Bamford Chapel Magazine October 2014

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Bamford Chapel



Worship In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship. We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God. Ministry Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others. Evangelism We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus. Discipleship We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning. Fellowship We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name. 2

The Vision in Action - New Home Leaflets As part of the new vision for Bamford Chapel, the Ministry Core Group have developed a leaflet to be given to people who have just moved into the Bamford area (see separate leaflet inside this magazine). It is hoped that the leaflet will be used to welcome newcomers into the Bamford community. It contains details of local amenities, contacts and activities provided at the chapel. The following procedure is in place to welcome new neighbours moving in. 1 2 3

Identify a house in your street/road which has the ‘SOLD’ or ‘LET’ sign Pick up a leaflet from one of the Core Group Post through letterbox – better still introduce yourself and give them a leaflet

Leaflets can be obtained from the following people: Sara Fitton; Carol Greaves; Sid Hazlehurst; Linda Kerford; Margaret Ogden; Barbara Redmond If you would like more information on this new initiative, please contact any of the Ministry Core Group 1

Thursday 2 nd October

10.00 am 12.00 pm

Community Coff ee Morning

Elders’ Meeting

10.30 am

Communion Service – The Service to mark the uniting of Bamford and Norden URC congregations - Led by Revd Richard Bradley “Bring and Share” lunch following the service Evening Worship Led by the Stillness & Sharing Group

Sunday 5 th October 6.00 pm Monday 6 th October Thursday 9 th October

8.00 pm

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

10.00 am 12.00 pm

Community Coff ee Morning

2.00 pm

NEW Thursday Afternoon Home Group (at the home of Gillian and Finlay)

7.30 pm

Evangelism Core Group Meeting

Saturday 11 th October

Sunday 12 th October

Monday 13 th October Tuesday 14 th October

North Western Synod (at St Anne’s) 10.30 am

Family Worship Led by Margaret Ogden

12 noon

“Additional Service” Meeting

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley with Mama Rhobi speaking about the Project Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

8.00 pm 8.00 pm

Technology in Worship Meeting (Led by Revd Richard Bradley)

8.00 pm

NEW Tuesday Homegroup (venue to be confirmed) 2

10.30 am

Family Worship (Contemporary style trial service 2 of 3) Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm

Evening Communion Service Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Monday 20 th October

8.00 pm

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

Tuesday 21 st October

8.00 pm

Finance Meeting

Wednesday 22 nd October

1.15 pm

Midweek Communion Service Led by Revd Richard Bradley

10.30 am

Family Worship Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm

Evening Worship Led by Margaret Ogden

Monday 27 th October

8.00 pm

Focus on Prayer Group (Crèche Room)

Tuesday 28 th October

8.00 pm

Tuesday Homegroup (venue to be confirmed)

Thursday 30th October

2.00 pm

Thursday Afternoon Home Group (at the home of Gillian and Finlay)

Sunday 19 th October

Sunday 26 th October

You are invited to join any of the Exploring Groups Monday Prayer Group: 8pm in the crèche. All Welcome

Wednesday Exploring the Bible: 7.30 pm at the home of Ray Atkins, 8 Greenwich Close

Monday Home Group: 8 pm at the home of Addie & Barbara Redmond

Joy Group: Meets monthly 6.30 pm at the Dolce Vita, 7.30 pm at 17 Bamford Mews

Tuesday Stillness and Sharing: 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of the month 2.15pm in the Lounge

Thursday Afternoon Home Group 2 pm at the home of Gillian and Finlay Galloway

Tuesday Home Group: 8 pm 14th/28th October; 11th/25th November, 9th December

New Meditation Group: 7.30 pm last Thursday evening in the month at 17 Bamford Mews

Sunday Evening Youth Groups Koinonia / Hay Hodos 6.30—7.30 pm / 7.30—8.30 pm

Further details of all Services and Groups m ay be found at 3

Message from the Manse I want to ask each and every person linked with Bamford Chapel to pray. I want to ask you to pray for God to lead us and guide us in our discussions and any possible decision(s) about a second morning service. I know for some this is something that you disagree with and others who feel this is something we need to do. What I hope we can agree with is that we cannot afford to do nothing. Some churches are declining at an alarming rate‌‌ I do not believe Bamford Chapel is in that category. I do believe, however, that we are slowly declining and therefore we need to address this before the rate increases too much. I also believe that we have some people who want to try different styles of worship. We have others for whom the traditional service as we have it is just what they want. As things change and develop I believe we need to try new things in order to try and buck the trend of decline and also draw new people into church. There are many things that compete for our time as individuals and families. However I believe the church (general) has to rise to the challenge of trying to increase faith levels and also increase in numbers. Worship plays an important part in this, but it is not worship alone. It is a matter of faith in Christ being a seven day a week priority not just about Sunday mornings or Sunday evenings. It is about homegroups, it is about taking time out daily to speak to God and allow God to speak to us through prayer and the study of God’s Word to us in the Bible. I am passionate about worship and I am passionate about small groups. Both are important and vital ways of increasing or deepening our faith.


