Protean approach -- Inner Directives Psychoanalytics

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Inner Directives Psychoanalytics Understanding the subconscious relationships between consumers and brands Inner Directives is a proprietary system that employs a one-on-one indepth psychological probe methodology combined (in most cases) with a traditional layer of consumer focus groups. This combination uncovers corelevel relationships between the consumer and the category (through the oneon-one interviews) with an applied understanding of how this relates to the specific brand. Ultimately, this results in entirely new ways of thinking about the positioning and communication platforms. Inner Directives速 has been used by major transactional and experiential brands, consumer product and automotive marketers, as well as service providers and advertising agencies. In every case the insights provided have resulted in completely new understanding of the underlying subconscious factors that are determining how consumers relate to the brand The learning from Inner Directives速 has been used in brand strategy development to clarify the boundaries of the brand both in terms of product offering and the limits of consumer acceptance. It has been used by advertising agencies and brand managers to develop a new way of looking at the consumer and develop new communication tactics; as part of new product development programs to understand the relationship between the product, the brand and the consumer and as the key to repositioning brands in newer, more competitively intense environments. We employ a one-on-one in-depth 416.967.3337

psychological probe combined (in most cases) with a traditional layer of con-

sumer focus groups. It is the understanding from this combination that aids Protean strategists in uncovering core-level relationships between the consumer and the category with an applied understanding of how this relates to the specific brand. Ultimately, this results in entirely new ways of thinking about the positioning and communication platforms The one-on-one process is a series of personal interviews conducted by a trained psychoanalyst who uses specific techniques to reveal the needs and motivations driving specific attitudes, beliefs and behaviours, and applies a Jungian interpretation to this learning. The methodology includes two components: The self-scoring Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and a one hour in-depth individual interview conducted by a clinical psychoanalyst. Participants complete the MBTI on arrival for their interview, and the interviewer uses their final score as a springboard for the conversation. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on a theory of personality developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung to explain differences among people. Jung concluded that differences in behaviour result from people's inherent tendencies to use their minds in different ways. As people act on these tendencies, they develop patterns of behaviour. The MBTI identifies four predispositions of personality that are an inherent part of our nature. Using it makes it possible to get a sense of:  How an individual prefers to focus their attention - the El scale - Ex-

traversion Introversion  When they have focused their attention, how they acquire informa-

tion - the SN scale - Sensing Intuition  When they have information, how they make decisions about it -

the TF scale - Thinking Feeling  And given the effect of these three functions, how they orient them-

selves to the outer world -the JP scale - Judging Perceiving In the interview that follows, the participants are asked questions based on their responses to the MBTI to confirm and further define their typology and to explore their relationship to the topic at hand. Typically, 5 or 6 threads (some of which are identified prior to the research and the balance emerge

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during the process) are probed during the interview. Threads might include areas such as:  Arousal/excitement/thrill  Control/power/spell  Risk/danger/aggression  Personal ego/identity/style  Security/status, etc.

The findings are reported in a user friendly presentation that incorporates not only the Inner Directives findings, but how this learning can be overlaid on other learning (especially qualitative and behavioural research) to build a 360° understanding of why your customers behave the way they and how you can most efficiently communicate with them. Using language they respond to, strategies that fit their lives and media they read.

Call or email us today for more information on our suite of market research and consulting services Protean Strategies 80 Cumberland Street, Suite 1503 Toronto M5R 3V1 Canada 416.967.3337 Page 3

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