Bamford Chapel Magazine June 2013

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Bamford Chapel



WORSHIP We believe as a congregation that our worship should be wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond to His word.

LEARNING Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to provide an environment within which learning and teaching can take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their faith with all.

PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of humility.

MISSION/SOCIETY We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to influence others by example and comment, accepting that God will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him. We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed to us.


Further Details may be found at 10.30 a.m. Sunday 2nd June

Thursday 6th June

Sunday 9th June

Sunday 16th June

Sunday 23rd June

Friday 28th June

Family Worship with Holy Communion led by Ken Greer

6.00 p.m.

Evening Worship led by Joanne Ackroyd

7.00 p.m.

Elders Meeting

10.30 a.m. 6.00 p.m.

Family Worship led by Margaret Ogden Evening Worship led by Anne Fitton

10.30 a.m.

Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 p.m.

Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley

10.30 a.m.

Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 p.m.

Evening Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

7 for 7.30 p.m.

Newcomers Meal

10.30 p.m. th

Sunday 30 June

6.00 p.m.

Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Evening Worship led by Andy Platt 1

Message from the Manse “Seeking God’s Vision for the Church” I want to start by thanking people for taking part in the recent questionnaire that came out. I have had 61 replies and have put most of the replies into the computer. I want to say thank you for your honesty in the comments you have made. As I stressed on the form, and as hard as it was to do, it was about seeking what God wants for us as Bamford Chapel. As I have stressed in services this is not about making the church into what I “want”, or indeed what any other person “wants”. It is about listening to God and responding in faith to what He says and what He wants. It will be an exciting journey but it may also be, in places, a difficult journey. The responses, as you can imagine, have been varied. For some they feel things are fine as they are. For others there is a strong sense that we need to try different things or alter some things in order to survive as a church as well as to grow as a church. Over the coming weeks and months as we digest the information I want to encourage us all to continue praying. I want to ask some questions for you to think about and pray about:In your prayer life what is God saying to you about your role at Bamford Chapel? What you do now, what God may want you to do in the future. To pray about the areas of our church that may need to change or areas of weakness that need strengthening. What are these areas? Pray that God will give us the faith to change where we need to change in order that the church will grow. As we move forward I feel it is important that the Elders read the feedback that we have received as a church. I also feel it is important that we move forward with what we feel God is saying. For this to happen we all need to be committed to what God is saying to us. I feel we need to look at every area and aspect of the church: what we do 2

now; how we do it; looking at areas of weakness and making them strengths. Looking at areas of strength and where we might be able to learn from them to strengthen the weaker areas. We may also feel that some things need to be stopped – so that something better or more suitable can be put in its place. I intend to set up a small group of us to look at the responses to the questionnaires and to look at the church’s vision and mission statement. I don’t see any point in trying to move forward unless we know where are going and for what purpose we are here. With many questions buzzing around in my mind I am setting up a small team (“Vision Strategy Team”) to look at, discuss and pray about, issues around the vision of the church. We will also look at the responses and offer some guidance and suggestions as we feel prompted by God. We will of course feedback at regular intervals so that we all know what is being discussed. I feel this time is an exciting time and a time when God will lead us and God will speak to us….it is our job to listen and respond. I hope we will all travel this road together so that we can see the kingdom advance and the church of Christ grow here at Bamford Chapel so that the church will be here today and also in years to come. God Bless, Richard. 3

News of the family People for whom concerns are expressed include Auriel and Ray Atkins and family, Alastair Linden, Joan Warner and her sister Sylvia, Don and Wyn Schofield, Dot Craig and family following the death of Peter, Marjorie and Ken Farrington, Ian and Anne Newman, Jean Fitton, Ian and Muriel Sturrock, Joyce and Derek Yates and Christian Platt. Pray also for the little boy who was knocked down outside St Michael`s school, for his family and for the other person involved in the accident. Please remember all these people in your prayers together with any others known to you or who I may have omitted to mention. Belated congratulations to Robert and Jean Foster who recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary whilst they were away. Following the magnificent Junior church Anniversary, we think about our young people at this time. Some of them have already finished school for the summer and are returning only to sit exams. Others are facing in school SATs and exams before the summer holidays. We wish them well in everything they undertake in the coming months. Congratulations to Michael Baines and Rowan Linden who have both achieved their Queen`s Award in Boys Brigade. Well done.


