Bamford Chapel
BAMFORD CHAPEL Mission/Vision Statement MISSION TO MAKE KNOWN THE GOOD NEWS OF THE LOVE OF GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST WORSHIP We believe as a congregation that our worship should be wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond to His word. LEARNING Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to provide an environment within which learning and teaching can take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their faith with all. PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of humility. MISSION/SOCIETY We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to influence others by example and comment, accepting that God will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him. We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed to us.
Further Details may be found at Monday 1st October Creche 8.00 pm-9.15pm Thursday 4th October 7.30 pm Sunday 7th October 10.30 am 6.00 pm Tuesday 9th October 12 Noon for 12.45 pm Sunday 14th October 10.30 am 6.00 pm Sunday 21st October 10.30 am 6.00 pm Monday 22nd October 8.00 pm Tuesday 23rd October 7.30 pm
Focus on Prayer Meeting, theme: Prayer led by Revd Richard Bradley Elders Meeting Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Evening Worship led by Joan Warner Light lunches followed by concert given by Amanda Eloise Kay (Soprano) Family Worship and Chapel Anniversary led by Ken Greer Evening Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Family Worship led by Walter Brisk Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Finance Meeting Churches Together in North West Rochdale AGM @ Bamford Chapel
Sunday 28th October 10.30 am 6.00 pm Wednesday 31st October 1.30 pm
Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley Evening Worship led by Joanne Ackroyd Mid week service, All Welcome
Message from the manse “SEEKING GOD’S VISION FOR THE CHURCH THROUGH LISTENING FOR GOD’S VOICE IN PRAYER AND WORSHIP” In Psalm 127:1 we read the following words: “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” Powerful and challenging words from scripture which appear on the front of the paper offered to people after the Harvest Service in September. These words speak powerfully about how God needs to be the builder of His House. The Church is God’s House today. And it is up to the LORD, not you and I, to build His Church. That said we are the tools that God uses to build with. As I say in the paper that was given to people on Harvest Sunday (and on Sundays since) was that I long to see God’s Church grow - firstly spiritually and then numerically. At a meeting of the Prayer Group some weeks ago we discussed the group’s future. Numbers had dropped (due mainly to other groups taking place on a Monday evening) and we wondered whether the group should close or change in some way. I am pleased to say that the group decided against closure. But we did feel that it might be time to alter the way we structured the group. We felt that there may be some people who would like to come but who, perhaps, didn’t have the confidence to come because of what might be expected of them in regards to “praying out loud”. This is a commonly acknowledged stumbling block for some with regards to prayer meetings. After much discussion it was decided that the “Prayer Group” would be known as “Focus on Prayer” as that is what we felt the remit of such a group should be. We also thought that the meetings should have some structure to them so a leader will be assigned to the Focus on Prayer meeting. Therefore from October the Focus on Prayer meeting will take place once a month following a specific theme (see the table at the end of this article for theme, leader and date of the meeting) Focus on Prayer will, for the time being, meet on the first Monday or Tuesday evening of every month. 2
We also felt that to enable the wider church to take part in the process that we would theme the Sunday services on the same monthly theme as Focus on Prayer. Prior to this meeting I had already contacted the preachers in the church and asked them if they would be happy to preach on specific themes or Bible passages. The overwhelming response was positive. From October we will follow a set theme (or themes) each month and our morning and evening worship will follow the same theme (not the same Bible passage) for a whole month. For example the theme of Focus on Prayer for October is “Prayer” and so all the services in October will have different Bible passages set under that umbrella theme. Each month for a year the services will be themed in order that we might, together