Bamford Chapel
BAMFORD CHAPEL Mission/Vision Statement MISSION TO MAKE KNOWN THE GOOD NEWS OF THE LOVE OF GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST WORSHIP We believe as a congregation that our worship should be wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond to His word. LEARNING Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to provide an environment within which learning and teaching can take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their faith with all. PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of humility. MISSION/SOCIETY We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to influence others by example and comment, accepting that God will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him. We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed to us.
Further Details may be found at Sunday 3rd June
10.30 am
Sunday 3rd June
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Walter Brisk
Tuesday 5th June
2.00 pm
Jubilee Street Party – Chapel Grounds
Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley
Thursday 7th June
Thursday 7th June
7.30 pm
Sunday 10th June
10.30 am
Sunday 10th June
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley
Saturday 16th June
7.30 pm
Concert featuring Kathryn Rudge (mezzo soprano)
Sunday 17th June
10.30 am
Family Worship led by Margaret Ogden
Sunday 17th June
6.00 pm
Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Joanne Shaw
Sunday 24th June
10.30 am
Sunday 24th June
6.00 pm
Evening Worship led by Joan Warner
Tuesday 26th June
8.00 pm
Worship & Discipleship Committee Meeting in the Creche
Wednesday 27th June
2.00 pm
Mid week communion service All welcome
Diamond Jubilee Buffet Lunch In aid of Cancer Research UK Elders Meeting Family Worship led by Ken Greer
Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley
Message from the manse I want to begin with a question – How confident would you be at attending a prayer meeting? I have been led to think about this a lot recently. I had a conversation with someone who attends prayer group who relayed to me concern over the low numbers of people who attend the prayer group on a Monday evening. The numbers attending the prayer group have dropped in the last year or so because of people’s commitment to Alpha and the Homegroup that meets at Addie and Barbara’s (this is not a criticism just an observation!). It may be that God is calling us to a different sort of prayer meeting. It might be that God wants us to focus on small groups (house groups, study groups etc) where prayer can be part of a wider remit of a group. I wonder what do you think? There is something powerful and moving when God’s people come together to pray. God’s heart is warmed I have no doubt when He sees His children come together to speak to Him and to listen to Him. Sometimes there is low attendance at prayer groups because of confidence. People aren’t comfortable praying out loud – mainly I find because of articulation. They worry that other people’s prayers are “better” or “well worded” than their own. I have sat in prayer meetings before now and thought to myself, “I wish I could pray like that person just has” and yet when we offer our prayers to God however they are offered whether spoken or written down – the only person/audience we need to be concerned about is God. We’re not there to be graded by those who are listening. In my ministry here if there is one thing I want to see is that God gets the best out of us. It amazes me how a football team can play totally differently when a different manager is at a club. Somehow the new manager inspires the players and they play better more successful football. When we think about churches I hope we don’t think that the minister is the manager. God is the manager and He longs for us to grow in our faith and to deepen our faith in Him. With God as our manager we cannot be ‘stagnating Christians’. We have to be people who long to see God shine brighter in the lives that we lead. 2
And like any footballer (or any other sportsperson) we have to train. And in the Christian life that training is reading God’s Word (the Bible) and praying to Him for guidance and direction. As part of furthering the prayer life of the church we started listing names from the directory on the weekly notice sheet. We had some feedback about names missing and one or two people I am told who don’t feel comfortable with their names on the sheet. Be assured this is not a list of people who are sick or ill. These are the names of people associated with Bamford Chapel. This is a way of helping people in their daily prayer lives and it serves as a focus for our daily and weekly prayers. For a few weeks we are going to make sure the list is as up-to-date as possible before we commence with it again. I announced in Church last week that those who might not want their name to appear need to let me or Ian Sturrock know. Ian holds the most up-to-date list re the directory. It may still be that some names slip through the net – if that is the case please let me or Ian know. And I apologise in advance of that happening! I did this in one of my previous churches – albeit smaller than here. But several times a year the whole church family were prayed for by their brothers and sisters in Christ. Returning to the topic I began with – please let me have your views about prayer groups in general and perhaps specifically about the one here at Bamford Chapel. I await my e-mail inbox filling up or envelopes coming through my letter box! I hope that together as we discern the will and purpose of God we will see growth in the church - spiritual growth as well as numerical growth. God Bless Richard. 3
News of the family Concerns continue to be expressed for Ray and Auriel Atkins, Helen and John Baillie, Walter and Glenda Brisk, Joyce and Derek Yates, Alastair Linden and family, Gordon and Sheila James, Geoff and Margaret Ogden, Len Platt (Andy`s dad), Peter and Lesley Sutton and Beth Glover, one of our luncheon club members. Congratulations to Ruth Bradley, who celebrated a special birthday in May, and to John and Angela Hall, who have celebrated their Golden Wedding by going on a cruise and on a short break. Congratulations also to Joanne Shaw and Robert Ackroyd who were married at Bamford Chapel on Whit Sunday. We send them our best wishes for a long and happy married life together. We give thanks for the life of Joan Walkden, who died recently. Our prayers and thoughts are with her family at this time. Many of our children and young people are taking exams and tests at the moment, whether they are at school, college or university. We pray that they will be successful in all that they do and that the results of the tests, at whatever level, help them to move forward in the direction that they hope to do.