By the time you read this I hope to be back sharing in the fellowship at Bamford Chapel. I would like to say a big thank you for the many cards, flowers, visits and prayers I have received during the weeks I have been recovering from my hip operation. To those who provided a week of lovely meals when I came home, a special thank you, they were all delicious and much appreciated. Pat Gate

Humility At times it is important to remember just how small we are. Franklin D. Roosevelt used to have a little ritual with the famous naturalist William Beebe. After an evening’s chat the two men would go outside and look into the night sky. Gazing at the stars they would find the lower left-hand corner of the big square of Pegasus. One of them would recite these words as part of their ritual: “That is a spiral galaxy of Andromeda. It is as large as our Milky Way. It is one of a hundred million galaxies. It is 750,000 light years away. It consists of one hundred billion suns, each larger than our sun.” They would then pause and Roosevelt would finally say, “Now I think we feel small enough. Let us go to bed.” 5

HEYWOOD LOCAL COMMITTEE Invite you to their ANNUAL BUFFET LUNCH with Bring and Buy Sale and Raffle Bamford Chapel United Reformed Church, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs. OL11 5PQ

Thursday 6th June 2013 12.00 Noon to 1.30pm Admission ÂŁ8.50 Tickets available from Lesley Sutton on 01706 638005 or any committee member


Stewardship & Discipleship For the month of June we will be exploring the theme of

Stewardship & Discipleship

during which we will be exploring for three weeks the themes of:

Time, Treasure and Talents on June 16th, 23rd and 30th respectively I encourage all of us to come to these services as we explore these important themes as part of

Seeking God’s Vision for Bamford Chapel. If there are three areas which are of vital importance for us as a Church as we seek to move forward is for us all to use the God given gifts of our time, talents and treasure. And the importance of praying for God to lead and guide us in how we use these precious resources God has given to us. God Bless Richard


The impact of welfare reform in Rochdale and the response of Christians in the Borough. SVP Seminar, Sunday 28 April 2013 The Saint Vincent De Paul Society (SVP) organised the seminar calling together people who could talk about the new benefit changes and their effects and to consider what we as Christians are doing or can do to help.

Clare Tostevin of Rochdale Borough Housing (a privatised company who manage the 14 000 council houses in Rochdale Borough) was able to add to what Donna had said e.g. the “bedroom tax” will affect many people and that there is very little housing Donna Bowler from Rochdale available for those who want to council outlined the changes in move to a smaller property. She benefits which the new system of was aware of the many people on Universal Credit is bringing about. benefits who had great needs: Benefit-capping means that the their lack of experience in total benefit anyone can claim will managing money, using IT, subbe capped at £350 per week for an letting rooms to tenants, etc. They individual and £500 per week for a were making efforts to advise family. People will now have to people with regard to these issues. use computers to access the benefit to which they are entitled John Colligan spoke about his work and to open bank accounts to sitting on tribunals which deal with receive them. They will become appeals about disability benefits, responsible for making their own now called Personal Independence payments for rent, utilities, etc. Payments (PIPs). He said it was The net result of the new system is always possible for anyone who that many people will have their felt they were not treated fairly benefits cut by up to 25%. with regard to PIPs could make appeals. 8

The current response of Christians to this situation was covered by Addie speaking about Street Pastors caring for people on the streets of Kirkholt and Iain Wight speaking about how the Foodbank was helping people with short term money problems to feed their families.

