvd.

1100 Las Vegas Academy G6 315 S. 7th St.



1102 Nevada School of the Arts F6 401 S. Fourth St., Suite #125



6th Street Workspace 317 S. Sixth St. 702.534.3804


The Las Vegas HackerSpace 117 N. Fourth St.

103 Fremont East Studios G4

104 G4

221 N. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.463.9029 300 N. Las Vegas Blvd. Suite 120 702.476.5552


1211 Downtown Contemporary Gallery C8 at artSquare

1025 First St., Suite #145 702.358.7022

1212 Pinup Pointe Art Gallery C8 4 E. Charleston Blvd.


1213 RTZ Vegas C8 1017 S. First St., Suite #195


1214 Ryan Williams Art Gallery C8 1025 S. First St.


1215 Sin City Gallery C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #100


1216 Trifecta C8 135 E. Charleston Blvd.


RECURRING EVENTS 1300 First Friday Main Hub C9 Casino Center Boulevard

Between Colorado Street & California Street

1301 Downtown3rd Farmers Market 300 Block of North Main Street F4

Directly Next To The Mob Museum

ENTERTAINMENT 1400 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Ave. C5

702.749.2000 1401 Art Square Theater 1025 S. First St. C8 702.308.8087

220 Inspire News Cafe 501 Fremont St. F4 702.910.2388

MUSEUMS & ATTRACTIONS 1501 The Mob Museum 300 Stewart Ave. F4

520 Fremont St. 702.385.328 1201 Arts Factory 107 E. Charleston Blvd. C7 702.383.3133 1202 Amanda Harris Gallery 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #150 E7


1203 Art Square C7 1025 S. First St.

Las Vegas, NV 89101 1204 Gainsburg Studio, Inc. C7 1039 S. Main St. 702.249.3200 1205 Open Air Printers C7 1039 S. Main St., Suite #150

1206 Blackbird Studios C10 1551 S. Commerce St., Suite #A


1207 Selah (an art studio) G7 509 S. Seventh St.



1502 Old Las Vegas Fort H1 500 E. Washington Ave.


1503 Discovery Children’s B7 Museum

360 Promenade Pl. 702.382.3445

1504 Natural History Museum H2 900 N. Las Vegas Blvd.


1505 The Neon Museum H2 770 N. Las Vegas Blvd.


ANTIQUE ALLEY 500 Retro Vegas C8 1131 S. Main St. 702.384.2700 501 Amberjoy's Vintage Closet C8 1225 S. Main Street 702.825.2020 502 C8

1300 S. Main St.. 702.776.6222

503 Armstrong’s Emporium C9 1228 S. Main St. 702.366.1995 504 C9

1300 S. Main St., Suite #110 702.331.4660

505 Desert Buddha C9 1300 S. Main St., Suite #120 702.383.1008

1310 S. Main St. 702.384.8463

508 The Funk House D9 1228 S. Casino Center Blvd. 702.678.6278 509 Glam Factory Vintage D9 211 E. Colorado Ave. 702.443.0131 510 Gypsy Den D9 213 E. Colorado Ave. 702.684.1628 511 Western Gypsy in the Kangaroo Court 1306 S. Third St. 702.868.3302 513 C8 D9

1112 S. Commerce St. 702.366.7030

514 Sin City Pickers C10 10 W. Wyoming Ave. 702.366.9166 515 C9

516 D9

517 F7

518 F7

519 B9

1227 S. Main St. 702.539.0799 1304 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.300.2476 625 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.382-1882 630 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.464.3299 1422 Western Ave. 702.384.4922

520 Main Street America C9 1400 S. Main St. 702.476.1400 521 B9

1216 S. Main St. 702.384.4922

LEGAL SERVICES 1600 Craig P. Kenny & Associates G7 501 S. Eight St.



100 Emergency Arts






11 A






1002 E7 353 E. Bonneville Ave.

101 Work In Progress -










1001 E7 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

1101 9th Bridge Early Development I5 310 S. Ninth St.




806 Oasis at the Gold Spike G4



804 Plaza Hotel & Casino E4


209 206




802 The D Las Vegas F4


216 102 126 205 127 135 136 119 218 1000 111 303 220 304 127 200 141 800 604 144 124

108 132


702 FreeStyle CrossFit D6


1003 D7 200 Hoover Ave.




FITNESS 1201 S. Commerce St. 702.331.3172




700 Real Results Gym C9


103 806



425 D8 1114 S. Casino Center Blvd. Suite 1


803 802

422 Rogue Toys E7 616 Las Vegas Blvd S.

424 E7 1106 Fremont St.

129 220 128

139 207 102 805


702.330.3945 423 Don Vicente Cigars Intl. 624 Las Vegas Blvd S. E7 702.526.3922





495 S. Main St. 702.229.6011 901 Veteran’s Village D5 1150 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.624.5792


417 Photo Bang Bang C10 224 E. Imperial Ave. 419 Williams Costume Co. D9 1226 S. Third St.

HUMAN SERVICES 900 Las Vegas City Hall D5


415 Inside Style C8 1119 S. Main St.





218 Scullery F4 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.



HEALTH & WELLNESS 1700 Dr. Azimi DDS E8 820 S. Seventh St.


1701 Turntable Health G5 701 Bridger Ave., Suite #150


COFFEE SPOTS 100 The Beat Coffeehouse 520 Fremont St. G5 702.385.2328 500 Starbucks F5

300 S. Fourth St. #7 702.759.3426

220 Inspire News Cafe

501 Fremont St. 702.910.2388 221 Makers & Finders Coffee C8 1120 South Main St., Suite #110 702.586.8255 . F4


602 Cake World Bakery

220 N. Maryland Pkwy. 702.471.7111 603 White Cross Market C10 1700 S. Las Vegas Blvd. (702) 382.3382 I5

604 The MARKET G5

611 Fremont St. 702.586.3401

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