as the people of God at Bamford Chapel, Seek God’s Vision for the Church. I hope that we will all engage in this process and together we can see the church grow spiritually and numerically. On the issue of prayer I was reminded by one of our members that just because someone doesn’t attend a prayer group does not mean that they do not pray. I fully agree. I apologise if what I have said – or written – has suggested the opposite. People are invited to pray at home in their daily quiet times along the same monthly theme. However I think there is something very special when God’s people come together in one place and pray together. Prayer is so vital. Listening to God is so vital as we seek God’s will for His Church. Yes changes may well need to be made as we seek what God wants for us. Sometimes change is hard. But please be assured if things change they won’t change for the sake of change – they will change in line with what we feel God is saying to us. I hope that as we launch the themed services and as we focus on specific topics for prayer I invite people to come on the journey as we follow our Lord and see more of His Kingdom come on earth. As we pray virtually every week: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.” in us individually and spiritually to the praise and glory of God. Your Servant in Christ Richard PTO for the table
Focus on Prayer themes for October Theme for the month: PRAYER
Monday 1st October
Richard Bradley
Tuesday 6th November
Calling of God
Joan Warner
Monday 3rd December
Preparing for Jesus (Advent and Christmas)
Joanne Ackroyd
Preachers and Preaching themes for October Theme for the month: PRAYER Date
7th October 10.30am
Matthew 6:5-15
Revd Richard Bradley
7th October 6 pm
Jonah 2:1-10
Mrs Joan Warner
14th October 10.30 am
John 17:1-5
Mr Ken Greer
14th October 6 pm
1 Samuel 2:1-11
Revd Richard Bradley
21st October 10.30 am
John 17:6-19
Mr Walter Brisk
21st October 6 pm
1 Samuel 3:1-20
Revd Richard Bradley
28th October 10.30 am
John 17:20-26
Revd Richard Bradley
28th October 6 pm
Daniel 9:1-19
Mrs Joanne Ackroyd
News of the family Concerns continue to be expressed for Auriel and Ray Atkins, Helen and John Baillie, Alastair Linden, Geoff and Margaret Ogden, Fred and Margaret Riley, Winifred and Don Schofield and Joyce and Derrick Yates. Congratulations to Eric and Barbara Bradbury who recently celebrated their forty fourth wedding anniversary, and to Ian Sturrock who celebrated a big birthday whilst at the same time raising a considerable amount of money for Francis House Children`s Hospice. Congratulations also to Margaret Frain on the arrival of a grandson, Lucas David, a son for Bethany. Margaret Ogden fell on the way to “Praise in the Park”, has fractured her foot and is currently on crutches. Please remember all these people in your prayers. As I write this the latest “Alpha” launch party in underway in Queen`s Park Cafe, prior to the course starting on 23rd September. We pray that those who decide to continue with the course will find it worthwhile. Pray also for the leaders and helpers who give their time each week to ensure that the courses are successful. We give thanks, as always for our young people. This month we think particularly of the ones who have gained or are working towards a Duke of Edinburgh Award. Some have gained their Bronze Award this year, others are working towards Silver, whilst some will be going for their Gold Award next year. Thanks also to the leaders, particularly Emma Hynes, who work so hard to facilitate these awards. 5
Ongoing Help Wanted Please I recently appealed for assistance to help keep the Chapel grounds looking neat and tidy. Sadly there was no response, my thinking was that if anyone could spare some time, perhaps if they had a day off during the week or a spare day during their holidays then I could suggest something which they felt they would feel able to attempt, giving a morning, afternoon or day. Things like grass cutting using various mowers, hedges to be cut, moss and weed control, tree branches removing fallen branches or pruning others. Also shrubs and bushes to be pruned. Appropriate training will be offered, if required and any offers will be much appreciated. Our Monday morning gang are getting on in years and any offers to join that group, on Mondays from 9 a.m. until approx. 12 noon will always be welcome. Many hands do make light work. Thanks in anticipation, Ian Sturrock
