Bamford Chapel Magazine June 2014

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Bamford Chapel

2014 1


Worship In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship. We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God. Ministry Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others. Evangelism We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus. Discipleship We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning. Fellowship We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name. 2

Ascension Day Surely the most tender, moving ‘farewell’ in history took place on Ascension Day. Luke records the story with great poignancy: “When Jesus had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands - and blessed them.” As Christmas began the story of Jesus’ life on earth, so Ascension Day completes it, with his return to his Father in heaven. Jesus’ last act on earth was to bless his disciples. He and they had a bond as close as could be: they had just lived through three tumultuous years of public ministry and miracles – persecution and death – and resurrection! Just as we part from our nearest and dearest by still looking at them with love and memories in our eyes, so exactly did Jesus: “While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.” (Luke 24:50-1) He was not forsaking them, but merely going on ahead to a kingdom which would also be theirs one day: “I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and your God...” (John 20:17) The disciples were surely the most favoured folk in history. Imagine being one of the last few people on earth to be face to face with Jesus, and have him look on you with love. No wonder then that Luke goes on: “they worshipped him - and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.” (Luke 24:52,53) No wonder they praised God! They knew they would see Jesus again one day! “I am going to prepare a place for you... I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:2,3) In the meantime, Jesus had work for them to do: to take the Gospel to every nation on earth. 1

10.30 am Sunday st

1 June

Family Worship with Holy Communion Led by Joanne Ackroyd

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by Joan Warner


8.00 pm


2 June Thursday

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

7.30 pm

Elders’ Meeting


5 June Saturday

Central Area Day at Alkrington and


7 June

Providence URC (see poster under the clock for more details) 10.30 am

Pentecost Service Led by Ken Greer


12 noon

Churches Together Whit Service on the Green near Bamford Mews

8th June 1 pm

Messy Church - theme: Pentecost (see poster or website for more details)

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley


8.00 pm


9 June

(Crèche Room) 10.30 am

Sunday th

15 June

Focus on Prayer Group Family Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm

Evening Worship with Holy Communion Led by Revd Richard Bradley 2


8.00 pm


16 June Wednesday

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

7.30 pm


18 June

Preachers’ meeting (theme: All Age Worship) Led by Andy Platt

10.30 am

Family Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Sunday 22nd June

2.30 pm

Praise in the Park (Queens Park)

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by Laura Davies


8.00 pm


23 June Wednesday

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

1.15 pm


25 June

Midweek Communion Service Led by Revd Richard Bradley

10.30 am Sunday

Family Worship Led by Andy Platt


29 June

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by David Watson

Monday th

30 June

8.00 pm

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

You are invited to join any of the Exploring Groups Monday Prayer Group: 8pm in the crèche. All Welcome Monday Home Group: 8 pm at the home of Addie & Barbara Redmond Tuesday Stillness and Sharing: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 2.15pm in the Lounge

Wednesday Exploring the Bible: 7.30 pm at the home of Ray Atkins, 8 Greenwich Close Joy Group: Meets monthly 6.30pm at the Dolce Vita, 7.30pm at 17 Bamford Mews New Meditation Group: 7.30pm last Thursday evening in the month at 17 Bamford Mews 3

Message from the Manse “Take my life and let it be” is one of my (many) favourite hymns. I had it at my Ordination Service in July 2005. It has always been a special hymn because the

words mean so much to me. I am not sure how well I do in fulfilling the words I enjoy singing! It is a hymn of commitment: “Take my life…my hands…my voice…my silver and gold….my love.” It is almost in the list of hymns that shouldn’t be sung because how can we truly live up to what the words really mean? As I think about those words and the journey we are embarking upon as a church with the vision and all that is going on with it, I want us to hold to those words. I want those words to be a prayer of commitment as we continue on the journey I believe God is calling us on. Last week we had the first of the five core group meetings (the Evangelism Core Group). It was a very good and positive meeting. Views were shared, opinions shared, and at the end of the meeting that lasted 1.5 hours there was a suggestion about us starting a “Christianity Explored” course; a course I ran in one of my previous churches. It is similar to Alpha. It has a follow on course “Discipleship Explored.” I have 4

often said that “Sundays are not enough in our Christian walk.” What I mean is that we can sometimes come to church on a Sunday morning and the week beginning Monday can be so busy, so filled with things to do and places to be that God can get side-lined. And I am reminded…. “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee, take my moments and my days…..” Being part of a small group can be good for fellowship, study and prayer (often seen as the main ingredients of small groups). If you feel that you would benefit from doing something like Christianity Explored please let me know as I am keen to hear from people who want to come along and share together. If you have done Alpha previously (however recent) then you are also welcome. Dates, times and venue to follow. Please continue to pray about the vision process and the Core groups that are meeting. By the time you read this magazine I think 3 of the 5 groups will have had their first meetings. I am excited about what God is doing and what God has planned for us as a church. I hope we will all be part of that plan and walk with our Lord. God has a role for each of us to play, let us place our hands in His and walk with Him. Thanks and God Bless - Richard 5