Discussion followed and we were left with the question about what further response should Christians be making. Addie & Barbara Redmond

Many congratulations to Michael and Rowan, for achieving their Queens badge, the highest award in the Boys Brigade. They were presented with their awards at a ceremony in Liverpool on May 12th,a very proud day for the Second Rochdale Company (based here at Bamford Chapel) Michael was also chosen to parade in the colour party. A very big thank you to all who work with the Boys Brigade, and especially to Emma and Alistair. The Baines family.


CHURCH SERVICES of THE FUTURE (Maybe not so distant future)

PASTOR: "Praise the Lord!" CONGREGATION: "Hallelujah!" PASTOR: "Will everyone please turn on their tablet, PC, iPad, smart phone, and Kindle Bibles to 1 Cor 13:13. And please switch on your Bluetooth to download the sermon." P-a-u-s-e...... "Now, Let us pray committing this week into God's hands. Open your Apps, BBM, Twitter and Facebook, and chat with God" S-i-l-e-n-c-e "As we take our Sunday tithes and offerings, please have your credit and debit cards ready." "You can log on to the church wi-fi using the password 'Lord909887. ' " The ushers will circulate mobile card swipe machines among the worshipers: Those who prefer to make electronic fund transfers are directed to computers and laptops at the rear of the church. Those who prefer to use iPads can open them. Those who prefer telephone banking, take out your mobile phones to transfer your contributions to the church account. The holy atmosphere of the Church becomes truly electrified as ALL the smart phones, iPads, PCs and laptops beep and flicker! Final Blessing and Closing Announcements... This week's ministry cell meetings will be held on the various Facebook group pages where the usual group 10

chatting takes place. Please log in and don't miss out. Thursday's Bible study will be held live on Skype at 1900hrs GMT. Please don't miss out. You can follow your Pastor on Twitter this weekend for counselling and prayers. God bless you and have nice day.

Holiday in the Lakes If you're planning a UK getaway this summer, you could consider visiting the English Lake District, and using the Windermere Centre for your accommodation. Throughout July and August, we're offering full board, halfboard and bed & breakfast accommodation every night - until we sell out! If it's your first visit to the area, we can help you plan your trip, and whether you're new to the Centre or a regular guest, the team will do everything we can to make you feel welcome. We're proud of our hospitality, and look forward to making new friends this summer. Please visit our website for more information on holidays at the Centre and our tariffs, or email us or call (015394 44902) or write (The Windermere Centre, Lake Road, Windermere, LA23 2BY) to check availability and find out more. 11

Take the first steps to making a difference! A new video demonstrates the difference Training for Learning and Serving is making to people’s lives. On the video, which can be viewed at, course members describe their TLS experience: ‘I have gained an understanding of what God can do through me!’ ‘The most enjoyable part of TLS has been growing spiritually.’ ‘It’s a long journey and there are difficult times but in the end you get to meet with God.’

‘To have come across something with the ‘wow factor’ is wonderful!’ TLS offers opportunities to: Examine your faith Enrich your discipleship Explore your calling To make a difference in your life, your church and your neighbourhood


 

A spiritual journey

A variety of courses on subjects related to Christian life and discipleship 12

A diverse learning experience with opportunities for

 Reflective and practical work  Personal and group study  Local and residential gatherings 

A fellowship of friendly people


Just out of personal interest, to help you be more understanding and effective in your Christian discipleship

 

To explore opportunities to serve God in the future

To help you acquire United Reformed Church Assembly Lay Preaching accreditation Because it doesn’t matter whether you have some academic experience or none. You can take the first steps to making a difference with

HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? More details, including the current prospectus and application form, are to be found on the United Reformed Church Web-site at Click the TLS icon on the front page OR Contact the TLS Administrator, Mrs Heather Skidmore, at 27 Yew Tree Road Elkesley, Retford Notts. DN22 8AY Tel: 01777 838634 E-mail: who will be happy to send to you the TLS Prospectus and Application Form 13