Church membership Ever wondered about becoming a church member? Perhaps you are a member of another church and would be interested in transferring your membership, or maybe you are interested in what lies behind the United Reformed Church, its faith basis and structure. If any of this sparks an interest in you please come along to a series of sessions I shall be leading on church membership, looking at the nature, faith and order of the United Reformed Church. There is no commitment to becoming a member at the end of the sessions! I will hold 4 meetings and we will look at the following: 1. A journey of faith and the bible 2. What is worship and what does it mean to believe and belong 3. What is meant by “church� and how does the United Reformed church fit into this. 4. Discussion and decision. The meetings will take place in the lounge and will last about one hour. Dates and times will be arranged to accommodate those who wish to attend. If you have any questions please do ask, if you are interested just let me know and I will arrange the first meeting to suit. See you then! Joanne Shaw 07702883067 7
Ian’s 70th / Francis House Fundraiser You may be aware that the 15th September was my 70th Birthday. I decided to arrange a charity fund raising evening at Norden Bowling Club, Muriel and I would provide the supper and the DJ and invite friends from the club, from our former neighbourhood on the Bird Estate and from Chapel. I’m sorry that I had to draw lines somewhere because of restricted numbers but really appreciated the number of folk invited who readily agreed to come along and made such generous donations to such a worthy cause, at the same time helping me to celebrate this milestone in life. I would like to thank my Grandson Kyran who volunteered to look after the raffle, which raised £87 on the night! Really well done Kyran and also to our Granddaughter Maia who pulled out the winners. Thank you also to those who donated prizes. John & Jesse from Millcroft Tea Gardens prepared the supper which seemed to hit just the right spot. I thought the DJ did us proud, as did Caroline, Sarah and Elizabeth from the club. The total may increase a little further in the next few days but right now I am holding cash and cheques in the sum of £ £680, that’s £767 in total, so far. Now that just tops the whole weekend off for me, thanks to Muriel and all our family who supported me. I will let you have a final total, in due course. The website will tell you much more and social membership of the Bowling Club is open to all, it’s a really friendly place with some great people and some also play a mean game of bowls! The website for the club is 8
The Queens Jubilee Boys’ Brigade Baton. This is a baton that has travelled from Scotland, through Northern Ireland, through Wales and England. The part of 2nd Rochdale BB Company or Oldham Battalion was to receive the baton from Halifax Battalion at Saddleworth Museum, travel on the new Metrolink through to Media City, to hand the baton on to Manchester Battalion. From there it headed towards Liverpool Battalion. This was a once in a life time to hold the baton that at some point the Queen held. The Queen is the Patron for the Boys’ Brigade. Three of our lads took part: Luke, Korben and Mark.
Don’t forget that the magazine can be viewed online at Great if you’d like to see pictures in colour! 9
Article provided by Parish Pump and written by Michael Wilson
Praying for a Lost Generation Your parents might have been Christians. In that case, there is a reasonable possibility that your grandparents were Christians, too. Many families in the UK have come from a solid history of Christian belief and practice. This can go back many generations. But going forward – is it the same? Probably not. Society is changing fast. One feature of the current age is a rapid reduction in the number of young people continuing in the Christian faith. In many families, this represents the first break away from Christianity for several generations. What are we going to do about it? There will be many reasons why our children are leaving the church. Church can seem boring and irrelevant. Perhaps children note the nominal and ineffective nature of many adults’ faith. If our children are taught by our church youth workers that the Christian life is one of changed attitudes, incorporating sacrificial care for others and a yearning to restore the lost, but see no evidence of this in their parents’ generation, what is there to attract them to stay around? Is it Christianity they are rejecting, or a watered-down, ineffectual church? At least we can pray for them. But, as Billy Graham says, “Prayer is not the least you can do for someone, prayer if the most you can do for someone.” He also says, “Prayer is the mightiest force in the world.”
