Sunday 7th August
Sunday 7t August
10.30 am
Family Worship with Holy Communion led by Ruth Watson
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Walter Brisk
Sunday 14th August
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Joan Warner
Sunday 14th August
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Laura Davies
Sunday 21st August
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Joanne Shaw
Sunday 21st August
6.00 pm
Sunday 28th August
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley
Sunday 28th August
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley
Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Ruth Watson
Thursday 1st Sept
7.30 pm
Elders Meeting
Sunday 4th Sept
10.30 am
Sunday 4th Sept
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Joan Warner
Sunday 11th Sept
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Ruth Watson
Sunday 11th Sept
6.00 pm
Sunday 18th Sept
10.30 am
Sunday 18th Sept
12 noon
Harvest Lunch
Sunday 18th Sept
6.00 pm
Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley
Sunday 25th Sept
10.30 am
‘Back to Church Sunday’ Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley
Sunday 25th Sept
12 noon
Church Meeting
Sunday 25th Sept
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Margaret Ogden
Family Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley Includes reception of new members
Evening Worship led by David Watson Family Worship with Parade, Harvest and Project Launch led by Revd Richard Bradley
Message from the manse Since my last article Evie has made her first tentative steps and her levels of confidence are increasing. She is still somewhat speedier on all 4s but she is beginning to get more adventurous on 2 legs as well. She can move quite quickly to any opportunity to climb the stairs and smiles with a great sense of achievement when she makes it all the way to the top (with an adult behind just in case). It is an absolute joy to see children advancing in their learning. Evan and Amelia also amaze us with the way they learn and the strides they are making in their respective classes. As we watch the three of them develop and learn and conquer new goals we get such joy as parents from it. I often think that God gets the same joy from seeing us develop as individuals and as a church. When we allow God to work in our lives and we hand more of our lives over to Him, He gets great joy and satisfaction from it. As our faith develops God is overjoyed. God is good and He has blessed us here. There are great things happening at Bamford (here are a few of them): Alpha is developing and the 3rd Alpha course will be starting later this year. The home group which meets on a Monday evening (@Addie and Barbara’s) is being enjoyed by those who are part of it and Joan is hoping to start a second afternoon home group. Three people have decided they want to make a commitment to Church membership (the service will be held in September) Joanne is hoping to run the preaching course again that she has run in the past. We are planning on having a group of people who will be on hand after the morning services to pray with anyone who might feel they need a time of prayer (see article in this edition of the magazine) Prayer group Bible Study Group 3
I feel blessed to be here as your minister as there are so many capable and willing people who are being called to different forms of ministry within the church. I want to encourage us all, as we enter the holiday period to reflect on what God has done, and is doing in this Church through you who a part of this church. But also what God will continue to do as we continue to walk with Him. I hope for those who have been away that you have had a relaxing break, for those who have holidays planned that you have a restful and relaxing time and for those who aren’t going on holiday I hope you have a good summer. So that when groups and meetings begin again in September we can continue God’s work with our physical batteries recharged. I know God has a lot more in store for Bamford Chapel and I hope we will all want to be a part of that as we see God leading us on to share the Good News of His Son Jesus Christ. God Bless Richard
God loves you so much that He’ll accept you just the way you are - but He loves you too much to leave you that way. 4
News of the family We give thanks for the life of Christine Hopkins, whose funeral was on the 8th July. Our thoughts and prayers are with Margaret and Bethany at this time. We think also of Karen Dunn and the family following the death of her father, Karen Bentham after the death of her mother in law and Helen Bray whose brother died recently. Concerns continue to be expressed for Audrey Morris, Michelle McLaughlin and Jean and Eric Lumb. Patricia Lapworth has finished her treatment and John, Martyn and Anne are hoping that she will be able to move into Ashbourne House for nursing care very soon. It has been good to see Jack Roberts back in church and at Luncheon Club in the past weeks. Tracey Scoresby has had more positive news recently, for which we give thanks. Joan Walkden has been in hospital during the past weeks and her family are hoping that she will be able to move into a residential home in the near future. Helen Baillie`s treatment continues, but she has managed to find time to visit Buckingham Palace for a Garden party. Our own Garden Party was a great success and after a damp morning we were blessed with a fine and sunny afternoon. The final total of money raised is ÂŁ2,811. Special thanks to Lyn Jeffries, whose hard work ensured a successful day. 5
The new sound system is now up and running. Thanks to Gareth Rich for using his expertise to install it. Please remember all our young people, who came to the end of another academic year in July. Some will be waiting anxiously for results of exams, others will be looking forward to a new year in another class or at another school. We wish them all well and hope that they enjoy their summer holidays and that they have a happy and successful return to school or college in September.