Advance Notice of the 2013 Project

Gulu-Lancashire Link Gulu is a town in Northern Uganda. The armed conflict which afflicted Northern Uganda, where many boys were taken to fight in the Lord’s Resistance Army, devastated the local economy, environment and traditional social patterns of self help and mutual support. Also there are serious local impacts of climate change. The life expectancy of people in Gulu is 43–46 and most of the work is done by women’s co-operatives. If any of the young people who were taken to fight in the Lord’s Resistance Army have returned, they are very traumatised. The Gulu – Lancashire Link is a community based charity which aims to promote and facilitate mutually beneficial links between people in Gulu and Lancashire. Derek Taylor and Mark Wiggan came to tell us about the link which is about personal relationships and projects are decided through consultation with the project leaders in Gulu. These small scale practical projects were developed in consultation with the people of Gulu: Tree planting  Agro-forestry – planting crops under the trees  Bee keeping  Bio-diesel fuel  Wetland conservation  Waste management and recycling – making jewellery from discarded colour magazines The project participants have been very positive about the scheme and it has improved social interaction in the town. The successes have been  The participants have become self- sufficient growing crops to feed themselves and to sell.  There has been increased honey production with the new style of hives. 14

 The seeds which have been collected have been processed to produce bio fuel for generators and glycerine to make soap.  The jewellery has been sold to supplement household income.  The preservation of the wetlands and the tree planting in the long term should impact on climate change The charity in Gulu will be consulted as to what they would use the money for. Possible ideas are   

A machine to purify the honey Planting more trees Developing the recycling jewellery project

River and Sky Move our hearts with the calm, smooth flow of your grace. Let the river of your love run through our souls. May my soul be carried by the current of your love, towards the wide, infinite ocean of heaven. Stretch out my heart with your strength, as you stretch out the sky above the earth. Smooth out any wrinkles of hatred or resentment. Enlarge my soul that it may know more fully your truth. A prayer of Gilbert of Hoyland, (died c.1170,


The Witness A Musical by Jimmy and Carol Owens Many years ago I had the pleasure of introducing this work at Bamford Chapel when Geoff Yates was our Minister – he had drawn my attention to it, and the choir enjoyed learning and presenting it. Recently some of the congregation became aware that United Christian Singers are reviving it this summer, and suggested that I make that known here so that anyone who wished could hear it again. These are the dates and locations: Sunday 9th June at 6.30 th

Atherton Parish Church

Saturday 15 June at 7.30

Christ Church, Southport

Sunday 23rd June at 6.30

Alderley Edge Methodist Church

Saturday 29th June at 7.30

St. John’s Methodist Church, Horwich

(This last date is also the occasion of the URC Day in Blackpool) The choir had an unexpected and very generous bequest from a member’s daughter, and the visit to Southport is dedicated to her memory and will be financed from her gift. Christ Church is the very prominent one on Lord Street, very close to the War Memorial and in the heart of the shopping area. It has a thriving café – if you are in the town, pop in there for coffee or lunch and have a look round. This is a church taking full advantage of its prime location to reach out to passers -by. The worship area has been comprehensively modernised and equipped. There are two services on Sunday mornings – one in traditional Anglican liturgical format and the later one designed to attract and meet the needs of younger families. Once a month the two congregations combine, with options for members of breakfast or lunch before or after worship. The location of this church gives it immense advantages, and it has an information stall on the street that passers-by cannot fail to notice. If we had that sort of location, I am sure we too would turn it to great advantage! 16

UCS is very much missing the presence of Auriel Atkins, who has been one of its most loyal and committed members. Michael Lucas is with us, and Malcolm Gate has accepted my invitation to sing the highly dramatic role of Judas in “The Witness”. UCS had its beginnings in our Chapel, and, although most of those who were part of the choir at its foundation have dropped out over the years, I continue to be grateful for the support this church gave to us at the outset. The 90 members in membership with us at the moment include many who have been with us over our 20 plus years of existence whilst others joined only a few weeks ago! Incidentally, to underline the ecumenical nature of the choir, one row of men comprises two retired Methodist ministers and one retired Roman Catholic priest! Walter Brisk