I would like to say a sincere thank you to all my friends at Bamford Chapel for the cards, flowers, phone-calls and prayers. Also for offers of transport and home visits, all of which were very much appreciated. Love Jean Fitton
Grateful thanks. During the last few weeks many delicious meals have been brought to us, for which we are both most grateful. Paul wrote, "You are the Body of Christ", and this caring for us has been a practical example of that loving Body in action. It has cheered us up, and given us much cause for being thankful. May God bless each one of you. Joyce and Derrick Yates
Dear Friends of Bamford Chapel May I give my thanks for the welcoming cards, and for the beautiful flowers which are already making a “Home�. I shall be pleased to see anyone popping round to visit. Sincerely Audrey Brierley
Sowing a seed In a recent Junior Church class and at an Evening Service we talked about seeds in the context of ideas that other people had shared with them that had influenced them. People wrote these on little cards which were hung on a tree. The following are some of these “seeds”: “Enjoy you family – live and love them no matter what” “Continue to ask questions – the answers will bring you closer to God” “Jesus Loves you” “Laugh lots, love hard, forgive quickly” “Do not yield to adversity but continue on the more bravely” “Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself” “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right” “Nothing can separate us from the love of God” “Jesus loves us all” “Love everyone, no matter what age, size or race, every day of your life” “Jesus loves you even when you make him sad” “You can’t change the past, only improve the future” “Every stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet” “Forgiveness is a great healer” “Enjoy your childhood while you can” “Be a friend to find a friend” Andy Platt
Garden Party 14th July 2012
Please write your name and stall on the list under the clock in the coffee area.
We need new ideas so please anyone out there with an idea for a stall please put your name on the list.
Julie Platt needs lots of help with her fantastic catering so names needed for that please.
We will also be doing a hamper again this year, so yet another list will be up for that.
Any donations for the raffle are welcome as I am struggling this year, please see Lyn Jefferies if you can donate a prize.
Any other ideas please let me know. Thank you for your support, Lyn Jefferies
Catching oysters A story is told of about Wesley and one of the early Methodist lay preachers, a man with little formal education. On one occasion, the lay preacher took as his text Luke 19:21, "Lord, I feared thee, because thou art an austere man." Not knowing the word ‘austere’, the simple lay preacher thought that the text spoke of "an oyster man." So he spoke about the work of those who retrieve oysters from the sea-bed. He described in detail how the diver must plunge down from the surface, cut off from his natural environment, into cold water. He gropes in the dark, cutting his hands on the sharp edges of the shells. When he has the oyster, he kicks his way back up to the surface, up to the warmth and light and air, clutching in his torn and bleeding hands the object of his search. So Christ, declared the lay preacher, descended from the glory of heaven into the squalor of earth, and sinful human society. His purpose was to retrieve humans, and bring them back up with him to the glory of heaven. His torn and bleeding hands were a sign of the value he has placed on the object of His quest. Twelve men were converted to faith in Christ that evening. Afterwards, someone complained to Wesley about the inappropriateness of allowing preachers who were too ignorant to know the meaning of the texts they were preaching on. Wesley simply said, "Never mind, the Lord got a dozen oysters tonight." 8
Bamford Chapel United Reformed Church Norden Road ROCHDALE on
Thursday 7th June 2012 from 12.00 to 1.30pm Admission ÂŁ8.50 Raffle Invitation tickets available from 01706 631683 01706 638005 01706 364255
Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012 Date
3 June
St Ann Manchester
Bank Holiday/National Celebrations 10 June
St Mary Leigh
17 June
St Elisabeth Reddish
24 June
St Mary & St Peter Oldham
The Lord is my shepherd A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to memorise the short Psalm. Little Richard was excited about the task - but he just couldn't memorise things very well. On the day that the children were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Richard was very nervous. When it was his finally his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly, "The Lord is my Shepherd, and .... that's all I need to know."