Hello everyone You haven’t heard from us for quite a while! I have to tell you that Christmas is on its way and the new Traidcraft Catalogue yet again contains many lovely and original gift ideas. Christmas cards, wrapping paper and Advent Calendars are displayed there and will soon be available on the stall [now located in the Primary Room in case you have missed us]. Please ask for the latest catalogue and place your Christmas card orders with whoever is serving on the stall after Sunday morning worship. I have bought quite a lot of Traidcraft jewellery for birthday and Christmas gifts. Friends have been delighted with the quality and design. Look at the jewellery from pages 22 to 37. Check out the Holy Family Nativity Set on page 16. Made in Indonesia (Pekerti] this stunning set is hand carved from albesia wood and then whitewashed to give a beautifully weathered effect with a vintage feel. This is a Traidcraft best seller. Page 81 shows the new range of chocolate which describes itself as “so much more than just chocolate, it’s hope in a bar.” Just buying and enjoying this delicious chocolate helps Traidcraft offer a brighter future for smaller scale cocoa farmers in some of the world’s poorest countries. DARK CHOCOLATE/ALMOND AND ORANGE [yum yum]/CARAMEL ESPRESSO/MILK CHOCOLATE and MILK CHOCOLATE FRUIT AND NUT are the new flavours. LESLEY SUTTON and the Traidcraft Team 11
Lancashire Area Officer Vacancies The following vacancies have arisen within the Lancashire Area from March 2013. The appointments are for a three year term preceded by an introduction period to ensure a smooth handover. NB: Post-holders need to be connected to the internet and email as much of Church, Area and Synod business is now conducted electronically. 1.
Building Matters Co-ordination Officer
There is a need to appoint an Area Buildings Matters Coordination Officer to oversee matters relating to church buildings and Manses, including arranging/monitoring regular surveys as needed. This appointment does not need detailed knowledge of building work, rather an ability to organise activities and report in line with the Synod Guide lines/Procedures. This vacancy is currently combined with that of Area Secretary (b) (see below) as both entail attendance at the same meetings but should anyone be interested in one or the other vacancy the Area Pastoral Committee would be happy to look at other possibilities. 2.
Area Secretary (b)
Membership of the Synod Executive Committee. Membership of the Synod Resources Committee. Membership of the Provincial Trust. Membership of the Area Pastoral Committee. This vacancy mainly involves attendance in the role of Area Secretary (b) at the above meetings and complements the duties of Area Secretary (a) which are all the secretarial type duties such as minute taking, arranging meetings etc. The current post12
holders of both (a) and (b) would be happy to discuss the breakdown of duties in more detail with any prospective candidates. (Current postholder of vacancies 1 and 2, Mr Derek Estill) 3. Lay Preaching Commissioner/Worship Leader Coordinator Maintain and update the list of Lay Preachers.
Help arrange commissioning services for candidates completing TLS or other approved training. Liaise with the Synod Lay Preaching Commissioner. Arrange Area training when requested or needed. Membership of the Area Pastoral Committee (APC), bringing any matters relating to Lay Preachers or Worship Groups to the APC. (Current postholder Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher) If you are interested in any of the above vacancies and/or would like more information, please in the first instance contact the Synod Office:North Western Synod Franklin Street Patricroft Eccles Manchester M30 0QZ 0161 789 5583
Don’t grumble because you don’t get what you want; be grateful you don’t get what you deserve. - Anon
Five Finger Prayer 1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a 'sweet duty.' 2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers. 3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the prime minister, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance. 4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them. 5. And lastly comes our little finger - the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively. 14
“STAND UP TO CANCER” OPEN HOUSE at Margaret and Geoff Ogden’s home 19 Hawthorn Road, Bamford. Friday 19th October 2012 10.30am – 12.00 Noon 2.00pm – 4.00pm Coffee/Tea/Scones Admission £2.50 Please come along and support this latest fund raising initiative from Cancer Research UK.
