Further Details may be found at www.bamfordchapel.co.uk Thursday 1st Dec
7.30 pm
Saturday 3rd Dec
11am until 12 noon
Elders Meeting Local Councillors Surgery
Sunday 4th Dec
10.30 am
Sunday 4th Dec
6.00 pm
Sunday 11th Dec
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Joan Warner
Sunday 11th Dec
6.00 pm
“No Crib for a Bed” Panto written by Ben & Addie Redmond
Tuesday 13th Dec
Sunday 18th Dec
12 noon for 12.45 pm 10.30 am 4 pm
Family Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley Please join us to hear the Christmas Story told in words and music when our Choir present “Night of Miracles” John Peterson
Light lunches followed by concert given by students from Chetham’s School of Music Family Worship with the Nativity Story presented by our Junior Church Family Tea
Sunday 18th Dec
6.00 pm
Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols led by our Choir
Christmas Eve
7.00 pm
Family Party followed by Christmas Eve Communion Service at 11.30 pm led by Revd Richard Bradley
Christmas Day
10.00 am
Family Worship led by Margaret Ogden 1
New Year’s Day
Thursday 5th January
10.30 am
7.30 pm
Sunday 8th January
10.30 am
Sunday 8th January
6.00 pm
Tuesday 10th January
12 noon for 12.45 pm
Sunday 15th January
10.30 am
Sunday 15th January
6.00 pm
Sunday 22nd January
10.30 am
Sunday 22nd January
6.30 pm
Sunday 29th January
10.30 am
Sunday 29th January
6.00 pm
Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley No Evening Service Elders Meeting including bring and share supper Family Worship led by Andy Platt Evening Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley Light lunches followed by Concert given by Stephanie Tepper (flute) accompanied by Russell Lomas Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley followed at 12 noon by CHURCH MEETING Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley Joint Service at St.Vincents R.C. Church for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Family Worship led by Joanne Shaw Evening Worship led by Ken Greer 2
Message from the manse We are fast approaching one of my most favourite festivals of the Christian calendar – Christmas. It is easy to criticise consumerism at this time of year and that is a sad part of Christmas. It is understandable why people sometimes think that consumerism has hijacked Christmas. I love nothing more than seeing the children open their presents (even if it is at a far too early hour of the morning!) and I also love singing carols. One of my favourite verses from the variety of Christmas carols is the final verse of Away in a Manger I could almost cry when I sing the words of the final verse: Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask You to stay close by me for ever and love me, I pray; bless all the dear children in Your tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with You there. (Combined Mission Praise 4) It is like a prayer to God (as many hymns are) asking that God not only blesses us as individuals but “all the dear children”. For me that conjures up an image of both you and I (as God’s children) but also children and I cannot sing that verse without images of poor, homeless, orphaned and abused children coming into my mind. Perhaps one might say it is the children for whom Christmas will be but a day like any other. 3
Christmas reminds me of how Jesus came to earth as a baby to fulfil the purpose and plan that God had for him. Christmas is the foundation and without it we could not have Easter. Without the cradle we could not have the cross. Jesus came that lives would be transformed – that people would first and foremost come to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour but also that those in poverty might be lifted out of it; that those in abusive relationships might find rescue. This Christmas time I ask that we all think about those for whom Christmas is a tough time. Perhaps because they have lost a loved one; or a relationship has broken down. I hope that this Christmas as we share together with friends and family in the festivities of Christmas that we would know the presence of the Christ child in our lives and homes. May we look forward together to the New Year and the new possibilities that will be presented to us by Jesus Christ – that individually and corporately we might take ever more obedient steps of faith so that we might grow in Jesus Christ through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Ruth, myself and the children wish you all a very merry and blessed Christmas and all the very best for the New Year. God Bless, Christ, Richard 4