Lost for words Q: What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with an atheist? A: Someone who knocks on your door for no reason. 10
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Come and join us on the Chapel field for Games, Fun, Food and Fellowship for all to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Tuesday 5th June 2 pm – 5 pm £3 per person or £10 for a family. Come in Royal Fancy Dress or wear Red, White and Blue. Sign up on the sheet on the notice board under the clock.
Ladies Fellowship On April 19th the Ladies Fellowship entertained the Ladies from 9 churches in the Rochdale area. Namely, St Michael’s, St Vincent’s, St Clements, St George’s, St James, Cutgate Baptist, Spotland Methodist, Norden Methodist and Norden URC. After welcoming everyone we all made our way into the church where we were entertained by the ladies choir, More than Melody, of which our secretary, Joan Warner, is a valued member. Their programme was excellent and everyone enjoyed the music. It was really beautiful. After the concert we all went back into the school rooms where we finished the quiz which was on each table from the start and had supper. Unfortunately, one church was missing, St Paul’s, Norden who had something on at their own church. They were sadly missed. On May 10th the Ladies fellowship held their AGM and over 30 ladies were present. One of the main decisions taken was that we would try a new format for our Christmas celebrations this year. It was decided that rather than having a Christmas meal in November, and a party in December, we should combine the two events and have a Christmas meal in December. A meal has been booked at The Peacock Room for Thursday 13th December. All ladies are welcome to join us. Look out for a list in the near future. Ruth, our Minister’s wife was our guest speaker and she was wonderful. She told me before the meeting that she was nervous, well believe me it didn’t show - she spoke to us as if she did it 12
on a regular basis. She spoke of her life as Richard’s wife and being a Mum to 3 little ones. Everything she spoke about was most interesting. So Ruth I am saying to you, “Well done” you should be proud of yourself, as it was the first time she had spoken in public. Thank you so much for being our speaker. After the business was done we all enjoyed our usual Pot Luck Supper. It always amazes me the variety of food. Never do we have 2 things alike. Well done ladies, you once more have excelled yourselves. Ladies’ Fellowship continues on 14th June with a meal out at the Bella Vista, then on 9th August with our annual day out. This year we are going to Trentham Gardens and Wedgwood. Again, all ladies are welcome to join us, look out for dates and lists on the Ladies` Fellowship noticeboard. Margaret Entwistle Chairlady
PLASTIC BOTTLE TOP COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who has collected plastic bottle tops for Wardle High School. When we have collected one tonne they are weighed in and the money goes towards the cost of a wheelchair for a disabled child. A Black bin bag is located in the corridor for your contributions. Many Thanks Emma Hynes
Toddlers Group Bamford Chapel has a very successful Toddlers Group every Tuesday Morning through out the year, commencing 9am – 11 am. Due to its success we are growing in Toddler numbers. Since the parents/carers look after their own children, help is needed to assist on the activity tables. We, Gloria and, I have had wonderful support from Kenya one of our mums whose little boy left us to commence Nursery last year. Kenya will be moving to Bolton at the end of May and also expects a new baby in early June. We will miss Kenya and all she has brought to the Group. Margaret, who helps in the kitchen area, now has the responsibility of a toddler and a new born so cannot cover our kitchen needs. So this is where we ask for volunteers either for regular weekly help or once a month help on a rota basis to either support an activity table (Gloria and I prepare the activity each week) or to look after the kitchen area brewing up and toast making. If you’d like to see what we all get up to please pay us a visit any Tuesday morning from 9am. If you feel you can help us please form an orderly queue after worship and either Gloria or I will take your names. This is not only a female role! Thank you for considering this need in the life of our church. Gillian and Gloria
Bamford Chapel Saturday 7th July 2012 10 am - Noon Coffee Morning & Tool Collection Join us for a cup of coffee and a biscuit
ÂŁ1.50 All proceeds to church funds
