white paper Do brands really have souls? And can we manage them? SUMMARY • Yes, Brands have souls in that they exist in an ethereal space that we cannot truly understand
• No, we
cannot really manage them — we can only manage the experiences that formulate the brand
• Great
products integrate at the deepest level — soul to soul — and become iconic brands
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Laurence Bernstein has been fine tuning the art of converting features, attributes and benefits into dynamic, experiential brands for 20 years. This White Paper examines the question of the existence of “brands” and where the idea of the brand resides: in the product, in the company that makes it or in the mind of the consumer that buy or use them..
rands can and do have soul - in a
of an entity. That is to say, the essence, or ani-
sense -- and, when understood in
mus, of the matter. When viewed in this con-
the broader context of the meaning
text, a "brand" not only has a soul, it is the soul
of "soul",
- not of a human being, but of an inanimate object (product or company).
The word "soul" derives from it's original human form, wherein, by definition, the soul is an
A brand is as ethereal and mystical as a per-
aspect of "human" existence ("the animating
son's soul, in that it does not exist; or rather, in
and vital principle in human beings, credited
that it exists only as a construct in the minds of
with thought, action, and emotion, and often
people. In this context, it may be viewed as a
conceived as an immaterial entity"). Led
part of the person's own soul - the projection of
largely by Christianity's teachings, the word
a person's own inner "self" onto the attributes
achieved for itself a theological attribute, which
of a product or company, that ultimately deter-
introduced the notion of the "soul" as separa-
mines how that person relates to that external
ble from the human body (at the time of death)
entity. This is the power of brands (positive
and the storage container of our relationship
and negative), and, to the degree that market-
with God. Clearly, in these terms a "brand"
ers understand this, offers the most effective
cannot have a soul, and to think it might, may
means of building a relationship with the con-
well be viewed as heretical.
However, a more universal meaning of the
"Brands" are not products. Nor are they Trade-
word offers a broader, although no less meta-
marks or Trust-marks. The brand is what the
physical, definition in which the soul is under-
consumer concludes about a product outside
stood to be "the central part or the vital core"
of it's functionality. A product may work fine, or
deliver the benefits I need or want. But these
Laurence Bernstein is the
facts are only components of what I ultimately
founder and managing
think of the product. In exactly the same way,
partner of Protean Strategies/The Bay Charles
a person may be tall, and know a lot of things,
“...in the end whether I choose to view him as a friend, is determined
He has been a leading
ultimately think of him is more complex, and
proponent of the “new
the overlay of who I am and what I value and believe. In other words, my ultimate determina-
him, and becomes an holistic integration which includes those facts and my "soul."
of three components: the product (including its
tured on the subject of experiential branding and intrinsic/extrinsic research methodologies in Canada, the US and China.
tion of that person transcends the facts about
factors, plus the
value and
and has written and lec-
friend, is determined by all these factors, plus
The 'brand" is, as such, the holistic integration
am and what I
order of differentiation”
whether, in the end I choose to view him as a
by all these overlay of who I
Consulting Group Limited.
and even have a bright personality; but what I
attributes and understood benefits); the company that produces it (including intrinsic values and structure); and the individual consumer (including his or her soul).
In addition to a highly successful 20 year career in advertising and marketing he held senior positions at Westin Hotels and The Canadian Restaurant Association. Laurence attended the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and Cornell University in Ithaca , New York This white-paper is based on the original paper on the subject written by Laurence Bernstein and published in Marketing Magazine in 1999.
Marketers are therefore not in complete control
In the past few years, a few inspirational mar-
of their brands. They can control only two of
keters have understood that the company is as
the three components: the product and the
much a part of the brand as it's product. These
company. Historically, marketers have under-
organizations, and I include The Body Shop,
stood their function only in terms of the prod-
Snapple and Roots in this group, understood
uct, and have concentrated on building prod-
that they could help the integration process in
ucts they believe will meet consumers needs
the soul of the consumer, by neatly packaging
and desires, and subsequently communicating
the product information in contexts that would
these facts to the appropriate "target group."
include information about the values of the
Various levels of sophistication have driven
company. They believed, and rightly so, that if
this "science" into realms of advertising ex-
presented in a package that immediately
pression that include the truly great, but for the
makes sense to the consumer's "soul," they
most part are pretty dismal. Overall, this lim-
would be more successful in becoming the
ited view has resulted in the competitive land-
"friend" the consumer would want to do busi-
scape we now enjoy, with its most positive off-
ness with. This package, when executed well,
spring being the "discount addiction" that helps
is in fact a representation of the "soul of the
keep prices in line for all of us. In more recent
brand," and serves the public well because it
times, this approach has lead to increased
helps us understand who we are dealing with,
quality, both of products and service. But, for
and allows us a choice, at a deep inner level,
the most part, has had very little impact on our
of who we want to do business with. When
sense of "brands."
badly executed it serves only to diminish the Page 2
“Ultimately, companies will be forced to put themselves, warts and all, on the line, so we can determine from within ourselves whether they
profits of the company, in that it will have no
Which leads us to the shadow side of this
impact on the consumer at all. And if dishon-
paradigm - when marketers, stymied by their
estly executed, it will backfire, because it talks
inability to make inroads by talking about their
to people at a deep emotional level, where
product or their company, try to influence the
bullshit doesn't stand a chance! Does the word
third component in the brand trinity - that is, try
"Nike" leap to the lips?
to influence the consumers' belief structures so
Marketers must realize that this package tran-
the companies' own (stymied) "brand" will be
scends the advertising - it must encompass
more acceptable and resonate more convinc-
everything the company does that the con-
ingly within the consumers' soul.
sumer sees (and, if they are to be successful,
In general, however, the movement toward un-
it must encompass everything the company
derstanding the soul of brands should result in
does that the consumer doesn't see, as well).
an improved, more honest environment for all
This is how the ultimate brand builder, Disney,
of us. Ultimately, companies will be forced to
became the force they are today. Anything
keep prices low to get our business, or to put
less is a waste of time and money. And even
themselves, warts and all, on the line, so we
Disney has probably taken their self-
can determine from within ourselves whether
importance to the next stage, and slipped into
they are the kind of soul we want to be associ-
the dark-side of their corporate archetype.
ated with.
are the kind of soul we want to be associated with.� Protean Strategies is a Toronto based management consulting firm specializing in developing brand strategies and providing a full range of consumer research services. Since its inception in 1997, the firm has provided breakthrough strategies for leading Canadian and US brands, including General Motors, Fairmont Hotels, Canadian Tourism Commission, American Express, Dell Canada, Energizer Batteries, Unilever , Procter and Gamble, Allstate Insurance and advertising agency partners in Toronto, Calgary, New York City, Chicago , London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Shanghai. Www.proteanstrategies.com * 416.967.3337
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