Bamford Chapel Magazine Feb 2014

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Bamford Chapel


BAMFORD CHAPEL MISSION/VISION STATEMENT “Loving God, Serving others, Building Community” Worship In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship. We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God.

Ministry Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others.

Evangelism We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus.

Discipleship We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning.

Fellowship We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name.


Saturday 1st February 9.30am

Working party at Church

Sunday 2nd February 10.30am

Communion Service led by Revd Richard Bradley


Sunday 2 February 6pm rd

Monday 3 February

Evening Service led by Anne Fitton Focus on Prayer group


Thursday 6 February 7.30pm Elders’ Meeting Sunday 9th February 10.30am

Morning Service led by Walter Brisk

Sunday 9th February 6pm

Evening Service led by Revd Richard Bradley

Monday 10th February 8pm

Focus on Prayer group


Tuesday 11 February 12.45pm

Lunchtime concert


Tuesday 11 February 7.30pm Finance Meeting Sunday 16th February 10.30am Morning service led by Revd Richard Bradley Sunday 16th February 6pm

Evening communion service Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Monday 17th February 8pm

Focus on prayer group


Sunday 23 February 10.30am Morning service led by Joanne Ackroyd rd

Sunday 23 February 6pm

Evening service led by Joan Warner

Monday 24th February 8pm

Focus on prayer group

24th February to the 9th March Fairtrade fortnight Wednesday 26th February 1.15pm

Midweek communion service 1

Message from the manse “Risk-taking Christians” I don’t know about you but I have shelves of books at home and one particular shelf is of books I haven’t yet read. Books that I took an interest in but have not, as yet, got round to reading them. I make a promise with myself not to buy anymore without reducing the pile first – I hasten to add I fail at that!! The latest book that I am reading is a book entitled: “Radical Discipleship” a book written by Roger Steer (don’t worry I had not heard of him either!) Steer has done a lot of research on the wellknown missionary Hudson Taylor. Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China in the 1800s. He felt at the age of 17 that God was calling him to preach and proclaim the Christian message to the people of China. He took what we might call a “massive risk” or more accurately perhaps a “step of faith”. It is proving to be an interesting read and by the time you read this article I hope to have finished the book! In one section of the book a story is related of how Hudson Taylor heard of a Congregational minister who had a book on China (books being a precious commodity). Taylor set out to see if he could borrow it from the minister. The minister was all too happy to let him borrow the book and asked what Taylor’s interest was. Taylor said: “God has called me to spend my life in missionary service in China.” The minister in question asked the young Taylor how he planned to travel there. Taylor replied: ““I don’t know. But I think it likely that I shall need to go as the twelve and seventy disciples did in Judea, without stick, or bag, or food, or money – relying on him who had sent them to supply all their needs.” The minister gently placed his hand on Taylor’s shoulder, “Ah my boy, as you grow older you will become 2

wiser than that. Such an idea would have done very well in the days when Christ himself was on earth, but not now.” Many years later, Taylor recalled the incident and wrote: “I have grown older since then, but not wiser””(p32 of Geoff Steer’s book, Radical Discipleship”, Monarch Books, 1995) Sometimes what we say and do seems totally mad to those who don’t believe and even sometimes to those that do! Hudson Taylor’s work and legacy is still being felt in China to this day. As I trust more and more in Jesus I believe we don’t take risks for Jesus….we step out ever further in faith. John Ortberg has written an excellent book based on the Bible passage where Peter walks on water; the book is entitled “If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat” Hudson Taylor was a water-walking Christian of that there I have no doubt. We serve a Lord Jesus Christ who calls us to step out of the boat and walk to him. It can be scary, it can be daunting, it can be nerve-wracking…..but it is always exhilarating and it is always a great blessing. As I think more and more about the vision of the church and where we feel God is leading us at present; I believe we are being called to be water-walking Christians. To be people who step out and don’t look down, or to our left or our right but to fix our gaze on Jesus Christ because he knows exactly what he wants of us and where he wants us to be going. My prayer as we continue in 2014 is that we will be further on our journey of faith by the end of the year than we are today. That in water-walking we will be moved by the Holy Spirit of God as He uses us and moulds us into the people He wants us to be. Let’s place our hands in Christ’s and trust Him for everything. God Bless, your servant in Christ, Richard 3