Church Meetings I want to say something about Church Meetings. I know some people think they are boring meetings. I know they can appear to be very “business-like” meetings; but they are important in the way the Church runs. Today (18th May) we had 26 people at the meeting (if I counted heads accurately). On occasion there are important items to discuss, some business and others spiritual. At the meeting today, for example, I presented a paper asking the membership to prayerfully consider and discuss removing the pews (for the purposes of flexibility of worship and trying different styles of worship). A copy of the paper I presented has been photocopied and is available for people to read, as will the minutes of the meeting today once they’re typed up. Worry not - no decision was taken on this agenda item. It is something that has been occupying my mind for some months now and I have been giving it prayerful consideration as to when the right time was to present this to the Elders and then Church Meeting. I believe that time is now. I presented the paper to the May Elders’ Meeting and they asked me to present it to the May Church Meeting. Elders, Church Meeting and Finance Committee will have the opportunity to discuss this agenda item further before any decision is made. That means people’s attendance at meetings is important. Please give prayerful consideration to this item, read the paper, speak to me as I am happy to discuss this with people. Thanks and God Bless - -Richard 6

News of the family Concerns are expressed for Marjorie Farrington who has been in hospital following a fall. It is an anxious time for her following Ken's death. Walter Brisk and Joan Ashton have both sustained injuries following falls. Joan Warner has visited her sister Sylvia in the Hospice on Jersey. Audrey Morris is now in a care home in Middleton and has settled well. Jenny Platt is recovering from a car accident. Olive Brierley is unwell and has been missing from Church for a few weeks. We were pleased to welcome Joyce Cooper back to Church after her long illness. We continue to remember Don and Win Schofield, Joyce and Derrick Yates, Eric Lumb, Diane Davies, Hayley Merchant and Anne Newman. Please remember all these people in your prayers, along with others you may know about or I have omitted to mention. Congratulations to Muriel and Ian Sturrock on the birth of their granddaughter Emily Jane, the first baby of Matthew and Kate. Congratulations to Anna James and Rebecca Baines who have both secured jobs for when they finish their courses. Rebecca Abbott and her dad Andrew completed the Great Manchester Run on Sunday 18th May. Well done. Several of our members have celebrated birthdays worthy of note. Vera Morley was 99, Molly Brierley 94 and Irene Miller 90. In comparison Charlie Peacock’s 70 years seems quite young! We send them all our very best wishes.


We also remember those who have recently married at Bamford Chapel, and those who have brought their babies for Baptism or Blessing. Probus Holiday A good number of our church family (about 24) enjoyed a four night break at Littlecote House in Berkshire. This was organised by Walter Brisk for the Probus Club. They had a really good week visiting Salisbury, Malborough and Winchester and generally enjoying good food, good entertainment and excellent company. Thanks to Walter for his brilliant organisational skills in spite of two black eyes and a broken wrist! Christian Aid Week Thanks to all those from within our Church who agreed to deliver and collect envelopes. It isn't an easy task but it's good that we can express our love and concern for those less fortunate than ourselves in this way. We don't have the amount raised yet so we will print that in next month's magazine when Peter Sutton has completed his marathon counting job. Thanks Peter.

Slipped Disc! A local DJ was introducing a record at a church fete/parish party. "This next one," he said, "is for Charlotte Burke, a choir member, who is a hundred and eleven! Hey, Charlotte, congratulations on a ripe old age!" There was a short pause and then the DJ said in a somewhat more subdued voice, "I'm sorry, I got it wrong. This next one is for Charlotte Burke, who is ill." 8


St Stythians Male Voice Choir (Cornwall) In concert with

Hannah Pascoe (soprano)

Friday 20th June, 7.30 pm Tickets - ÂŁ5.00 From Ian Sturrock, John Lapworth or Pay on the Door 9

To Bee or Not to Bee This summer, spare a thought for the bees who visit your garden. What will they find there to eat? Albert Einstein once said that mankind cannot live without bees, such is their importance in the survival of the global ecosystem. For bees do far more than make honey – they pollinate more than 90 crops that we rely on for food, including apples, pears, blueberries, tomatoes and strawberries. In recent years, the bee population has plummeted. Attacks by varroa mite, the overuse of pesticide and herbicides, combined with intensive farming, is thought to have killed millions. What can we do to help, in even a small way? Plant some traditional cottage garden favourites such as rosemary, lavender, bluebells, foxglove, comfrey and viper’s bugloss in your garden – all of which bees love. Bee welcoming in your garden!