Bethany and I would like to thank everyone who attended Christine's Funeral, also for the cards and flowers. We have been very grateful for the concern and kindness shown to us both since Christine became so ill. We would like to thank Richard for the lovely service, we feel truly blessed. Bethany would like to say a big thank you to all the people who sponsored her when she did the BIG RUN, (In aid of CANCER RESEARCH UK), she was just one of thousands. Her contribution will be well over a hundred pounds MARGARET.
On Saturday 1st October, the eve of the Conservative Party Conference, supporters from around the UK will be joining Christian Aid, Cafod and Tearfund in Manchester for a day of learning, campaigning and worship on the issues of climate change and global poverty. Speakers from around the world will come together to discuss global issues with a focus on the damaging effects of climate change on the world’s poorest communities. They will include former president of the South African Council of Chuches, activist and theologian, Prof. Tinyiko Maluleke, who will speak on how the global church and Christians can lead action on climate change. After the speakers and a special ecumenical service in the Anglican Cathedral, attendees will form a procession to the conference centre, where the Conservative Party Conference will be taking place, and will hold a candlelit vigil to pray for the government not to forget the world’s poor during its conference. By taking a stand in Manchester on this day, organisers and supporters hope to remind the Conservatives of David Cameron’s promise to be the ‘greenest government ever’. The world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are already suffering the impacts of climate change and are being hit first and hardest, despite doing the least to cause the problem. Now is the time to reflect on what the government has achieved so far, but also to remind them of their pledge and encourage them to do more to help these communities.
If you would like to join the ‘Bearing Witness’ event, or you would like further information, you can register at or call on 0207 523 2158.
Heritage Open Days: an outreach opportunity for our church Heritage Open Days take place nationwide in mid-September. they are now organised by English Heritage. The aim is to celebrate England’s rich architecture, history and culture by opening historic buildings that are usually private to the public for free or to make entrance free for buildings where there is usually a charge. Increasingly, historic churches are getting involved with local programmes, benefiting from English Heritage’s advice and promotional opportunities and welcoming many new visitors and telling them the story of the Church in that community. It’s a great outreach opportunity. Last September, North Shore Methodist Church in Blackpool welcomed 80 visitors to its 9th Heritage Open Days event. In addition, 60 Year 2 children from a local primary school visited the church with their teachers. Encouraging comments were made in the visitor's book: “Warm and friendly”, “excellent outreach”, “inspiring”, “a wonderful church really helping the community”, and “nice to see the church being used for the community all week”.
We have signed up to this initiative and will be open on Saturday 10th September and Sunday 11th September from 1 pm till 4 pm. Many thanks to all those who have already expressed an interest in helping to run this event. Further volunteers are still needed, especially if you are able to help provide refreshments.