News of the family Concerns continue to be expressed for Auriel and Ray Atkins, Patricia and John Lapworth and family, Fred and Margaret Riley, Michelle and Bryan McLaughlin and family, Beryl Monk and family, Winifred and Don Schofield, Anne Fitton, Jean and Eric Lumb, Geoff Ogden, Sid Hazlehurst and Helen Baillie. Alastair Linden is going into hospital for major surgery this month. Mark Watson had emergency surgery at the end of October and is now fully recovered and back at school. Doreen is hopeful that Cyril will be home from Tudor Court within the next few days. One of our luncheon club ladies Brenda Bracewell, is also resident in Tudor Court following a fall. Please remember all these people in your prayers. Arnold Hampson has moved out of the area, to live nearer to his daughter in Ipswich. We pray that he settles into his new home and is happy to be near his family. We pray also for his sister, Helen, who often stayed with him in Bamford and became a regular attender at chapel. Kate Sutton and Ken Bullock are getting married on 22nd December. May God bless them and grant them a long and happy marriage. You may be aware that we have again suffered a break in via the lounge door. It appears that our unwanted visitors may have been searching for money, they pulled contents from the Luncheon Club cupboard also the Mum’s and Toddlers and Junior Church cupboards. Finding nothing they then relieved us of a considerable amount of our Traidcraft stock. We have subsequently realised that 4 Communion plates are missing and also the Dyson vacuum cleaner. The door will need to be 5
replaced and that alone will cost approx £750. An Insurance Claim will result in the loss of our no claims bonus and we will of course have to pay the first £250 of the claim. Sadly such burglars have no conscience. Please ensure that all doors are locked when leaving the building and lights are out. Revd Andrew Willett a local advocate on behalf of the Group for Evangelism and Renewal and he, along with Revd Sheila Coop, led and challenged us throughout the afternoon and evening to have “Confidence in the Gospel” You might find booklets produced by GEAR in your pew, please help yourself, take them home and have a closer look at what GEAR is doing within the United Reformed Church. As Christmas approaches there are so many things happening within our church family. By the time you read this, Ladies’ Fellowship will have enjoyed their Christmas meal at the Crimble, people on the Alpha course will have attended the “away day” at the Bella Vista, the Christmas Fair will have taken place, as will the Toy Service, and Advent will be upon us. We will be looking forward to “Night of Miracles”, to the pantomime, the Nativity Service, the Carol Service and the Christmas Eve Party. Some families will be eagerly anticipating the return of children after their first term at University, others will be happy to be reunited with family and friends over the Christmas period. At the beginning of this busy Christmas Season please find time to pray for our church and for each other and especially for those for whom Christmas may not be a joyful time this year.
Heritage Weekend This year you will remember we supported English Heritage by opening the church and its building to our community. During the day those of us who were supporting the weekend had time to read through documents from the past. The following paragraphs from the Bamford Chapel Minute Book (Elders Meeting) amused me: November 23rd 1933 That the question of allowing smoking in the school room be put on the Church Meeting agenda. December 10th 1933 In view of the Jubilee Celebrations at the local Methodist Church on Sunday December 21st1933 when “Messiah� will be rendered, our church being closed in the evening, that if possible, Mr Richley makes arrangements with Norden Church to postpone their Christmas service till December 31st. Gillian Galloway
Lynn Warrington would like to thank everyone for their cards, flowers and messages of sympathy received following the sad loss of her father Colin. The visits from Margaret and Joan were very much appreciated.
