Impact of experiential branding on advertising
T H E B AY C H A R L E S C O N S U LT I N G G R O U P L I M I T E D 4950 Y ONGE S TREET • 1008 • T ORONTO • M2N 6K1 ( 416) 967. 3337 • FAX (416) 967‐ 2728 • WWW . BC 3 STRATEGIES . COM
What it’s all about Background and recap of experiential branding background on tactical versus brand advertising Impact p on brand advertising g Impact on tactical advertising
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Changes in advertising in the past 10 years
1. 2. 3. 4.
Integration Measurability Media choices and communication channels Consumer attitudes, attitudes behaviours and expectations
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Objectives Business Objectives
Communication Communication objectives
Brand communication objectives
Television objectives
Radio Objectives
Operational Operational Objectives
Strategic Strategic Objectives
Tactical communication objectives
Outdoor objectives
Digital advertising
Campaign Objectives
Execution Objectives
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Social media
Experiential activities
Direct response
Executional objective
Think now
Think later
Do now
Do later
Research, consumer insights, data mining, business analysis
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Experiential brand objectives
Think now
Feel later
Do now
Do later
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Communication strategy
Think now
Tell them about the most relevant feature, attribute or benefit that will meet their will meet their needs
Think later
Do now
Do later Consider us the next C id th t time they are in market
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Experiential communication strategy
Think now
Trigger the gg most relevant, differentiated experience
Feel later
Do now
Do later Definitely buy us the D fi it l b th next time they are in market AND Tell their friends, , tweet, blog, rave, etc.
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Great experiential brands
I've learned that p people p will forget g what yyou said,, p people p will forget g what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou -Poet, activist, autobiographer -
For example
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Saturn Car Company
Saturn Homecoming Saturn intro
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Westin Hotels
Heavenly beds Wh ’ she Who’s h sleeping l i with ith ttonight i ht Experiential brand
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Westin: This is the way it should feel
Feel TV
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