There will be a meeting on Thursday 18th August to discuss the details. Alternatively, contact Louise Aspinall Many thanks 8
“STILLNESS & SHARING” A new afternoon faith group This group is an opportunity to listen to God and to each other; to share what has helped / is helping us in our faith journey and where we have struggled / are struggling. It is about growing together and accepting each other in love. The ‘stillness’ will involve exercises in Christian meditation. The ‘sharing’ will be of our faith journey experiences and of our concerns for others. If you’d like to ‘give it a go’, please come along to the first meeting in the lounge at chapel, on Tuesday 2 nd August (2.15 for a 2.30 start - 3.30 finish). If you’re interested but can’t make that meeting, please speak to Joan Warner or Lesley Ashworth. The key word is flexibility: you can pop in once to see if it will help you. You can come to each session (twice monthly). You can come once a month. You can turn up to any session, (e.g. if you happen to be at off work, when a session is on) If there were a word that describes this group it would be ‘Namaste’. This is an Asian greeting, which means, “I greet the Divine in you”. And this is what we hope to do together. Please pray for the venture and join us if you wish.
THE MAGAZINE. The Magazine has now moved into the 21st century, we haven’t quite gone global, but we are now sending 2 copies by email. (How about that) We regularly send 25 copies by post and have received the following comments. Many thanks to the people at Bamford who write articles, prepare and issue the magazine, it’s good to keep up with the life of Bamford Chapel. I enjoy the magazine very much. It brings back very happy memories. Please pass on my best wishes to the team, keep up the good work, after 22 years away, we still look forward to receiving it. It’s 15 years since we left Bamford and the Chapel was part of our lives. We do think of you all with much love and loads of good memories. It’s good to see lots of new names of people taking part in Church life. It was January 1989 that we left Bamford Chapel and yet we still receive a lot of pleasure hearing about our old friends, and we like to hear of the continuing growth of such a strong church. Thanks for still sending Bamford’s magazine. I’ve been away nearly 20 years but I still find many of those appearing in the magazine are people I have known I really look forward to the arrival of the newsletter. Of course there are a lot of people mentioned I do not know but still plenty I do know or are sons and daughters taking on responsibilities. I still keep personal touch with old friends at Bamford Chapel. Just a few of the comments from readers away from here, it’s very nice to receive their news as well We will continue with the old fashioned methods, unless we hear from you, so don’t worry, the postman will still deliver. Joan Ashton.
‘LIFE IS WORTH EXPLORING’ The Alpha Course is here again in September! Launch party at Queen’s Park Café on Monday 12th September at 7pm (Potato pie supper + veggie option) The course will run on Monday evenings from 26th September to 12th December Each session begins at 7pm with a meal (if you can help with food preparation &/or washing up, please see Barbara Redmond). Then there is a DVD and discussion. We aim to end by 9.15pm
Each Alpha Course includes a very important ‘Away Day’. This will be on Saturday 19th November (venue to be decided). If you would like more information about the Alpha Course, please speak to Richard or any of the following people: (names in ALPHAbetical order)
Louise Aspinall, Jane Baines, Diane Davies, Laura Davies, Sarah Fitton, Ian Newman, Margaret Ogden, Joan Warner You can also ask any people who attended Alpha 1 or Alpha 2. We’ll soon be sidling up with invitations!! Please pray for our preparations and come and see what it’s all about. 11
Quiet Time Like shafts of hollow straw, man’s puffed up words fall from lips only to be snatched away by the winds of time and eternity. But the Word that comes from the mouth of God is grain grain for life-giving bread to feed starving souls and seeking spirits grain for seed that, planted in hearts by God’s Spirit and watered by faith and obedience, sprouts fruitful eternal life. Therefore God says, ‘Let the one who has My Word speak it faithfully, for what has straw to do with grain?’* Susan Lenzkes © 2010 * Jeremiah 23:28 Used by permission of CWR Shared with us by Ray Atkins
Prayer Team For a couple of weeks a notice has been in the Weekly notice sheet asking for people who want to volunteer to be part of a prayer team on hand after the morning service. I realise that we are not all called to this ministry, but for those who would like to be a part of it please let Richard know and we can all get together and discuss a way forward. Once we have a few names we can set it up as soon as possible. Many thanks Richard Copies of ‘Inspiring Prayer’ are still available for a donation of 50p from Gillian or Finlay Galloway.