News of the family

Concerns are expressed for Marjorie and Ken Farrington, Don and Wyn Schofield, Joan, her sister Sylvia and partner Ian, Ian and Anne Newman, Joyce and Derek Yates, Joyce Cooper, Margaret Entwistle, Mildred Ingham, Hayley Merchant and her partner Martin, Marigold Edmond, Dinah Francis, Audrey Brierley and Cameron Baines. Please remember all these people in your prayers, along with any others you may know about or who I have omitted to mention. Remember also the families of Vi Lock, Bob Hartley and John Baillie all of whom passed away recently, and Pamela Harrington and the wider family following the death of her mother.

I am very grateful for all the prayers, cards, messages of condolence and flowers following the death of my Mum. Thank you, Pamela. 4

New Vision Statement Following the Church Meeting at Church on Sunday 19th January I can inform the wider church of the unanimous decision taken by that meeting to adopt the new vision statement for Bamford Chapel. Following over a year of discerning God’s Vision for Bamford Chapel I believe God has answered our prayers. The new vision statement will replace the old one on the inside front cover of the monthly magazine, and as I said in my presentation to the morning service on the 19th January, will form a living and active statement. It will form the basis of all that we do as a church whether current or new. I want to say thank you for all the feedback from people throughout this process. I want to say thanks for asking all the questions that were asked as that has helped me and others involved think deeply about what this vision statement says about what we want to be as the church of Jesus Christ at Bamford Chapel. I am excited about the future and what God has in store for us. I believe He is blessing us and will continue to bless us. I invite us all to read the vision statement regularly. I invite us all to pray for one another that as a church we will grow into the people God intends us to be as we live out our vision of:

“Loving God, Serving Others, Building Community” Watch this space for how things progress over the coming weeks….. God Bless, Your servant in Christ,

Richard 5

BLESSED ARE YOU Blessed are you when you smile at me For then I know I am welcome Blessed are you when you look at me with love For then I know I belong Blessed are you when you wait for me For then I know I belong Blessed are you when you walk with me For then I know you are proud of me Blessed are you when you ask me for help For then I know I matter Blessed are you when you are gentle with me For then I am sure I am loved Blessed are you when you believe in me For then I know I am valued Blessed are you when you hold my hand For then I know I am not alone.


Ladies’ Fellowship In the winter months we like to have speakers who do not have to travel long distances in wintry conditions. This avoids stress for the secretary who does not need to worry about ‘no show’ speakers & cancelled meetings So our first meeting of 2014 was an ‘in-house’ event when 3 members shared their reading enthusiasms in 3 10-minute slots. Linda Kerford’s single recommendation was author Kate Ellis and a murder mystery theme. The ‘Wesley Peterson Mysteries’ combine the twin strands of archaeology and crime. Brenda Griffiths choices had a foreign feel & featured authors such as the works of Judith Picoult, Khaled Hosseini’s novel ‘And the Mountains Echoed’, set in Afghanistan, Jamaican author Andrea Levy’s ‘The Small Island’, American Kathryn Stockett and Victoria Hislop with settings in Greece and Spain. Angela Smith then summarised her personal lifetime of reading, from her early days of borrowing from the Mechanics Institute. It included historical novels, police and crime novels and a miscellaneous section including Cecelia Aherne and Carlos Ruis Zafon amongst others. This was followed by a brief input from Roz Buttner. All the contributions were appreciated and we thank each member for all their work. The next meeting on 13th February is open to anyone young / old / male / female who might like to see slides and the story of the African Adventures of Addie & Barbara Redmond and their trip to Kilimanjaro. Joan Warner 7

Saturday 1st March 2014 at 7.30pm (St David's Day) Taking Part - ALED

JONES, Gordon Stewart (Organist and Compere) and Saddleworth Male Voice Choir Tickets priced at £25 , £20 and £12.50 available from David Davies , tel 01457 873182 OR

Brian Greenwood, tel 01706 840574


Huddersfield Town Hall Box Office


email: 8

Workdays at Bamford Chapel

As the Church buildings are so large and take a huge amount of work to keep clean and maintained we have started having a Saturday morning once a month to tackle some of the bigger jobs (or smaller ones!) that might need more people to complete. The Saturday morning idea is to supplement the work already being done. The next one is on: Saturday 1st March If you can spare anytime from 9.30 am then you will be most welcome to come. You don’t have to commit to coming every month. Any help at all is gratefully received. Thanks and God Bless, Richard.


