Bamford Chapel
WORSHIP We believe as a congregation that our worship should be wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond to His word.
LEARNING Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to provide an environment within which learning and teaching can take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their faith with all.
PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of humility.
MISSION/SOCIETY We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to influence others by example and comment, accepting that God will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him. We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed to us.
Further Details may be found at Sunday 3rd March.
10.30am 2.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm
Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Messy Church Evening Worship led by Laura Davies
Monday 4th March
March Focus on Prayer Meeting in crèche room
Thursday 7th March
CTiNWR Lent Course Week 4 at Cutgate Baptist Church Elders’ Meeting
7.30pm Sunday 10th March
10.30am 6.00pm
Mothering Sunday with Family Worship led by Andy Platt Evening Worship led by our Minister Rev Richard Bradley
Monday 11th March
March Focus on Prayer Meeting in crèche room
Tuesday 12th March
12 Noon for 12.45pm
Thursday 14th March
CTiNWR Lent Course Week 5 at Bamford Chapel
Saturday 16th March
Annual Quiz with Angela & Ken Smith
Light lunches followed by concert given by Students from the Royal Northern College of Music
Diary continues on the next page
Sunday 17th March
10.30am 12 noon 6.00pm
Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Followed by our Church Meeting, all welcome. Includes presentation of 2012 accounts. Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley
Monday 18th March
March Focus on Prayer Meeting in crèche room
Wednesday 20th March
Midweek Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley. All Welcome
Thursday 21st March
CTiNWR Lent Course Week 6 at Norden URC
Sunday 24th March
10.30am 6.00pm
Palm Sunday Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Evening Worship led by Andy Platt
Monday 25th March
March Focus on Prayer Meeting in crèche room
Thursday 28th March
Maundy Thursday Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley
Good Friday 29th March
Good Friday Reflections led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Family Ramble, All Welcome
1.30pm 7.30pm
Easter Sunday 31st March
Food for Thought present Sorrowful Mysteries
8.00am Easter Breakfast, please sign up. 10.30am Easter Communion led by Ken Greer Please note there is no evening service
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. – Anon 2
Message from the manse “Walking with Jesus” As I sit to write this article for the March edition of the magazine I am conscious that we will be two weeks into Lent. Lent is a period that offers us the time to reflect on Jesus. To reflect on his obedience and willingness to do what his Father wanted of him. Jesus knew full well what lay ahead for him. He knew the suffering he would endure. The abandonment he would experience at the hands of those close to him. During the services in the month of March we will be exploring passages with the theme of “Walking with Jesus”. We will explore Bible passages that will help us to think about how people encountered Jesus and began some form of journey with him. During these services I hope there will be the opportunity for us to think about our own Walk with Jesus. I don’t know what people have thought about the themes we have been following in the last few months. Some may have found them helpful, others perhaps not. But I hope what they have done is to make us stop, and think about our own faith journey. This year we are “Seeking God’s Vision for the Church”. That is seeking God’s vision for Bamford Chapel. What God wants of us and from us. I am in my third year of ministry here now and I never stop thanking God for the talent He has blessed this church with. We have recently had the show Jesus Christ Superstar and the amazing talent that stood on the stage again. And I hope that if you watched that show that you saw beyond the actors and actresses; the lyrics, the choreography, the musicians and saw what is at the heart of the Christian Gospel - the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The production was a timely 3
reminder for each of us what suffering Christ went through for us - for you, for me, for the whole world. I have a passion for longing to see deeper commitment to Christ. Each day of our lives is another opportunity to give to God more of ourselves. I hope that as we journey through this Lenten period we will think about what it means to Walk with Jesus. As we heard in the service on the 7th February that walk (with Jesus) can be costly. But the rewards are quite literally mind-blowing for those who commit fully to God, in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. I invite you on a walk, a walk with Jesus a walk that is the most important walk we can take, learning together and being transformed into the image of God. Let us get our spiritual boots on and trust in the one who will lead us and guide us on this journey. God Bless, Richard. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends at Bamford Chapel for the support given to Richard and I during Jean’s illness and following her death. I had drivers to take me to Fairfield hospital and the emergency Meal Scheme sprang into action. I had splendid lunches during December and January and give thanks to all the cooks. God Bless Eric Lumb 4
News of the family Concerns are expressed for Auriel and Ray Atkins, Ken and Marjorie Farrington, Alastair Linden and family, Don and Winifred Schofield, Fred and Margaret Riley, Muriel and Ian Sturrock, Peter and Lesley Sutton, Geoff and Margaret Ogden, Lydia Wright and Joan Warner`s sister, Sylvia. We continue to remember Eric and Richard Lumb in our prayers, following Jean`s death and her funeral on 1 st February. Sheila James had a fall on 9th February and we pray that she makes a quick recovery. We give thanks for the success of Max Beaumont`s recent heart surgery and pray that he makes a full recovery. We rejoice with Ruth Watson and family that Ruth has accepted her call to ministry in Salford. Our love, prayers and best wishes go with her as she moves towards the end of her course and looks forward to new challenges. May God bless her and give her the strength to continue to serve Him as she has been called to do. And finally, a big thank you to all who were involved in “Jesus Christ Superstar�. What a wonderful weekend, and what a witness to the fellowship, talent and commitment of Christians at Bamford chapel. Well done everyone. We look forward to the next one...
