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from 2023 Works on Paper Catalog
I explore the mutual influence the space and the figure exert on each other, the intricate interplay between the characters and their worlds.
Because of painting “them”, I found a way to communicate with “them”, and realized the distance between me and them, and the distance between the body and the soul.
I work in watercolor and pen and ink at the interface of science and art, in themes of botany, geology, and conservation. My works focus attention on things slight, small, and ephemeral and are connected to my experience of place.
In my work, I share myself. I observe simple things from daily life and share them through my eyes; highlighting invisibles. Expressing different possibilities through visual and conceptual antagonists.
I recently pivoted to oyster farming in my journey of recovery from breast cancer. Adaptation, creating, and growth; while also not wanting to miss the details and beauty in everyday life and objects are all themes explored in my work.
I make art about psycho-geographical mapping that shows people’s emotional, psychological, and cultural connections with their surroundings.
The material thinking process enables knowledge production that emerges before things become representational or symbolic. Materiality comes about through sensory processes that enable otherwise indescribable things to emerge.
I explore transience in contemporary life through pervasive symbols such as cut flowers. This collage is made from 2,000 gouache-painted pieces on Japanese gampi paper.