Quiet Time Lord Jesus, when You were in this world You walked a balanced way, sinless among sinners giving Yourself away without coming apart living before the Father in humble confidence shouting Your holiness in whispers of love pushing through the agony to the joy set before You. Oh, how I need Your grace to walk as You did, ever poised and balanced with one foot on earth and the other in heaven. Susan Lenzkes Š 2010 Used by permission of CWR
RADICAL WELCOME The Radical Welcome/ZI initiative (zero-intolerance) in the URC is continuing and as we are aware churches are encouraged to work through material as part of the process of exploration. As a Church we decided at the July Church Meeting to explore further some of the suggested material for the Radical Welcome campaign. At the October Elders’ Meeting I suggested three ways that we might explore this material. The Elders decided that we would hold four one hour meetings following worship in January, February, March and April 2012. These meetings will happen on the fourth Sunday of every month. Those attending are asked to bring their sandwiches with them. You are encouraged to attend every meeting – but if you can only make some of them then that is fine. The dates and themes are as follows: Date nd
22 Jan
Discover: making the church more visible
26th Febr
The premises: making them more inviting
25 March
A welcoming God and a welcoming people
22nd April
Belonging to the Church community
I will be leading/facilitating these meetings and I hope you will come along and we can share together in this important area of the Church’s life. God Bless, Richard 11
Ladies Fellowship What a busy time we had at our meeting on October 20th packing Christmas shoe boxes for Belarus. This year, however, they were not for children but for the elderly men (Dedushka) and women (Babushka). On arrival in the primary we thought we had wandered into a M&S outlet on seeing tables laden with toiletries, clothing, jewellery, reading glasses, sweets etc, etc, plus a pile of empty shoe boxes. A team of “volunteers” set about covering the boxes in Christmas wrapping paper, (not an easy job!) and the rest of us started packing. By the end of a hectic and noisy evening we had packed sixty one boxes. Carol Hartley, the lady responsible for transporting them to Belarus, was delighted. We had two new ladies at our meeting and they enjoyed themselves - in fact we have probably got two new members - we’re like Topsy we’re growing. By the time you read this we will have had our Christmas Meal at the Peacock Room at The Crimble. See Margaret Entwistle’s article on the following page to find out about the Ladies’ Christmas meal. Irene Miller 12
Ladies Fellowship 50 ladies enjoyed a lovely meal on Thursday November 10th at the Peacock Room. This was our early Christmas dinner. I think everyone will agree that the management and staff pulled all the stops out to make sure everything went off with a bang. We had crackers and most of us put our paper hats on to make it festive. I think I can honestly say everyone enjoyed their meal - in fact there really was nothing to grumble about. For once I can safely say it was a perfect evening. Angela Smith set us a quiz which most of us entered into. Whether we got the right answers remains to be seen. My thanks on behalf of everyone goes to Joan Warner, Anne Newman and Angela Smith for a very well organised evening. Long may they reign. Margaret Entwistle
Have a go at the Ladies’ quiz for yourself - it can be found on page 22.
Bible Reading Plan: 27th November 2011 – 27th February 2012 As we continue with the journey of reading through the Bible in a year please find below the readings for the period of 27th November – 27th February. I have continued with the same pattern as the earlier magazines by also giving the month ahead of the edition of the magazine. With this being a combined edition there are the reading for three months. I hope people have found it a useful discipline as it becomes part of our daily lives as for some people they find a set time each day works for them where others do not stick to one set time but read the day’s readings when they get a break long enough to do it. If anyone Epistles
The Law
26 (27 Nov’er)
Philippians 1-2
Leviticus 7-9
1 Kings 19-22
27 (4th Dec’er)
Philippians 3-4
Leviticus 10-12
2 Kings 1-5
28 (11 Dec’er)
Colossians 1-2
Leviticus 13-15
2 Kings 6-10
29 (18th Dec’er)
Colossians 3-4
Leviticus 16-18
2 Kings 11-15
30 (25 Dec’er)
1 Thessalonians 1-3
Leviticus 19-21
2 Kings 16-20
31 (1st Jan)
1 Thessalonians 4-5
32 (8 Jan)
2 Thessalonians
Leviticus 25-27