Ladies’ Fellowship Ladies’ Fellowship – January meeting 2013 On our first meeting of the New Year, we were privileged to have our very own Finlay Galloway, telling us about his part in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Finlay took us on a tour ‘behind the scenes’ at the Olympic and Paralympic Games and shared with us his involvement in Athletics at both Games. One thing which was very apparent was the amount of preparation that took place from Finlay’s invitation to be part of the Event Management Team in November 2009 through to a visit to the Stadium in March 2012. There was a Test Event for both Games in the May and a 2-hour rehearsal event, two nights before the Athletics started! The uniforms were fascinating and the formal jacket (used in the evening sessions) had to be seen to be believed as did the ‘conversion kit’ to change his jacket between the two Games! Life in the Paralympic Village seemed to be very enjoyable (when the Officials had time to be there) and the dining hall with its menu choices sounded mouth-watering. Finlay also had time to tell us that for the Olympic Games (when the Athletics Officials lived in a hotel on the edge of the Olympic Park), a colleague with a pedometer had calculated that the Officials had walked 50 miles throughout the event, just getting to the Stadium and back four times a day. And all this as an unpaid volunteer! I am sure everyone will agree with me that we are very proud of Finlay and what he achieved. I personally would have loved to have attended at least one of the events at the Olympics. But at least I was able to watch on television more events than I could have attended. Thank you Finlay for all you did at Olympics 2012. And thanks go also to Gillian for her part of our evening’s entertainment.. Margaret Entwistle 6
Annual Quiz Night Saturday 16th March 2013 7.30pm ---------------------------------------------------Get your names down for our annual fundraising quiz and supper. We`re looking for teams of 4 to take part, come along as a team or by yourself and we will put you in a team. ÂŁ5 per person including supper.
Bring your own wine/beer
Please sign up on the list in the coffee area.
Wisconsin Lutheran Choir 24th/25th May Thanks to those people who have already volunteered to host members of the choir. We now know that there will be 61 young people in the party, so we still need more beds. There is a list to sign in the coffee area. For more information, please see Angela Smith or Julie Platt. No Time for Prayer? What is this life if, full of care We have no time to spend in prayer? No time to meet our Father, dear And hear the words we need to hear? No time – because we’re rushed to death And fail to feel the Spirit’s breath? No time – because our lives, absurd Preclude from time spent with His word! No time within our full employ To know our Lord’s transcending joy? What is this life if, full of care We have no time to spend in prayer? By Nigel Beeton
All ages welcome Theme: Fair Trade Enjoy:
Craft, Music, Food, Fellowship and Fun
On the afternoon of Sunday 3 March 2.30 –5 pm
Menu Spaghetti bolognaise Vegetarian option Made from Fairtrade
products Donation in exchange for food!