Tickets from Margaret Ogden : Joan Ashton Lesley Sutton : Auriel Atkins : Glenda Brisk : Margaret Frain 15
Christian Aid Tax Justice Bus Campaign From 24th August to 15th October, the Tax Justice Tour will take their campaign on the road to raise awareness of the impact tax dodging has on the poor, and to send a strong message to our government that it’s time for them to take action to end it. The tour is being run in partnership with UK campaigners Church Action on Poverty who bring the perspective of the impact tax dodging has on people in the UK. The specific dates in the synod are: 12th October – 15th October. The venues to be visited are: 12th 13th 14th 15th
Stockport Bury Rochdale and Bolton Preston Lancaster and Blackpool Manchester
Further details can be found at the bus website: and specific enquiries about the location of the bus can be addressed to Dave Hardman email [] The current issue of Christian Aid news (summer 2012) also carries full details of the campaign and what they are trying to achieve. 16
Bamford Chapel October Lunchtime concert
Tuesday October 9th 12 noon for 12.45 pm Featuring Amanda Eloise Kay (soprano) and Dr. Joe Dawson (piano) Joe is an eminent local music teacher, and commended Amanda to us a few months ago. We have since heard her perform at St. Mary’s, Rochdale, and we are more than pleased that she is opening our series this autumn. Not only is she a truly lovely singer: she is already a Cambridge music graduate about to undertake a drama course in London. She helped us greatly by acting as turnerover for Daniel, Kathryn Rudge’s pianist – a task none of us wanted to take on!
Chapel Opens for English Heritage Open Days On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 2012 Bamford Chapel took part in English Heritage Open Days scheme for the second time. The Chapel was opened for the public to take a look around from 1 pm till 4 pm on both afternoons. Chapel members enthusiastically joined in, searching through archives, preparing materials, and providing a warm welcome to our guests. Some 24 visitors came to see what we have to offer. Some were simply passing by and spotted the bunting and posters, others found out about us by searching the Internet or reading about us in the local press. Comments in our visitors book included: Lovely memories Memories are golden Lovely, well kept and welcoming Warm greeting, very interesting Pleasantly surprised! Beautiful chapel! Laminated info sheets a good idea. Good to see the chapel again - lovely history Very well maintained and friendly Beautiful chapel - inside and out! Lovely and interesting, especially the chairs!! Lovely proportions; lovely setting My first visit - beautiful setting and interior Our thanks go to all who helped this event happen and to all who attended.
Boy’s Brigade Camp 20th – 24th August 2012 The lads took part in different activities from different sports in the sports hall unihoc, basketball, table tennis, pool, cricket, badminton, craft activities, the assault course, The Blackpool Pleasure beach and The Sandcastle. The lads enjoyed different parts of the week. They learnt new rules for certain sports, new skills e.g. making their own packed lunch and being part of a team when preparing for meals. They have to be my best group for sleeping and getting out of bed. I couldn’t have run it without the support of two ex-BB lads and one of my Senior section lads. Also the great facilities at the BB NW Training centre at Kirkham. Don’t forget that the magazine can be viewed online at Great if you’d like to see pictures in colour!
PARAPROSDOKIANS... (Winston Churchill loved them) are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently humorous. Could you invent one? 1. 2.
Where there's a will, I want to be in it. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on my list. 3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. 5. We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public. 6. War does not determine who is right - only who is left. 7. They begin the evening news with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't. 8. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. 9. Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations. On my desk is a work station. 10. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted pay cheques.
The Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. Vance Havner
Food for Thought presents:
"And now for something completely different" on Saturday 24th November 2012 at 7.30pm at Bamford Chapel Tickets available from James Crompton, Alice Morris, Lucianna Jefferies and Alison Greaves. Tickets ÂŁ3 or ÂŁ10 per family. All proceeds to the above teenagers to assist in the funding of their overseas challenges in 2013. This will be a fun packed evening of sketches and a short melodrama suitable for all ages. Refreshments will be available during the interval.