1 Chronicles 1-4
33 (15th Jan)
1 Timothy 1-3
Numbers 1-4
1 Chronicles 5-9
34 (22 Jan)
1 Timothy 4-6
Numbers 5-8
1 Chron’les 10-14
35 (29th Jan)
2 Timothy 1-2
Numbers 9-12
1 Chron’les 15-19
36 (6 Feb)
2 Timothy 3-4
Numbers 13-16
1 Chron’les 20-24
37 (13th Feb)
Numbers 17-20
1 Chron’les 25-29
38 (20 Feb)
Numbers 21-24
2 Chron’les 1-5
39 (27th Feb)
Hebrews 1-4
Numbers 25-28
2 Chron’les
Leviticus 22-24
2 Kings 22-25
*I presume the planners have included Acts in the “Gospels” column because of fitting all of th
wanted to share with others what they have found thus far I am sure Louise and the editing team would like to hear from you and to print your reflections. Many thanks and God Bless, Richard
Bible reading plan taken from www.bible-reading.com Copyright 1995-2009 Michael Coley Psalms
Psalms 75-77
Proverbs 7
Ezekiel 13-18
Luke 15-16
Psalm 78-80
Proverbs 8-9
Ezekiel 19-24
Luke 17-18
Psalms 81-83
Proverbs 10
Ezekiel 25-30
Luke 19-20
Psalms 84-86
Proverbs 11-12
Ezekiel 31-36
Luke 21-22
Psalms 87-89
Proverbs 13
Ezekiel 37-42
Luke 23-24
Psalms 90-92
Proverbs 14-15
Ezekiel 43-48
John 1-2
Psalms 93-95
Proverbs 16
Daniel 1-6
John 3-4
Psalms 96-98
Proverbs 17-18
Daniel 7-12
John 5-6
Psalms 99-101
Proverbs 19
Hosea 1-7
John 7-9
Psalms 102-104
Proverbs 20-21
Hosea 8-14
John 10-12
Psalms 105-107
Proverbs 22
John 13-15
Psalms 108-110
Proverbs 23-24
Amos 1-4
John 16-18
Psalms 111-113
Proverbs 25
Amos 5-9
John 19-21
Psalms 114-116
Proverbs 26-37
Acts 1-2
he Biblical books into the list; and because it is held that Luke wrote Acts as well as his Gospel.
Macmillan Coffee Morning LADIES FELLOWSHIP Update on amount donated – the final figure is now £555.10!!! More money was given to me after the event which means I have now banked the above amount. Look for the thank you poster from Macmillan Cancer Support on the Ladies Fellowship notice board. LESLEY SUTTON
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY 2012 Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February to 11th March 2012 Look out for events planned for this special two weeks of the year as far as fairtrade is concerned
BELARUS ORPHANS I would like to give a big thank you to all those who came to the Coffee Day which was held at Trinity Methodist in Heywood on the 19th October, those who bought tickets and those who were generous with donations. I am pleased to say this was a very successful day and raised £1431.90 which will help to provide shoes, underclothes, cot bedding, medicine etc., This was a wonderful amount and will go to help so many children, Once again many thanks. Carol Hartley. 16
For Goodness’ Sake – Can’t Alfie people count? This is an apology to the people who have gently pointed out that the current series of Alpha is not the first time Bamford Chapel has run the course. It has happened twice before! That makes the one running now actually number 5. We are very grateful to those who went before. In fact they were part of the leadership team in 2010. They have been involved as hosts, in catering, in prayer support and in book purchasing. The current Bible Study house group at Auriel & Ray’s started as a follow-up to the first Alpha series. So we’re now stopping counting and will refer to them by season and year. So the one now in week 8 will be known as Alpha autumn 2011. Will you be on Alpha spring or autumn 2012? Alpha keeps running – please keep praying for the people who experience it. L&P - JW
Patience I have always been impatient; Wanted to run before I could walk, Sing before I could talk, Love the world before I could love myself. Teach before I had learnt Spent before I had earnt. Is it too late? Must I wait? Change myself before I change the world Walk before I talk Be late not wait? I could be patient for a second I could be patient for a minute I could be patient for a day I could be patient just for today I could be patient Now! How? Let’s see I could look through your eyes You could look through mine We could see things differently And together we would find That for the moment We are one Looking at another Our brother You and I are gone And we could just be ‌ Patience. Karen E Allen
16th October 2007
The above poem was written by a good friend of mine, Karen Allen, who has accompanied me to Sunday morning worship at Bamford Chapel on a couple of occasions. I hope you like it as much as I do. Lesley Ashworth 18
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Leading worship.
The structure of worship: liturgy The bible readings: the lectionary. Prayers. Music resources Constructing a sermon (1) Constructing a sermon (2) Use of technology.