Marriage is good for you! Your spouse may drive you crazy at times, but did you know that marriage is physically good for you? Research has found that its benefits range from reducing mental health problems, to increasing life expectancy, to increasing health and happiness in general. No one knows quite why – perhaps it is just as the Bible says: that it is not good for man to be alone. Marriage certainly provides built-in company and mutual support in the ups and downs of life. To celebrate YOUR marriage in this month of love, what about trying one or more of the following with your spouse? 1.

Romance each other - go out on a date! – and let it turn into a special night.


Write your spouse some love notes and leave them in unexpected places.


Re-affirm your wedding vows – with alone, with friends, or even at church.


Invite some other married couples round for dinner and watch a good film together.


Buy a book or DVD on how to strengthen your marriage even more.


Go back to the place where you had your first date – or that first special meal…. 10

Easter in the Park A play depicting the events of the first Easter. It will be produced as a promenade performance in various locations around Queen’s Park* in the afternoon of

Saturday 19th April 2014. * Permission is being applied for How can YOU help?

Be an actor in the play Help with costumes/props, etc. Be a steward on the day Be part of the audience Tell people about it For more information or to volunteer please contact Addie Redmond 01706 354559, 07906599966 or email: 11

A heavenly Valentine For God so lo That he g

Ved the world



His on





That whosoever Believeth Should

In him

Not perish

But have

Everlasting life.

Jn 3:15


Food For Thought thank you for your support of their production of

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Herod? Over £700 has been raised and shared between Church funds and the Lancashire-Gulu Link Project Welcome to our new editor I am delighted to now be able to formally welcome Linda Peacock as joint editor of the Magazine. Sincere personal thanks to Louise Aspinall for her (considerable) efforts over the past four years which has been really appreciated. Linda's contact detail can now be found at the back of this edition. Please all remember that whilst the magazine continues to flourish, both on line and in paper content, it can only ever be as good as the contributions submitted to us. It’s a brilliant medium, not only to convey the word and love of Jesus Christ, but also to make both the immediate Church family and wider community aware of all that we do, share, and make readily available for the benefit of all. Welcome on board Linda. Martyn. 13

Prayer for patience Dear Father, Waiting is so difficult. And we seem to have to do it so often, and in so many situations. Waiting for news, waiting for opportunities, waiting for test results, waiting for others – even waiting for you, Lord, when we so long for you to do something. Please give us patience. Ripen in us that ‘patience’ part of the fruit of your Holy Spirit, so that we can wait without anger, without frustration, without stress, knowing that you are Sovereign, that your timing is perfect. Help us to recognise that, in the end, simply trusting you can take the weight out of the wait. So help us to trust you, Father, and to relax in your care as we wait. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

By Daphne Kitching


BAMFORD CHAPEL Midday concert

12.45 p.m. – 1.45 p.m. Lunch served from 12 noon Admission to the concerts: £3 Lunch items individually priced

Tuesday February 11th

Aidan Edwards (baritone) and Juliet Montgomery (soprano) 15


BAMFORD CHAPEL TRAIDCRAFT Fairtrade Fortnight is from 24th February to 9th March 2014 Look out for special events at Chapel. This year we will be focussing on the following topic.

CHEAP BANANAS THREATEN FARMERS’ FUTURES Make a difference during Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 Together we can make bananas fair


1. I was made to wash as a child. 2. People who wash are hypocrites they reckon they’re cleaner than other people. 3. There are different kinds of soap; I could never decide which one was right. 4. I used to wash, but it got boring, so I stopped. 5. I still wash on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter. 6. None of my friends wash. 7. I’m still young. When I’m older and have got a bit dirtier, I might (GO start washing.