Children: please bring an adult with you 9
Please sign up under the clock or see Barbara Redmond. Thank you
The egg with added ‘Easter’ launches 2013 campaign Congregations, schools and individuals are being asked to support the Real Easter Egg 2013 campaign - and help change a life. Of the 80 million chocolate eggs expected to be sold in the UK this Spring, the Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade egg to explain the meaning of Easter on and in the box. Last year stories began to emerge of people whose life had been changed after being given a Real Easter Egg. A grandmother from Oxfordshire gave an egg and explained: “Tracy saw the book that was included with the egg and wanted her mum to read the story to her… The following week Tracy attended Sunday School.” But it is not only at home that lives have been transformed. With each sale of The Real Easter Egg a donation is made to Traidcraft Exchange to support some of the poorest farmers in the world. More than £40,000 has been donated so far. David Marshall, founder of the Meaningful Chocolate Company, said: “It is encouraging to hear many lives have been changed by people receiving a Real Easter Egg. It is proof that the events of Easter, including the death and resurrection of Jesus, have the power to open minds, change lives and offer real hope. It is also a boost for charitable giving, Fairtrade and the work of trade justice. I hope individuals will hunt out a Real Easter Egg this year.”
Bamford Chapel Lunchtime Concert Tuesday 12th March
Students from the Royal Northern College of Music
Lunch available at 12 noon Concert at 12.45 pm Entry to the concert is ÂŁ3
Food for Thought by arrangement with RADIUS (The Religious Drama Society of Great Britain)
Sorrowful Mysteries by Les & Julie Ellison
Good Friday 30th March 2013 7.30 pm at Bamford Chapel Followed by refreshments The action of the play will take place in various locations within the church premises 13
Big Sing This is happening on Saturday 27th April from 1pm to 4pm at Bamford Chapel. It is an opportunity to come together with our friends from other Rochdale Churches to have a time of singing. Revd Carole Marsden from Cumbria is leading the event. Tickets are available please see Richard for tickets or let him know if you plan to come on the day. It was cancelled at the last minute last time because the ministers didn’t think there were sufficient numbers. Only to find out people were planning to attend. So apologies for that – please come along!!! Thanks, Richard.
Churches Together in North West Rochdale Lent Course All are invited to the CTiNWR Lent Course. The course will be run at lunch times from 12.30pm with a soup and roll lunch. The course will then start at 1pm and run for an hour. The course is called Transformed by the Presence of Jesus. The dates and times are as follows:Date 28th Feb 7th March 14th March 21st March
Venue Bamford Chapel URC Cutgate Baptist Church Bamford Chapel URC Norden URC
I hope people will come along and share together with friends from across the CTiNWR churches. God Bless, Richard
Leader(s) Revd Richard Bradley Mr Mike Davis Revd Karen Smeeton Revd Diane Hicks
The Offering Plate - read 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 Ed Dobson, my former pastor, often said that he disliked preaching about financial giving to the church. He said his previous job required fundraising, so he didn’t like putting any unnecessary pressure on people. But when he was teaching through 2 Corinthians, and he came to chapters 8 and 9, he couldn’t avoid the topic of giving. What I remember most about his sermon was the illustration he used. He placed an offering plate on the floor, stepped into it, and stood there as he talked about the importance of giving our whole selves to the Lord, not just our wallets. Those two chapters in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians give us a number of attitudes and actions that we are to display in our giving to the Lord: • Give yourself to the Lord first (8:5). • Give, remembering the example of the Lord Jesus (8:9). • Give according to your means (8:11-12). • Give enthusiastically because of God’s love (9:2). • Give generously, not grudgingly or because of outside pressure (9:5-7). Next time the offering plate comes around at church, imagine yourself stepping into it. It will help you to excel in the grace of giving (8:7). Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving Yourself for me on the cross. Because of Your love, I give all of me— my heart, my time, my funds, my will—to You. I love You. When we give ourselves completely to the Lord, all lesser giving becomes easier. Extract from Our Daily Bread left anonymously in the magazine folder. 16
Alpha’s Back!! JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR What a show! What a cast! What a man! Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Who are you, what have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ, Superstar Do you think you’re what they say you are? Who was right? Judas – Jesus was a failure? Pilate – Jesus was a sad little man, not a King or God? Herod – Jesus was a nuisance? Caiaphas – Jesus was a danger? Mary – Jesus is able to change people? Peter – Jesus will get the power and the glory? What do you think? Come and have your say at the