GARDEN PARTY SATURDAY 12th JULY WE NEED YOUR HELP! A list of the usual stalls we run will be under the clock in the coffee area; please put your name against the stall you wish to organise. New ideas are needed; if you can arrange something different please add to list or see Lyn Jefferies. It could be a stall or a game to entertain the children; we need new ideas and people to help. Clair Gooding needs lots of help with catering.

The following donations are required:-


Local churches invite you to

Praise in the Park! at Queen’s Park Heywood on Sunday 22nd June at 2.30 pm

Everyone welcome


Emergency Life Support Training We have been contacted by a Community First Responder for the North West Ambulance Service offering Free Emergency Life Support Training. Each person attending receives a certificate of attendance and knowledge that saves lives. Training is around 2 hours. If you are interested please add your name to the list in the coffee area or c ont a c t G i l l ia n G a l l ow a y on so that training dates can be arranged.


Day of Pentecost – Whit Sunday On that long ago first morning of Pentecost, Jerusalem was crowded with thousands of visitors, for it was one of the most popular feast-days in the Jewish calendar – the Feast of Firstfruits, looking forward to the wheat harvest. In one small room of that great city, a small group of people who had followed Jesus were praying. There was nothing else for them to do: Jesus had died, he had risen, and he had ascended, promising to send them ‘a Comforter’. They were left alone, to wait at Jerusalem. And so they waited – on him, and for him. They were not disappointed: for that morning the Holy Spirit fell upon that small room, and transformed those believers into the Church, Christ’s body here on earth. Pentecost was not the first time that the Holy Spirit came to the world – throughout the Old Testament there are stories telling of how God had guided people and given them strength. But now his Spirit would use a new instrument: not just isolated prophets, but the Church, his body on earth. Acts opens with the preaching of the gospel in Jerusalem, the centre of the Jewish nation. Within 30 years the gospel had spread throughout the northern Mediterranean: Syria, Turkey, Greece, Malta... to the very heart of the Roman Empire: Rome. The Church was on the move – God was on the move! He was calling people from every nation to repent, turn to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins, and to follow him. 14


Over the next few months I will be arranging some visits to different churches in our area. The aim is to see how other churches conduct their services and to see how the congregation as a whole help to keep the church running effectively. This is to help with getting some new ideas which will hopefully work hand in hand with our new vision statement. I hope that at least one person from each vision group will come on these visits as well as anyone else who would like to join us. If you know of a successful church you would like us to visit please let me know. When I have arranged some dates I will put them on the service sheet. Lyn Jefferies


Ladies’ Fellowship May Meeting 2014 It was our AGM on the 15th May. We always try to cover the ‘business’ side as quickly as possible so that we have plenty of time to enjoy the buffet!! We were delighted to have Joyce, our chairman back with us, to ensure all was done properly & promptly!! We’ve had a good year of varied meetings. We are proud of our charitable events; we raised £513 on our Macmillan Coffee Morning & packed 60+ boxes for Belarus! Our finances are in order & we presented the church with £250 on Gift Day – which leaves us needing some fundraising for our own coffers & an increase on subs to £3. We try to live up to our title Ladies’ Fellowship & we sent 20 hand-made cards (thanks to Linda Kerford) for special birthdays & in ‘thinking of you’ situations. We said goodbye to two members of the committee; Joan Warner as secretary after 5 years and Elizabeth Hazlehurst after decades of service. I (Joan) was overwhelmed by the presentation of two beautifully planted pots which are now either side of my front door, looking glorious. I am very grateful to the committee for their love and very active support. Lesley Sutton will be ‘coordinator’ of the committee and all other roles will be shared by the members. We welcome Pat Anderson and Joan Lucas on to the committee We then had a ‘brainstorming session’ and each table 16

provided lots of ideas for the committee to consider for the coming year. Ros Butler made us smile with a Pam Ayres poem on ‘packing for holidays’ AND THEN WE HAD A SUPER BUFFET. Thanks to all. June 12th is our meal at the Red Hall, Walmersley – 7 for 7.30 August 14th is our day trip to Saltaire & Harrogate with an early evening meal at Skipton Golf Club. See the LF notice board for details and the signing up list. Joan Warner

My sincere thanks for all the cards, flowers, good wishes and visits I’ve received welcoming me back to our Chapel. I am also grateful for your prayers for me while I was away in India; especially the Prayer Group, Joy Group and the Stillness and Sharing Group. Susan Mani


Prayer at Pentecost Dear Heavenly Father, We all come from different places, a bit like that crowd on the first day of Pentecost. We are from different backgrounds, with different experiences that form us. I can’t be just like somebody else and no one else can be just like me. Thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit to speak and reveal your will to us in a way that is personal and unique. Help us to be open to receive him every day. Please go on filling us with your Spirit Lord, that we might be effective witnesses to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. In his name, Amen.