We have had several meetings; some to discuss the idea of a second morning service and others to discuss what might take place in a “contemporary” service (as it has been called). We may need more. We are having three examples of what a contemporary service may be. By the time you read this we will have had one “trial” service with two more planned (19 th October and 23rd November). As we have recently joined with our friends from Norden URC I believe we are in exciting times at Church. I believe it is important to try new things and if they don’t work as we hoped then we address the situation and try something new. As we celebrate the union of the two churches at our morning worship on the 5 th October may we pray that God will speak to us and guide us in everything that we do as a church, for this is God’s Church not ours and we need to be continually asking God to show us the way He wants us to go. So I ask us all to pray….. pray that God will show us the way and that we would all walk in faith with where God is leading us. God Bless, Richard

New Tuesday Homegroup

There is a new homegroup that has started on a Tuesday evening. It meets fortnightly and starts at 8pm. The venue will change meeting by meeting but the venue will be listed in the weekly notice sheet. If you are interested please come along and share in fellowship and share faith together. God Bless, Richard 5

News of the family Concerns are expressed for Joyce and Derek Yates, Eric Lumb, Gillian and Finlay Galloway, John and Angela Hall, Geoff Ogden, Joyce Cooper, Scarlet Evans and family, Diane Davies, Olive Brierley, Elizabeth and the wider family, Dennis Doyle, Ursula Lea, Sid Hazlehurst, Betty Ainsworth and Ray Atkins. Please pray also for Win Schofield and all the family, following Don’s death. Please remember all these friends in your prayers along with any other people you know about whom I have omitted to mention. Congratulations to Zoe Davies who has gained a BSc in Sports Studies. Rebecca Abbott is studying in Canada at the moment, Sam James is teaching in Taiwan, but Christian Platt is home from Thailand for a while. We wish all our young people well and follow their progress with interest and love. Congratulations to Jenny and Steven who were married at chapel during September and to Jenny Mackimm, who celebrated a big birthday also in September. September is the time of year for new beginnings; new classes, school or colleges, new starts for ongoing activities such as Luncheon Club and our uniformed organisations. 6

This September has seen the beginning of a completely new initiative, our weekly Community Coffee Mornings. As I write there have been two successful mornings and we pray that they will continue to thrive and to provide a service to our local community. Thanks to Pat Gate for the inspiration and organisation behind them. Do drop in on a Thursday morning if you have a free half hour or so.

Your Chapel Needs You…… At a recent Evangelism Core Group meeting we discussed the theme of evangelism and discussed whether we should have a target demographic. We decided that we would seek ideas from the wider congregation about what we might possibly do to attract “young families” into the life of the Chapel. I am asking for you to think about ideas for what we might do. These don’t have to be “evangelistic” ideas as such, they could be ideas that would slot under any of the vision headings….. ”Ministry”; “Fellowship”; “Discipleship”; “Worship” or “Evangelism”. If Ideas can be sent to me ahead of our next Evangelism Core group meeting on the 9th October I would appreciate it. Thanks and God Bless, Richard


Cupboards, Drawers and Rooms‌. I want to ask all individuals/groups/organisations to have a look at the cupboard space you have, the room space you have etc. With Norden URC joining with us they have some items they want to bring with them to Bamford Chapel. As space is limited the elders decided to have a clearing out day. The date is yet to be set. Please can I ask EVERYONE, both representatives of groups or individuals that have items stored, to start looking through cupboards etc. and see if some items are no longer used/needed and therefore could be cleared out. A date for the spring clean (or Autumn clean) will soon be set. Thanks and God Bless, Richard (on behalf of the Elders)

Team Phil





& a

very big thank you for all kinds of

love and

support during the last 3 months, following knee surgery and a special birthday. May God bless you all


FIRST COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING A glorious summer’s morning dawned on Thursday 4th September bringing with it many visitors to Chapel to enjoy coffee and biscuits plus lots of chat. Approximately 50 people [very few men !!] joined in this new venture which it is hoped will continue to bring more and more visitors to our church. A lot of hard work has been undertaken in planning and setting up this idea. New beakers and insulated coffee pots have been bought. A banner is now displayed outside Chapel announcing the weekly activity. Twenty-one volunteer helpers are available and a rota has been prepared making sure four people are serving each Thursday with Pat Gate in attendance each week. Sid Hazlehurst has been appointed treasurer. There is no admission charge but donations are gratefully received. The proceeds will be shared [50/50] between Chapel and Springhill Hospice. The charity may change each quarter. Please come along and join “us” – if not to help but to share in fellowship with members of “our” community. Definition of coffee morning: a social event where people meet to talk and drink coffee. A social gathering at which coffee is served, typically held in someone’s house [in this case the Lord’s] to raise money for charity. Final word – where are the men? Do you drink coffee? Please join us. Spread the word amongst your neighbours and friends. ALL ARE WELCOME. 9