Alpha Course starting at Bamford Chapel on Friday 8th March. The Alpha Course is a 10-week course giving you an opportunity to look at the Christian faith in an informal setting. We meet once a week, starting at 7pm with a meal, then a DVD, then a discussion. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s friendly. First week’s topic is ‘WHO IS JESUS?’ and the second is ‘WHY DID JESUS DIE?’ Check out the website
To confirm your place or to find out more contact Joan Warner on 01706 347 358 17
Facts & figures about the show that you probably didn’t know The cast rehearsed every Sunday afternoon from late April 2012 to February 2013 with a break in July & August; that’s about 31 weeks / 93 hours. Refreshments were provided at every rehearsal – 1240 drinks in all The age range of the 38 members of the cast was 9-90 (give or take a few months). The age difference between Jesus and his oldest (female!) disciple was 62 years! Rehearsals went on despite car crashes & horse-riding accidents! Steven Gooding only REALLY lost his temper once AND I WAS ON HOLIDAY AND MISSED IT! The number of sleepless nights Clair endured is unknown! 600 people attended over the two nights, 300 programmes were provided. All were helped to park their cars, find their place, and have refreshments. 40 metres of voile and 20 metres of blackout was used for the backdrop Costume trio begged, borrowed and bought from many sources. Received great help from Whitworth Dramatic Society & stitched & stuck with help from cast members. Tech team used 7.500 watts of lighting, 250 metres of cabling, 40 watt audio system 9 head & 4 hand-held microphones & had time to train a new apprentice! Props used 4 tubes of lipstick & 1 bottle of tomato ketchup to provide the blood for the 39 lashes scene 18
The cross was 12 foot high, 6 foot wide and 9*6 inches square. Michael hung from it some 20 times. When it was first erected Mary Magdalene's foot was under it! OUCH! Transforming the sanctuary to stage took 8 hours on the snowy Saturday morning of Saturday 27th January. But the sausage butties helped! Dismantling it took 2 hours after the Sunday performance.
And as you sat and watched the show – you had no idea of all that had gone on to achieve the vision that Clair and Steven had a year ago. We know it was all worthwhile because of your response as an audience. We hope the powerful images will linger with you over this time of Lent and into the season of Easter. Then the agony of the Cross is transformed by the victory of the resurrection! Words from John Wooller in his inspiration book ‘I AM WITH YOU’ are worth pondering.
“On the Cross, you see My heart of love, crushed for the moment, by the force of evil which darkens this universe. Then you see the bursting forth again of love’s power in My Father’s victory; this power in its submission and its patience, can change, permanently, any human situation.” Names have not been mentioned here – to protect the innocent! Actually it’s to allow readers to guess who the backstage crew might have been – names are listed later in the magazine. Thanks to one and all for a wonderful experience Joan Warner 19
Jesus Christ Superstar at Bamford Chapel certainly had support in high places. A letter was received from Andrew Lloyd Webber which sent
‘best wishes for a wonderful opening
night and an enjoyable and successful run.’ Alice Morris tweeted Tim Minchin and Chris Moyles who are playing Judas and Herod in the Nationwide tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. Tim Minchin replied,
‘Break legs. My one tip: kill the lead characters. Works every time. Xx’ Chris Moyles replied,
‘Break a leg an’ all that! ‘
Jesus Christ Superstar-a personal review I had deliberately not taken a sneak preview at any of the rehearsals or even of the Saturday night performance in order to get the full impact on the night when I watched it in full. I was not disappointed! Every member of the cast did Bamford Chapel proud. They had obviously put a great deal of time and effort into perfecting their performances. The talent displayed on stage was simply staggering from everyone involved. The story was beautifully told and the crucifixion scene brought a tear to the eye. So many deserve special mention but so as not to disappoint any individual I just wanted to say a huge congratulations and well done to everyone. You are all stars! Louise Aspinall 20
Ignite GEAR event Saturday 13th April (time to be confirmed) Following on from the GEAR (GEAR = Group for Evangelism and Renewal in the URC) event last year we are holding another event at Bamford Chapel called Ignite. “Ignite provides opportunities for congregations to catch the Holy Spirit's flame and grow in faithfulness to Jesus Christ. Taught from a Reformed perspective, Ignite conveys a Biblical message that will enrich and empower the people of your church, enabling them to serve with joy.� (from the GEAR website) I am still awaiting further information about the event but I urge you to put the date in your diary. I am sure it will be a blessed event where we will learn together more of the Holy Spirit. Thanks, Richard.