North-Western Synod On Saturday the 8th October Bamford Chapel is hosting the Synod Meeting. We will soon be asking for people to volunteer on that day to help our brothers and sisters from across the Synod to feel welcomed here at Bamford Chapel. We will need help with: stewarding, welcoming, and help in the kitchen (among other roles). I envisage there will be a small steering/planning group of people who will then be looking for helpers to assist with their different areas of responsibility. Watch this space. But if people can put the date in their diaries that would be appreciated. Many thanks Richard 13
Bible Reading Plan: July – 30th October 2011
As we continue with the journey of reading through the Bible in a year please find below the readings for the period of 31st July up to the 30th October. I have continued with the same pattern as the June magazine by also giving the month ahead of the edition of the magazine. I hope people have found it a useful discipline as it becomes part of our daily lives as for some people they find a set time each day works for them where others do not stick to one set time but read the day’s readings when they get a break long enough Epistles
The Law
9 (31st July)
1 Corinthians 1-2
Genesis 32-35
Judges 17-21
10 (7 Aug)
1 Corinthians 3-4
Genesis 36-39
Ruth (all)
11 (14th Aug)
1 Corinthians 5-6
Genesis 40-43
1 Samuel 1-5
12 (21 Aug)
1 Corinthians 7-8
Genesis 44-47
1 Samuel 6-10
13 (28th Aug)
1 Corinthians 9-10
Genesis 48-50
1 Samuel 11-15
14 (4 Sept)
1 Corinthians 11-12
Exodus 1-4
1 Samuel 16-20
15 (11th Sept)
1 Corinthians 13-14
Exodus 5-8
1 Samuel 21-25
16 (18 Sept)
1 Corinthians 15-16
Exodus 9-12
1 Samuel 26-31
17 (25th Sept)
2 Corinthians 1-3
Exodus 13-16
2 Samuel 1-4
18 (2 Oct)
2 Corinthians 4-5
Exodus 17-20
2 Samuel 5-9
19 (9th Oct)
2 Corinthians 6-8
Exodus 21-24
2 Samuel 10-14
20 (16 Oct)
2 Corinthians 9-10
Exodus 25-28
2 Samuel 15-19
21 (23rd Oct)
2 Corinthians 11-13
Exodus 29-32
2 Samuel 20-24
Galatians 1-3
Exodus 33-36
1 Kings 1-4
22 (30 Oct)
to do it. If anyone wanted to share with others what they have found thus far I am sure Louise and the editing team would like to hear from you and to print your reflections. Many thanks and God Bless, Richard
Bible reading plan taken from Copyright 1995-2009 Michael Coley Psalms
Psalms 24-26
Job 17-18
Isaiah 45-50
Matthew 23-25
Psalms 27-29
Job 19-20
Isaiah 51-55
Matthew 26-28
Psalms 30-32
Job 21-22
Isaiah 56-61
Mark 1-2
Psalms 33-35
Job 23-24
Isaiah 62-66
Mark 3-4
Psalms 36-38
Job 25-26
Jeremiah 1-6
Mark 5-6
Psalms 39-41
Job 27-28
Jeremiah 7-11
Mark 7-8
Psalms 42-44
Job 29-30
Jeremiah 12-16
Mark 9-10
Psalms 45-47
Job 31-32
Jeremiah 17-21
Mark 11-12
Psalms 48-50
Job 33-34
Jeremiah 22-26
Mark 13-14
Psalms 51-53
Job 35-36
Jeremiah 27-31
Mark 15-16
Psalms 54-56
Job 37-38
Jeremiah 32-36
Luke 1-2
Psalms 57-59
Job 39-40
Jeremiah 37-41
Luke 3-4
Psalms 60-62
Job 41-42
Jeremiah 42-46
Luke 5-6
Psalms 63-65
Proverbs 1
Jeremiah 47-52
Luke 7-8
THE GREATEST Author Unknown The highest aim in life - To know God and do His will! The most enriching good habit - Complimenting others The most destructive bad habit - Worry The greatest joy - Giving The greatest loss - Loss of self-respect The most satisfying work - Helping others The ugliest personality trait - Selfishness The most endangered species - Dedicated leaders Our greatest natural resource - Our youth The ugliest look - A frown The greatest "shot in the arm" - Encouragement The greatest problem to overcome - Fear The most effective sleeping pill - Peace of mind The most crippling failure disease - Excuses The surest way to limit God - Unbelief The most powerful forces in life - Love The most dangerous piranha - A gossiper The Greatest Life-Giver - The Creator The world’s most incredible computer - The brain The worst thing to be without - Hope The deadliest weapon - The tongue The two most power-filled words - "I Can" The greatest asset - Faith The most worthless emotion - Self-pity The most beautiful attire - A SMILE! The most prized possession - Self esteem The most powerful channel of communication - PRAYER The most contagious spirit - Enthusiasm The most urgent need - SALVATION The greatest attribute of Jesus - Obedience
