1 minute read
Chris Pfeil
from WaterWorks Exhibition 2019
Lenticular 2015 Lenticular plastic
Once More Unto the Breach 2016 Photography
Stacy Levy’s projects show the presence of urban nature clarifying the patterns of natural processes at work on the site. She works with urban streams, rivers, tides, and rainwater. Her work registers the changes in nature over the course of a day, a season or several years. Stacy likes to collaborate di- rectly with natural forces, like the tides. She creates works that allows nature to show its very own patterns to the viewer. She concentrates on making places for people to experience urban nature and to witness the fluctuations of the natural world, to bring a sense of wonder and connectedness.
Greg Molyneux Executing landscape and nature photog- raphy Greg Molyneux works to share his appreciation of a world less touched by hu- manity, specifically revealing the underrated natural beauty of New Jersey. He is driven to produce visual evidence to disrupt New Jersey’s malign reputation of little more than suburban sprawl and highways. He allows a natural response to his surroundings. This intuition dictates the process. He works under a simple mandate to produce a photograph that best highlights the splendor of the place he calls home.