4 minute read

Where to go for Help

Local Government Offices

Borough of Barnegat Light


10 W 10th St., PO Box 576, Barnegat Light, NJ 08006


Borough of Beach Haven

300 Engleside Ave., Beach Haven, NJ 08008


Borough of Harvey Cedars

7606 Long Beach Blvd., PO Box 3185, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008


Township of Long Beach

6805 Long Beach Blvd., Brant Beach, NJ 08008


Borough of Surf City

813 Long Beach Blvd., Surf City, NJ 08008


Borough of Ship Bottom

1621 Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom, NJ 08008


Township of Ocean

239 11th St.,Waretown, NJ 08758


Office of the Freeholders

101 Hooper Ave.,Toms River, NJ 08753

732-244-2121 www.co.ocean.nj.us/FreeholderMainPage.aspx

NJ State Representatives

State Senator and Assemblymen (District 9)

620 West Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731

609-693-6700 www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/districtnumbers.asp#9

US Congressman (District 3) https://forms.house.gov/htbin/wrep_findrep

US Senators

I Gateway Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102 www.senate.gov

Office of the Governor

P.O. Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-6000 www.state.nj.us/governor/govmail.html

NJ DepT. of Environmental Protection

Office of the Commissioner

401 E. State St., 7th Floor, East Wing

P.O. Box 402

Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

609-292-2885 www.nj.gov


Additional information available online at www.bbep.org/downloads/resourceguide.pdf

Alliance for a Living Ocean

528 Dock St., Beach Haven, NJ 08008 609-492-0222 www.livingocean.org

ALO educates the public about the importance of maintaining good water quality in the Atlantic Ocean, Barnegat Bay, and its watershed.They have an extensive array of programs that are offered year-round to school groups and the general public.

American Littoral Society—South Jersey

P.O. Box 1306,Tuckerton, NJ 08087

609-294-3111 www.littoralsociety.org

The American Littoral Society is a national, membership-based organization that focuses on the littoral zone—that area between the ocean and the upland that includes the entire watershed. They offer field trips to explore the coastal environment including kayak tours and hikes.

Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program (BBNEP)

Ocean County College,Toms River, NJ 08754

732-255-0472 www.bbep.org

BBNEP is an agency that is part of the National Estuary Program. They support numerous organizations and activities within the entire Barnegat Bay Watershed. The BBNEP works with scientists, municipal representatives, citizens, and policymakers on issues regarding the Barnegat Bay estuary.

Clean Ocean Action

P.O. Box 505, Sandy Hook, Highlands, NJ 07732

732-872-0111 www.cleanoceanaction.org

Clean Ocean Action is a broad-based coalition of more than 170 conservation, environmental, business, service, and community groups with a wide range of experience and concern regarding ocean pollution issues. This organization identifies pollution sources and uses research, public education, and citizen action to correct problems.

Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences

120 Long Beach Blvd., Loveladies, NJ 08008

609-494-1241 www.lbifoundation.org

LBIF provides courses and programs that focus on the arts and sciences. Located on 22 acres of wetlands adjacent to Barnegat Bay, LBIF provides science-related lectures, projects, camps, events, and family activities.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County 1623 Whitesville Road,Toms River, NJ 08755-1199

732-349-1152 www.rce.rutgers.edu

Organizations, continued...

Rutgers Cooperative Extension provides educational materials and non-biased, research-based information to homeowners, commercial horticulturalists, growers, and others on such topics as pest control and alternatives to pesticides, composting, lawn maintenance, soil testing, and low-maintenance landscaping.

ReClam the Bay, Inc.

1623 Whitesville Road,Toms River, NJ 08755-1199

732-349-1152 www.reclamthebay.org

ReClam the Bay founded by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County and the Barnegat Bay Shellfish Restoration Program is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to involve and educate the public about the estuary’s water quality and the importance of shellfish.The organization believes that by involving the public in the care, feeding, and life cycles of shellfish, they will better understand what an integral role shellfish have in our lives. Visit the website to find out about the Clam Trail (kind of a treasure hunt) and visiting nurseries where millions of baby shellfish are grown.

Save Barnegat Bay

906-B Grand Central Ave., Lavallette, NJ 08735 732-830-3600 www.savebarnegatbay.org

Save Barnegat Bay is a not-for-profit environmental group working to conserve undeveloped natural land and clean water throughout the Barnegat Bay watershed. We work closely with local, state and national environmental groups and with governmental agencies at all levels.

Who To Call

Available at www.bbep.org/whotocall.html

Beach Closures

Ocean County Health Department Beach Report www.ochd. org/beach Call the O.C. Health Dept. Bathing Beach Hotline at 800-342-9738. Available 24-hours/day.

Boating Incidents/Accidents

Call the New Jersey State Police Marine Services Unit, which patrols the Barnegat and Little Egg Harbor. If you need to report marine littering, dumping, distressed boats, unsafe boating, boating accidents, overdue boaters, erratic drivers, speed wash/wake violations, or the like, please give them the name of the boat (if possible), its location (GPS coordinates are very helpful), and any other information that would help them investigate the problem.

If you’re boating in the Atlantic City to Little Egg Harbor inlet area, please call the Atlantic City Station at 609-441-3586. If you’re boating in the Barnegat Bay area, call the Point Pleasant Station at 732-899-5050.

Dumping or other Environmental Crimes, Incidents, Abuses, or Complaints

Call 1-877-WARN-DEP (1-877-927-6337) for the New Jersey Depar tment of Environmental Protection, or 1-800-535 DUMP (3867) for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s office. To report a spill on the water, call the Coast Guard on VHF channel 16 or the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Who To Call, continued...

Fishing, Commercial and Aquaculture

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County (732-349-1152) is in touch with area commercial fishermen.

Fishing, Recreational

Call the Jersey Coast Anglers Assoc. (JCAA) at 732-506-6565 or Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County at 732-349-1210.

Gardening and Landscaping Questions

Contact the Ocean County Master Gardeners’ Hotline M-F 9am-noon at 732-349-1245, on Wed 5-8pm, or Thurs 9am-noon at 609-978-1554. Or email ocean@aesop.rutgers.edu

Land Preservation

Contact the Ocean County Dept. of Planning, coordinator of the Natural Lands Trust Fund at 732-929-2054.

Pumpout Boats

Contact them on marine VHF radio channel 9 or call the Borough of Seaside Park (732-793-5505), Tuckerton Seaport (609-296-8868), or the Brick Township Public Works (732-262-1085).

River Cleanups

Call the NJ Community Water Watch (732-249-4108). The Ocean County Planning Depar tment can coordinate a cleanup using county resources.


The New Jersey Stormwater Management Rules and Regulations and the NJ Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual are available online at www.state.nj.us/dep/stormwater

Tourism, Ocean County

Call the Director Ocean County Public Affairs/Tourism at 732-929-2000.

Water Quality

Call the NJDEP Marine Water Monitoring Program (aka shellfish program) at 609-748-2000 for information on bacteria, nutrients, and other parameters, or call the Ocean County Health Department at 732-341-9700. You can also call Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County at 732-349-1210.

Wildlife (Injured)

Go to www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/rehablst.htm for a list of certified wildlife rehabilitators. The Barnegat Animal Clinic at 530 N. Main St., Barnegat (609-698-2141) will treat any injured wild animal gratis as long as the animal is released to them for future care and treatment. They work closely with the certified wildlife rehabilitators,Toms River Avian Care, and the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife.

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