There is no assessment, involvement is entirely voluntary, nor is there homework although 30 minutes preparation for each session will help. I propose to hold the sessions in the church lounge at 7pm each Monday, but may change this to accommodate people wishing to attend, and hope to commence in early 2012.
Ever wondered how a service is constructed? Is it an art? Or a science! Are there rules, and if so what and where are they and can they be broken? If you are interested in how worship is structured and would like to know more, please join me for a series of seven one hour sessions on this topic. The course will be based upon the URC lay preaching module of the Training and Learning for Service (TLS) course. It is open to all; whether you may be interested in leading worship or would just like to know more.
If you would like to attend, please let me know, speak to me at church or call me on 0161 762 0160 Joanne Shaw
The sessions will cover the following: 19
The 1 Corinthians 13 of Christmas If I decorate my house with beautiful bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny baubles, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another decorator. If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of mince pies, roasting a perfect turkey, and lay a magnificent table, but have no love for my guests, I am just another cook. If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity, but do not have compassion in my heart for those in need, I am just another social service; it profits me nothing. If I decorate the tree with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes and attend a myriad of holiday parties but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point. Love stops the cooking to hug the child. Love sets aside the decorating to help one’s wife with boring housework. Love puts the Christmas present shopping on hold in order to run the elderly neighbour to the doctor. Love is kind, though harried and tired. Love doesn’t envy another’s home that has more expensive presents, or even coordinated Christmas china and table linen. Love doesn’t yell at the children to get out of the way; love is glad that they are there to be in the way. Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can’t. Love bears all things, even irritating relatives. It believes all things, and encourages teenagers to aim high for their future. It hopes all things, endures all things, even a spouse who is depressed about their job prospects. Love never fails other people. Computer games will crash, even cashmere jumpers will wear out, and golf clubs will get lost. But the gift of love will endure forever.
Happy Christmas!
Bamford Chapel Lunchtime concert Tuesday 13th December Lunch available at 12 noon Concert at 12.45 pm Entry charge for the concert is ÂŁ3
Chetham’s School of Music
Ladies’ Fellowship Christmas Meal : Quiz 1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
9. 10.
If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, a gas lamp and only one match, which do you light first? Can you arrange the letters below into a sentence? I heard one very clever puzzle solver saying “that can’t be done!” hattcntaebone How many seconds are there in a year? James recently moved into his first brand new house. When he arrived there he discovered that the builder had forgotten something. James popped down to the local DIY shop to enquire about the prices. Luckily the items were quite cheap at the shop. 7 cost £1.00, 10 cost £2.00 and 100 cost £3.00. What had the builder forgotten and how much will 210 cost? If 6 has nine, 7 has five and 8 and 9 have one, how many do 7 and 12 have? According to the American Constitution, in order to become President of the United States there are only five pre requisites. The candidate must:1. be at least 35 years old 2. be a citizen of the USA 3. have resided in the USA for at least 14 years 4. have been born in the USA What is the 5th requirement? Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence. llama phoenix hyena alligator beaver elephant tortoise antelope I went on a trip last week. The traffic was moderate and the journey took two and a half hours. On the return journey the traffic was similar, but I made it back in 150 minutes. How come? What 4 letter sport starts with a T? Assume that penguins live with a density of 1,000 penguins per square mile and can run at an average speed of 7 miles per hour on land and swim at 20 miles per hour. Also assume that a polar bear has a territory of 10 square miles, can run at 25 miles per hour and swim at 10 miles per hour. How many penguins will an average polar bear eat in any given month, remembering that a polar bear could, as a maximum only eat one penguin per hour and 7% of the land is next to the sea.
The answers can be found on Page 28 This quiz was on the table for our Christmas meal at the Crimble in November. Hope you enjoy doing it too.
Bamford Chapel Lunchtime concert Tuesday 10th January Lunch available at 12 noon Concert at 12.45 pm Entry charge for the concert is ÂŁ3
Stephanie Tepper (flute) accompanied by Russell Lomas
Clothesline Collection Early in the New Year I am intending to organise a Clothesline Collection to raise money for Chapel funds. A date has not yet been booked, but this is to give you advance warning so that if you are having a clear out before or after Christmas, to clear some room in your cupboards, you could bag up your unwanted items and save them for us. The recycling company which collects will accept clothing, shoes, curtains, bedding, handbags and belts and books. Further details will be given later, but if, in the meantime you need any further information please speak to me. Gillian James.