From the Bamford Chapel magazine June 1988 (25 years ago) For those of you who were unable to attend the performance of “The Witness”, what a treat you have missed! A very enjoyable modern, up-tempo interpretation of TIME’S oldest story, which surely must have a message for us all…. I was quite touched to see how many people were so deeply moved, and have to admit that I too was close to tears on more than one occasion. I would almost liken it to an old love story movie friendship, love, pathos, and ending with great jubilation and hope. A musical piece sung with devotion - narrated with emotion. Well done, choir and musicians, and thank you! Diane Robinson Don’t miss it this time round!


Prayer for faith in God Heavenly Father, When the world is wobbling and our lives spin out of our control, when everything seems wrong and we don’t know how to put things right, give us the gift of faith: believing faith, trusting faith, expectant faith. Faith to believe that Jesus is Lord, your Son and our Saviour, alive today. Faith to transfer our trust from our own efforts, which are insufficient, to his achievement on the cross, which is allsufficient, bringing forgiveness and reconciliation with you, our creator and loving Father. And expectant faith, that in our trouble, in our helplessness, in our fear, you will hear our prayers and act; you will bring hope and healing, rest and resolution, for your kingdom glory and for our benefit and well-being. In every circumstance of our lives, give us faith – in you, Sovereign Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. By Daphne Kitching

The Garden Party is only a success because so many people work so hard to make it so. What can you do to make this one the best yet? 18

Garden Party SATURDAY 13th JULY This year’s Garden Party promises to be extra special. Make sure you are a part of it. Some of this year’s attractions are:    

Shetland Ponies for petting The Rock Choir Ice Cream For Sale Hook-a-Duck game

New ideas are always welcome. What could you do? If you can arrange something different please add it to list or see Lyn Jefferies. It could be a stall or a game to entertain the children. A list of the usual stalls is under the clock in the coffee area please put your name against the stall you wish to organise. Julie Platt will need lots of help with the catering.

What can you donate? Contributions for the following stalls will be gratefully received:      

Home-made cakes and buns Books for adults and children Tombola prizes Good quality toys and games Bottles of all sorts, from shampoo to champagne Luxury hamper


If you're old enough for the rides and can cope with two and a bit hours of loud music then you'll love

Blackpool Pleasure Beach Saturday 8th June 2013 A full day on the rides followed by an exclusive evening of live Christian music when the theme park has closed and everyone else has gone home… £18.00 for your full day ticket (covers rides and concert) £8.00 for a leader’s ticket (I mean, you’re not going to want to go on the rides … are you?)

One Summer Knight has grown, moved and changed its name! Now at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, home to the Pepsi Max Big One, a ticket to The Big One Summer Night (see what we did to the name?) gives you a whole day of unlimited rides in the park starting with an exclusive hour at 9.00am for the first 1,000 to book. Yes, you can subject your body to multiple G force as many times as your breakfast can take it (or you could just hang out with Spongebob Squarepants and Dora the Explorer all day) and then, if that wasn't enough excitement, at 5.00pm the park closes, the public go home, but not us. Oh no. We go into The Arena for for a gig to remember. The Identity start off the shenanigans closely followed by Galactus Jack then Chip Kendall and his band rock the place like only they can. Awesome, dude! A larger leaders' lounge will be open from 10.00 to 5.00 with displays and resources and lots of opportunity to network and drink coffee. The event will end around 8.00pm OK that's us sorted, now all you have to do is buy some tickets.!tbos/c4nz 20