Fairtrade Fortnight 25th February to 10th March 2013 Look out for events planned for this special two weeks of the year as far as fairtrade is concerned Fairtrade Fortnight 2013 will be all about baking; it’s rather a food orientated theme. Fairtrade Fortnight brings together consumers, retailers, licensees, businesses, producers and campaigners nationwide to promote awareness and sales of Fairtrade products and campaign on issues of trade justice. 22
TICKETS £7.00 - FAMILY TICKET £25.00 PRICE INCLUDES POTATO/CHEESE PIE SUPPER PROCEEDS IN AID OF OUR TEENAGERS’ CHARITY WORK ABROAD IN 2013 Please see Lyn Jefferies, Carole Greaves, Carol Morris, Janet Crompton for more details and tickets. Limited number of tickets available so book early
Lost property. Please check the lost property store (on the cleaning cupboard) for anything you may have mislaid. Unclaimed items will be disposed of at Easter. Thank you 24
Ladies’ Fellowship With apologies to Margaret and the Ladies’ Fellowship for the late publication of this article. Our November meeting gave us a chance to finish our Christmas shopping. Fiona Shepherd brought a lovely selection of scarves, jewellery and fashion accessories which I personally took advantage of. Our December meeting saw about 40 of us having a Christmas meal at the Peacock Room in the Crimble. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal and it was very relaxing as we enjoyed the friendship between all members. We also had a couple of quizzes to keep us out of mischief. We did however have a bit of drama - Pat Gate decided to attempt to burn the place down - she accidentally laid her quiz paper on one of the small candles which set alight immediately However, it was quickly dealt with and the Peacock Room is still intact. May I take this opportunity of wishing everyone a peaceful and healthy New Year. Margaret Entwistle
BACKSTAGE AT JCS – February 2013 Sunday refreshments – Olive Brierley, Pat Gate Show week refreshment support – Audrey Telford Performance night refreshments – Barbara Redmond’s team Ticket sales – John & Angela Hall, Bernice Miller Publicity & programmes – Louise Aspinall & Lesley Sutton Welcoming team & Car Park – Cameron Baines & Team Scenery – Gill Galloway + volunteers Costumes – Lyn Jeffries, Carol Greave, Karen Nuttall + volunteers Tech Team – Gareth Rich, Richard Warren, Will Hazlehurst, Joshua Gordon Props – Jean Fitton & Clare Rich Make up - Julie Platt Continuity - Katie Platt Staging – Stuart Dean Construction & demolition – willing volunteers Sausage Butties – Julie Platt Photographs – Steve Pratt ( The Band Carolyn Divers - After show party organiser I accept full responsibility for any names I have omitted and apologise globally in advance – will apologise in person when I’m made aware of my errors. Joan Warner
FAIRTRADE FUN DAY Saturday 2nd March Rochdale Pioneers Museum 31 Toad Lane, Rochdale OL12 0NU Learn about Fairtrade by taking part in our trail and hoopla game. ‘Take a step for Fairtrade’ and get involved in our giant foot collage . Entry is FREE Face paint £1 and cookie decorate 50p Suitable for the whole family. Drop-in, no need to book 26
Rochdale Pioneers Museum Film Shows 1.45-2.30pm Watch a selection of Co-operative Films whilst enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. Wednesday 27th February Symbol of Success, 1963 and Halcylon Days, 1962 Wednesday 6th March Towards Tomorrow: Pageant of Co-operation, 1938 and Filming of the International Co-operative Day Pageant at Wembley Stadium in 1938 Wednesday 13th March The Right Mixture, 1955 and Behind the Counter, 194 FREE, donations welcomed. Drop in, no need to book.
Lectures Thursday 21 March Women’s Outlook: A surprisingly modern magazine? 6.00-7.30pm For nearly five decades, Woman’s Outlook was the voice of the Co-operative Women’s Guild. In this lecture Natalie Bradbury will explore some of the key issues addressed in Outlook, from suffrage and peace to maternity benefits, pensions and nursery education FREE, donations welcomed. Please book in advance.
Rochdale Pioneers Museum 31 Toad Lane, Rochdale, OL12 ONU 01706 524920 / 27
Louise Aspinall
01706 719449
Martyn James
01706 868885
Joan Ashton
01706 360395
Articles to be handed in by:
Sunday 17th March 2013
Magazine to be completed by:
Thursday 28th March 2013
Magazine distributed:
Sunday 31st March 2013
BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387
The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:
Rev Richard Bradley
Church Secretary: Telephone: Email: Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Ian Sturrock 01706 653109 John Lapworth 01706 632460
Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:
Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:
Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 30