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LBI Neighbors
Notoriously slimy, the American eel (Anguillarostrata) is a fish found in estuaries and other brackish bodies of water. It has a smooth, snakelike body with a small, pointed head. A long dorsal fin extends more than half the length of its body. It is greenish or yellowish-brown above and whitish on the belly.
Eels are more active at night. During the day, they often hide under a rock or bury themselves in bottom sediments. They prefer worms, small fishes, shrimp, krill, crayfish, and other crustaceans. They spawn in the Atlantic ocean and migrate to the estuaries they inhabit.
small turbines are unlikely to provide sufficient electricity to make your home energy independent, they can serve as supplemental power. And, when your house is not in use, even a small wind turbine can generate power that can be sold back to the grid, making you more like the Sisters of Charity.
Wave Power
A wave is a way in which energy travels from one place to another. When wind blows over the ocean’s surface, it creates waves. Their size depends on how far, how fast, and how long the wind blows. But even when you feel no wind at all, you may encounter large swells created by distant storms.
Waves are a powerful source of free, renewable energy. There is enough energy in ocean waves to meet the world’s energy needs five times over. In the past, it has not been easy to harness this energy and convert it to electricity without disturbing marine life. But in recent
What you Can do
years, efficient wave
To foster Clean energy turbines that are less environmentally intrusive have been
• Learn about clean energy. Don’t wait for the government developed. or power companies to break your dependence on fossil fuels. Be like the Bay-Friendly Sisters of Maris Stella. Unlike wind or sunlight, waves and tides
• Use solar-powered landscape lighting. are predictable—a requirement for
• Replace your light bulbs with the new high-efficiency fluoutilities looking for rescent bulbs. Because they contain mercury, be sure to stable, green sources recycle them with other hazardous products at the waste of power. Wave disposal sight on Recovery Road in Manahawkin. power stations are already operating in
• Consider a hybrid for your next car. Many BayEurope, Japan, and Friendly LBI residents already drive hybrid cars. Australia, and one is planned for the coast
Become an advocate for clean energy: of Northern Cali-
• Write a letter to the governor. fornia—to use this limitless power from
• Go to www.environmentnewjersey.org/action/energy, the sea. a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization. Submit their form letters in support of clean energy to the governor.