Support Groups LIFE, HOPE, COURAGE
Cancer Support Group For those cancer patients who are newly diagnosed,
A group for people in our area dealing with this incurable disease, to come together to share their stories, health tips
undergoing treatment, or who have completed treatment.
and support. For more information, call Sabrina Sonnier at
For more information call Ashley Rene, LMSW, (337) 494-
(337) 842-5939.
4644. Held each month
Third Tuesday of each month Shearman Conference Room
Radiation Oncology Conference Room
6pm - 7pm
11:45 am - 1pm DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP Don’t underestimate the importance of education and peer
LA LECHE LEAGUE A breastfeeding group, La Leche League offers a series
support when living with diabetes. Located at Memorial’s
of meetings consisting of four classes that are helpful for
Diabetes Education Office, 2804 2nd Avenue. For more information, call Memorial’s Diabetes Education at (337) 4946425.
pregnant moms and moms who are already nursing. Meetings are free and open to mothers and babies. First Thursday of each month
First Tuesday of each month Diabetes Education Office • 10am – 11am
Memorial for Women Education Room 2 10am – 11:30am
LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER Looking good can often be an important step toward feeling good - especially for women who are fighting the cancer battle. With that in mind, Memorial and the American Cancer Society are offering women struggling with cancer - the diagnosis, treatment and concerns about their appearance - a chance to Look Good...Feel Better. For more information, call (337) 433-5817. Held every quarter. Advance registration required. Shearman Conference Room • Noon - 2:00pm SMOKING CESSATION CLASSES Call JoAnn Brooks at (337) 480-8308 for more information. Moss Memorial
January 13
May 18
September 14
Health Clinic Building J, Room 102 8:30am - 10:30am
February 10 March 16 April 20
June 15 July 13 August 17
October 19 November 16 December 14
STROKE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP Come take part in Lake Charles Memorial’s newest support group for stroke survivors. Get together each month to learn about local services offered, provide support strategies, tips for enhancing their recovery, and hear stories from fellow stroke survivors. Come and enjoy activities and get to know other stroke survivors like you! First Thursday of every month • 3-4 pm MOB II conference room on the first floor 18