sydney, Andrew Johnson

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By: Sydney Edwards

Andrew Johnson was born in Raleigh, North Carolina on December 29, 1808 and died on July 31, 1875.Andrew’s family was very poor when he was growing up. They had rented a cabin. His father worked at all kinds of Jobs to have enough money to feed the family. Andrew’s dad died when he was three years old. When Andrew was fourteen, he and his brother, Bill, were sent to live with James Selby, the owner of a local tailor shop. Andrew never spent one day in a school. Andrew and Bill decided to run away because they felt that they were ready to make livings on their own. His mother promised that they would stay until they were twenty one years old so Mr. Selby was mad at this and sent out wanted posters offering ten dollars for the reward. Andrew thought it might be a good idea to leave North Carolina so he convinced his mother, brother, and his new stepfather to move to Greeneville, Tennessee in 1826. On the first day they got there Andrew met Eliza McCardle who ended up being his wife. After he got married he opened his own tailor shop, in 1828 Andrew decided to run for town alderman, two years later Andrew became the mayor of Greeneville Tennessee, then he became the state legislature, eventually he became the congress and even served as the governor of Tennessee.

On April 6, 1868 Andrew Johnson had got impeached, he was the first president to be impeached. How he got impeached was he didn’t believe the U.S. government should be responsible for helping or protecting slaves. He thought that job should be left up to each state. In 1867 Johnson secretary William h. Seward, bought 500,000 square miles that became Alaska.

1808-Andrew Johnson was born on December 29 in Raleigh, North Carolina 1811-Andrew’s dad died when he was three years old 1822-Andrew and his brother bill were apprenticed to James Selby 1824-Andrew and bill decided to ran away 1826-convinced his mother, brother, and stepfather to move to Greeneville, Tennessee and he had met Eliza mcCardle 1827- Got married to Eliza mcCardle 1828-andrew decided to run for town alderman 1830-andrew became mayor of Greeneville 1864-lincoln ran for a second four year term, and Andrew was his running mate 1865-the civil war ended on April 9 and Abraham Lincoln died April 15 1867-johnson secretary of state, William h. Seward bought 500,000 square miles. This land is Alaska 1868-andrew was the first president to get impeached, April 6 1869-johnson left the white house and headed back to Tennessee 11875-Andrew died on July 31 in Tennessee

Andrew Johnson seventeenth president

by: mike Venezia

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