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Rebecca Rutstein
from WaterWorks Exhibition 2019
R/V Falkor & R/V Atlantis series 2016 - 2018 Acrylic on canvas
Oil Spill 1 2012 Polyester film, vinyl, paper
Rebecca Rutstein’s work expands upon her long and deeply held interests in ge- ology, microbiology, marine science, and the undercurrents that continually shape and reshape our world. She creates layered networks where scale is shifted and obscured, artic- ulating fractal patterns found in nature. Incorporating data and maps, juxtapositions often coexist in her paintings and installations: micro and mac- ro, expressive and restrained, graphic and atmospheric, organic and geometric, hand- made and mechanized, linear and solid.
Manju Schandler is a visual storyteller creating narrative imagery imbued with elastic meaning. Her mixed media artworks are a meditation on current events presented as a psychological landscape that build upon established sto- rylines in pursuit of ordering madness. Her work is often focused on humankind’s pursuit of fuel. These pieces are part of an exploration of the ocean as our planet’s life blood: ma- rine plants provide the greatest source of the earth’s oxygen. While the oceans are generous they are not infinite.