WORSHIP AND DISCIPLESHIP COMMITTEE This is an article to make people aware of the Worship and Discipleship Committee which has been set up recently to oversee/coordinate areas of the church’s ministry which come under the title. Areas such as: Morning and evening worship Alpha; House Groups Prayer Group Bible Study Group Choir Food for Thought Junior Church (this is not an exhaustive list) It was set up because this is an area that I felt needing coordinating so that different groups can speak to one another. We have, in the members of the committee, someone who is involved with all of the above groups or events. If there are any comments you want to make, suggestions or ideas that you have, then please speak to one of the committee members who will be glad to raise it at our next meeting (6th September). The committee tends to meet every two months. The current members of this committee are: Richard Bradley (Chair), Laura Davies (Secretary), Auriel Atkins, Joan Warner, Ken Greer, Brenda Griffiths, Joanne Shaw, Addie Redmond, Jane Baines and Julie Platt. If there are any questions you have please don’t hesitate to contact any of the named committee members. Thanks Richard.
Back to Church Sunday 2011 takes place on Sunday 25th of September. “Success is one: success is one big church” Back to Church Sunday is now the largest single localchurch invitational initiative in the world. It is based on the simplest and shortest step in evangelism - that we should invite someone we already know to something we love; invite our friend to our church. The initial focus was to invite ‘back’ those who used to attend, but we want to ensure that anyone who doesn’t currently attend can be guaranteed a specially warm welcome. BTCS has grown beyond all expectations since the first one in Greater Manchester in 2004. The focus is for each church member to make a personal invitation to one friend. Back to Church Sunday raises a high media profile as tens of thousands of Christians offer this invitation at the same time.
The most important part of the day is to offer a warm and honest welcome to people. 18
A legend recounts the return of Jesus to heaven after His time on earth. He returned bearing the marks of His earthly pilgrimage with its cruel cross and shameful death. The Angel Gabriel approached Him and said, “Master you must have suffered terribly for people down there.” “I did,” said Jesus. “And,” continued Gabriel, “do they now know all about how you loved them and what you did for them?” “Oh no,” said Jesus. “Not yet. Right now, only a handful of people in Israel know.” Gabriel was perplexed. “Then what have you done,” he asked, “to let all people know about your love for them?” “Well, I have asked Peter, James, John and a few others to tell people about Me. Those who are told will in turn tell others and the gospel will be spread to the farthest reaches of the globe. Ultimately all of humankind will hear
about Me and what I have done on their behalf.” Gabriel frowned and looked sceptical. He knew people weren’t dependable. “Yes,” he said, “but what if Peter, James and John grow weary? What if the people who come after them forget? And what if, way down in the 21st century, people get too busy to bother telling others about you; you made any other plans?” “No, I have made no other plans, Gabriel,” Jesus answered. “I’m counting on them.”