Traidcraft Roadshow On Monday 4 August, Addie, Muriel and I drove to Haxby, near York for a Traidcraft Roadshow. We were able to see the new range of goods which are available in the Autumn/Christmas catalogue, buy some sale craft items, try the new range of chocolate, biscuits and nuts as well as listening to some interesting presentations. We learnt that  Fairtrade purchases from producers were up 4% on the previous year  Advances of £611K have been made available to buy seeds and raw material  Sales of £15.8 million last year was slightly up on the previous year  There has been a considerable improvement in the trading loss and there should be a return into profit next year  There have been 424,000 beneficiaries and 532,000 projects were completed last year We learnt that Traidcraft were training farmers in Central America on a 3 year programme and helping them get rid of “coffee rust” on their plants Traidcraft are working with Serendipalm in Ghana to produce Fairtrade palm oil for their soap products. They are paying premium price for the palm oil and ensuring that no children are employed in the workforce. The staff are paid 20% above the average wage and their health insurance is paid for. There are safe working conditions and a hot lunch is provided. 10

The Fairtrade premium has funded  a water system in the town  toilet facilities,  houses for 4 nurses  school uniforms and stationery  a motorised boat to cross the river in flooded conditions  a police station  5000 mosquito nets  a maternity ward  a tree planting programme  solar street lighting is to be installed We had a presentation from the manager of Bio D, a small independent Hull based company, who are producing the Clean and Fair products. These products are ethically and environmentally friendly. See me for a free sample of the laundry liquid. Barbara Redmond Laundry liquid

Washing up liquid


Surface cleaner


But it's not fair trade. Much of it isn' even sustainable. It's often grown on huge plantations with whole ecosystems being destroyed to produce it. So it's no surprise that Traidcraft was keen to get involved.

The history of palm oil In the early 1900s, palm oil was one of West Africa’s biggest exports, a major source of income for farmers. Demand far outstripped supply, so huge plantations were developed across the Far East to produce cheaper palm oil. The environment suffers because of these large plantations – whole areas of rainforest, and the habitats of endangered species, are still being destroyed. We’re supporting farmers in Ghana to produce fair trade palm oil, and we’re doing it in a way that supports smallholder farmers, and protects the environment. We’re really excited to be pioneering yet again with such a key commodity as fair trade palm oil. Because it’s so widely used, there’s bags of potential to help poor communities.


Word for the World (Mt 24:32-35) Changing seasons, Changing world. As leaves fade, fall And are swept away, So, everyday, lives are lost In wars, in disasters. Sons and daughters swept away Before they have time to fade. Broken lives, Broken hopes and hearts. Signs of a world without love, Signs of a world without you, Lord. And yet, And yet, You do not forget. There is a still point, A firm foundation For all who will stop and receive. Heaven and earth will pass away, But God’s word, God’s word alone Will stand Forever. Wisdom, healing, reconciliation, There, for the reaching out. Lord have mercy. By Daphne Kitching


Bamford Chapel Midday Concert Tuesday 14th October 1.00 pm — 2.00 pm Lunch is available from 12.15 pm Lunch items priced individually

Concert Admission £3.50

The Mike Manship Jazz Trio


Bamford Chapel Project 2014: Supporting the work of the Tanzania Development Trust By the time you are reading this the 2014 project will be launched and fundraising under way. The project group would like to invite you to join the following events.

Sunday 12 th October 2014, 6pm, As part of evening worship: Julian and Ann Marcus of the Tanzania Development Trust along with Mama Rhobi Samwelly of the Anglican Diocese of Mara, billed as one of Africa’s most inspirational leaders, will be coming to Bamford Chapel to talk about the work our project will be helping to fund. Please come along and hear first-hand about the work Mama Rhobi is doing to support young women in Tanzania. Coffee will be served afterwards with an opportunity to talk with Mama Rhobi, Julian and Ann.