A prayer by Daphne Kitching


Greetings from South Wales Charlie and I recently spent a week in South Wales where we met up with Ivor & Delyth Rees. They kindly took us out for a lovely day in Tenby. The weather was good, the company was great and we all enjoyed catching up on family news. They are both in good health and send their best wishes to all at Bamford who remember them. We couldn’t believe its 18 years since they moved back to Swansea! Linda Peacock

FUTURE MAGAZINES Please note that the next magazine will be a joint magazine for the 2 months of July and August. There will be no separate magazine in August. Items should be handed in or e-mailed to by Sunday 15th June. The September magazine will be produced by Louise Aspinall and items should be e-mailed to by Sunday 17th August (for this one month only) 19


I am pleased to report that the Gift Day this year raised ÂŁ6,960 (last year ÂŁ6,500) toward the work of Bamford Chapel. Gifts were received from the following organisations: Traidcraft



Ladies Fellowship

Lunchtime Concerts

Mums & Toddlers

Bridge Club

Ladies Badminton

Luncheon Club

Tennis Club

Indoor Bowls

Boys Brigade



My thanks to all these organisations for their gifts and for the ongoing contributions they make to Bamford Chapel. Peter Harrington Chapel Treasurer


Flower Rota You may have wondered who provides the flowers displayed in Chapel each Sunday and who arranges them. The Flower Rota enables families or individuals to donate money or flowers, often in memory of a loved one. Flower arrangements are also donated by Wedding Families. Flowers are then distributed on Monday to members of the congregation who may be ill or would appreciate them for some other reason. The rota is on the notice board in the coffee area if you would like to add your name; or speak to Pamela Harrington or Gillian James for further information. Date April


Donated By

Arranged By/Delivered By

Syd Hazlehurst

Elizabeth Greer

13th Morag Travis

Diane Healey/Pastoral Group

20th Ronald Ford

Pamela Harrington

27th Anne & John Fitton Norma Milnes May


Elizabeth Hazlehurst / Margaret Ogden

Margaret Ogden

11th Elizabeth Greer

Elizabeth Greer


Angela Hall

25th Addie Redmond

Elizabeth Greer 21

Like Father, Like Son ’Dead Ringer’ is the odd phrase we use when referring to someone who looks like somebody else. Sometimes, instead, we say ‘spitting image’ when we see a likeness or similarity between one person and another. This month includes Fathers’ Day (15th June) and is an occasion when dads are particularly remembered by their children. As far as the boys are concerned, how many have heard someone say ‘Oh, you really look like your father’? One day, Jesus was talking to His disciples and said “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn 14:9) What an amazing statement! Jesus was saying that he was the dead ringer or spitting image of God! At another time Jesus said “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” (Jn 14.10) These words must have shocked his hearers, for he was saying that he was equal with God. No one had said anything like this before, but certainly his miracles were proof that he was different. Noone else could do what he was doing. Some people wondered—could he really be who he said he was? So Jesus attempted to make his position clear and said “If you knew me you would know the Father also.” (Jn 8:19) The people were being urged to know Jesus more. They had to look, listen and believe. Were his deeds of God or not? They had to decide! Today, we all stand in a similar position. Who is Jesus? Do we 22

look at him and say ’Yes, this is God in the flesh’ or ’No, he was just a good person — but also perhaps, deluded or crazy?’ Thomas, the disciple with the nickname ‘doubter’, exclaimed: “My Lord and my God” (Jn 20:28) Thomas was convinced that he was in the presence of God, in human form. And when the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Colossae he said clearly: ‘It was by God’s own decision that the Son has in himself the full nature of God’ (Colossians 1:19). Like Father, like Son!




EDITORS: Linda Peacock

01706 522593

Martyn James

01706 868885

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton

01706 360395


Articles to be handed in by:

Sunday 15th June

Magazine to be completed by:

Thursday 26th June

Magazine distributed:

Sunday 29th June 25

BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387 (FAIRTRADE CHURCH) Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs. OL11 5PQ

The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:

Rev Richard Bradley

Church Secretary: Telephone: Email:

Ian Sturrock 01706 653109

Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:

John Lapworth 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:

Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:

Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 26

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