Change Your Thinking It will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the
activity and colour of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed.
One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.
Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.'
There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy. 'Today is a gift, that is why it is called ‘The Present.’ 21
Hey Hodos trip to Buxton 1st July - 3rd July Article by Michael Baines
Leaders Andy Platt Julie Platt Lisa Wareing Michael (AKA Super Scouse) Participants Michael Baines Bekki Baines Lewis Stephenson Rebecca Gooding Alice Morris Maddie Wareing James Crompton Stephanie Nuttall Clarissa Pidliswyj Caris Abbott Katie Platt Alison Greaves Favourite activities Tunneling Archery (Julie came 2nd) Fencing (Alice came 1st) (Hit, Lunge, EN GARDE!) Climbing We left Bamford Chapel at 5.10 on Friday 1st July. We went in 4 cars (Julie, Andy and his rock mix, Carol Greaves and Lisa) and arrived at 7pm at Buxton activity centre. That evening we had climbing on a rock a wall in a forest. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all and everyone gave it their best. The following morning (shortly after an 8am breakfast) we had Fencing, followed by Bivvie building (in which we narrowly avoided death by Midge bites) and tunnelling. Just before 22
dinner we forced ourselves up a gruelling hill for team games which consisted of Cricket and Rounders. Cricket was won by Katie and instructor Michael (AKA Super Scouse), narrowly beating Family pairing Bekki and Michael. Our final activity of the day was “It’s a knockout” which had several silly games which were fun. Each evening before bed we watched DVDs, Hook on Friday and several others on Saturday. Sunday morning consisted of breakfast, packing and archery before a dawn leaving ceremony involving hill rolling. We arrived back at Chapel at 2pm. Article by Alison Greaves On Friday 1st July, Hayhodos went on a trip to Buxton for the weekend. Altogether there were fifteen of us. Friday When we got there we were taken on a short tour and introduced to our leader for the weekend, Michael. Then we got shown our rooms. Tea was fish, chips and peas. We also had doughnuts. After tea we did climbing. The best part was when Katie was abseiling down and did a really loud girly scream. Before bed we watched a film on a massive screen. Saturday We woke up on Saturday and had our breakfast which was bacon, beans, egg, toast and cereal. The first thing we did was fencing. This was my favourite activity. It needed lots of concentration. We had to wear masks, body protectors, gloves and had a foil to fight with. We got taught all the basic rules. After fencing we did bivi building. We had to go into the woods to make our bivis we could use ropes, logs, twigs and waterproof ground sheets. My group’s bivi lost but I am sure it was the best one. Then we went back to the centre for lunch. We had sandwiches, crisps, fruit and a chocolate bar. After lunch we had tunnel trail. We had to put all our shoes in the middle and we where blind folded. Then we had to go and find them. One problem, there was lots of nettles in the grass, most of us got stung. Then we put overalls on and went into the cave. The first one was alright because it did not have that much mud in it but the second one was full of mud. I did not 23
have any gloves on so my hands were very muddy. We had sports next so stayed up at the top of the hill even though we were all very muddy. We went to the porta-loos but there was no water in one of them. It was really funny. Sports were really fun, we played cricket and rounders. Then we came back down for tea which was lasagne. After tea we had an It’s a knock out game. We played lots of silly games while Andy and Julie went to the shop and returned as our human tuck shop. Then before bed we watched two films. Sunday On Sunday we had breakfast and then had our final activity, archery. We had to fire our arrows at the target for a practice. Then we had a tournament, Becky B was the winner. Then we had our final meal at the house and said our goodbyes. We set off home after lunch from one of the best weekends I have ever had!! Thank you to Julie, Andy and Lisa for taking us away can’t wait for next year (it is already booked).