Thursday 20 th November 2014 Fundraising Meal at the 3Czons Restaurant, Bury College All are warmly invited to an evening of food, fun and fellowship. Cost is ÂŁ15 per head for a 3 course meal, followed by coffee and includes wine or a soft drink. Please sign up on the notice under the clock in the coffee area. Numbers required by Sunday 9 th November. Carole Greaves on behalf of the Church in the World Group - September 2014 15

Ladies’ Fellowship September Meeting 2014 Haslingden Mountain Rescue Service I looked forward to this meeting with a great deal of pleasure as in the dim and distant past (the early 70s) I attended a Mountain Leadership course!! Things have changed somewhat since then - only the helicopter, Land Rover & rope remain the same. We had someone manning the telephone at Plas y Brenin whilst we carried pencil and paper, Plas y Brenin's Telephone Number, money for a telephone box (if we could find one!) and a 50 foot rope out of which, with great difficulty, we could make a stretcher. (Today the stretcher is light metal, split into 2 so that it is fairly easy, but bulky for 2 people to carry). There was the inevitable whistle and a torch, plus a very small first aid kit, together with a bright orange survival bag - just thick plastic - no lining! I was very impressed by the dedication of the members of the Haslingden team who spent an incredible amount of time in getting qualified in all sorts of related skills which are needed for modern day situations. The recent flooding & whirlwind situations have added new demands on their skills. They are now called to respond to adjacent areas in Yorkshire and the north when emergencies arise. All the members are volunteers (no pay) and they have full time jobs elsewhere. They can be called away at a moment’s notice.


Why are they called to get a cat down from a tree? The cat's claws enable it to climb up but are facing the wrong way to climb down, hence it has no grip !!!!

Many thanks to all concerned in organising this very successful evening Joyce Cooper (Chairman)

I would like to thank the people of Bamford Chapel for the lovely flowers following my first Cataract operation. The second op also went really well. I can't believe how bad my eyesight was before. It just feels like a veil has been lifted off and everything is so much brighter now. I forgot just how green the grass and leaves are. Had a great 8 days in Devon and really appreciated the beautiful scenery with my new eyes. Sheila Varley 17

A BIG THANK YOU For prayers, visits and expressions of concern I have recently experienced the fantastic gift of a total knee replacement with a bit of leg straightening to boot, no pun intended. During my Nursing Career Orthopaedic Surgery was never a favourite area of mine and here I was voluntarily going forward for corrective surgery. It had to be done to remove my debilitating knee joint pain. I found myself two wonderfully experienced people; an Orthopaedic Surgeon and an Anaesthetist, and they set to work using their experiences and learning to make me whole again. I believe there was some discussion during the operation as to who was singing along with Les Miserables (I had a spinal anaesthetic and wore earphones while listening to Les Mis through an i player. I can’t resist a sing song and no, I don’t remember anything about it!) I’m recovering slowly but well and thank you for the many, many expressions of get well wishes received. What does the Bible tell us about our experiences of pain and anxiety? One reading tells me: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 Jesus takes broken people and his experience of the cross makes them whole again. As I convalesce I hold onto His words and say thank you Lord for your gift of healing. 18

I ’d also like to say an especially big thank you to those who have experienced and taken charge of Tuesday Morning Toddlers And last but not least to Finlay who has helped keep me strong throughout the journey, thank you for your love, strength and support. Gillian Galloway And on a lighter note, join me in a bit of hilarity! Gillian

We are all prone to misunderstandings‌ A







checking the sugar bowl each day, in



The time is fast approaching when we collect shoeboxes to send overseas. Shoeboxes can be filled with many different items, and we list some of these below. 

Pencils, coloured pencils and felt tips. Small note pads and colouring pads. Knitted hats and gloves (various sizes) socks, scarves

Small packets of sweets. Small soft toys etc. small cars for the boys.

Face cloths and soaps, toothpaste and brush, also combs are welcome.

If possible bear in mind the different age groups, i.e. 4 – 7, 8 – 10, 11 – 13, when all children will be catered for. Could I please ask that you let me have any items you collect (including empty shoeboxes). All donations of any of the above items are welcome. If it is not possible to fill a box of your own, share with others or pass any items to: Joan Ashton Telephone 01706 360395 E-mail 20

Carol Hartley (For Belarus Babies) Invites you to a

Coffee Morning At Trinity Methodist Church Heywood On

Wednesday 15th October 2014 10 am - 3 pm Tickets






Pause for Thought

God’s biggest problem with labourers in his vineyard is absenteeism. 24


EDITORS: Linda Peacock

01706 522593

Martyn James

01706 868885

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton

01706 360395


Articles to be handed in by:

Sunday 19th October

Magazine to be completed by:

Thursday 30th October

Magazine distributed:

Sunday 2nd November 25

BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387 (FAIRTRADE CHURCH) Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs. OL11 5PQ

The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE, Lancs OL11 5PQ Telephone: 01706 369622 Minister : Email:

Rev Richard Bradley

Church Secretary: Telephone: Email:

Ian Sturrock 01706 653109

Wedding Secretary: Telephone: Email:

John Lapworth 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Telephone: Email:

Linda Kerford 01706 624256 Times of Services:

Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1 st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3 rd Sunday in month 26

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