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Bay-Friendly Tip
Make Your Own NonToxic Cleaning Kits
Assemble spray bottles, empty jars, & the basic ingredients: baking soda (for scouring & deodorizing), white vinegar (removes mildew, odors, bacteria, & scale from hard water), citrus solvent (cleans oils & grease, some stains), lemon juice (removes gum, tarnish, & dirt), 3% hydrogen peroxide (mildew remover), and lemon & tea tree oil (disinfectants). Any of the above ingredients can be safely mixed together. Label clearly and store out of the reach of children. Many nontoxic commercial cleaners made with these ingredients are available on the market.
All purpose cleanser: Mix 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1-2 tsp of tea tree oil or lemon oil in a 1-quart spray bottle of very hot water. Shake vigorously.
Bleach: Use oxygen bleaches or let the sun bleach your fabrics on an outdoor clothesline. Try an old-fashioned bluing product to whiten whites.
Carpet Stains: Immediately apply club soda, or equal parts white vinegar & water, blot dry, repeat, then clean with a brush or sponge using warm soapy water.
Deodorizers: In refrigerators & closed spaces, use an open box of baking soda. Sprinkle it on carpets & upholstery, wait 15 minutes, vacuum. Simmer cinnamon & cloves, or put out white vinegar in open dishes.
Drain Cleaners: Instead of chemical cleaners, use a plunger or plumber’s snake. Then add 1/4 cup baking soda followed by 1/4 cup vinegar. Wait 15 minutes; rinse with 2 quarts boiling water. DO NOT use this method after trying a commercial drain opener—vinegar reacts with the chemicals, creating dangerous fumes.
Dusting: Use 1/4 cup white vinegar per quart of water, & apply with a tightly wrung soft cloth. Or use a microfiber dusting cloth.
Floor Cleaner: For wood and vinyl floors, add 1 cup white vinegar to one bucket of mop water.
Glass Cleaner: Mix 2 Tbsp vinegar, 2 tsp lemon juice, & 1 tsp liquid soap in 1 quart of warm water. Shake well, spray on, then buff with crumpled newspapers.
Metal Polish: Silver: Line a pan with aluminum foil & fill with water; add 2 tsp each baking soda & salt. Bring to boil & immerse silver. Polish with soft cloth. Brass or Bronze: polish with a soft cloth dipped in a lemon juice & baking soda solution. Copper: soak a cotton rag in a pint of boiling water with 1 Tbsp salt & 1 cup of white vinegar. Apply to copper while hot; let cool, then wipe clean.
Mildew Remover: Make a solution with 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, &1 quart very hot water. Spray on & leave for 10 minutes. Wipe clean. Or mix 2 tsp tea tree oil with 2 cups hot water in a spray bottle, shake to blend, & spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. For grout, mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with 2 parts water in a spray bottle & spray on mold. Wait at least 1 hour before rinsing.
Paint Brush Cleaner: For oil-based paints, use commercially available citrus-based solvents.
Scouring Powder: Make a paste of baking soda & vinegar. Rub gently.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Mix 1/4 cup baking soda &1/2 cup vinegar, pour into bowl, let stand, & brush well. To remove rust stains without damaging the finish, rub with a pumice stone.
Wood Polish: Rub with 1 Tbsp of lemon oil mixed with 1 pint olive oil. Buff with soft cloth.