8. I really don’t have time. 9. The bathroom’s never warm enough. 10. People who make soap are only after your money. Daft isn’t it! We all need to wash and we know it! There’s no argument! We all need a personal friendship with Jesus too. The need may not be quite so obvious, but it’s there all the same. Jesus can do something soap and water can never do; He can make us clean on the inside! And that can’t be bad! 18


New for 2014 A Monthly Evening Christian Meditation Group What are the benefits of meditation? The science bit: Actually physically alters the brain structure. Proven to manage anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain. The faith bit: develops your own direct line to God. Ensures ‘at-one -ment’. In the stillness you can know God’s voice. In the group, brain patterns become synchronised (scientifically measured) and we are all one with God & with each other. When is it happening? the last Thursday in the month What time: 7.30pm Where: in the lounge No experience needed – taste & see Come along on 27th February More info? See Lesley Ashworth, Diane Davies, Joan Warner 20

Bamford Chapel Project 2013. “The Big Banana Apeel” We have raised a fantastic amount for our project with the final total being a fantastic sum of £5,200. This total is without Gift Aid which will be available in April. It was mentioned at the recent Church Meeting that the project group were thinking of holding a fundraising meal (for the Gulu Project). After some discussion however this idea has been postponed-look out for an event in the early Autumn as we launch our 2014 Project Mark Wiggin, a Gulu Trustee and hopefully some of the other trustees are joining us for our Sunday morning worship on the 2 nd February to receive the money and provide an update on the work we are funding in Uganda. The Church in the World Group is due to meet to discuss the project, and then to begin to look forwards to options for the 2014 Project. We are also hoping to give you feedback from Orphan Hope, the 2012 project in the next magazine. If you have any ideas for the next project or wish to join the group please do not hesitate to contact one of the following people: Margaret Ogden, Lyn Jefferies, Barbara and Addie Redmond, Carole Greaves, Gillian James. Please see the recent newsletter with up to date information about the “Big Banana Appeel”. PS thanks are also due to everyone involved in the pantomime as an additional £350 was donated thanks to their efforts. Also to the Pink Ladies who raised £90 at their Christmas Meal. Carole Greaves 21

LANCASHIRE—GULU LINK BANANA NEWS Christmas Newsletter 2013 Email: In this edition we will update supporters on the new Big Banana project in Gulu, Uganda and share some of the activities of the Link happening in both continents. FUNDRAISING UPDATE The Big Banana Appeel is off to a great start following the uptake by the Bamford Chapel URC at their Harvest Festival celebration in September. The figure stands at over £3,000! Thank you Bamford URC for a fantastic effort that will make such a difference to our partners in Gulu, Uganda. The Project The Big Banana plantation project is derived from the need to address food insecurity in Acholi-land, following over two decades of armed conflict in northern Uganda. The project will empower members of our sister organisation, the Gulu-Lancashire Link, to lift themselves out of poverty and hunger to self-reliance by providing them with a multiplying gift of banana plantlets and banana suckers. The project is for 12 months (renewable). Project beneficiaries The project beneficiaries are members of Gulu-Lancashire Link Association. Initially, the project will target 6 primary schools, 2 church groups, 2 youth groups, 2 vulnerable groups (the old age and people with disabilities), 60 women and 60 men. In total, 200 people will be directly involved. 22

Genesis 2: 9

God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. God delights in a world of beauty and where people are nourished.

God makes the world flourish so we can flourish Christ’s ministry is full of agricultural and rural imagery as well as stories about sharing food with each other and with those excluded in society. From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth us satisfied with the fruit of your work. You cause the grass to Bananas are an excellent grow for the cattle, and plants for people to source of vitaminB6 use, to bring forth food from the earth and soluble fibre and contain wine to gladden the human heart, oil to moderate amounts of vitamin C, manganese and make the face shine and bread to strengthen the human heart. (Psalm 104: 13-15) potassium.

Project update James Ocaka, our field worker in Gulu, Uganda has experience of setting up our projects. On 4th November, the Gulu team met to plan the first stages of the project. A new bank account has been opened for the Big Banana Appeel and we have sent ÂŁ1,000 to enable the infrastructure to be put in place - a website to develop communications and information sharing with all our support. 23



EDITORS: Linda Peacock

01706 522593

Martyn James

01706 868885

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton

01706 360395


Articles to be handed in by:

Sunday 16th February

Magazine to be completed by:

Thurs 27th February

Magazine distributed:

Sunday 2nd March


BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:

Rev Richard Bradley

Church Secretary: Telephone: Email: Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:

Ian Sturrock 01706 653109 John Lapworth 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:

Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:

Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 26

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