Tools for self reliance An organization which trains people in Africa in the skills needed for them to become self reliant. Please bring along your unwanted tools They particularly need Carpentry tools, saws, chisels, vices, planes Bicycle repair tools - especially spoke spanners Shoe repair tools, lasts etc Engineering and metal working tools Auto-mechanics tools Electrical repair tools Arc welders Industrial quality power tools
Words of Wisdom we can all live by Written by Regina Brett, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Life isn't fair, but it's still good. When in doubt, just take the next small step. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Pay off your credit cards every month. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. It's OK to let your children see you cry. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying. You can get through anything if you stay put in today. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. Overprepare, then go with the flow. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. The most important sex organ is the brain. 16
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?" Always choose life. Forgive everyone everything. What other people think of you is none of your business. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. Believe in miracles. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. The best is yet to come. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. If you don't ask, you don't get. Yield. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Shared with us by Angela Smith 17
You got to have the recipe A teenage girl was complaining to her grandmother how everything was going wrong for her: she hated school, she was fighting with her sister, her mum was driving her crazy, and a friend at school had let her down. Meanwhile, her granny was baking a cake. She asked her granddaughter if she would like a snack, which of course she did. "Here, have some cooking oil." "Yeuch" says the girl, horrified. "How about a couple raw eggs? " "Grannie, that is disgusting!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Grannie, they’re horrible!� To which her grandmother replied: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, and allowed to change in the oven, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!" She continued, "God works the same way in our lives. Problems can bring you blessings of growth in your life. But you need to let him change you on the inside."
Bamford Chapel are proud to present
Kathryn Rudge (mezzo soprano) and her accompanist
Daniel Browell in concert at
Bamford Chapel, Kathryn has been listed by national newspaper The Times as the new face in Classical Music to look out for in 2012 She made her professional opera debut with English National Opera at The London Coliseum in the role of Cherubino in Mozart’s ‘The Marriage of Figaro' to critical acclaim.
Norden Road, Rochdale OL11 5PQ on
Saturday 16th June at 7.30 p.m.
Tickets £6.00 each Ring 01706 630924 or 01706 368733
She is making her Opera North debut in the role of Sesto in their production of Handel’s Giulio Cesare. 19
Trinity Sunday How do you explain it? Trying to explain the doctrine of the Trinity has kept many a theologian busy down the centuries. One helpful picture is to imagine the sun shining in the sky. The sun itself – way out there in space – unapproachable in its fiery majesty – is the Father. The light that flows from it, and which illuminates all our lives, is the Son. The heat that flows from it, and which gives us all the energy to move and grow, is the Holy Spirit. You cannot have the sun without its light and its heat. The light and the heat are from the sun, are of the sun, and yet are also distinct in themselves, with their own roles to play. The Bible makes clear that God is One God, who is disclosed in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. For example: Deuteronomy 6:4 ‘Hear O Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one..’ Isaiah 45:22 ‘Turn to me and be saved… for I am God, and there is no other’ Genesis 1:1-2 ‘In the beginning God created…. And the Spirit of God was hovering…’ Judges 14:6 etc ‘The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power…’ John 1:1-3 ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.’ Luke 24:49 actually manages to squeeze the whole Trinity 20
into one sentence. Jesus tells his disciples: ‘I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power (the Holy Spirit) from on high.’ In other words, the sun eternally gives off light and heat, and whenever we stand in its brilliant light, we find that the warmth soon follows.