United Reformed Church Big Day Out 29th June 2013 DON’T MISS OUT, ON THE BIG DAY OUT! Book now to the Norbreck Castle Hotel Blackpool! Booking forms available from your Church Secretary! This is a taster of events WORSHIP AT THE BIG DAY OUT: – worshipping among the multitude! The day will begin with a Songs of Praise. The Closing Worship will including a Silent Communion. Curious? Then make sure you are there to be a part of it. MARKET STALLS AND DISPLAYS: will provide you with a lot of interesting things to explore. SHAWL MINISTRY: combines a love of knitting or crochet with a prayerful ministry. MESSY CHURCH: There are usually 3 elements: craft activities, a short celebration and food. THE SYNOD RETREATS GROUP REPRESENTS: Praying as you might never have seen it before! WITH – Chorley URC PUPPET TEAM. PLUS EMMAUS ROAD PRAYER COMMUNITY. BRING A BANNER: Bring a flip-chart size banner, showing The Mission of your Church GOSPEL MAGIC: Ken does this by giving a visual gospel presentation using slight of hand and optical illusion (magic tricks). TREASURE TRAIL: Solve the clues to collect the stamps and complete your treasurer trail booklet. PILOTS: Crafts, Games, discussion, Art, Prayer, Worship… all of these can be included in the Pilots evening. FUN AND GAMES:A session for just fun and games for all ages Young Families DOWN THE ‘CHUTE’ THAT’S PARACHUTE…A session of games and activities using a parachute. Suitable for all ages, sizes and abilities. 22

DANCE 4 FUN: We offer dance to anyone aged 2+. We will offer a dance for all to take part in and learn a routine and have some fun. TWO KEY NOTE SPEAKERS: Roberta Rominger General Secretary of the United Reformed Church, Martyn Atkins is General Secretary of the Methodist Church. ART FOR ALL: Have fun painting and drawing or visit Art-Talk where conversation is inspired by colour, shape and form BIG FUN QUIZ: Pit your wits against other Churches THE BIG SING: Make a joyful noise! MORE MUSIC…Musical instruments and interest from across the globe in the World Music Workshop, or ‘Play ‘n’ Praise’ MORE WORKSHOPS AND BIBLE STUDY An inspiring hour of Bible Study with Lawrence Moore, Linda Rayner… IF campaign with Dave Hardman Church website in Lawrence Moore’s iChurch taster workshop SO MUCH TO DO…“There is a famous seaside place called Blackpool that’s noted for fresh air and fun…” You can take part in as many or as few of the planned activities as you like. The Norbreck Castle Hotel is right on the front-giving you easy access to the beach Food is available at the hotel food courts. PLEASE NOTE: At the late afternoon break the hotel can offer a pack consisting of sandwiches, bottle of water, crisps, biscuit and a piece of fruit at a cost of £5.95. If you are interested in purchasing food from the hotel please complete the appropriate section on the booking form. Food purchased in the hotel can be eaten on the premises but of course you may wish to bring your own food and eat it on the prom or beach.

£5.00 each, Under 18s FREE



An Extraordinary Calendar We are fortunate these days to have digital cameras, cameras on our mobile phones etc so with this in mind how about us producing a 2014 Calendar? Not the usual photographs of our building and activities but unusual photographs, photographs taken from unusual angles, photographs of the church not usually seen by passers by. During this summer and before the Garden Party please take time to look around our building and grounds and if you see an unusual picture please take a photograph and submit it to: We shall have Bamford Chapel’s resident photographer to judge the best 12 photographs plus have everyone voting for their favourite photographs prior to making up a calendar ready for 2014. Please join in the fun and see what you can produce. 25


The next Messy Church will be on Sunday 23rd June 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm Come and join in the fun!




Louise Aspinall

01706 719449

Martyn James

01706 868885


Joan Ashton

01706 360395

Please note that the next magazine will cover the months of July AND August DATES FOR THE NEXT MAGAZINE JULY AND AUGUST 2013 Articles to be handed in by:

Sunday 16th June 2013

Magazine to be completed by:

Thursday 27th June 2013

Magazine distributed:

Sunday 30th June 2013


BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:

Rev Richard Bradley

Church Secretary: Telephone: Email: Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:

Ian Sturrock 01706 653109 John Lapworth 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:

Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:

Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 30

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