What the young monk found A young monk was assigned to help other monks copy out the old canons and laws of the church by hand. On his very first day he noticed that all of the monks were copying from copies, not from the original. So, the new monk went to the head abbot to question this. He pointed out that if someone had made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies. The head monk said: 'We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son.' So he went down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscripts were held in a locked vault that had not been opened for hundreds of years. Hours went by and nobody saw the old abbot. Finally the young monk got worried and went down to look for him. He found the old monk banging his head against the wall and wailing. "We missed the R ! We missed the R ! We missed the R !" The old monk’s forehead was all bruised and he was crying uncontrollably. The young monk asked the old monk: 'What on earth is wrong, father?' With a choking voice, the old abbot replied: 'The word was... CELEB R ATE’.
Folk Night Rochdale East Rotary Club are organising a folk night to raise money to provide the children of the Cheshire Home in Katima Mulilo, Namibia with wheelchairs. The Saddlers is a folk group including our own Charlie Peacock.
Charity Folk Night Hindle Wakes and The Saddlers
plus dialect poetry from Alyson Brailsford and Sally James at Rochdale Cricket Club on Nov 2nd @ 7.30 pm ÂŁ9 (inc potato pie supper) Tickets from Addie
The Christmas Fair this year will be on Saturday 24th November between 10.30 am and 2.00 pm. As well as being an important event in our outreach into the community it is an important fundraising event for Chapel. A meeting will be held soon to start planning the event but meanwhile we would be grateful if everyone could think about what you could do to help. Anyone who has any new ideas or who can help in anyway please come along to a meeting or speak to Gillian James or Julie Platt.
Just a note to say that I have organised a
CLOTHING COLLECTION on Monday 22nd October When we did this earlier in the year we raised over ÂŁ100 for Chapel funds and I am hoping that this time we might raise even more. More information will be on the notice sheets later but we will be pleased to receive bags of clothes, paired shoes, handbags, belts, towels, sheets and blankets which you no longer need. Thank you. Gillian James 24
Your VIP Half-Board Holiday at the Windermere Centre 16-19 October 2012 Why not treat yourself to a 3 -5 day VIP break at the Windermere Centre? As a member of the United Reformed Church, you qualify not only for a stay at the discounted price of £50 per day (instead of the usual price of £54) but you also get the full VIP treatment: a glass of Bucks Fizz on arrival, complimentary chocolates, wine with your evening meal, a full English breakfast and the choice of three main courses each evening. After dinner, relax as you will or watch one of the movies that we’ll be showing. Let us look after you, while you spend your time exploring the Lake District, shopping or simply ‘being’ at the Windermere Centre. You will also be able to order a packed lunch (£7) to take out with you, and afternoon tea with home-baked cake or a Lakeland cream tea (£5). To qualify for the VIP break, you need to be a member of the URC (or friend of a member!) and stay for a minimum of 3 nights during the period 16-19 October 2012. 25
The foodbank which is just starting up in Rochdale is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks set up to support local people in crisis caused by things like redundancy and benefits delays. They work in a 5 step programme: 1. non-perishable food is donated by the public 2. volunteers sort the food into emergency food boxes 3. doctors/social workers give foodbank vouchers to people in crisis 4. vouchers are exchanged for food at the foodbank 5. volunteers listen and signpost clients to further support We are proposing to support step 1 of this process by having a box in the coffee area for members of the congregation to donate nutritious and long-life foods. Each time the box if filled it will be taken to the foodbank. This will continue for as long as the foodbank is serving the people of Rochdale who find themselves in crisis. 27
Louise Aspinall 01706 719449 Martyn James 01706 868885
Joan Ashton 01706 360395
DATES FOR THE NEXT MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2012 Articles to be handed in by:
Sunday 14th October 2012
Magazine to be completed by:
Thursday 25th October 2012
Magazine distributed:
Sunday 28th October 2012
BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387
The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: Minister : Email:
01706 369622
Rev Richard Bradley
Church Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Ian Sturrock 01706 653109
Wedding Secretary: Telephone:
John Lapworth 01706 632460
Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford Telephone: 01706 624256 Email:
Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 30