Moving On The final service of Pastor Brian Drury of Cutgate Baptist Church is on the 8th January. He will not be taking up any specific role but will be pastorally assisting many smaller Baptist Chapels who are currently without a Pastor. He continues to live in Nelson (where he has been travelling from to serve at Cutgate). He is looking forward to his new role. There is a lunch following the service. Our minister, Revd Richard Bradley will be attending as the representative of Bamford Chapel URC and Norden URC.
A Special Concert next Spring! When we are planning our Midday Concerts, we sometimes get very bold and invite an artiste we know we will probably not be able to afford! A few months ago Mike Lucas told me about Kathryn Rudge, a graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music, a young mezzo soprano of immense promise. I wrote to her asking if she would come to Bamford some time, and to my great pleasure she said she would like to do that. Of course, her fee was beyond what we offer for our Midday Concerts – she is already launched on a truly splendid career – but I persuaded her to come for an evening concert next May. Until then, she has almost continuous professional engagements, and in October 2011 she has taken to the stage of the Coliseum Theatre in London with English National Opera, playing Cherubino in Mozart’s “Marriage of Figaro”. She will come to us on the evening of Saturday 19th May 2012. We are planning to sell tickets at £5 and hoping to attract an audience of at least 150. This would enable us to pay Kathryn and her accompanist appropriate professional fees and would also enable us to make a profit for the Chapel. For me, one of the real joys of our Midday Concerts is that we bring into our lovely building visitors who might not otherwise come here. Even though they may take no part in our worship, their visits surely make an impression for good on them. Will you all please make a note in your diaries now of the date of this evening concert, and make sure that it is widely circulated. It is a long way off, but experience shows that if folk know about things well in advance they often make a real effort to keep a date free. I can promise that this will be a memorable concert. Mike and I listened to Kathryn being interviewed on Radio Three one evening, and her lively personality was irrepressible even there. So note the date, and pass it on! Walter 25
Wiped out Just got home and found all the windows and doors open and everything has gone. What kind of sick twisted person does that to someone’s advent calendar? Prompting The boy forgot his lines in the Christmas Sunday School drama presentation. His mother, sitting in the front row tried to prompt him, gesturing and forming the words silently with her lips, but it didn't help. Her son's memory was blank. Finally she leaned forward and whispered the cue, "I am the angel Gabriel!” The child beamed with acknowledgment and in a loud, clear voice so that everyone in the congregation could hear said, "My Mum is the angel Gabriel!” Virgin mother A ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then one day she floored her grandmother by asking, "Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The Virgin Mary or the King James Virgin?" Camels In Jane’s Christmas drawing, two of the camels were approaching the inn, over which was pictured a huge star. The third camel and its rider were going directly away from it. “Why is the third man going in a different direction?” her mother asked. Jane replied, “Oh, he’s looking for a place to park.” The name of God.... A little boy died and arrived at the gate of heaven. There he met an angel. “Before you come in, can you tell me God’s name?” said the angel. “Oh, that's easy,” the little boy replied, “His name is Harold.” “What make you think his name is Harold?” the angel asked incredulously. The little boy explained: “Because at Christmas we sing ‘Hark while Harold’s angels sing...” and also, when we pray, we say: ‘Our Father in Heaven, Harold be Thy Name...’ 26
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Ladies’ Fellowship Meal Quiz answers The match That can’t be done 12 (2nd January, February etc) £3, the builder had forgotten the door number. Each numeral costs £1 Six has 9, seven has 5, eight and nine have 1, so seven has 5 (again, sorry) and twelve has 55, in Roman numerals The president has to be elected Move “antelope” to the beginning of the list and all the initial letters spell out the word “alphabet” The time was the same. 150 minutes equals 2 1/2 hours Golf Polar bears can`t eat any penguins, because Polar bears live in the Arctic and penguins live in the Antarctic 28