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Love your body. Love your mind. Love your health. you
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HEALTHY Healthy College Week COLLEGE 9th - 13th February 2015
HEALTHY COLLEGE ROADSHOW Take your first steps to a healthier lifestyle by attending our Healthy College Roadshow. See the timetable below for where and when this is taking place.
THE C-CARD SCHEME Did you know that you can register for the C-Card at the Students’ Union office?
You can receive:
• A free health check • Information about healthy living • Motivational tips and techniques for improving fitness
• Weight and height check • Body fat percentage check • Handouts on topics such as diet, fitness and quitting smoking
The C-Card is a plastic card that entitles you to free condoms from various places in Leeds. To get one simply visit the Students’ Union office or speak to Denis when he is visiting the other College sites. All you need to do is give your date of birth and postcode.
Keep Up Competition • How many times can you keep up the ball? • For a chance to win a prize enter our competition • The winner is the person who keeps the ball up the most times. Are you up for the challenge?
North Street
Monday 8th Feb 10am - 1pm
SU Office
Millwright Street
Tuesday 9th Feb 10am - 1pm
Hunslet Campus
Wednesday 10th Feb 10am - 1pm
Common Room
North Street
Friday 12th Feb 10am - 1pm
Common Room
| February 2016 |
CHLAMYDIA TEST Chlamydia is the most common Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) – 1 in 10 young people who have been tested are infected with chlamydia. It is a common bacterial STI affecting both men and women and can be transmitted through unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex. If you concerned that you may have chlamydia, testing kits are available from the Students’ Union office.
PREGNANCY TESTING KITS Do you think you may be pregnant? Testing kits are available from the Students’ Union office or visit which is packed full of advice and also lists where you can get free condoms!
What is Leeds Let’s Get Active? A programme to encourage people who do not do any physical activity to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity, once a week. Leeds Let’s Get Active supports inactive people becoming active through the provision of free access to leisure centre and community sports and activities within a supportive and welcoming environment. The opportunity is available citywide, and open to all. What is the offer? Free use of all Leeds City Council leisure centres during selected activity sessions, daily. Typically one free hour every day (off peak) with an additional hour per day for 4 leisure centres: John Charles Centre for Sport, Armley, Fearnville and Middleton leisure centres. In the first instance the free offer will be gym and swim, except at Middleton, where a bespoke programme has been developed including fitness classes and a variety of racket sports. Free use of community multi-sport sessions: activities will include beginners’ running, Health Walks and Active Family multisport activities and will be delivered in community park settings.
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To find out more and register, visit
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Try out a blender bike and produce your very own smoothie!
Every week students have the opportunity to go to Virgin Active and take part in various aspects of health and fitness. A wide range of activities are available at this 5 star fitness centre including cardio machines, fitness studio, weights, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and sauna.
Blender bikes are exercise bikes with a blender attached; as you pedal, you blend whatever ingredients you add! Why not give it a try in the Student common room at North Street!
All of these activities give our students confidence, a positive mental attitude, improved self-esteem and an opportunity to meet new friends and keep fit. This year fitness expert Darren Radfelder has been on hand to guide and advise our students. Darren is a Mixed Martial Arts/black belt kickboxing instructor with 25 years’ experience who runs his own martial arts and training facility in Leeds.
Sport: Sport walking Regular cycling (> 30min/week) Swimming Exercise and fitness training
Structured competitive activity Individual pursuits Informal sport
Student feedback: “The fitness sessions at Virgin Active break up the week for me so it’s not all work, work, work plus I get to keep fit and meet different people from different courses which makes it more comfortable when I am at College.” “The gym has motivated me to keep fit, lose weight and also gives me more energy, drive and confidence for my studies.” “The banter’s good, the coaching’s good, come down!” “Going to the gym through College has got me really keen to work on my fitness and it has become a hobby. It keeps me in a much more positive state of mind” If you want to participate in this activity please see Denis in the SU office.
Everyday activity: Active Travel Occupational (cycling/ activity walking) (active/manual Housework work) Gardening DIY
| February 2016 |
Name: Amy Marie Potts Course: Level 1 Plumbing Student Did you take part in physical activity or sport before starting College? No, I had done at school and my other college but I stopped when I left. What made you sign up to do enrichment? Kat did an induction with our class and told me all about the activities on offer.
Would you recommend to other students? Yes, I would definitely recommend to anyone else as it’s so much fun and the facilities are amazing and free!
Did you have any fears before you started? Yes, I was scared I would be judged as I was a bit overweight.
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How did you find the first session? I really enjoyed the first session and soon realised that the gym was so big no one would be looking at me anyway. I was eased in gently with an induction and lots of advice on making small changes to my eating habits.
Active recreation: Recreational walking Recreational cycling Active play Dance
How do you find the gym now? I still love it, I have seen huge progress and I also really miss it when I can’t attend!
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Physical activity (expenditure of calories, raised heart rate)
Why did you choose to participate in gym sessions? I really wanted to lose weight and get fitter and decided this was the best option for me.
What made you come back the next week? I enjoyed the session a lot and soon realised it wasn’t as bad as I first thought it would be! In fact I found that the sessions gave me more energy than normal!
What is physical activity? Physical activity includes all forms of activity, such as everyday walking or cycling to get from A to B, active play, work-related activity, active recreation (such as working out in a gym), dancing, gardening or playing active games, as well as organised and competitive sport.
CASE STUDY ROAD CYCLING Name: Steve Leaverland Occupation: Lecturer Activity: Road Cycling When did you start: 1972 What are the benefits? Cycling is a great way to keep fit and socialise and a healthy and faster alternative to driving to work Would you recommend it to others? Yes, however, I would say to use cycle paths initially to build up confidence and bike handling skills, before progressing to the road. It is also a good idea to have a bike fit to prevent injury. Start off slowly and build the miles gradually.