Volunteers needed to lead Junior Church during August to give the staff a break. If you can help, please see Julie Platt
A message to all our young people We are very lucky at Bamford Chapel to have so many young people attending our Junior Church and other youth groups. We are always pleased to hear your views, ideas and suggestions. To help make it as easy as possible for you to let us know what you think a box will soon be on display waiting for your input. We can’t promise to fulfil all your wishes but they will all be read and given full consideration. If you would like to receive a reply please put your name on your suggestion and we will get back to you as soon as we can, otherwise anonymous suggestions are equally welcome.
Junior Church Mission Statement Written by our young people To bring together the younger generation as they increase their understanding of their faith. 25
Gillian Galloway has been reading a book on the life of John Ashworth and would like to share the following with us.
John Ashworth (born July 8th, 1813) receives his Sunday School prize at Bamford Chapel The evening before that memorable day on which I was to receive my prize, I was very unhappy on account of still being without shoes or clogs, and I said to my mother, as gently as I could,-�Mother, do you think you could get me a second-hand pair of clogs for to-morrow? I am going to have the highest prize, and I shall have to go up the steps on to the platform, and I shall be ashamed to go with my bare feet� The following day I washed my feet for a long time. I was determined that if I could not get anything to cover my ten toes, I would make them look clean. I was at the school before the time, and sat in one corner alone. Soon the people began to gather. On the platform there stood a large table, covered with a white cloth. On the cloth the prizes were arranged with as much display as possible. Books, penknives, pocketknives, inkstands, a small writing desk, and other valuables, arrested the attention of all who entered the room. The ceremony was opened by singing a hymn. Then one of the superintendents (the present Sir James Kay Shuttleworth) mounted the platform, and made a speech, - eulogising the scholars for their good conduct during the year, and holding up to view the various rewards while speaking. When he came to the first prize he called out my name, and invited me on to the platform amidst a loud clapping of hands. O, how my heart did beat! I felt at that moment as though I would have given twenty pounds, if I had possessed it, for something with which to cover my feet. I arose from my corner, and threading my way through the people as softly as though I were a cat, I walked blushingly on to the platform, and received my reward of merit, amidst the repeated clapping of the audience. But when I got back to my place I sat down and cried as though my heart would bread, because I was such a poor, poor boy and because I thought some of the other boys sneered at my poverty. 26
One of his (John Ashworth’s) last dying bequests was that all the children of the Sunday School in School Lane should have a pair of new clogs and a pair of new stockings, which wish was carried out on the Wednesday following, in the presence of Mrs Ashworth and the other executors, when one hundred and twenty nine children received the dying gift of their benefactor and friend. John Ashworth died Jan 26th, 1875
Bamford Chapel Ladies Fellowship Bamford Chapel, Norden Road ROCHDALE Friday 24th September 2011 10.00am – 12Noon Tickets £2.00 or pay on the door Contact 01706 638005 for more information Cake/Bring and Buy Stalls MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT 27
Ten million face starvation across the Horn of Africa Christian Aid has launched an emergency humanitarian appeal to help people across the east and Horn of Africa after two failed rainy seasons have left ten million on the brink of starvation. Drought and displacement combined with rising global food prices have left Kenya and Ethiopia in particular facing severe food shortages, with UNOCHA reporting that the regional situation is the worst food security crisis in the world today. Some parts of the region are experiencing the driest conditions in 60 years, and Christian Aid emergency teams are continuously assessing how best to help local populations. “The crisis has been building for some time, especially in Kenya and Ethiopia, and is fast escalating across the region,” warns Nick Guttmann, Christian Aid’s humanitarian director. “People are desperate and if we don’t act now we could be looking at one of the worst humanitarian situations the world has seen in a long time.” Funds are urgently needed for life saving measures such as: provision of water for villages experiencing the worst of the drought conditions; food for families, malnourished children, and pregnant women; animal feed to protect livestock that are so crucial to survival. To make a donation to Christian Aid’s East Africa Food Crisis Appeal call 08080 004 004 or visit -africa-appeal. 28