gracie woodside,james garfield

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Gracie Woodside

James Garfield was born on November 19, in 1831 in a log cabin. In fact he was the last president to be born in a log cabin. He was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. James family was one of the poorest families of presidents ever. He was the youngest of his family of him, his mother, his two sisters, and his one brother. He was a big baby; he was 10 pounds when he was born. His father died when he was 1 and a half years old. His mom and his older sisters and brothers worked their farmlands and they did their chores as well as they could. He was to young to work so his sister Hatti began carrying him to school when he was three. He was very smart. He began reading the bible soon after he started his classes. James didn’t like to do farm work as a boy so he spent as much as possible reading he liked to reading about sea adventures. James dreamed about becoming a sailor. He left home at the age of sixteen to find a job on the waterfront in Cleveland, Ohio and it was against his mother’s wishes (his mother did not want him to).when James was rudely turned away by an angry, drunken sea captain, he gave up the idea of working on a ship for the time. Instead, he got a job driving mules that that pulled canal boats. James fell in the canal fourteen times because of day dreaming about life on the sea. James came down with a bad fever and had to return home. His mother spent moths nursing James back to health. James mother told him went he was ill that he needed education he finally agreed to go to a academy nearby. James wasn’t impressed at all with his school. He said that the teachers know as much as the kids did. But James life changed forever when he found out he loved to learn. He was teaching younger students at school when he was eighteen years old. James became a student at the Western Reserve eclectic institute in Hiram, Ohio after he left the academy. James loved to date one time he dated three girls on one date. He hated slavery and wanted to see it stopped in southern states. He ran for Ohio state senator and he won the election. Then he helped Lincoln win the election. James was happy to have war so they could stop slavery. James trained the army to fight and he was promoted to major general. People were so proud they voted him us House of Representatives. James died in 1881 because Charles Guiteau shot him, then they tried to find the bullet inside of him without washing their and gave him blood poison.

James did not want to be president but people choose he and he agreed to run and then he won the election. James turned down Charles guiteau and he got shot in the back by him just because he didn’t get the job and he was insane. The fifth hurricane of the Atlantic season hit Florida and the Carolinas, killing about 700 people.

1831-james was born 1833-james father died 1834-his sister started to take he to her school 1849-stared teaching at school at 18 1850-studied at the Western Reserve eclectic institute 1859-ran for Ohio state senator and won his first election 1861-the civil war started 1865-started working for Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes 1881-he was elected as president 1881-james died about/presidents/jamesgarfield&usg=__NHYOMiCxiYlYi4ap020givbv3_0=&h=254&w=450&sz=47&hl=en &start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=o83kDD6KHTxldM:&tbnh=72&tbnw=127&ei=0oACUaqUOo6m8QSw4YDQBg &prev=/search%3Fq%3Djames%2Bgarfield%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%2 6tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1

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