THIS GIRL CAN This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets. This Girl Can celebrates the women who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. They’re here to inspire us to wiggle, jiggle, move and prove that judgement is a barrier that can be overcome.
| February 2016 |
• Have plenty of starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, pasta, rice. A good tip is to plan your meals around starchy foods. Aim to include 1 food from this group in each meal. • Eat some protein rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and beans. Go lean - remove the skin from chicken and the excess fat from meat. Remember to try to include two portions of fish a week one of which should be oily. • Have some dairy foods. Try to choose lower fat versions where possible for example, semi skimmed milk, low fat yoghurts, lower fat cheeses such as Edam or cottage cheese.
Listening to music is a great way to relax. Some staff have shared their first music purchase with us:
»» Jennie Fawcett Kylie Minogue “Kylie”
»» Dean Anderson
Guns and Roses “Appetite for Destruction”
»» Marie Falconer Donny Osmond “Puppy Love”
»» Richard Leese Various Artists “Now 8”
Do you remember the first record, cassette or CD that you bought?
• Go easy on your intake of foods containing fat and sugar.
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Take a look at the eatwell plate below to see how your diet measures up!
Eat well by: • Eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Remember to try and have at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Whether it is dried, tinned, frozen or a fruit juice, they all count! A portion is roughly a handful
Healthy eating is about eating a balanced diet which contains a variety of foods. This includes eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and starchy foods such as wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals; some protein rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and lentils and some dairy foods.
UP AND RUNNING Was your New Year’s Resolution to get fit? Are you looking for an affordable way of achieving this with no gym involved? Running may be the solution for you! You can do it anytime, anywhere, costs are minimal and it will improve your overall health. Benefits include: • Helps with weight loss/maintaining a consistent weight • Helps to relieve stress • Boosts your confidence and self esteem • Slows down the ageing process • Improves coordination • Reduces the risk of chronic illnesses e.g. heart disease, type 2 diabetes What should I wear? Running requires very little equipment, but a good pair of running shoes that suit your foot type will reduce the risk of injury. Comfortable, weather appropriate clothing is also a must!
ACTIVE TRAVEL Where should I run? It is important to run somewhere that you will enjoy and feel safe such as a public park free of traffic and well-lit on an evening. How long should I run for? If you feel unfit or you’re recovering from injury or worried about an existing condition, see your GP before you start running. It’s essential to ease yourself into running slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually. A good way to start would be to walk at a quick pace for anything up to 30 minutes. Once you feel ready, you can then start to add short running intervals into the walk until you feel that you can make these longer into a full session of running. Remember to warm up before and cool down after each run. Am I missing anything? If you have a smartphone you may choose to download a free running app. Apps are a great way of tracking your progress by recording your speed, distance travelled and calories burned. Some apps can even map out your perfect running route. The rest is now down to you, so get running and enjoy the benefits!
UTravelActive promotes healthier, cheaper and cleaner everyday journeys for staff and students at universities, colleges and hospitals in Leeds. We help staff and students to switch everyday journeys to walking and cycling. Active travel can really help you feel fitter, save money and reduce your carbon footprint. We are here to provide the tools and support you need to make changes through: • Bike hire and free bike loans • Maps and route advice • Bike maintenance support • Cycle training from beginners to advanced • Fun challenges and incentives • Connecting with others If you have a question or comment, contact UTravelActive at To follow the conversation and get the latest news, go to: @utravelactive
| February 2016 |
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• 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
Evenly divide the muffin mixture between the cases. Sprinkle over the sunflower and poppy seeds, then dot over the reserved slices of chilli. Use the remaining Parmesan to give a light dusting of cheese over each one, then bake at the bottom of the oven for 45 to 50 minutes or until golden and set (if using squash, it’ll be a bit quicker – check after 35 minutes).
Would you recommend it to others? Definitely! It has been an amazing part of my life and as well as the benefits above, I’ve met some great people both in and out of the biking community and I’m constantly meeting new ones.
Ingredients • Olive oil • 600g sweet potatoes or ½ a butternut squash • 4 spring onions • 1-2 fresh red chillies • 6 large free-range eggs • 3 tablespoons cottage cheese • 250g wholemeal self-raising flour • 50g Parmesan cheese
Method Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/ gas 4. Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases or 15cm folded squares of greaseproof paper, then lightly wipe each one with oiled kitchen paper. Peel the sweet potatoes or squash and coarsely grate into a large bowl. Trim the spring onions, then finely slice with the chilli and add to the bowl, reserving half the chilli to one side. Crack in the eggs, add the cottage cheese and flour, then finely grate in most of the Parmesan and season with sea salt and black pepper. Mix until nicely combined.
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What are the benefits? One of the main benefits for myself when I first started was my health. I suffered from asthma when I was younger and riding strengthened my lungs so that I suffered an attack much less often. It also helps to regulate my weight! When I’m training I’m able to eat what I want when I want and not have to worry about it. There are other less obvious benefits than my health though. Since I took up biking, I’ve travelled the world and been to places and met people that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to otherwise.
Super sweet potatoes give us vitamin C, helping to protect our cells from damage caused by stress. The eggs, cheese and seeds also give protein, to help keep us feeling full till lunch.
Name: Nick Turp Occupation: Lecturer Activity: Mountain Biking When did you start? I started when I was young. The first club I joined was Fearnville Fliers BMX club when I was 9 years old and then I started time trialling when I was 14! It wasn’t until I was 17 that I actually started Mountain Biking.