Quiet Days – Holy Week – a note It was good to see so many good reports of the Quiet Days in Holy Week in the last magazine. Just to clarify – the Labyrinth was Gillian’s idea. She researched it and sourced the instructions and all of the added pieces. I was a (willing) transporter from Synod Office and helper to lay out the tapes and take them up again. It was good that so many found it a positive experience. Finlay
Egyptian this and that A group of tourists was watching the re-enactment of an ancient Egyptian religious ritual. One pointed to the statue that was being praised, and asked a nearby local for the name of the god. "Why do you ask?" the local man replied. The tourist shrugged. "Oh, just idol curiosity!" 21
Seven things that you probably didn’t know about global Christianity One of the key pioneers in collecting information about Christianity and other religions across the world died late last year, in his 80s. Dr David Barrett had amassed a huge database of basic numbers which now forms the core of the World Religion Database held in Gordon-Conwell University in the United States. Seven of his many areas of statistics may, however, be of special interest: 1. In 2012, there are 43,000 different denominations worldwide (340 are in the UK!). 2. In 1900, 70% of the world’s Christians lived in Europe, but only 26% in 2012. In 1900, just 2% of the world’s Christians lived in Africa, but 22% in 2012. 3. In 2012, there are an estimated 4.7 million congregations worldwide, just under half of these in Asia. 4. The number of mission workers globally is estimated at 420,000 people. 5. The world’s population will reach 7.1 billion in 2012, and 2.3 billion (33%) of these will be nominally Christian. A further fifth (22%) are Muslim. 6. Half (51%) of the world’s population live in urban areas, including 505 “megacities” with a population of over a million people. Of these, perhaps 41% are nominally Christian. 7. Half (51%) of the world’s Christians are Roman Catholics, a fifth (22%) are Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and other Protestants, one in seven (15%) are Pentecostals and other Independent churches, and the remaining 12% are Orthodox. David Barrett’s final challenge was this: over a quarter of the world’s population, 29%, have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ, and remain unevangelised. What are we doing about it? 22
Drinking from my saucer (A very spiritual and true poem) I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now. But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow And as I go along life's way, I'm reaping better than I sowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. Haven't got a lot of riches, and sometimes the going's tough But I've got loving ones all around me, and that makes me rich enough. I thank GOD for his Blessings, and the Mercies HE's bestowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. I remember times when things went wrong, My faith wore somewhat thin. But all at once the dark clouds broke, and the sun peeped through again. So LORD, help me not to gripe, about the tough rows I have hoed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. If GOD gives me strength and courage, When the way grows steep and rough. I'll not ask for other blessings, I'm already Blessed enough. And may I never be too busy, to help others bear their loads.. Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer, 24
'Cause my cup has overflowed. When I think of how many people in this world have it worse than I do, I realise just how BLESSED WE really are. Shared with us by Angela Smith
Barn Dance The Barn Dance which took place on 27th April at St Vincent’s church hall to raise money for various overseas challenges being carried out by members of the junior church was a huge success raising over £600! We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and supported us and for the on-going support we are receiving. Due to the large amounts of positive feedback that we received, we will be holding another barn dance sometime during October of this year so please keep looking at this space for more information. Thank you again, Lucianna Jefferies, Alice Morris, Michael Baines, Alison Greaves and James Crompton
Money Money isn't everything, but it does keep you in touch with your children...
Walk in the woods On Sunday 1st July, there will be a two hour guided walk around Ashworth Valley. This is a fundraising event for our teenagers in junior church who are doing various overseas charity projects. Meet at Bamford Chapel Car Park at 2:30pm then back to Chapel for afternoon tea. All welcome, please put your name on the list underneath the clock ÂŁ5.00 per person
which will include walk and afternoon tea
Tennis Club For many years we have encouraged folk who wish to play on the courts at Bamford Chapel. The cost of membership has not changed for some time which is excellent value for money. Youngsters, still in full time education, only need to pay £10. Single Adults £25 and families need only to pay £50. The courts are open from Easter until the October school holidays. Subs can be handed to Ian Sturrock, cheques payable to Bamford Chapel, who will issue a receipt and Membership Cards. Alternatively an envelope can be left via the Manse letter box. So enjoy a game and maintain your fitness in a lovely setting.
Didn’t quite get it together... A young man called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met the woman of his dreams! Now what should he do? His mother advised: "Send her flowers, and on the card invite her to your place for a home-cooked meal!" So that's what he did. His mother called the day after the big date to see how things had gone. Her son was desolate, and said that the evening had been a disaster. "Why, didn't she come over?" asked his mother. "Oh, she came over, okay, but then she refused to cook..."
PLEASE TAKE NOTE! It has been decided that the next edition of the magazine will cover BOTH JULY AND AUGUST. This means that any articles concerning July or August must be with the editors by Sunday 17th June. This change will mean that there will be a magazine in September. This will ensure that we are able to include details of the many and varied activities which always occur at this time of year. 28
Louise Aspinall 01706 719449 Martyn James 01706 868885
Joan Ashton 01706 360395
DATES FOR THE NEXT MAGAZINE JULY 2012 / AUGUST 2012 Articles to be handed in by:
Sunday 17th June 2012
Magazine to be completed by:
Thursday 28th June 2012
Magazine distributed:
Sunday 1st July 2012
BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387
The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: Minister : Email:
01706 369622
Rev Richard Bradley
Church Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Mr Ian Sturrock 01706 653109
Wedding Secretary: Telephone:
Mr John Lapworth 01706 632460
Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford Telephone: 01706 624256 Email:
Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month 30